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 * Copyright 2023 the original author or authors.

* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at *

* *

* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.openrewrite.kotlin.internal; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Data; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtFakeSourceElement; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtRealPsiSourceElement; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtSourceElement; import; import; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.FirElement; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.backend.FirMetadataSource; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirDeclaration; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirFile; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirProperty; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.*; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.references.FirResolvedNamedReference; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.ConeClassLikeLookupTag; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.*; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.visitors.FirDefaultVisitor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.PsiUtilsKt; import org.openrewrite.*; import org.openrewrite.internal.lang.Nullable; import; import*; import org.openrewrite.kotlin.KotlinIrTypeMapping; import org.openrewrite.kotlin.tree.K; import java.util.*; import; import static; @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "DuplicatedCode"}) public class PsiTreePrinter { private static final String TAB = " "; private static final String ELEMENT_PREFIX = "\\---"; private static final char BRANCH_CONTINUE_CHAR = '|'; private static final char BRANCH_END_CHAR = '\\'; private static final int CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH = 200; private static final String CONTINUE_PREFIX = "----"; private static final String UNVISITED_PREFIX = "#"; private static final KotlinIrTypeMapping irTypeMapping = new KotlinIrTypeMapping(new JavaTypeCache()); // Set to true to print types and verify, otherwise just verify the parse to print idempotent. private final static boolean printTypes = true; private final List outputLines; protected PsiTreePrinter() { outputLines = new ArrayList<>(); } public static String print(PsiElement psiElement) { return printPsiTree(psiElement); } public static String print(Parser.Input input) { return printIndexedSourceCode(input.getSource(new InMemoryExecutionContext()).readFully()); } public static String print(@Nullable IrFile file) { return printIrFile(file); } public static String print(Tree tree) { return printJTree(tree); } public static String print(@Nullable FirElement firElement) { if (firElement == null) { return "null"; } return printFirTree(firElement); } public static String printPsiTreeSkeleton(PsiElement psiElement) { PsiTreePrinter treePrinter = new PsiTreePrinter(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("------------").append("\n"); sb.append("PSI Tree Skeleton").append("\n"); Set covered = new HashSet<>(); collectCovered(psiElement, covered); treePrinter.printSkeletonNode(psiElement, 1); sb.append(java.lang.String.join("\n", treePrinter.outputLines)); return sb.toString(); } public static String printPsiTree(PsiElement psiElement) { PsiTreePrinter treePrinter = new PsiTreePrinter(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); treePrinter.printNode(psiElement, 1); sb.append(java.lang.String.join("\n", treePrinter.outputLines)); return sb.toString(); } @AllArgsConstructor @Data public static class TreePrinterContext { List lines; int depth; } public static String printFirFile(FirFile file) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List lines = new ArrayList<>(); sb.append("------------").append("\n"); sb.append("FirFile:").append("\n\n"); TreePrinterContext context = new TreePrinterContext(lines, 1); new FirDefaultVisitor() { @Override public Void visitElement(FirElement firElement, TreePrinterContext ctx) { StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); line.append(leftPadding(ctx.getDepth())) .append(printFirElement(firElement)); connectToLatestSibling(ctx.getDepth(), ctx.getLines()); ctx.getLines().add(line); ctx.setDepth(ctx.getDepth() + 1); firElement.acceptChildren(this, ctx); if (firElement instanceof FirResolvedTypeRef) { // not