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 * Copyright 2023 the original author or authors.

* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at *

* *

* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.WritableTypeId; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonDeserializer; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonSerializer; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeSerializer; import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode; import lombok.Getter; import org.openrewrite.internal.ListUtils; import org.openrewrite.internal.StringUtils; import org.openrewrite.internal.lang.Nullable; import*; import org.openrewrite.kotlin.KotlinStyle; import org.openrewrite.kotlin.internal.KotlinPrinter; import org.openrewrite.marker.Markers; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import static java.util.Collections.emptyList; import static java.util.Collections.singletonList; import static; import static; import static org.openrewrite.internal.StreamUtils.distinctBy; /** * A Java Style to define how imports are grouped and ordered. Additionally, this style provides configuration to dictate * how wildcard folding should be applied when multiple imports are in the same package or on the same, statically-imported * type. *

* The import layout consist of three properties: *


  • topLevelSymbolsToUseStarImport - How many imports from the same package must be present before they should be collapsed into a star import. The default is 5.
  • *
  • javaStaticsAndEnumsToUseStarImport - How many java static and enum imports from the same type must be present before they should be collapsed into a star import. The default is 3.
  • *
  • layout - An ordered list of import groupings which define exactly how imports should be organized within a compilation unit.
  • *
  • packagesToFold - An ordered list of packages which are folded when 1 or more types are in use.
  • */ @EqualsAndHashCode(onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true) @Getter @JsonDeserialize(using = Deserializer.class) @JsonSerialize(using = Serializer.class) public class ImportLayoutStyle implements KotlinStyle { @EqualsAndHashCode.Include private final int topLevelSymbolsToUseStarImport; @EqualsAndHashCode.Include private final int javaStaticsAndEnumsToUseStarImport; @EqualsAndHashCode.Include private final List layout; @EqualsAndHashCode.Include private final List packagesToFold; private final List blocksNoCatchalls; private final List blocksOnlyCatchalls; private final boolean importAliasesSeparately; public ImportLayoutStyle(int topLevelSymbolsToUseStarImport, int javaStaticsAndEnumsToUseStarImport, List layout, List packagesToFold, boolean importAliasesSeparately) { this.topLevelSymbolsToUseStarImport = topLevelSymbolsToUseStarImport; this.javaStaticsAndEnumsToUseStarImport = javaStaticsAndEnumsToUseStarImport; this.layout = layout.isEmpty() ? IntelliJ.importLayout().getLayout() : layout; this.packagesToFold = packagesToFold; // Divide the blocks into those that accept imports from any package ("catchalls") and those that accept imports from only specific packages Map> blockGroups = .collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(Block.AllOthers.class::isInstance)); blocksNoCatchalls = blockGroups.get(false); blocksOnlyCatchalls = blockGroups.get(true); // This setting is by default enabled on Intellij's UI, but in reality, it's turned off. this.importAliasesSeparately = importAliasesSeparately; } /** * Adds a new import in a block that best represents the import layout style without * re-ordering any of the existing imports, i.e. a minimally invasive add. * * @param originalImports The import list before inserting. * @param toAdd The import to add. * @param pkg A package declaration, if one exists. * @return The import list with a new import added. */ public List> addImport(List> originalImports, J.Import toAdd, @Nullable J.Package pkg, Collection classpath) { JRightPadded paddedToAdd = new JRightPadded<>(toAdd, Space.EMPTY, Markers.EMPTY); if (originalImports.isEmpty()) { paddedToAdd = pkg == null ? paddedToAdd : paddedToAdd.withElement(paddedToAdd.getElement().withPrefix(Space.format("\n\n"))); paddedToAdd = isPackageAlwaysFolded(packagesToFold, paddedToAdd.getElement()) ? paddedToAdd.withElement(paddedToAdd.getElement().withQualid( paddedToAdd.getElement().getQualid().withName( paddedToAdd.getElement().getQualid().getName().withSimpleName("*") ) )) : paddedToAdd; return