main.org.openrewrite.kotlin.internal.PsiElementAssociations.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2023 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.openrewrite.kotlin.internal
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtRealPsiSourceElement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.FirElement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.FirPackageDirective
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.impl.FirDefaultPropertySetter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.utils.classId
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.utils.nameOrSpecialName
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.impl.FirElseIfTrueCondition
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.impl.FirSingleExpressionBlock
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.psi
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.references.FirErrorNamedReference
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.references.FirResolvedNamedReference
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.references.resolved
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.calls.FirSyntheticFunctionSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.providers.toSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.SymbolInternals
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.visitors.FirDefaultVisitor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.name.ClassId
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.*
import org.openrewrite.java.tree.JavaType
import org.openrewrite.kotlin.KotlinTypeMapping
class PsiElementAssociations(val typeMapping: KotlinTypeMapping, val file: FirFile) {
private val elementMap: MutableMap> = HashMap()
private val typeMap: MutableMap = HashMap()
fun initialize() {
var depth = 0
object : FirDefaultVisitor>>() {
override fun visitElement(element: FirElement, data: MutableMap>) {
if (element.source != null && element.source.psi != null) {
val psiElement = element.source!!.psi!!
val firInfo = FirInfo(element, depth)
data.computeIfAbsent(psiElement) { ArrayList() } += firInfo
element.acceptChildren(this, data)
if (element is FirResolvedTypeRef) {
// Do not visit FirUserTypeRef, since it's not mappable to a type.
if (element.delegatedTypeRef != null && element.delegatedTypeRef !is FirUserTypeRef) {
// not sure why this isn't taken care of by `FirResolvedTypeRefImpl#acceptChildren()`
element.delegatedTypeRef?.accept(this, data)
override fun visitResolvedTypeRef(
resolvedTypeRef: FirResolvedTypeRef,
data: MutableMap>
) {
super.visitResolvedTypeRef(resolvedTypeRef, data)
if (resolvedTypeRef.psi is KtTypeReference) {
if (resolvedTypeRef.type is ConeClassLikeType) {
if (resolvedTypeRef.type.typeArguments.isNotEmpty() && resolvedTypeRef.psi is KtTypeReference) {
visitType(resolvedTypeRef.type, resolvedTypeRef.psi as KtTypeReference, data)
} else if (resolvedTypeRef.type is ConeTypeParameterType) {
visitType(resolvedTypeRef.type, resolvedTypeRef.psi as KtTypeReference, data)
private fun visitType(firType: ConeTypeProjection, psiType: KtTypeReference,
data: MutableMap>) {
if (firType is ConeClassLikeType) {
if (firType.classId != null) {
mapParents(firType.classId!!, PsiTreeUtil.findChildOfType(psiType, KtUserType::class.java), data)
for (s in firType.attributes) {
if (s is CustomAnnotationTypeAttribute && s.annotations.isNotEmpty()) {
for (ann in s.annotations) {
ann.accept(this, data)
val psiTypeArguments = psiType.typeElement!!.typeArgumentsAsTypes
if (psiTypeArguments.size != firType.typeArguments.size) {
for ((index, typeArgument) in firType.typeArguments.withIndex()) {
val psiTypeArgument = psiTypeArguments[index] ?: continue
visitType(typeArgument, psiTypeArgument, data)
when (typeArgument) {
// ConeTypeProjection In and Out are generic types defined by keywords.
// The bound is set in the map so that the GenericTypeVariable isn't returned by type mapping.
is ConeKotlinTypeProjectionIn -> typeMap[psiTypeArgument] = typeArgument.type
is ConeKotlinTypeProjectionOut -> typeMap[psiTypeArgument] = typeArgument.type
else -> typeMap[psiTypeArgument] = typeArgument
} else {
when (firType) {
// ConeTypeProjection In and Out are generic types defined by keywords.
// The bound is set in the map so that the GenericTypeVariable isn't returned by type mapping.
