* Copyright 2022 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.openrewrite.kotlin.tree;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import lombok.*;
import lombok.experimental.FieldDefaults;
import lombok.experimental.NonFinal;
import org.openrewrite.*;
import org.openrewrite.internal.ListUtils;
import org.openrewrite.internal.lang.Nullable;
import org.openrewrite.java.JavaPrinter;
import org.openrewrite.java.JavaTypeVisitor;
import org.openrewrite.java.internal.TypesInUse;
import org.openrewrite.java.service.AutoFormatService;
import org.openrewrite.java.service.ImportService;
import org.openrewrite.java.tree.*;
import org.openrewrite.kotlin.KotlinVisitor;
import org.openrewrite.kotlin.internal.KotlinPrinter;
import org.openrewrite.kotlin.service.KotlinAutoFormatService;
import org.openrewrite.kotlin.service.KotlinImportService;
import org.openrewrite.marker.Markers;
import java.beans.Transient;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
public interface K extends J {
default R accept(TreeVisitor v, P p) {
return (R) acceptKotlin(v.adapt(KotlinVisitor.class), p);
default boolean isAcceptable(TreeVisitor, P> v, P p) {
return v.isAdaptableTo(KotlinVisitor.class);
J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.defaultValue(this, p);
Space getPrefix();
default List getComments() {
return getPrefix().getComments();
@SuppressWarnings({"DataFlowIssue", "DuplicatedCode"})
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
final class CompilationUnit implements K, JavaSourceFile, SourceFile {
transient SoftReference typesInUse;
transient WeakReference padding;
UUID id;
String shebang;
Space prefix;
Markers markers;
Path sourcePath;
FileAttributes fileAttributes;
@Nullable // for backwards compatibility
String charsetName;
boolean charsetBomMarked;
Checksum checksum;
public long getWeight(Predicate uniqueIdentity) {
AtomicInteger n = new AtomicInteger();
new KotlinVisitor() {
final JavaTypeVisitor typeVisitor = new JavaTypeVisitor() {
public JavaType visit(@Nullable JavaType javaType, AtomicInteger n) {
if (javaType != null && uniqueIdentity.test(javaType)) {
return super.visit(javaType, n);
//noinspection ConstantConditions
return javaType;
public @Nullable J visit(@Nullable Tree tree, AtomicInteger n) {
if (tree != null) {
return super.visit(tree, n);
public JavaType visitType(@Nullable JavaType javaType, AtomicInteger n) {
return typeVisitor.visit(javaType, n);
public Markers visitMarkers(@Nullable Markers markers, AtomicInteger n) {
if (markers != null) {
return markers;
}.visit(this, n);
return n.get();
public Charset getCharset() {
return charsetName == null ? StandardCharsets.UTF_8 : Charset.forName(charsetName);
public SourceFile withCharset(Charset charset) {
return withCharsetName(charset.name());
List annotations;
JRightPadded packageDeclaration;
public Package getPackageDeclaration() {
return packageDeclaration == null ? null : packageDeclaration.getElement();
public K.CompilationUnit withPackageDeclaration(Package packageDeclaration) {
return getPadding().withPackageDeclaration(JRightPadded.withElement(this.packageDeclaration, packageDeclaration));
List> imports;
public List getImports() {
return JRightPadded.getElements(imports);
public K.CompilationUnit withImports(List imports) {
return getPadding().withImports(JRightPadded.withElements(this.imports, imports));
List> statements;
public List getStatements() {
return JRightPadded.getElements(statements);
public K.CompilationUnit withStatements(List statements) {
return getPadding().withStatements(JRightPadded.withElements(this.statements, statements));
Space eof;
public List getClasses() {
return statements.stream()
* K.CompilationUnits may contain K.ClassDeclarations, which isn't supported through withClasses.
* Please use withStatements to update the statements of this compilation unit.