sure why this isn't taken care of by `FirResolvedTypeRefImpl#acceptChildren()` FirTypeRef firTypeRef = ((FirResolvedTypeRef) firElement).getDelegatedTypeRef(); if (firTypeRef != null) { firTypeRef.accept(this, ctx); } } ctx.setDepth(ctx.getDepth() - 1); return null; } }.visitFile(file, context); sb.append(java.lang.String.join("\n", lines)); return sb.toString(); } public static String printFirTree(FirElement firElement) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List lines = new ArrayList<>(); TreePrinterContext context = new TreePrinterContext(lines, 1); new FirDefaultVisitor() { @Override public Void visitElement(FirElement fir, TreePrinterContext ctx) { StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); line.append(leftPadding(ctx.getDepth())) .append(printFirElement(fir)); connectToLatestSibling(ctx.getDepth(), ctx.getLines()); ctx.getLines().add(line); ctx.setDepth(ctx.getDepth() + 1); fir.acceptChildren(this, ctx); if (fir instanceof FirResolvedTypeRef) { // not sure why this isn't taken care of by `FirResolvedTypeRefImpl#acceptChildren()` FirTypeRef firTypeRef = ((FirResolvedTypeRef) fir).getDelegatedTypeRef(); if (firTypeRef != null) { firTypeRef.accept(this, ctx); } } ctx.setDepth(ctx.getDepth() - 1); return null; } }.visitElement(firElement, context); sb.append(java.lang.String.join("\n", lines)); return sb.toString(); } public static class IrPrinter { public void printElement(IrElement element, PsiTreePrinter.TreePrinterContext ctx) { StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); line.append(leftPadding(ctx.getDepth())) .append(printIrElement(element)); connectToLatestSibling(ctx.getDepth(), ctx.getLines()); ctx.getLines().add(line); } } public static String printIrFile(@Nullable IrFile file) { if (file == null) { return ""; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List lines = new ArrayList<>(); sb.append("------------").append("\n"); sb.append("IrFile:").append("\n\n"); TreePrinterContext context = new TreePrinterContext(lines, 1); new IrTreePrinterVisitor(new IrPrinter()).visitFile(file, context); sb.append(java.lang.String.join("\n", lines)); return sb.toString(); } /** * print J tree with all types */ static class TreeVisitingPrinter extends TreeVisitor { private List lastCursorStack; private final List outputLines; private final boolean skipUnvisitedElement; private final boolean printContent; public TreeVisitingPrinter(boolean skipUnvisitedElement, boolean printContent) { lastCursorStack = new ArrayList<>(); outputLines = new ArrayList<>(); this.skipUnvisitedElement = skipUnvisitedElement; this.printContent = printContent; } public String print() { return java.lang.String.join("\n", outputLines); } @Override public @Nullable Tree visit(@Nullable Tree tree, ExecutionContext ctx) { if (tree == null) { return super.visit((Tree) null, ctx); } Cursor cursor = this.getCursor(); List cursorStack = stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(cursor.getPath(), 0), false) .collect(Collectors.toList()); Collections.reverse(cursorStack); int depth = cursorStack.size(); // Compare lastCursorStack vs cursorStack, find the fork and print the diff int diffPos = -1; for (int i = 0; i < cursorStack.size(); i++) { if (i >= lastCursorStack.size() || cursorStack.get(i) != lastCursorStack.get(i)) { diffPos = i; break; } } StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); // print cursor stack diff if (diffPos >= 0) { for (int i = diffPos; i < cursorStack.size(); i++) { Object element = cursorStack.get(i); if (skipUnvisitedElement) { // skip unvisited elements, just print indents in the line if (i == diffPos) { line.append(leftPadding(i)); connectToLatestSibling(i, outputLines); } else { line.append(CONTINUE_PREFIX); } } else { // print each unvisited element to a line connectToLatestSibling(i, outputLines); StringBuilder newLine = new StringBuilder() .append(leftPadding(i)) .append(UNVISITED_PREFIX) .append(element instanceof String ? element : element.getClass().getSimpleName()); if (element instanceof JRightPadded) { JRightPadded rp = (JRightPadded) element; newLine.append(" | "); newLine.append(" after = ").append(printSpace(rp.getAfter())); } if (element instanceof JLeftPadded) { JLeftPadded lp = (JLeftPadded) element; newLine.append(" | "); newLine.append(" before = ").append(printSpace(lp.getBefore())); } outputLines.add(newLine); } } } // print current visiting element