is ConeKotlinTypeProjectionIn -> typeMap[psiType] = firType.type
is ConeKotlinTypeProjectionOut -> typeMap[psiType] = firType.type
else -> typeMap[psiType] = firType
private fun mapParents(firClassId: ClassId, psiType: KtUserType?,
data: MutableMap>) {
if (firClassId.outerClassId != null && psiType?.qualifier != null) {
val fir = firClassId.outerClassId?.toSymbol(typeMapping.firSession)?.fir
if (fir is FirClass && fir.nameOrSpecialName.asString() == psiType.qualifier!!.text &&
psiType.qualifier!!.referenceExpression != null) {
data.computeIfAbsent(psiType.qualifier!!.referenceExpression!!) { ArrayList() } += FirInfo(fir, 0)
if (fir.classId.outerClassId != null && psiType.qualifier!!.qualifier != null) {
mapParents(fir.classId, psiType.qualifier, data)
}.visitFile(file, elementMap)
fun type(psiElement: PsiElement?, owner: FirElement?): JavaType? {
val parent = PsiTreeUtil.findFirstParent(psiElement) { it is KtTypeReference }
if (psiElement != null && !elementMap.containsKey(psiElement) &&
typeMap.isNotEmpty() && parent is KtTypeReference && typeMap.containsKey(parent)) {
return typeMapping.type(typeMap[parent], owner)
val fir = primary(psiElement)
if (psiElement != null && fir is FirResolvedQualifier && fir.source != null && fir.source.psi is KtDotQualifiedExpression) {
if (fir.symbol is FirRegularClassSymbol) {
val classId = (fir.symbol as FirRegularClassSymbol).classId
return if (isPackage(psiElement, classId)) {
} else {
val found = matchClassId(psiElement, classId)
typeMapping.type(found, owner)
return if (fir != null) typeMapping.type(fir, owner) else null
private fun isPackage(psi: PsiElement, classId: ClassId): Boolean {
return !classId.packageFqName.isRoot && psi.parent.text == classId.packageFqName.asString()
private fun matchClassId(psi: PsiElement, classId: ClassId): ClassId {
if (psi.parent is KtDotQualifiedExpression) {
val parent: KtDotQualifiedExpression = psi.parent as KtDotQualifiedExpression
if (classId.packageFqName.isRoot && psi !is KtDotQualifiedExpression && psi == parent.receiverExpression) {
// Match the current PSI to the ClassId if the PSI is the outermost class of a dot qualified expression.
// For a multi-nested class like A.B.A.C, the PSI#parent field will have the same result (A.B) for both the LHS A and B.
// To match the PSI to the ClassId the outermost class `A` should use the current PSI rather than the parent field `A.B`.
return matchClassId0(psi, classId)
return matchClassId0(psi.parent, classId)
private fun matchClassId0(psi: PsiElement, classId: ClassId): ClassId {
if (psi.text == classId.asFqNameString()) {
return classId
if (classId.outerClassId != null) {
return matchClassId0(psi, classId.outerClassId!!)
return classId
fun primary(psiElement: PsiElement?) =
fir(psiElement) { it.source is KtRealPsiSourceElement }
fun methodDeclarationType(psi: PsiElement): JavaType.Method? {
return when (val fir = primary(psi)) {
is FirEnumEntry -> typeMapping.methodDeclarationType(fir)
is FirFunction -> typeMapping.methodDeclarationType(fir, null)
is FirAnonymousFunctionExpression -> typeMapping.methodDeclarationType(fir.anonymousFunction, null)
else -> {
fun methodInvocationType(psi: PsiElement): JavaType.Method? {
return when (psi) {
is KtDestructuringDeclarationEntry -> {
val fir = fir(psi) { it is FirComponentCall }
when (fir) {
is FirFunctionCall -> typeMapping.methodInvocationType(fir)
else -> {
else -> {
when (val fir = primary(psi)) {
is FirResolvedNamedReference -> {
when (val sym = fir.resolvedSymbol) {
is FirFunctionSymbol<*> -> typeMapping.methodDeclarationType(sym.fir, null)
else -> {
is FirFunctionCall -> {
is FirSafeCallExpression -> {
when (val selector = fir.selector) {
is FirFunctionCall -> typeMapping.methodInvocationType(selector)
else -> {
else -> {
fun primitiveType(psi: PsiElement): JavaType.Primitive {
return when (val fir = primary(psi)) {
is FirConstExpression<*> -> {
else -> JavaType.Primitive.None
fun variableType(psi: PsiElement, parent: FirElement?): JavaType.Variable? {
return when (val fir = primary(psi)) {
is FirVariable -> typeMapping.variableType(fir, parent)
is FirResolvedNamedReference -> {
when (val sym = fir.resolvedSymbol) {
is FirVariableSymbol<*> -> typeMapping.variableType(sym.fir, null)
else -> null
is FirErrorNamedReference, is FirPackageDirective -> null
else -> null
fun fir(psi: PsiElement?, filter: (FirElement) -> Boolean) : FirElement? {
var p = psi
while (p != null && !elementMap.containsKey(p)) {
p = p.parent
if (p == null || p is KtPackageDirective || psi is KtAnnotationUseSiteTarget) {
return null
val allFirInfos = elementMap[p]!!