public K.CompilationUnit withClasses(List classes) {
return getPadding().withClasses(JRightPadded.withElements(this.getPadding().getClasses(), classes));
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitCompilationUnit(this, p);
TreeVisitor, PrintOutputCapture
> printer(Cursor cursor) {
return new KotlinPrinter<>();
public TypesInUse getTypesInUse() {
TypesInUse cache;
if (this.typesInUse == null) {
cache = TypesInUse.build(this);
this.typesInUse = new SoftReference<>(cache);
} else {
cache = this.typesInUse.get();
if (cache == null || cache.getCu() != this) {
cache = TypesInUse.build(this);
this.typesInUse = new SoftReference<>(cache);
return cache;
public Padding getPadding() {
Padding p;
if (this.padding == null) {
p = new Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
} else {
p = this.padding.get();
if (p == null || p.t != this) {
p = new Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
return p;
public static class Padding implements JavaSourceFile.Padding {
private final K.CompilationUnit t;
public JRightPadded getPackageDeclaration() {
return t.packageDeclaration;
public K.CompilationUnit withPackageDeclaration(@Nullable JRightPadded packageDeclaration) {
return t.packageDeclaration == packageDeclaration ? t : new K.CompilationUnit(t.id, t.shebang, t.prefix, t.markers, t.sourcePath, t.fileAttributes, t.charsetName, t.charsetBomMarked, null,
t.annotations, packageDeclaration, t.imports, t.statements, t.eof);
public List> getClasses() {
//noinspection unchecked
return t.statements.stream()
.filter(s -> s.getElement() instanceof J.ClassDeclaration)
.map(s -> (JRightPadded) (Object) s)
public K.CompilationUnit withClasses(List> classes) {
List> statements = t.statements.stream()
.filter(s -> !(s.getElement() instanceof J.ClassDeclaration))
//noinspection unchecked
statements.addAll(0, classes.stream()
.map(i -> (JRightPadded) (Object) i)
return t.getPadding().getClasses() == classes ? t : new K.CompilationUnit(t.id, t.shebang, t.prefix, t.markers, t.sourcePath, t.fileAttributes, t.charsetName, t.charsetBomMarked, t.checksum, t.annotations, t.packageDeclaration, t.imports, statements, t.eof);
public List> getImports() {
return t.imports;
public K.CompilationUnit withImports(List> imports) {
return t.imports == imports ? t : new K.CompilationUnit(t.id, t.shebang, t.prefix, t.markers, t.sourcePath, t.fileAttributes, t.charsetName, t.charsetBomMarked, null,
t.annotations, t.packageDeclaration, imports, t.statements, t.eof);
public List> getStatements() {
return t.statements;
public K.CompilationUnit withStatements(List> statements) {
return t.statements == statements ? t : new K.CompilationUnit(t.id, t.shebang, t.prefix, t.markers, t.sourcePath,
t.fileAttributes, t.charsetName, t.charsetBomMarked, t.checksum, t.annotations, t.packageDeclaration, t.imports, statements, t.eof);
public T service(Class service) {
String serviceName = service.getName();
try {
Class serviceClass;
if (KotlinImportService.class.getName().equals(serviceName)) {
serviceClass = service;
} else if (ImportService.class.getName().equals(serviceName)) {
serviceClass = (Class) service.getClassLoader().loadClass(KotlinImportService.class.getName());
} else if (KotlinAutoFormatService.class.getName().equals(serviceName)) {
serviceClass = service;
} else if (AutoFormatService.class.getName().equals(serviceName)) {
serviceClass = (Class) service.getClassLoader().loadClass(KotlinAutoFormatService.class.getName());
} else {
return JavaSourceFile.super.service(service);
return (T) serviceClass.getConstructor().newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* In Kotlin all expressions can be annotated with annotations with the corresponding annotation target.
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
final class AnnotatedExpression implements K, Expression {
UUID id;
Markers markers;
List annotations;
Expression expression;
public Space getPrefix() {
return annotations.isEmpty() ? expression.getPrefix() : annotations.get(0).getPrefix();
public J2 withPrefix(Space space) {
return (J2) (annotations.isEmpty() ? withExpression(expression.withPrefix(space))
: withAnnotations(ListUtils.mapFirst(annotations, a -> a.withPrefix(space))));
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitAnnotatedExpression(this, p);
public @Nullable JavaType getType() {
return expression.getType();
public T withType(@Nullable JavaType type) {
// type must be changed on expression
return (T) this;
public CoordinateBuilder.Expression getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Expression(this);
public String toString() {
return withPrefix(Space.EMPTY).printTrimmed(new KotlinPrinter<>());
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
final class AnnotationType implements K, NameTree {
transient WeakReference padding;
UUID id;
Space prefix;
Markers markers;
JRightPadded useSite;
J.Annotation callee;
public Expression getUseSite() {
return useSite.getElement();
public @Nullable JavaType getType() {
return callee.getType();
public T withType(@Nullable JavaType type) {
//noinspection unchecked
return (T) withCallee(callee.withType(type));
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitAnnotationType(this, p);
public K.AnnotationType.Padding getPadding() {
K.AnnotationType.Padding p;
if (this.padding == null) {
p = new K.AnnotationType.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
} else {
p = this.padding.get();
if (p == null || p.t != this) {
p = new K.AnnotationType.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
return p;
public static class Padding {
private final K.AnnotationType t;
public JRightPadded getUseSite() {
return t.useSite;
public K.AnnotationType withUseSite(JRightPadded useSite) {
return t.useSite == useSite ? t : new K.AnnotationType(t.id,
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
final class Binary implements K, Expression, TypedTree {
transient WeakReference padding;
UUID id;
Space prefix;
Markers markers;
Expression left;
JLeftPadded operator;
public K.Binary.Type getOperator() {