String typeName = tree instanceof J ? tree.getClass().getCanonicalName().substring(tree.getClass().getPackage().getName().length() + 1) : tree.getClass().getCanonicalName(); if (skipUnvisitedElement) { boolean leftPadded = diffPos >= 0; if (leftPadded) { line.append(CONTINUE_PREFIX); } else { connectToLatestSibling(depth, outputLines); line.append(leftPadding(depth)); } line.append(typeName); } else { connectToLatestSibling(depth, outputLines); line.append(leftPadding(depth)).append(typeName); } String type = printType(tree); if (printTypes && !type.isEmpty()) { line.append(" | TYPE = ").append(type); } if (printContent) { String content = truncate(printTreeElement(tree)); if (!content.isEmpty()) { line.append(" | \"").append(content).append("\""); } } outputLines.add(line); cursorStack.add(tree); lastCursorStack = cursorStack; return super.visit(tree, ctx); } } private static String printType(Tree tree) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (tree instanceof TypedTree) { JavaType type = ((TypedTree) tree).getType(); if (type != null && !(type instanceof JavaType.Unknown)) { sb.append(type); } } if (tree instanceof J.MethodInvocation) { J.MethodInvocation m = (J.MethodInvocation) tree; if (m.getMethodType() != null) { sb.append(" MethodType = ").append(m.getMethodType()); } } if (tree instanceof J.MethodDeclaration) { J.MethodDeclaration m = (J.MethodDeclaration) tree; if (m.getMethodType() != null) { sb.append(" MethodType = ").append(m.getMethodType()); } } if (tree instanceof J.VariableDeclarations.NamedVariable) { J.VariableDeclarations.NamedVariable v = (J.VariableDeclarations.NamedVariable) tree; if (v.getVariableType() != null) { sb.append(" VariableType = ").append(v.getVariableType()); } } if (tree instanceof J.Identifier) { J.Identifier id = (J.Identifier) tree; if (id.getFieldType() != null) { sb.append(" FieldType = ").append(id.getFieldType()); } } return sb.toString(); } private static String printTreeElement(Tree tree) { // skip some specific types printed in the output to make the output looks clean if (tree instanceof J.CompilationUnit || tree instanceof J.ClassDeclaration || tree instanceof J.Block || tree instanceof J.Empty || tree instanceof J.Try || tree instanceof J.Try.Catch || tree instanceof J.ForLoop || tree instanceof J.WhileLoop || tree instanceof J.DoWhileLoop || tree instanceof J.Lambda || tree instanceof J.Lambda.Parameters || tree instanceof J.If || tree instanceof J.If.Else || tree instanceof J.EnumValueSet || tree instanceof J.ParenthesizedTypeTree || tree instanceof J.TypeParameter || tree instanceof K.ClassDeclaration || tree instanceof K.CompilationUnit || tree instanceof K.SpreadArgument || tree instanceof K.StatementExpression || tree instanceof K.StringTemplate || tree instanceof K.StringTemplate.Expression || tree instanceof K.ExpressionStatement || tree instanceof K.FunctionType || tree instanceof K.ListLiteral || tree instanceof K.When || tree instanceof J.Package || tree instanceof J.ForEachLoop ) { return ""; } if (tree instanceof J.Literal) { String s = ((J.Literal) tree).getValueSource(); return s != null ? s : ""; } String[] lines = tree.toString().split("\n"); StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { output.append(lines[i].trim()); if (i < lines.length - 1) { output.append(" "); } } return output.toString(); } private static String printSpace(Space space) { String sb = " whitespace=\"" + space.getWhitespace() + "\"" + " comments=\"" + space.getComments().stream().map(c -> c.printComment(new Cursor(null, "root"))).collect(Collectors.joining(",")) + "\""; return sb.replace("\n", "\\s\n"); } public static String printJTree(Tree tree) { TreeVisitingPrinter visitor = new TreeVisitingPrinter(true, true); visitor.visit(tree, new InMemoryExecutionContext()); return visitor.print(); } public static String printIrElement(IrElement element) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("(").append(element.getStartOffset()).append(",").append(element.getEndOffset()) .append(") | ").append(element.getClass().getSimpleName()); if (element instanceof IrMetadataSourceOwner) { String typeFromIr = getType(element); if (!typeFromIr.isEmpty()) { sb.append(" | IrType = ").append(typeFromIr); } IrMetadataSourceOwner irMetadataSourceOwner = (IrMetadataSourceOwner) element; MetadataSource metadata = irMetadataSourceOwner.getMetadata(); if (metadata != null) { if (metadata instanceof