singletonList(paddedToAdd); } // don't star fold just yet, because we are only going to star fold adjacent imports along with // the import to add at most. we don't even want to star fold other non-adjacent imports in the same // block that should be star folded according to the layout style (minimally invasive change). List> ideallyOrdered = new ImportLayoutStyle(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, layout, packagesToFold, importAliasesSeparately) .orderImports(ListUtils.concat(originalImports, paddedToAdd), new HashSet<>()); if (ideallyOrdered.size() == originalImports.size()) { Set originalPaths = new HashSet<>(); for (JRightPadded originalImport : originalImports) { originalPaths.add(originalImport.getElement().getTypeName()); } int sharedImports = 0; for (JRightPadded importJRightPadded : ideallyOrdered) { if (originalPaths.contains(importJRightPadded.getElement().getTypeName())) { sharedImports++; } } if (sharedImports == originalImports.size()) { // must be a duplicate of an existing import return originalImports; } } JRightPadded before = null; JRightPadded after = null; Block addToBlock = block(paddedToAdd); int insertPosition = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ideallyOrdered.size(); i++) { JRightPadded anImport = ideallyOrdered.get(i); if (anImport.getElement().isScope(paddedToAdd.getElement())) { before = i > 0 ? ideallyOrdered.get(i - 1) : null; after = i + 1 < ideallyOrdered.size() ? ideallyOrdered.get(i + 1) : null; if (before != null) { // Use the "before" import to determine insertion point. // Find the import in the original list to establish insertion position. for (int j = 0; j < originalImports.size(); j++) { if (after != null && after.getElement().equals(originalImports.get(j).getElement()) && addToBlock.accept(after)) { break; } else if (before.getElement().equals(originalImports.get(j).getElement())) { insertPosition = j + 1; after = insertPosition < originalImports.size() ? originalImports.get(insertPosition) : null; break; } } } else if (after != null) { // Otherwise, "after" as the basis for the insertion. // Find the import in the original list to establish insertion position. for (int j = 0; j < originalImports.size(); j++) { if (after.getElement().equals(originalImports.get(j).getElement())) { insertPosition = j; before = j > 0 ? originalImports.get(insertPosition - 1) : null; break; } } } break; } } AtomicBoolean isNewBlock = new AtomicBoolean(false); if (!(insertPosition == 0 && pkg == null)) { if (before == null) { if (pkg != null) { Space prefix = originalImports.get(0).getElement().getPrefix(); paddedToAdd = paddedToAdd.withElement(paddedToAdd.getElement().withPrefix(prefix)); } } else if (block(before) != addToBlock) { boolean isFound = false; for (int j = insertPosition; j < originalImports.size(); j++) { if (block(originalImports.get(j)) == addToBlock) { insertPosition = j; after = originalImports.get(j); isFound = true; break; } } isNewBlock.set(!isFound); paddedToAdd = paddedToAdd.withElement(paddedToAdd.getElement().withPrefix(Space.format("\n\n"))); } else { paddedToAdd = paddedToAdd.withElement(paddedToAdd.getElement().withPrefix(Space.format("\n"))); } } List> checkConflicts = new ArrayList<>(originalImports); checkConflicts.add(paddedToAdd); boolean isFoldable = new ImportLayoutConflictDetection(classpath, checkConflicts) .isPackageFoldable(packageOrOuterClassName(paddedToAdd)); // Walk both directions from the insertion point, looking for imports that are in the same block and have the // same package/outerclassname. AtomicInteger starFoldFrom = new AtomicInteger(insertPosition); AtomicInteger starFoldTo = new AtomicInteger(insertPosition); AtomicBoolean starFold = new AtomicBoolean(false); int sameCount = 1; // start at 1 to account for the import being added. for (int i = insertPosition; i < originalImports.size(); i++) { JRightPadded anImport = originalImports.get(i); if (block(anImport) == addToBlock && packageOrOuterClassName(anImport) .equals(packageOrOuterClassName(paddedToAdd))) { starFoldTo.set(i + 1); sameCount++; } else { break; } } for (int i = insertPosition - 1; i >= 0; i--) { JRightPadded anImport = originalImports.get(i); if (block(anImport) == addToBlock && packageOrOuterClassName(anImport) .equals(packageOrOuterClassName(paddedToAdd))) { starFoldFrom.set(i); sameCount++; } else { break; } } if (isFoldable && (((paddedToAdd.getElement().isStatic() && javaStaticsAndEnumsToUseStarImport <= sameCount) || (!paddedToAdd.getElement().isStatic() && topLevelSymbolsToUseStarImport <= sameCount)) || isPackageAlwaysFolded(packagesToFold, paddedToAdd.getElement()))) { starFold.set(true); if (insertPosition != starFoldFrom.get()) { // if we're adding to the middle of a group of imports that are getting star folded, // adopt the prefix of the first import in this group. paddedToAdd = paddedToAdd.withElement(paddedToAdd.getElement().withPrefix( originalImports.get(starFoldFrom.get()).getElement().getPrefix() )); } } if (starFold.get()) { paddedToAdd = paddedToAdd.withElement(paddedToAdd.getElement().withQualid( paddedToAdd.getElement().getQualid().withName( paddedToAdd.getElement().getQualid().getName().withSimpleName("*") ) )); after = starFoldTo.get() < originalImports.size() ? originalImports.get(starFoldTo.get()) : null; } if (after != null) { if (block(after) == addToBlock) { after = after.withElement(after.getElement().withPrefix(Space.format("\n"))); } else if (!isNewBlock.get() && after.getElement().getPrefix().getLastWhitespace().chars() .filter(c -> c == '\n').count() < 2) { after = after.withElement(after.getElement().withPrefix(Space.format("\n\n"))); } } JRightPadded finalToAdd = paddedToAdd; JRightPadded finalAfter = after; return ListUtils.flatMap(originalImports, (i, anImport) -> { if (starFold.get() && i >= starFoldFrom.get() && i < starFoldTo.get()) { return i == starFoldFrom.get() ? finalToAdd /* only add the star import once */ : null; } else if (finalAfter != null && anImport.getElement().isScope(finalAfter.getElement())) { if (starFold.get()) { // The added import is always folded, and is the first package occurence in the imports. if (starFoldFrom.get() == starFoldTo.get()) { return Arrays.asList(finalToAdd, finalAfter); } else { return finalAfter; } } else if (isNewBlock.get()) { return anImport.getElement().isStatic() && !finalToAdd.getElement().isStatic() ? Arrays.asList(finalToAdd, finalAfter) : Arrays.asList(finalAfter, finalToAdd); } else { return Arrays.asList(finalToAdd, finalAfter); } } else if (i == originalImports.size() - 1 && (finalAfter == null)) { return Arrays.asList(anImport, finalToAdd); } return anImport; }); } private Block block(JRightPadded anImport) { for (Block block : layout) { if (block.accept(anImport)) { return block; } } throw new IllegalStateException("Expected to find a block to fit import into."); } /** * This method will order and group a list of imports producing a new list that conforms to the rules defined * by the import layout style. * * @param originalImports A list of potentially unordered imports. * @return A list of imports that are grouped and ordered. */ public List> orderImports(List> originalImports, Collection classpath) { LayoutState layoutState = new LayoutState(); ImportLayoutConflictDetection importLayoutConflictDetection = new ImportLayoutConflictDetection(classpath, originalImports); List> orderedImports = new ArrayList<>(); // Allocate imports to blocks, preferring to put imports into non-catchall blocks nextImport: for (JRightPadded anImport : originalImports) { for (Block block : blocksNoCatchalls) { if (block.accept(anImport)) { layoutState.claimImport(block, anImport); continue nextImport; } } for (Block block : blocksOnlyCatchalls) { if (block.accept(anImport)) { layoutState.claimImport(block, anImport); continue nextImport; } } } int importIndex = 0; int extraLineSpaceCount = 0; String prevWhitespace = ""; for (Block block : layout) { if (block instanceof Block.BlankLines) { extraLineSpaceCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ((Block.BlankLines) block).getCount(); i++) { extraLineSpaceCount += 1; } } else { List> blockOrdering = block.orderedImports(layoutState, topLevelSymbolsToUseStarImport, javaStaticsAndEnumsToUseStarImport, importLayoutConflictDetection, packagesToFold); for (JRightPadded orderedImport : blockOrdering) { boolean whitespaceContainsCRLF = orderedImport.getElement().getPrefix().getWhitespace().contains("\r\n"); Space prefix; if (importIndex == 0) { prefix = originalImports.get(0).getElement().getPrefix(); } else { // Preserve the existing newline character type of either CRLF or LF. // Classic Mac OS new line return '\r' is replaced by '\n'. String newLineCharacters = whitespaceContainsCRLF || StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(orderedImport.getElement().getPrefix().getWhitespace()) && "\r\n".equals(prevWhitespace) ? "\r\n" : "\n"; StringBuilder