return operator.getElement();
public K.Binary withOperator(K.Binary.Type operator) {
return getPadding().withOperator(this.operator.withElement(operator));
Expression right;
Space after;
JavaType type;
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitBinary(this, p);
public CoordinateBuilder.Expression getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Expression(this);
public enum Type {
@Deprecated // kept for backwards compatibility
public K.Binary.Padding getPadding() {
K.Binary.Padding p;
if (this.padding == null) {
p = new K.Binary.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
} else {
p = this.padding.get();
if (p == null || p.t != this) {
p = new K.Binary.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
return p;
public static class Padding {
private final K.Binary t;
public JLeftPadded getOperator() {
return t.operator;
public K.Binary withOperator(JLeftPadded operator) {
return t.operator == operator ? t : new K.Binary(t.id, t.prefix, t.markers, t.left, operator, t.right, t.after, t.type);
public String toString() {
return withPrefix(Space.EMPTY).printTrimmed(new KotlinPrinter<>());
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "unchecked"})
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
final class ClassDeclaration implements K, Statement, TypedTree {
UUID id;
Markers markers;
J.ClassDeclaration classDeclaration;
TypeConstraints typeConstraints;
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitClassDeclaration(this, p);
public J2 withPrefix(Space space) {
return (J2) withClassDeclaration(classDeclaration.withPrefix(space));
public Space getPrefix() {
return classDeclaration.getPrefix();
public CoordinateBuilder.Statement getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Statement(this);
public @Nullable JavaType getType() {
return classDeclaration.getType();
public T withType(@Nullable JavaType type) {
return (T) withClassDeclaration(classDeclaration.withType(type));
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "unchecked"})
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
final class Constructor implements K, Statement, TypedTree {
transient WeakReference padding;
UUID id;
Markers markers;
J.MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration;
// A replacement of `colon` and `constructorInvocation`
JLeftPadded invocation;
public ConstructorInvocation getInvocation() {
return invocation.getElement();
public K.Constructor withInvocation(ConstructorInvocation invocation) {
return getPadding().withInvocation(this.invocation.withElement(invocation));
// For backward compatibility, handle removed fields `colon` and `constructorInvocation` which has been relocated to `invocation`
// Todo, Remove when we feel good that kotlin LSTs have been rebuilt.
public Constructor(UUID id,
Markers markers,
J.MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration,
@Nullable @JsonProperty("colon") Space colon,
@Nullable @JsonProperty("constructorInvocation") ConstructorInvocation constructorInvocation,
JLeftPadded invocation
) {
padding = null;
this.id = id;
this.markers = markers;
this.methodDeclaration = methodDeclaration;
if (colon != null && constructorInvocation != null) {
this.invocation = new JLeftPadded<>(colon, constructorInvocation, Markers.EMPTY);
} else {
this.invocation = invocation;
public Constructor withType(@Nullable JavaType type) {
return this; // type must be changed on method declaration
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitConstructor(this, p);
public J2 withPrefix(Space space) {
return (J2) withMethodDeclaration(methodDeclaration.withPrefix(space));
public Space getPrefix() {
return methodDeclaration.getPrefix();
public @Nullable JavaType getType() {
return methodDeclaration.getType();
public CoordinateBuilder.Statement getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Statement(this);
public String toString() {
return withPrefix(Space.EMPTY).printTrimmed(new KotlinPrinter<>());
public K.Constructor.Padding getPadding() {
K.Constructor.Padding p;
if (this.padding == null) {
p = new K.Constructor.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
} else {
p = this.padding.get();
if (p == null || p.t != this) {
p = new K.Constructor.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
return p;
public static class Padding {
private final K.Constructor t;
public JLeftPadded getInvocation() {
return t.invocation;
public K.Constructor withInvocation(JLeftPadded invocation) {
return t.invocation == invocation ? t : new K.Constructor(t.id, t.markers, t.methodDeclaration, invocation);
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "unchecked"})
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
final class ConstructorInvocation implements K, TypeTree {
transient WeakReference padding;
UUID id;
Space prefix;
Markers markers;
TypeTree typeTree;
JContainer arguments;
public List getArguments() {
return arguments.getElements();
public ConstructorInvocation withArguments(List arguments) {
return getPadding().withArguments(JContainer.withElements(this.arguments, arguments));
public ConstructorInvocation withType(@Nullable JavaType type) {
return withTypeTree(typeTree.withType(type));
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitConstructorInvocation(this, p);
public ConstructorInvocation.Padding getPadding() {
ConstructorInvocation.Padding p;
if (this.padding == null) {
p = new ConstructorInvocation.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
} else {
p = this.padding.get();
if (p == null || p.t != this) {
p = new ConstructorInvocation.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
return p;
public @Nullable JavaType getType() {
return typeTree.getType();
public static class Padding {
private final ConstructorInvocation t;
public JContainer getArguments() {
return t.arguments;
public ConstructorInvocation withArguments(JContainer arguments) {
return t.arguments == arguments ? t : new ConstructorInvocation(t.id, t.prefix, t.markers, t.typeTree, arguments);
public String toString() {