FirMetadataSource) { FirMetadataSource firMetadataSource = (FirMetadataSource) irMetadataSourceOwner.getMetadata(); FirDeclaration firDeclaration = firMetadataSource.getFir(); if (firDeclaration != null) { sb.append(" | ").append(printFirElement(firDeclaration)); } } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO"); } } } else if (element instanceof IrConst) { IrConst irConst = (IrConst) element; sb.append(" | ").append(irConst.getValue()); } return sb.toString(); } public static String getType(IrElement element) { return irTypeMapping.type(element).toString(); } public static String printFirElement(FirElement firElement) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(firElement.getClass().getSimpleName()); if (firElement.getSource() != null) { KtSourceElement source = firElement.getSource(); sb.append(" | "); if (source instanceof KtRealPsiSourceElement) { sb.append("Real "); } else if (source instanceof KtFakeSourceElement) { sb.append("Fake "); } else { sb.append(source.getClass().getSimpleName()); } sb.append("PSI(") .append("[").append(source.getStartOffset()) .append(",") .append(source.getEndOffset()) .append("]") .append(" ") .append(source.getElementType()) .append(")"); } String firValue = firElementToString(firElement); if (firValue != null && !firValue.isEmpty()) { sb.append(" | ").append(firValue); } return sb.toString(); } private static String printConeKotlinType(ConeTypeProjection coneKotlinType) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Type:[").append(coneKotlinType); if (coneKotlinType instanceof ConeClassLikeType) { ConeClassLikeType coneClassLikeType = (ConeClassLikeType) coneKotlinType; ConeClassLikeLookupTag coneClassLikeLookupTag = coneClassLikeType.getLookupTag(); ClassId classId = coneClassLikeLookupTag.getClassId(); FqName packageFqName = classId.getPackageFqName(); sb.append(" packageFqName: ").append(packageFqName); FqName className = classId.getRelativeClassName(); sb.append(" className: ").append(className); coneClassLikeLookupTag.getName(); ConeTypeProjection[] typeArguments = coneClassLikeType.getTypeArguments(); if (typeArguments != null && typeArguments.length > 0) { sb.append(" typeArgument: "); for (ConeTypeProjection typeArgument : typeArguments) { sb.append(printConeKotlinType(typeArgument)); } } } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } @Nullable public static String firElementToString(FirElement firElement) { if (firElement instanceof FirFile) { return ((FirFile) firElement).getName(); } else if (firElement instanceof FirProperty) { return ((FirProperty) firElement).getName().toString(); } else if (firElement instanceof FirResolvedTypeRef) { FirResolvedTypeRef resolvedTypeRef = (FirResolvedTypeRef) firElement; ConeKotlinType coneKotlinType = resolvedTypeRef.getType(); return printConeKotlinType(coneKotlinType); } else if (firElement instanceof FirResolvedNamedReference) { return ((FirResolvedNamedReference) firElement).getName().toString(); } else if (firElement instanceof FirResolvedQualifier) { FirResolvedQualifier qualifier = (FirResolvedQualifier) firElement; FqName fqName = qualifier.getRelativeClassFqName(); return fqName != null ? " RelativeClassFqName: " + fqName : ""; } else if (firElement instanceof FirFunctionCall) { FirFunctionCall functionCall = (FirFunctionCall) firElement; if (functionCall.getExplicitReceiver() != null) { return firElementToString(functionCall.getExplicitReceiver()) + "." + ((FirFunctionCall) firElement).getCalleeReference().getName() + "(" + firElementToString(((FirFunctionCall) firElement).getArgumentList()) + ")"; } else { return ((FirFunctionCall) firElement).getCalleeReference().getName() + "(" + firElementToString(((FirFunctionCall) firElement).getArgumentList()) + ")"; } } else if (firElement instanceof FirArgumentList) { List args = ((FirArgumentList) firElement).getArguments(); if (!args.isEmpty()) { boolean first = true; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (FirExpression arg : args) { if (!first) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(firElementToString(arg)); first = false; } return sb.toString(); } } else if (firElement instanceof FirConstExpression) { Object value = ((FirConstExpression) firElement).getValue(); return value != null ? value.toString() : null; // return ((FirConstExpression) firElement).getKind().toString(); } else if (firElement instanceof FirWhenBranch) { FirWhenBranch