main.org.openrewrite.kotlin.internal.PsiElementIrAssociations.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2023 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.openrewrite.kotlin.internal
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtRealPsiSourceElement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.com.intellij.psi.PsiElementVisitor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.FirElement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.backend.FirMetadataSource
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.impl.FirElseIfTrueCondition
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.impl.FirSingleExpressionBlock
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.IrElement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.visitors.IrElementVisitor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.*
import org.openrewrite.java.tree.JavaType
import org.openrewrite.kotlin.KotlinIrTypeMapping
class PsiElementIrAssociations(private val typeMapping: KotlinIrTypeMapping, private val psiFile: PsiFile, val file: IrFile) {
private val notMapped: MutableList = ArrayList()
private val psiMap: MutableMap> = HashMap()
private val elementMap: MutableMap> = HashMap()
fun initialize() {
var depth = 0
object : PsiElementVisitor() {
override fun visitElement(element: PsiElement) {
psiMap.computeIfAbsent(element.textRange) { ArrayList() } += element
object : IrElementVisitor>> {
override fun visitElement(element: IrElement, data: MutableMap>) {
if (element is IrMetadataSourceOwner) {
if (element.metadata is FirMetadataSource) {
when (element.metadata) {
is FirMetadataSource.File -> {
val source = (element.metadata!! as FirMetadataSource.File).files[0].source
if (source is KtRealPsiSourceElement) {
elementMap.computeIfAbsent(source.psi) { ArrayList() } += IrInfo(element, depth)
is FirMetadataSource.Class -> {
val source = (element.metadata!! as FirMetadataSource.Class).fir.source
if (source is KtRealPsiSourceElement) {
elementMap.computeIfAbsent(source.psi) { ArrayList() } += IrInfo(element, depth)
is FirMetadataSource.Function -> {
val source = (element.metadata!! as FirMetadataSource.Function).fir.source
if (source is KtRealPsiSourceElement) {
elementMap.computeIfAbsent(source.psi) { ArrayList() } += IrInfo(element, depth)
is FirMetadataSource.Property -> {
val source = (element.metadata!! as FirMetadataSource.Property).fir.source
if (source is KtRealPsiSourceElement) {
elementMap.computeIfAbsent(source.psi) { ArrayList() } += IrInfo(element, depth)
is FirMetadataSource.Script -> {
val source = (element.metadata!! as FirMetadataSource.Script).fir.source
if (source is KtRealPsiSourceElement) {
elementMap.computeIfAbsent(source.psi) { ArrayList() } += IrInfo(element, depth)
} else if (element.startOffset >= 0 && element.endOffset >= 0) {
val textRange = TextRange.create(element.startOffset, element.endOffset)
if (psiMap.containsKey(textRange)) {
val psi = psiMap[textRange]
if (psi != null) {
if (psi.size == 1) {
elementMap.computeIfAbsent(psi.toList()[0]) { ArrayList() } += IrInfo(element, depth)
} else {
for (p in psi) {
elementMap.computeIfAbsent(p) { ArrayList() } += IrInfo(element, depth)
} else {
element.acceptChildren(this, data)
}.visitFile(file, elementMap)
private fun validate() {
fun type(psiElement: PsiElement): JavaType? {
val ir = primary(psiElement)
return if (ir != null) typeMapping.type(ir) else null
fun all(psiElement: PsiElement): List {
val elements = elementMap[psiElement]
if (elements != null) {
return elements.map { it.ir }.toList()
return emptyList()
private fun primary(psiElement: PsiElement): IrElement? {
val f: ((IrElement) -> Boolean)? = when (psiElement) {
is KtFile -> {
{ it is IrFile }
is KtCallExpression -> {
{ it is IrConstructorCall || it is IrCall || it is IrTypeOperatorCall }
is KtClass, is KtObjectDeclaration -> {
{ it is IrClass }
is KtConstantExpression, is KtStringTemplateExpression -> {
{ it is IrConst<*> }
is KtClassLiteralExpression -> {
{ it is IrClassReference }
is KtFunction -> {
{ it is IrFunction }
is KtNameReferenceExpression -> {
{ it is IrPropertyReference || it is IrFunctionReference || it is IrGetValue || it is IrCall }
is KtParameter -> {
it is IrValueParameter && (it.name.asString() == psiElement.name.toString() || (it.name.asString() == "" && psiElement.name.toString() == "_")) ||
it is IrVariable && (it.name.asString() == psiElement.name.toString() || (it.name.asString() == "" && psiElement.name.toString() == "_"))
is KtPostfixExpression -> {
{ it is IrVariable }
is KtPrefixExpression -> {
{ it is IrVariable }
is KtProperty -> {
{ it is IrProperty || it is IrVariable }
is KtThisExpression -> {
{ it is IrGetValue }
is KtTypeParameter -> {
{ it is IrTypeParameter }
is KtVariableDeclaration -> {
{ it is IrVariable }
else -> {
if (f == null) {
// TEMP: fix KotlinTreeParserVisitor.
// if (!(psiElement is KtNameReferenceExpression ||
// psiElement is KtLiteralStringTemplateEntry ||
// psiElement is KtUserType ||
// psiElement is KtBinaryExpression ||
// psiElement is KtDotQualifiedExpression)
// ) {
// // println()
// }
return null
} else {
// val m = elementMap[psiElement]
// if (m != null && m.stream().map { it.ir }.noneMatch(f)) {
// // println()
// }
return ir(psiElement, f)
fun ir(psi: PsiElement?, filter: (IrElement) -> Boolean): IrElement? {
if (psi == null) {
return null
val directIrInfos = all(psi).filter { filter.invoke(it) }
return if (directIrInfos.isNotEmpty()) directIrInfos[0] else null
fun functionType(psiElement: PsiElement): IrFunction? {
return ir(psiElement) { it is IrFunction } as? IrFunction ?: return null
fun functionCallType(psiElement: PsiElement): IrFunctionAccessExpression? {
return ir(psiElement) { it is IrFunctionAccessExpression } as? IrFunctionAccessExpression ?: return null
fun propertyType(psiElement: PsiElement): IrProperty? {
return ir(psiElement) { it is IrProperty } as? IrProperty ?: return null
fun variableType(psiElement: PsiElement): IrVariable? {
return ir(psiElement) { it is IrVariable } as? IrVariable ?: return null
enum class ExpressionType {
fun getFunctionCallType(psi: KtExpression): ExpressionType? {
val ir = ir(psi) { it is IrFunctionAccessExpression } as? IrFunctionAccessExpression ?: return null
return if (ir is IrConstructorCall) ExpressionType.CONSTRUCTOR else ExpressionType.METHOD_INVOCATION
private fun PsiElement.customToString(): String {
return "PSI ${this.textRange} $this"
override fun toString(): String {
val sb = StringBuilder()
// elementMap.forEach{ (psi, firs) ->
// sb.append(t).append("\n")
// firs.forEach{ fir ->
// sb.append(" - $fir\n")
// }
// sb.append("\n")
// }
return sb.toString()
private class IrInfo(
val ir: IrElement,
val depth: Int,
) {
override fun toString(): String {
val s = PsiTreePrinter.printIrElement(ir)
return "FIR($depth, $s)"
companion object {
fun printElement(firElement: FirElement): String? {
if (firElement is FirSingleExpressionBlock) {
return PsiTreePrinter.firElementToString(firElement.statement)
} else if (firElement is FirElseIfTrueCondition) {
return "true"
return ""