return withPrefix(Space.EMPTY).printTrimmed(new KotlinPrinter<>());
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "unchecked"})
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
final class DelegatedSuperType implements K, TypeTree {
UUID id;
Markers markers;
TypeTree typeTree;
Space by;
Expression delegate;
public DelegatedSuperType withType(@Nullable JavaType type) {
return withTypeTree(typeTree.withType(type));
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitDelegatedSuperType(this, p);
public J2 withPrefix(Space space) {
return (J2) withTypeTree(typeTree.withPrefix(space));
public Space getPrefix() {
return typeTree.getPrefix();
public @Nullable JavaType getType() {
return typeTree.getType();
public String toString() {
return withBy(Space.EMPTY).printTrimmed(new KotlinPrinter<>());
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
final class DestructuringDeclaration implements K, Statement {
transient WeakReference padding;
UUID id;
Space prefix;
Markers markers;
J.VariableDeclarations initializer;
@Deprecated // Use destructAssignments instead
JContainer assignments;
JContainer destructAssignments;
public List getAssignments() {
return assignments != null ? assignments.getElements() : null;
public List getDestructAssignments() {
return destructAssignments.getElements();
public K.DestructuringDeclaration withAssignments(List assignments) {
return getPadding().withAssignments(requireNonNull(JContainer.withElementsNullable(this.assignments, assignments)));
public K.DestructuringDeclaration withDestructAssignments(List assignments) {
return getPadding().withDestructAssignments(requireNonNull(JContainer.withElementsNullable(this.destructAssignments, assignments)));
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitDestructuringDeclaration(this, p);
public CoordinateBuilder.Statement getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Statement(this);
public K.DestructuringDeclaration.Padding getPadding() {
K.DestructuringDeclaration.Padding p;
if (this.padding == null) {
p = new K.DestructuringDeclaration.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
} else {
p = this.padding.get();
if (p == null || p.t != this) {
p = new K.DestructuringDeclaration.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
return p;
public static class Padding {
private final K.DestructuringDeclaration t;
public JContainer getAssignments() {
return t.assignments;
public DestructuringDeclaration withAssignments(JContainer assignments) {
return t;
public JContainer getDestructAssignments() {
return t.destructAssignments;
public DestructuringDeclaration withDestructAssignments(JContainer assignments) {
return t.destructAssignments == assignments ? t : new DestructuringDeclaration(t.id, t.prefix, t.markers, t.initializer, null, assignments);
public String toString() {
return withPrefix(Space.EMPTY).printTrimmed(new KotlinPrinter<>());
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
final class ExpressionStatement implements K, Expression, Statement {
UUID id;
Expression expression;
// For backwards compatibility with older ASTs before there was an id field
public ExpressionStatement(Expression expression) {
this.id = Tree.randomId();
this.expression = expression;
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
J j = v.visit(getExpression(), p);
if (j instanceof ExpressionStatement) {
return j;
} else if (j instanceof Expression) {
return withExpression((Expression) j);
return j;
public J2 withPrefix(Space space) {
return (J2) withExpression(expression.withPrefix(space));
public Space getPrefix() {
return expression.getPrefix();
public J2 withMarkers(Markers markers) {
return (J2) withExpression(expression.withMarkers(markers));
public Markers getMarkers() {
return expression.getMarkers();
public @Nullable JavaType getType() {
return expression.getType();
public T withType(@Nullable JavaType type) {
ExpressionStatement newExpression = withExpression(expression.withType(type));
return (T) (newExpression == expression ? this : newExpression);
public CoordinateBuilder.Statement getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Statement(this);
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "EqualsBetweenInconvertibleTypes", "DuplicatedCode"})
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
final class FunctionType implements K, TypeTree, Expression {
transient WeakReference padding;
UUID id;
Space prefix;
public Space getPrefix() {
//noinspection ConstantConditions
return prefix == null ? returnType.getElement().getPrefix() : prefix;
Markers markers;
public Markers getMarkers() {
// For backwards compatibility with older LST before there was a prefix field
//noinspection ConstantConditions
return markers == null ? returnType.getMarkers() : markers;
List leadingAnnotations;
public List getLeadingAnnotations() {
// for backwards compatibility with older LST before there was a leading annotations field
//noinspection ConstantConditions
return leadingAnnotations == null ? Collections.emptyList() : leadingAnnotations;
List modifiers;
public List getModifiers() {
// for backwards compatibility with older LST before there was a modifiers field
//noinspection ConstantConditions
return modifiers == null ? Collections.emptyList() : modifiers;
JRightPadded receiver;
JContainer parameters;
public List getParameters() {
return parameters != null ? parameters.getElements() : emptyList();
public FunctionType withParameters(List parameters) {
return getPadding().withParameters(JContainer.withElementsNullable(this.parameters, parameters));
@Nullable // nullable for LST backwards compatibility reasons only
Space arrow;
JRightPadded returnType;
public @Nullable JavaType getType() {
// for backwards compatibility with older LST before there was a returnType field
//noinspection ConstantValue
return returnType != null && returnType.getElement() != null ? returnType.getElement().getType() : null;
public T withType(@Nullable JavaType type) {
TypeTree newType = returnType.getElement().withType(type);