whenBranch = (FirWhenBranch) firElement; return "when(" + firElementToString(whenBranch.getCondition()) + ")" + " -> " + firElementToString(whenBranch.getResult()); } else if (firElement.getClass().getSimpleName().equals("FirElseIfTrueCondition")) { return PsiElementAssociations.Companion.printElement(firElement); } else if (firElement.getClass().getSimpleName().equals("FirSingleExpressionBlock")) { return PsiElementAssociations.Companion.printElement(firElement); } return ""; } public static String printIndexedSourceCode(String sourceCode) { int count = 0; String[] lines = sourceCode.split("\n"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("------------").append("\n"); sb.append("Source code with index:").append("\n\n"); Queue digits = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (String line : lines) { StringBuilder spacesSb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) { if (count % 10 == 0) { String numStr = Integer.toString(count); for (int j = 0; j < numStr.length(); j++) { char c = numStr.charAt(j); int digit = Character.getNumericValue(c); digits.add(digit); } } if (!digits.isEmpty()) { spacesSb.append(digits.poll()) ; } else { spacesSb.append(" "); } count++; } sb.append(line) .append("\n") .append(spacesSb) .append("\n"); count++; } return sb.toString(); } private String toString(PsiElement psiElement) { return psiElement.getTextRange() + " | " + psiElement.getNode().getElementType() + " | " + psiElement.getClass().getSimpleName() + " | Text: \"" + truncate(psiElement.getText()).replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\r", "\\r") + "\""; } private void printSkeletonNode(PsiElement psiElement, int depth) { StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); line.append(leftPadding(depth)) .append(toString(psiElement)); connectToLatestSibling(depth); outputLines.add(line); for (PsiElement childNode : psiElement.getChildren()) { printSkeletonNode(childNode, depth + 1); } } private void printNode(PsiElement psiElement, int depth) { StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); line.append(leftPadding(depth)) .append(toString(psiElement)); connectToLatestSibling(depth); outputLines.add(line); PsiUtilsKt.getAllChildren(psiElement); Iterator iterator = PsiUtilsKt.getAllChildren(psiElement).iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { PsiElement it =; printNode(it, depth + 1); } } private static void collectCovered(PsiElement psiElement, Set covered) { covered.add(psiElement.getTextRange()); for (PsiElement childNode : psiElement.getChildren()) { collectCovered(childNode, covered); } } /** * print left padding for a line * @param depth, depth starts from 0 (the root) */ private static String leftPadding(int depth) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int tabCount = depth - 1; if (tabCount > 0) { sb.append(java.lang.String.join("", Collections.nCopies(tabCount, TAB))); } // only root has not prefix if (depth > 0) { sb.append(ELEMENT_PREFIX); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Print a vertical line that connects the current element to the latest sibling. * @param depth current element depth */ private void connectToLatestSibling(int depth) { if (depth <= 1) { return; } int pos = (depth - 1) * TAB.length(); for (int i = outputLines.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { StringBuilder line = outputLines.get(i); if (pos >= line.length()) { break; } if (line.charAt(pos) != ' ') { if (line.charAt(pos) == BRANCH_END_CHAR) { line.setCharAt(pos, BRANCH_CONTINUE_CHAR); } break; } line.setCharAt(pos, BRANCH_CONTINUE_CHAR); } } /** * Print a vertical line that connects the current element to the latest sibling. * @param depth current element depth */ private static void connectToLatestSibling(int depth, List lines) { if (depth <= 1) { return; } int pos = (depth - 1) * TAB.length(); for (int i = lines.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { StringBuilder line = lines.get(i); if (pos >= line.length()) { break; } if (line.charAt(pos) != ' ') { if (line.charAt(pos) == BRANCH_END_CHAR) { line.setCharAt(pos, BRANCH_CONTINUE_CHAR); } break; } line.setCharAt(pos, BRANCH_CONTINUE_CHAR); } } private static String truncate(String content) { if (content.length() > CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH) { return content.substring(0, CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH - 3) + "..."; } return content; } }