newWhitespace = new StringBuilder(newLineCharacters); for (int i = 0; i < extraLineSpaceCount; i++) { newWhitespace.append(newLineCharacters); } prefix = orderedImport.getElement().getPrefix().withWhitespace(newWhitespace.toString()); } if (!orderedImport.getElement().getPrefix().equals(prefix)) { orderedImports.add(orderedImport.withElement(orderedImport.getElement() .withPrefix(prefix))); } else { orderedImports.add(orderedImport); } // Imports with null or empty whitespace will be set to the previous prefix. prevWhitespace = whitespaceContainsCRLF ? "\r\n" : "\n"; extraLineSpaceCount = 0; importIndex++; } } } return orderedImports; } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder { private final List blocks = new ArrayList<>(); private final List packagesToFold = new ArrayList<>(); private int topLevelSymbolsToUseStarImport = 5; private int javaStaticsAndEnumsToUseStarImport = 3; private boolean importAliasesSeparately = false; public Builder importAllOthers() { blocks.add(new Block.AllOthers(!importAliasesSeparately)); return this; } public Builder importAllAliases() { blocks.add(new Block.AllAliases()); return this; } public Builder blankLine() { if (!blocks.isEmpty() && blocks.get(blocks.size() - 1) instanceof Block.BlankLines) { ((Block.BlankLines) blocks.get(blocks.size() - 1)).count++; } else { blocks.add(new Block.BlankLines()); } return this; } public Builder importPackage(String packageWildcard, Boolean withSubpackages) { blocks.add(new Block.ImportPackage(packageWildcard, withSubpackages, !importAliasesSeparately)); return this; } public Builder importPackage(String packageWildcard) { return importPackage(packageWildcard, true); } public Builder packageToFold(String packageWildcard, Boolean withSubpackages) { packagesToFold.add(new Block.ImportPackage(packageWildcard, withSubpackages, !importAliasesSeparately)); return this; } public Builder packageToFold(String packageWildcard) { return packageToFold(packageWildcard, true); } public Builder topLevelSymbolsToUseStarImport(int topLevelSymbolsToUseStarImport) { this.topLevelSymbolsToUseStarImport = topLevelSymbolsToUseStarImport; return this; } public Builder javaStaticsAndEnumsToUseStarImport(int javaStaticsAndEnumsToUseStarImport) { this.javaStaticsAndEnumsToUseStarImport = javaStaticsAndEnumsToUseStarImport; return this; } public Builder importAliasesSeparately(boolean importAliasesSeparately) { this.importAliasesSeparately = importAliasesSeparately; return this; } public ImportLayoutStyle build() { for (Block block : blocks) { if (block instanceof Block.AllOthers) { ((Block.AllOthers) block).setPackageImports( .filter(b -> b.getClass().equals(Block.ImportPackage.class)) .map(Block.ImportPackage.class::cast) .collect(toList())); } } return new ImportLayoutStyle(topLevelSymbolsToUseStarImport, javaStaticsAndEnumsToUseStarImport, blocks, packagesToFold, importAliasesSeparately); } } /** * The in-progress state of a single layout operation. */ private static class LayoutState { Map>> imports = new HashMap<>(); public void claimImport(Block block, JRightPadded import_) { imports.computeIfAbsent(block, b -> new ArrayList<>()).add(import_); } public List> getImports(Block block) { return imports.getOrDefault(block, emptyList()); } } public static boolean isPackageAlwaysFolded(List packagesToFold, J.Import checkImport) { boolean isPackageFolded = false; String anImportName = checkImport.getQualid().printTrimmed(new KotlinPrinter<>()); for (Block block : packagesToFold) { Block.ImportPackage importPackage = (Block.ImportPackage) block; if (importPackage.packageWildcard.matcher(anImportName).matches()) { isPackageFolded = true; } } return isPackageFolded; } private static class ImportLayoutConflictDetection { private final Collection classpath; private final List> originalImports; private final Set jvmClasspathNames = new HashSet<>(); private @Nullable Set containsClassNameConflict = null; ImportLayoutConflictDetection(Collection classpath, List> originalImports) { this.classpath = classpath; this.originalImports = originalImports; } /** * Checks if folding the package will create a namespace conflict with any other classes that have already been imported. * * @param packageName package that qualifies for folding into a '*'. * @return folding the package will not create any namespace conflicts. */ public boolean isPackageFoldable(String packageName) { if (containsClassNameConflict == null) { containsClassNameConflict = new HashSet<>(); setJVMClassNames(); Map> nameToPackages = mapNamesInPackageToPackages(); for (String className : nameToPackages.keySet()) { if (nameToPackages.get(className).size() > 1 || jvmClasspathNames.contains(className)) { containsClassNameConflict.addAll(nameToPackages.get(className)); } } } return classpath.isEmpty() || !containsClassNameConflict.contains(packageName); } private void setJVMClassNames() { for (JavaType.FullyQualified fqn : classpath) { if ("java.lang".equals(fqn.getPackageName())) { jvmClasspathNames.add(fqn.getClassName()); } } } private Map> mapNamesInPackageToPackages() { Map> nameToPackages = new HashMap<>(); Set checkPackageForClasses = new HashSet<>(); for (JRightPadded anImport : originalImports) { checkPackageForClasses.add(packageOrOuterClassName(anImport)); nameToPackages.computeIfAbsent(anImport.getElement().getClassName(), p -> new HashSet<>()) .add(anImport.getElement().getPackageName()); } for (JavaType.FullyQualified classGraphFqn : classpath) { String packageName = classGraphFqn.getPackageName(); if (checkPackageForClasses.contains(packageName)) { String className = classGraphFqn.getClassName(); Set packages = nameToPackages.getOrDefault(className, new HashSet<>()); packages.add(packageName); nameToPackages.put(className, packages); } else if (checkPackageForClasses.contains(classGraphFqn.getFullyQualifiedName())) { packageName = classGraphFqn.getFullyQualifiedName(); for (JavaType.Variable member : classGraphFqn.getMembers()) { if (member.getFlags().contains(Flag.Static)) { Set packages = nameToPackages.getOrDefault(member.getName(), new HashSet<>()); packages.add(packageName); nameToPackages.put(member.getName(), packages); } } for (JavaType.Method method : classGraphFqn.getMethods()) { if (method.getFlags().contains(Flag.Static)) { Set packages = nameToPackages.getOrDefault(method.getName(), new HashSet<>()); packages.add(packageName); nameToPackages.put(method.getName(), packages); } } } } return nameToPackages; } } /** * A block represents a grouping of imports based on matching rules. The block provides a mechanism for matching * and storing J.Imports that belong to the block. */ public interface Block { /** * This method will determine if the passed in import is a match for the rules defined on the block. If the * import is matched, it will be internally stored in the block. * * @param anImport The import to be compared against the block's matching rules. * @return {@code true} if the import was a match */ boolean accept(JRightPadded anImport); /** * @return Imports belonging to this block, folded appropriately. */ List> orderedImports(LayoutState layoutState, int classCountToUseStarImport, int nameCountToUseStarImport, ImportLayoutConflictDetection importLayoutConflictDetection, List packagesToFold); /** * A specialized block implementation to act as a blank line separator between import groupings. */ class BlankLines implements Block { private int count = 1; private int getCount() { return count; } @Override public boolean accept(JRightPadded anImport) { return false; } @Override public List> orderedImports(LayoutState layoutState, int classCountToUseStarImport, int nameCountToUseStartImport, ImportLayoutConflictDetection importLayoutConflictDetection, List packagesToFold) { return emptyList(); } @Override public String toString() { return "" + (count > 1 ? " (x" + count + ")" : ""); } } @SuppressWarnings({"deprecation", "ConstantValue"}) class ImportPackage implements Block { boolean acceptAliasImport; // VisibleForTesting static final Comparator> IMPORT_SORTING = (i1, i2) -> { String[] import1 = i1.getElement().getQualid().printTrimmed().split("\\."); String[] import2 = i2.getElement().getQualid().printTrimmed().split("\\."); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(import1.length, import2.length); i++) { int diff = import1[i].compareTo(import2[i]); if (diff != 0) { return diff; } } if (import1.length == import2.length) { return 0; } return import1.length > import2.length ? 1 : -1; }; private final Pattern packageWildcard; public ImportPackage(String packageWildcard, boolean withSubpackages, boolean acceptAliasImport) { this.acceptAliasImport = acceptAliasImport; this.packageWildcard = Pattern.compile(packageWildcard .replace(".", "\\.") .replace("*", withSubpackages ? ".+" : "[^.]