//noinspection unchecked
return (T) (newType == type ? this : withReturnType(returnType.withElement(newType)));
public CoordinateBuilder.Expression getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Expression(this);
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitFunctionType(this, p);
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
public static final class Parameter implements K, TypeTree {
UUID id;
Markers markers;
Identifier name;
TypeTree parameterType;
public Space getPrefix() {
return name != null ? name.getPrefix() : parameterType.getPrefix();
public J2 withPrefix(Space space) {
//noinspection unchecked
return (J2) (name != null ? withName(name.withPrefix(space)) : withType(parameterType.withPrefix(space)));
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitFunctionTypeParameter(this, p);
public JavaType getType() {
return parameterType.getType();
public T withType(@Nullable JavaType type) {
return (T) new Parameter(id, markers, name, this.parameterType.withType(type));
public Padding getPadding() {
Padding p;
if (this.padding == null) {
p = new Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
} else {
p = this.padding.get();
if (p == null || p.t != this) {
p = new Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
return p;
public static class Padding {
private final FunctionType t;
public JContainer getParameters() {
return t.parameters;
public FunctionType withParameters(@Nullable JContainer parameters) {
return t.parameters == parameters ? t
: new FunctionType(t.id, t.prefix, t.markers, t.leadingAnnotations, t.modifiers, t.receiver, parameters, t.arrow, t.returnType);
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
final class ListLiteral implements K, Expression, TypedTree {
transient WeakReference padding;
UUID id;
Space prefix;
Markers markers;
JContainer elements;
public List getElements() {
return elements.getElements();
public ListLiteral withElements(List elements) {
return getPadding().withElements(JContainer.withElements(this.elements, elements));
JavaType type;
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitListLiteral(this, p);
public CoordinateBuilder.Expression getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Expression(this);
public Padding getPadding() {
ListLiteral.Padding p;
if (this.padding == null) {
p = new ListLiteral.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
} else {
p = this.padding.get();
if (p == null || p.t != this) {
p = new ListLiteral.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
return p;
public static class Padding {
private final ListLiteral t;
public JContainer getElements() {
return t.elements;
public ListLiteral withElements(JContainer elements) {
return t.elements == elements ? t : new ListLiteral(t.id, t.prefix, t.markers, elements, t.type);
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "unchecked"})
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
final class MethodDeclaration implements K, Statement, TypedTree {
UUID id;
Markers markers;
J.MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration;
TypeConstraints typeConstraints;
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitMethodDeclaration(this, p);
public J2 withPrefix(Space space) {
return (J2) withMethodDeclaration(methodDeclaration.withPrefix(space));
public Space getPrefix() {
return methodDeclaration.getPrefix();
public CoordinateBuilder.Statement getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Statement(this);
public @Nullable JavaType getType() {
return methodDeclaration.getType();
public T withType(@Nullable JavaType type) {
return (T) withMethodDeclaration(methodDeclaration.withType(type));
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
final class MultiAnnotationType implements K, NameTree {
transient WeakReference padding;
UUID id;
Space prefix;
Markers markers;
JRightPadded useSite;
JContainer annotations;
public Expression getUseSite() {
return useSite.getElement();
public @Nullable JavaType getType() {
// use site has no type
return null;
public T withType(@Nullable JavaType type) {
return (T) this;
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitMultiAnnotationType(this, p);
public K.MultiAnnotationType.Padding getPadding() {
K.MultiAnnotationType.Padding p;
if (this.padding == null) {
p = new K.MultiAnnotationType.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
} else {
p = this.padding.get();
if (p == null || p.t != this) {
p = new K.MultiAnnotationType.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
return p;
public static class Padding {
private final K.MultiAnnotationType t;
public JRightPadded getUseSite() {
return t.useSite;
public K.MultiAnnotationType withUseSite(JRightPadded useSite) {
return t.useSite == useSite ? t : new K.MultiAnnotationType(t.id,
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
class NamedVariableInitializer implements K, Expression {
UUID id;
Space prefix;
Markers markers;
List initializations;
public @Nullable JavaType getType() {
return null;
public T withType(@Nullable JavaType type) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NamedVariableInitializer cannot have a type");
public CoordinateBuilder.Expression getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Expression(this);
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitNamedVariableInitializer(this, p);
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
final class Property implements K, Statement {
transient WeakReference padding;
UUID id;
Space prefix;
Markers markers;
JContainer typeParameters;
public List getTypeParameters() {
return typeParameters == null ? null : typeParameters.getElements();
JRightPadded paddedVariableDeclarations;
TypeConstraints typeConstraints;
// A replacement of `getter`,`setter` and `isSetterFirst`
JContainer accessors;
JRightPadded receiver;
// For backward compatibility, handle removed fields `getter`, 'setter' and `isSetterFirst` which has been relocated to `accessors`
// Todo, Remove when all kotlin LSTs have been rebuilt.
