org.openrewrite.maven.AddDevelocityMavenExtension Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2023 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.openrewrite.maven;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.PrettyPrinter;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.annotation.JacksonXmlRootElement;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.util.DefaultXmlPrettyPrinter;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.Value;
import org.intellij.lang.annotations.Language;
import org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable;
import org.openrewrite.*;
import org.openrewrite.maven.internal.MavenPomDownloader;
import org.openrewrite.maven.internal.MavenXmlMapper;
import org.openrewrite.maven.tree.GroupArtifact;
import org.openrewrite.maven.tree.MavenMetadata;
import org.openrewrite.maven.tree.MavenRepository;
import org.openrewrite.semver.LatestRelease;
import org.openrewrite.semver.Semver;
import org.openrewrite.semver.VersionComparator;
import org.openrewrite.xml.AddToTagVisitor;
import org.openrewrite.xml.XPathMatcher;
import org.openrewrite.xml.XmlIsoVisitor;
import org.openrewrite.xml.XmlParser;
import org.openrewrite.xml.tree.Xml;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public class AddDevelocityMavenExtension extends ScanningRecipe {
private static final String GRADLE_ENTERPRISE_MAVEN_EXTENSION_ARTIFACT_ID = "gradle-enterprise-maven-extension";
private static final String DEVELOCITY_MAVEN_EXTENSION_ARTIFACT_ID = "develocity-maven-extension";
private static final String EXTENSIONS_XML_PATH = ".mvn/extensions.xml";
private static final String GRADLE_ENTERPRISE_XML_PATH = ".mvn/gradle-enterprise.xml";
private static final String DEVELOCITY_XML_PATH = ".mvn/develocity.xml";
private static final String EXTENSIONS_XML_FORMAT = "\n" +
"\n" +
" ";
private static final String EXTENSION_TAG_FORMAT = "\n" +
" com.gradle \n" +
" %s \n" +
" %s \n" +
" ";
@Option(displayName = "Extension version",
description = "A maven-compatible version number to select the gradle-enterprise-maven-extension version.",
required = false,
example = "1.17.4")
String version;
@Option(displayName = "Server URL",
description = "The URL of the Develocity server.",
example = "")
String server;
@Option(displayName = "Allow untrusted server",
description = "When set to `true` the extension will be configured to allow unencrypted http connections with the server. " +
"If set to `false` or omitted, the extension will refuse to communicate without transport layer security enabled.",
required = false,
example = "true")
Boolean allowUntrustedServer;
@Option(displayName = "Capture file fingerprints",
description = "When set to `true` the extension will capture additional information about the inputs to Maven goals. " +
"This increases the size of build scans, but is useful for diagnosing issues with goal caching. ",
required = false,
example = "true")
Boolean fileFingerprints;
@Option(displayName = "Upload in background",
description = "When set to `false` the extension will not upload build scan in the background. " +
"By default, build scans are uploaded in the background after the build has finished to avoid blocking the build process.",
required = false,
example = "false")
Boolean uploadInBackground;
@Option(displayName = "Publish Criteria",
description = "When set to `Always` the extension will publish build scans of every single build. " +
"This is the default behavior when omitted." +
"When set to `Failure` the extension will only publish build scans when the build fails. " +
"When set to `Demand` the extension will only publish build scans when explicitly requested.",
required = false,
valid = {"Always", "Failure", "Demand"},
example = "Always")
PublishCriteria publishCriteria;
public enum PublishCriteria {
private final String xmlName;
PublishCriteria(String xmlName) {