+")); } public Pattern getPackageWildcard() { return packageWildcard; } @Override public boolean accept(JRightPadded anImport) { if ((!acceptAliasImport) && (anImport.getElement().getAlias() != null)) { return false; } return packageWildcard.matcher(anImport.getElement().getQualid().printTrimmed()).matches(); } @Override public List> orderedImports(LayoutState layoutState, int classCountToUseStarImport, int nameCountToUseStarImport, ImportLayoutConflictDetection importLayoutConflictDetection, List packagesToFold) { List> imports = layoutState.getImports(this); Map>> groupedImports = imports .stream() .sorted(IMPORT_SORTING) .collect(groupingBy( ImportLayoutStyle::packageOrOuterClassName, LinkedHashMap::new, // Use an ordered map to preserve sorting Collectors.toList() )); List> ordered = new ArrayList<>(imports.size()); for (List> importGroup : groupedImports.values()) { JRightPadded toStar = importGroup.get(0); int threshold = toStar.getElement().isStatic() ? nameCountToUseStarImport : classCountToUseStarImport; boolean starImportExists = .anyMatch(it -> it.getElement().getQualid().getSimpleName().equals("*")); // Disable folding imports in Kotlin due to boolean disableFoldingImports = true; if (!disableFoldingImports && importLayoutConflictDetection.isPackageFoldable(packageOrOuterClassName(toStar)) && (isPackageAlwaysFolded(packagesToFold, toStar.getElement()) || importGroup.size() >= threshold || (starImportExists && importGroup.size() > 1))) { J.FieldAccess qualid = toStar.getElement().getQualid(); J.Identifier name = qualid.getName(); Set typeNamesInThisGroup = .map(im -> im.getElement().getClassName()) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); Optional oneOfTheTypesIsInAnotherGroupToo = groupedImports.values().stream() .filter(group -> group != importGroup) .flatMap(group -> .filter(im -> typeNamesInThisGroup.contains(im.getElement().getClassName()))) .map(im -> im.getElement().getTypeName()) .findAny(); if (starImportExists || !oneOfTheTypesIsInAnotherGroupToo.isPresent()) { ordered.add(toStar.withElement(toStar.getElement().withQualid(qualid.withName(name.withSimpleName("*"))))); continue; } } Predicate> predicate = distinctBy(t -> t.getElement().printTrimmed(new KotlinPrinter<>())); for (JRightPadded importJRightPadded : importGroup) { if (predicate.test(importJRightPadded)) { ordered.add(importJRightPadded); } } } // interleaves inner classes and outer classes back together which are separated into different groups // above for the sake of determining whether groups of outer class or inner class imports need to be star // folded/unfolded ordered.sort(IMPORT_SORTING); return ordered; } @Override public String toString() { return "import " + packageWildcard; } } class AllOthers extends ImportPackage { private Collection packageImports = emptyList(); public AllOthers(boolean acceptAlias) { super("*", true, acceptAlias); } public void setPackageImports(Collection packageImports) { this.packageImports = packageImports; } @Override public boolean accept(JRightPadded anImport) { for (ImportPackage pi : packageImports) { if (pi.accept(anImport)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "import all other imports"; } } class AllAliases extends ImportPackage { private Collection packageImports = emptyList(); public AllAliases() { super("*", true, true); } public void setPackageImports(Collection packageImports) { this.packageImports = packageImports; } @Override public boolean accept(JRightPadded anImport) { for (ImportPackage pi : packageImports) { if (pi.accept(anImport)) { return false; } } return anImport.getElement().getAlias() != null; } @Override public String toString() { return "import all alias imports"; } } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.append("topLevelSymbols=") .append(topLevelSymbolsToUseStarImport) .append(", javaStaticAndEnums=") .append(javaStaticsAndEnumsToUseStarImport) .append('\n'); for (Block block : layout) { s.append(block).append("\n"); } return s.toString(); } private static String packageOrOuterClassName(JRightPadded anImport) { String typeName = anImport.getElement().getTypeName(); if (anImport.getElement().isStatic()) { return typeName; } else { String className = anImport.getElement().getClassName(); if (className.contains("$")) { return anImport.getElement().getPackageName() + "." + className.substring(0, className.lastIndexOf('$')) .replace('$', '.'); } return anImport.getElement().getPackageName(); } } } class Deserializer extends JsonDeserializer { // TODO: verify deserialization with tests. @Override public ImportLayoutStyle deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { ImportLayoutStyle.Builder builder = ImportLayoutStyle.builder(); for (String currentField = null; p.hasCurrentToken() && p.getCurrentToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT; p.nextToken()) { switch (p.currentToken()) { case FIELD_NAME: currentField = p.getCurrentName(); break; case VALUE_STRING: if ("layout".equals(currentField)) { String block = p.getText().trim(); if ("".equals(block)) { builder.blankLine(); } else if (block.startsWith("import ")) { block = block.substring("import ".length()); if ("all other imports".equals(block)) { builder.importAllOthers(); } else { boolean withSubpackages = !block.contains(" without subpackages"); block = withSubpackages ? block : block.substring(0, block.indexOf(" without subpackage")); builder.importPackage(block, withSubpackages); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Syntax error in layout block [" + block + "]"); } } else if ("packagesToFold".equals(currentField)) { String block = p.getText().trim(); if (block.startsWith("import ")) { block = block.substring("import ".length()); boolean withSubpackages = !block.contains(" without subpackages"); block = withSubpackages ? block : block.substring(0, block.indexOf(" without subpackage")); builder.packageToFold(block, withSubpackages); } } else { break; } break; case VALUE_NUMBER_INT: if ("topLevelSymbolsToUseStarImport".equals(currentField)) { builder.topLevelSymbolsToUseStarImport(p.getValueAsInt()); } else if ("javaStaticsAndEnumsToUseStarImport".equals(currentField)) { builder.javaStaticsAndEnumsToUseStarImport(p.getValueAsInt()); } break; } } return; } } class Serializer extends JsonSerializer { // TODO: verify serialization with tests. @Override public void serializeWithType(ImportLayoutStyle value, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider serializers, TypeSerializer typeSer) throws IOException { WritableTypeId typeId = typeSer.typeId(value, JsonToken.START_OBJECT); typeSer.writeTypePrefix(gen, typeId); serializeFields(value, gen); typeSer.writeTypeSuffix(gen, typeId); } @Override public void serialize(ImportLayoutStyle value, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider serializers) throws IOException { gen.writeStartObject(); serializeFields(value, gen); gen.writeEndObject(); } private void serializeFields(ImportLayoutStyle value, JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException { gen.writeNumberField("topLevelSymbolsToUseStarImport", value.getTopLevelSymbolsToUseStarImport()); gen.writeNumberField("javaStaticsAndEnumsToUseStarImport", value.getJavaStaticsAndEnumsToUseStarImport()); @SuppressWarnings("SuspiciousToArrayCall") String[] blocks = value.getLayout().stream() .map(block -> { if (block instanceof ImportLayoutStyle.Block.BlankLines) { return ""; } else if (block instanceof ImportLayoutStyle.Block.AllOthers) { return "import all other imports"; } else if (block instanceof ImportLayoutStyle.Block.ImportPackage) { ImportLayoutStyle.Block.ImportPackage importPackage = (ImportLayoutStyle.Block.ImportPackage) block; String withSubpackages = importPackage.getPackageWildcard().pattern().contains("[^.]+") ? " without subpackages" : ""; return "import " + importPackage.getPackageWildcard().pattern() .replace("\\.", ".") .replace(".+", "*") .replace("[^.]+", "*") + withSubpackages; } return new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown block type " + block.getClass().getName()); }) .toArray(String[]::new); @SuppressWarnings("SuspiciousToArrayCall") String[] packagesToFold = value.getPackagesToFold().stream() .map(block -> { if (block instanceof ImportLayoutStyle.Block.ImportPackage) { ImportLayoutStyle.Block.ImportPackage importPackage = (ImportLayoutStyle.Block.ImportPackage) block; String withSubpackages = importPackage.getPackageWildcard().pattern().contains("[^.]+") ? " without subpackages" : ""; return "import " + importPackage.getPackageWildcard().pattern() .replace("\\.", ".") .replace(".+", "*") .replace("[^.]+", "*") + withSubpackages; } return new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown block type " + block.getClass().getName()); }) .toArray(String[]::new); gen.writeArrayFieldStart("layout"); gen.writeArray(blocks, 0, blocks.length); gen.writeEndArray(); gen.writeArrayFieldStart("packagesToFold"); gen.writeArray(packagesToFold, 0, packagesToFold.length); gen.writeEndArray(); } }

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