public Property(UUID id,
Space prefix,
Markers markers,
JContainer typeParameters,
@Nullable JRightPadded paddedVariableDeclarations,
@Nullable VariableDeclarations variableDeclarations,
@Nullable K.TypeConstraints typeConstraints,
@Nullable @JsonProperty("getter") J.MethodDeclaration getter,
@Nullable @JsonProperty("setter") J.MethodDeclaration setter,
@Nullable @JsonProperty("isSetterFirst") Boolean isSetterFirst,
JContainer accessors,
@Nullable JRightPadded receiver
) {
this.id = id;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.markers = markers;
this.typeParameters = typeParameters;
if (variableDeclarations != null) {
// from old LST
this.paddedVariableDeclarations = new JRightPadded<>(variableDeclarations, Space.EMPTY, Markers.EMPTY);
} else {
this.paddedVariableDeclarations = requireNonNull(paddedVariableDeclarations);
this.typeConstraints = typeConstraints;
if (getter != null || setter != null || isSetterFirst != null) {
List> rps = new ArrayList<>(2);
// handle old LST removed fields `getter`, 'setter' and `isSetterFirst` which has been relocated to `accessors`
if (setter != null) {
rps.add(new JRightPadded<>(setter, Space.EMPTY, Markers.EMPTY));
if (getter != null) {
rps.add(new JRightPadded<>(getter, Space.EMPTY, Markers.EMPTY));
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(isSetterFirst)) {
this.accessors = JContainer.build(rps);
} else {
this.accessors = accessors;
this.receiver = receiver;
public J.VariableDeclarations getVariableDeclarations() {
return paddedVariableDeclarations.getElement();
public Expression getReceiver() {
return receiver == null ? null : receiver.getElement();
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitProperty(this, p);
public CoordinateBuilder.Statement getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Statement(this);
public Property.Padding getPadding() {
Property.Padding p;
if (this.padding == null) {
p = new Property.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
} else {
p = this.padding.get();
if (p == null || p.t != this) {
p = new Property.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
return p;
public String toString() {
return withPrefix(Space.EMPTY).printTrimmed(new KotlinPrinter<>());
public static class Padding {
private final Property t;
public JRightPadded getVariableDeclarations() {
return t.paddedVariableDeclarations;
public Property withVariableDeclarations(JRightPadded variableDeclarations) {
return t.paddedVariableDeclarations == variableDeclarations ? t : new Property(t.id, t.prefix, t.markers, t.typeParameters,
variableDeclarations, t.typeConstraints, t.accessors, t.receiver);
public JContainer getTypeParameters() {
return t.typeParameters;
public Property withTypeParameters(@Nullable JContainer typeParameters) {
return t.typeParameters == typeParameters ? t : new Property(t.id, t.prefix, t.markers, typeParameters,
t.paddedVariableDeclarations, t.typeConstraints, t.accessors, t.receiver);
public JRightPadded getReceiver() {
return t.receiver;
public Property withReceiver(@Nullable JRightPadded receiver) {
return t.receiver == receiver ? t : new Property(t.id, t.prefix, t.markers, t.typeParameters,
t.paddedVariableDeclarations, t.typeConstraints, t.accessors, receiver);
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
final class Return implements K, Statement, Expression {
UUID id;
* @deprecated Wrap with {@link AnnotatedExpression} to add annotations. To be deleted.
List annotations;
J.Return expression;
J.Identifier label;
public Return(UUID id, J.Return expression, @Nullable J.Identifier label) {
this(id, Collections.emptyList(), expression, label);
public Space getPrefix() {
return expression.getPrefix();
public J2 withPrefix(Space space) {
//noinspection unchecked
return (J2) withExpression(expression.withPrefix(space));
public Markers getMarkers() {
return expression.getMarkers();
public J2 withMarkers(Markers markers) {
//noinspection unchecked
return (J2) withExpression(expression.withMarkers(markers));
public @Nullable JavaType getType() {
//noinspection DataFlowIssue
return expression.getExpression().getType();
public T withType(@Nullable JavaType type) {
// to change the expression of a return, change the type of its expression
//noinspection unchecked
return (T) this;
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitReturn(this, p);
public CoordinateBuilder.Statement getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Statement(this);
public String toString() {
return withPrefix(Space.EMPTY).printTrimmed(new KotlinPrinter<>());
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
class SpreadArgument implements K, Expression {
UUID id;
Space prefix;
Markers markers;
Expression expression;
public @Nullable JavaType getType() {
return expression.getType() != null ? new JavaType.Array(null, expression.getType(), null) : null;
public T withType(@Nullable JavaType type) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Type of SpreadArgument cannot be changed directly");
public CoordinateBuilder.Expression getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Expression(this);
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitSpreadArgument(this, p);
* Kotlin defines certain java statements like J.If as expression.