this.xmlName = xmlName;
public String getDisplayName() {
return "Add the Develocity Maven extension";
public String getDescription() {
return "To integrate the Develocity Maven extension into Maven projects, ensure that the " +
"`develocity-maven-extension` is added to the `.mvn/extensions.xml` file if not already present. " +
"Additionally, configure the extension by adding the `.mvn/develocity.xml` configuration file.";
public static class Accumulator {
boolean mavenProject;
boolean useCRLFNewLines;
Path matchingExtensionsXmlFile;
Path matchingGradleEnterpriseXmlFile;
public Accumulator getInitialValue(ExecutionContext ctx) {
return new Accumulator();
public TreeVisitor, ExecutionContext> getScanner(Accumulator acc) {
return new TreeVisitor() {
public @Nullable Tree visit(@Nullable Tree tree, ExecutionContext ctx) {
if (!(tree instanceof SourceFile)) {
return tree;
SourceFile sourceFile = (SourceFile) tree;
String sourcePath = PathUtils.separatorsToUnix(sourceFile.getSourcePath().toString());
switch (sourcePath) {
case "pom.xml":
acc.setUseCRLFNewLines(sourceFile.getStyle(GeneralFormatStyle.class, new GeneralFormatStyle(false))
if (!(sourceFile instanceof Xml.Document)) {
throw new RuntimeException("The extensions.xml is not xml document type");
return tree;
public Collection extends SourceFile> generate(Accumulator acc, ExecutionContext ctx) {
// This recipe makes change for maven project only, or if the file `.mvn/gradle-enterprise.xml` already exists, do nothing
if (!acc.isMavenProject() || acc.getMatchingGradleEnterpriseXmlFile() != null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
VersionComparator versionComparator = Semver.validate("(,1.21)", null).getValue();
if (versionComparator == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
String newVersion = version != null ? version : getLatestVersion(ctx);
List sources = new ArrayList<>();
if (, newVersion, "1.21") >= 0) {
BuildScanConfiguration buildScanConfiguration = buildScanConfiguration(true);
ServerConfiguration serverConfiguration = new ServerConfiguration(server, allowUntrustedServer);
DevelocityConfiguration develocityConfiguration = new DevelocityConfiguration(serverConfiguration, buildScanConfiguration);
sources.add(createNewXml(DEVELOCITY_XML_PATH, writeConfiguration(develocityConfiguration, acc.isUseCRLFNewLines())));
} else {
BuildScanConfiguration buildScanConfiguration = buildScanConfiguration(false);
ServerConfiguration serverConfiguration = new ServerConfiguration(server, allowUntrustedServer);
GradleEnterpriseConfiguration gradleEnterpriseConfiguration = new GradleEnterpriseConfiguration(serverConfiguration, buildScanConfiguration);
sources.add(createNewXml(GRADLE_ENTERPRISE_XML_PATH, writeConfiguration(gradleEnterpriseConfiguration, acc.isUseCRLFNewLines())));
if (acc.getMatchingExtensionsXmlFile() == null) {
Xml.Document extensionsXml = createNewXml(EXTENSIONS_XML_PATH, EXTENSIONS_XML_FORMAT);
extensionsXml = addExtension(extensionsXml, ctx);
return sources;
public TreeVisitor, ExecutionContext> getVisitor(Accumulator acc) {
if (!acc.isMavenProject() || acc.getMatchingExtensionsXmlFile() == null) {
return TreeVisitor.noop();
return new TreeVisitor() {
public @Nullable Tree visit(@Nullable Tree tree, ExecutionContext ctx) {
if (!(tree instanceof SourceFile)) {
return tree;
SourceFile sourceFile = (SourceFile) tree;
if (sourceFile.getSourcePath().equals(acc.getMatchingExtensionsXmlFile())) {
Xml.Document extensionsXml = (Xml.Document) sourceFile;
// find extension, do nothing if it already exists,
boolean hasEnterpriseExtension = findExistingExtension(extensionsXml);
if (hasEnterpriseExtension) {
return sourceFile;
return addExtension(extensionsXml, ctx);
return tree;
@JacksonXmlRootElement(localName = "gradleEnterprise")
private static class GradleEnterpriseConfiguration {
ServerConfiguration server;