val directFirInfos = allFirInfos.filter { filter.invoke(it.fir) }
return if (directFirInfos.isNotEmpty())
// It might be more reliable to have explicit mappings in case something changes.
return when {
directFirInfos.size == 1 -> directFirInfos[0].fir
else -> {
return when (p) {
is KtConstantExpression -> {
directFirInfos.firstOrNull { it.fir is FirConstExpression<*> }?.fir
is KtImportDirective -> {
directFirInfos.firstOrNull { it.fir is FirImport && it.fir !is FirErrorImport }?.fir
is KtNamedFunction -> {
val found = directFirInfos.firstOrNull { it.fir is FirFunction }?.fir
// if (found == null) {
// // Review how to expose unmatched types without causing an error.
// }
is KtNameReferenceExpression, is KtTypeReference -> {
val found = directFirInfos.firstOrNull { it.fir is FirResolvedTypeRef || it.fir is FirResolvedNamedReference }?.fir
// if (found == null) {
// // Review how to expose unmatched types without causing an error.
// }
is KtPropertyAccessor -> {
val found = directFirInfos.firstOrNull { it.fir is FirDefaultPropertySetter }?.fir
// if (found == null) {
// // Review how to expose unmatched types without causing an error.
// }
else -> {
else if (allFirInfos.isNotEmpty()) {
return when {
allFirInfos.size == 1 -> allFirInfos[0].fir
// There isn't a RealPsiElement associated to the KT, so, we find the associated FIR element.
p is KtArrayAccessExpression -> allFirInfos.firstOrNull { it.fir is FirResolvedNamedReference && (it.fir.name.asString() == "get" || it.fir.name.asString() == "set") }?.fir
p is KtPrefixExpression -> allFirInfos.firstOrNull { it.fir is FirVariableAssignment }?.fir
p is KtPostfixExpression -> allFirInfos.firstOrNull { it.fir is FirResolvedTypeRef || it.fir is FirFunctionCall }?.fir
p is KtTypeReference -> allFirInfos.firstOrNull { it.fir is FirResolvedTypeRef }?.fir
p is KtWhenConditionInRange || p is KtBinaryExpression -> allFirInfos.firstOrNull { it.fir is FirFunctionCall }?.fir
p is KtNameReferenceExpression -> allFirInfos.firstOrNull { it.fir is FirClass }?.fir
else -> {
throw IllegalStateException("Unable to determine the FIR element associated to the PSI." + if (psi == null) "null element" else "original PSI: ${psi.javaClass.name}, mapped PSI: ${p.javaClass.name}")
enum class ExpressionType {
fun getCallType(psi: KtExpression): ExpressionType? {
val fir = primary(psi) ?: return null
return when (fir) {
is FirResolvedQualifier -> ExpressionType.QUALIFIER
is FirArrayLiteral -> ExpressionType.METHOD_INVOCATION
is FirFunctionCall -> {
if (fir.calleeReference is FirErrorNamedReference)
return null
val sym = fir.calleeReference.resolved?.resolvedSymbol
when {
sym is FirConstructorSymbol ||
sym is FirSyntheticFunctionSymbol && sym.origin == FirDeclarationOrigin.SamConstructor -> ExpressionType.CONSTRUCTOR
sym is FirNamedFunctionSymbol -> ExpressionType.METHOD_INVOCATION
else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported resolved symbol: ${fir.calleeReference.resolved?.resolvedSymbol?.javaClass}")
is FirSafeCallExpression -> {
return when (fir.selector) {
is FirFunctionCall -> when (fir.selector.calleeReference?.resolved?.resolvedSymbol) {
is FirConstructorSymbol -> ExpressionType.CONSTRUCTOR
is FirNamedFunctionSymbol -> ExpressionType.METHOD_INVOCATION
else -> null
else -> null
else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported call type: ${fir.javaClass}")
private fun PsiElement.customToString(): String {
return "PSI ${this.textRange} $this"
override fun toString(): String {
val sb = StringBuilder()
elementMap.forEach{ (psi, firs) ->
firs.forEach{ fir ->
sb.append(" - $fir\n")
return sb.toString()
private class FirInfo(
val fir: FirElement,
val depth: Int,
) {
override fun toString(): String {
val s = PsiTreePrinter.printFirElement(fir)
return "FIR($depth, $s)"
companion object {
fun printElement(firElement: FirElement) : String {
if (firElement is FirSingleExpressionBlock) {
return PsiTreePrinter.firElementToString(firElement.statement) ?: ""
} else if (firElement is FirElseIfTrueCondition) {
return "true"
return ""