* Has no state or behavior of its own aside from the Expression it wraps.
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
final class StatementExpression implements K, Expression, Statement {
UUID id;
Statement statement;
J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
J j = v.visit(getStatement(), p);
if (j instanceof StatementExpression) {
return j;
} else if (j instanceof Statement) {
return withStatement((Statement) j);
return j;
public J2 withPrefix(Space space) {
return (J2) withStatement(statement.withPrefix(space));
public Space getPrefix() {
return statement.getPrefix();
public J2 withMarkers(Markers markers) {
return (J2) withStatement(statement.withMarkers(markers));
public Markers getMarkers() {
return statement.getMarkers();
public @Nullable JavaType getType() {
return null;
public T withType(@Nullable JavaType type) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("StatementExpression cannot have a type");
public CoordinateBuilder.Statement getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Statement(this);
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
final class StringTemplate implements K, Statement, Expression {
UUID id;
Space prefix;
Markers markers;
String delimiter;
List strings;
JavaType type;
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitStringTemplate(this, p);
public CoordinateBuilder.Statement getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Statement(this);
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
public static final class Expression implements K {
UUID id;
Space prefix;
public Space getPrefix() {
return prefix == null ? Space.EMPTY : prefix;
Markers markers;
J tree;
Space after;
public Space getAfter() {
return after == null ? Space.EMPTY : after;
boolean enclosedInBraces;
J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitStringTemplateExpression(this, p);
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
final class This implements K, Expression {
UUID id;
Space prefix;
Markers markers;
J.Identifier label;
JavaType type;
J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitThis(this, p);
public CoordinateBuilder.Expression getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Expression(this);
public String toString() {
return withPrefix(Space.EMPTY).printTrimmed(new KotlinPrinter<>());
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
final class TypeAlias implements K, Statement, TypedTree {
transient WeakReference padding;
UUID id;
Space prefix;
Markers markers;
List leadingAnnotations;
List modifiers;
Identifier name;
JContainer typeParameters;
public List getTypeParameters() {
return typeParameters == null ? null : typeParameters.getElements();
public TypeAlias withTypeParameters(@Nullable List typeParameters) {
return getPadding().withTypeParameters(JContainer.withElementsNullable(this.typeParameters, typeParameters));
JLeftPadded initializer;
JavaType type;
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitTypeAlias(this, p);
// gather annotations from everywhere they may occur
public List getAllAnnotations() {
List allAnnotations = new ArrayList<>(leadingAnnotations);
for (J.Modifier modifier : modifiers) {
return allAnnotations;
public String getSimpleName() {
return name.getSimpleName();
public CoordinateBuilder.Statement getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Statement(this);
public TypeAlias.Padding getPadding() {
TypeAlias.Padding p;
if (this.padding == null) {
p = new TypeAlias.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
} else {
p = this.padding.get();
if (p == null || p.t != this) {
p = new TypeAlias.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
return p;
public String toString() {
return withPrefix(Space.EMPTY).printTrimmed(new KotlinPrinter<>());
public static class Padding {
private final TypeAlias t;
public JContainer getTypeParameters() {
return t.typeParameters;
public TypeAlias withTypeParameters(@Nullable JContainer typeParameters) {
return t.typeParameters == typeParameters ? t : new TypeAlias(t.id, t.prefix, t.markers, t.leadingAnnotations, t.modifiers, t.name, typeParameters, t.initializer, t.type);
public JLeftPadded getInitializer() {
return t.initializer;
public TypeAlias withInitializer(@Nullable JLeftPadded initializer) {
return t.initializer == initializer ? t : new TypeAlias(t.id, t.prefix, t.markers, t.leadingAnnotations, t.modifiers, t.name, t.typeParameters, initializer, t.type);
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
final class TypeConstraints implements K {
transient WeakReference padding;
UUID id;
Markers markers;
JContainer constraints;
public List getConstraints() {
return constraints.getElements();
public TypeConstraints withConstraints(List constraints) {
return getPadding().withConstraints(requireNonNull(JContainer.withElementsNullable(this.constraints, constraints)));
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitTypeConstraints(this, p);
public J2 withPrefix(Space space) {
return (J2) getPadding().withConstraints(constraints.withBefore(space));
public Space getPrefix() {
return constraints.getBefore();
public TypeConstraints.Padding getPadding() {
TypeConstraints.Padding p;
if (this.padding == null) {
p = new TypeConstraints.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
} else {
p = this.padding.get();
if (p == null || p.t != this) {
p = new TypeConstraints.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
return p;
public String toString() {
return withPrefix(Space.EMPTY).printTrimmed(new KotlinPrinter<>());
public static class Padding {
private final TypeConstraints t;
public JContainer getConstraints() {
return t.constraints;
public TypeConstraints withConstraints(JContainer constraints) {
return t.constraints == constraints ? t : new TypeConstraints(t.id, t.markers, constraints);
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
final class TypeParameterExpression implements K, Expression {
UUID id;
TypeParameter typeParameter;
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
J j = v.visit(getTypeParameter(), p);
if (j instanceof TypeParameterExpression) {
return j;
} else if (j instanceof TypeParameter) {
return withTypeParameter((TypeParameter) j);
return j;
public J2 withPrefix(Space space) {
return (J2) withTypeParameter(typeParameter.withPrefix(space));
public Space getPrefix() {
return typeParameter.getPrefix();
public J2 withMarkers(Markers markers) {
return (J2) withTypeParameter(typeParameter.withMarkers(markers));
public Markers getMarkers() {
return typeParameter.getMarkers();
public @Nullable JavaType getType() {
return null;
public T withType(@Nullable JavaType type) {
return (T) typeParameter;
public CoordinateBuilder.Expression getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Expression(this);
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
final class Unary implements K, Statement, Expression, TypedTree {
transient WeakReference padding;
UUID id;
Space prefix;
Markers markers;
JLeftPadded operator;
public Type getOperator() {
return operator.getElement();
public K.Unary withOperator(Type operator) {
return getPadding().withOperator(this.operator.withElement(operator));
Expression expression;
JavaType type;
public R accept(TreeVisitor v, P p) {
return K.super.accept(v, p);
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitUnary(this, p);
public CoordinateBuilder.Statement getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Statement(this);
public List getSideEffects() {
return getOperator().isModifying() ? singletonList(this) : expression.getSideEffects();
public enum Type {
public boolean isModifying() {
switch (this) {
case NotNull:
return false;
public K.Unary.Padding getPadding() {
K.Unary.Padding p;
if (this.padding == null) {
p = new K.Unary.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
} else {
p = this.padding.get();
if (p == null || p.t != this) {
p = new K.Unary.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
return p;
public String toString() {
return withPrefix(Space.EMPTY).printTrimmed(new JavaPrinter<>());
public static class Padding {
private final K.Unary t;
public JLeftPadded getOperator() {
return t.operator;
public K.Unary withOperator(JLeftPadded operator) {
return t.operator == operator ? t : new K.Unary(t.id, t.prefix, t.markers, operator, t.expression, t.type);
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
final class When implements K, Statement, Expression {
UUID id;
Space prefix;
Markers markers;
ControlParentheses selector;
Block branches;
JavaType type;
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitWhen(this, p);
public JavaType getType() {
return type;
public When withType(@Nullable JavaType type) {
if (type == this.type) {
return this;
return new When(id, prefix, markers, selector, branches, this.type);
public CoordinateBuilder.Statement getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Statement(this);
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
final class WhenBranch implements K, Statement {
transient WeakReference padding;
UUID id;
Space prefix;
Markers markers;
JContainer expressions;
public List getExpressions() {
return expressions.getElements();
public WhenBranch withExpressions(List expressions) {
return getPadding().withExpressions(requireNonNull(JContainer.withElementsNullable(this.expressions, expressions)));
JRightPadded body;
public J getBody() {
return body.getElement();
public WhenBranch withBody(J body) {
return getPadding().withBody(JRightPadded.withElement(this.body, body));
public J acceptKotlin(KotlinVisitor
v, P p) {
return v.visitWhenBranch(this, p);
public CoordinateBuilder.Statement getCoordinates() {
return new CoordinateBuilder.Statement(this);
public WhenBranch.Padding getPadding() {
WhenBranch.Padding p;
if (this.padding == null) {
p = new WhenBranch.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
} else {
p = this.padding.get();
if (p == null || p.t != this) {
p = new WhenBranch.Padding(this);
this.padding = new WeakReference<>(p);
return p;
public String toString() {
return withPrefix(Space.EMPTY).printTrimmed(new KotlinPrinter<>());
public static class Padding {
private final WhenBranch t;
public JRightPadded getBody() {
return t.body;
public WhenBranch withBody(JRightPadded body) {
return t.body == body ? t : new WhenBranch(t.id, t.prefix, t.markers, t.expressions, body);
public JContainer getExpressions() {
return t.expressions;
public WhenBranch withExpressions(JContainer expressions) {
return t.expressions == expressions ? t : new WhenBranch(t.id, t.prefix, t.markers, expressions, t.body);