BuildScanConfiguration buildScan;
@JacksonXmlRootElement(localName = "develocity")
private static class DevelocityConfiguration {
ServerConfiguration server;
BuildScanConfiguration buildScan;
private static class ServerConfiguration {
String url;
Boolean allowUntrusted;
private static class BuildScanConfiguration {
Boolean backgroundBuildScanUpload;
String publish;
PublishingConfiguration publishing;
Capture capture;
private static class PublishingConfiguration {
String onlyIf;
private static class Capture {
Boolean goalInputFiles;
Boolean fileFingerprints;
private String writeConfiguration(Object config, boolean useCRLFNewLines) {
try {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = MavenXmlMapper.writeMapper();
PrettyPrinter pp = new DefaultXmlPrettyPrinter().withCustomNewLine(useCRLFNewLines ? "\r\n" : "\n");
return objectMapper.writer(pp).writeValueAsString(config);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private @Nullable BuildScanConfiguration buildScanConfiguration(boolean develocity) {
if (uploadInBackground != null || publishCriteria != null || fileFingerprints != null) {
if (develocity) {
PublishingConfiguration publishing = null;
if (publishCriteria != null) {
String onlyIf;
switch (publishCriteria) {
case Always:
onlyIf = "true";
case Failure:
onlyIf = "!buildResult.failures.empty";
case Demand:
onlyIf = "false";
throw new IllegalStateException("All options exhausted");
publishing = new PublishingConfiguration(onlyIf);
return new BuildScanConfiguration(
fileFingerprints != null ? new Capture(null, fileFingerprints) : null
} else {
return new BuildScanConfiguration(uploadInBackground,
publishCriteria != null ? publishCriteria.xmlName : null,
fileFingerprints != null ? new Capture(fileFingerprints, null) : null);
return null;
private static Xml.Document createNewXml(String filePath, @Language("xml") String fileContents) {
XmlParser parser = new XmlParser();
Xml.Document brandNewFile = parser.parse(fileContents).findFirst()
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to parse XML contents"));
return brandNewFile.withSourcePath(Paths.get(filePath));
* Return true if the `.mvn/extensions.xml` already includes `gradle-enterprise-maven-extension`
private boolean findExistingExtension(Xml.Document extensionsXml) {
XPathMatcher xPathMatcher = new XPathMatcher("/extensions/extension/artifactId");
return new XmlIsoVisitor() {
public Xml.Tag visitTag(Xml.Tag tag, AtomicBoolean found) {
if (found.get()) {
return tag;
tag = super.visitTag(tag, found);
if (xPathMatcher.matches(getCursor())) {
Optional maybeArtifactId = tag.getValue();
if (maybeArtifactId.isPresent() && (maybeArtifactId.get().equals(GRADLE_ENTERPRISE_MAVEN_EXTENSION_ARTIFACT_ID) || maybeArtifactId.get().equals(DEVELOCITY_MAVEN_EXTENSION_ARTIFACT_ID))) {
return tag;
}.reduce(extensionsXml, new AtomicBoolean()).get();
* Add `develocity-maven-extension` to the file `.mvn/extensions.xml`,
* this method assumes that `develocity-maven-extension` does not exist yet, and it should have been checked.
private Xml.Document addExtension(Xml.Document extensionsXml, ExecutionContext ctx) {
VersionComparator versionComparator = Semver.validate("(,1.21)", null).getValue();
if (versionComparator == null) {
return extensionsXml;
String newVersion = version != null ? version : getLatestVersion(ctx);
String extension;
if (, newVersion, "1.21") >= 0) {
extension = "develocity-maven-extension";
} else {
extension = "gradle-enterprise-maven-extension";
String tagSource = String.format(EXTENSION_TAG_FORMAT, extension, newVersion);
AddToTagVisitor addToTagVisitor = new AddToTagVisitor<>(
return (Xml.Document) addToTagVisitor.visitNonNull(extensionsXml, ctx);
private String getLatestVersion(ExecutionContext ctx) {
MavenExecutionContextView mctx = MavenExecutionContextView.view(ctx);
MavenPomDownloader pomDownloader = new MavenPomDownloader(Collections.emptyMap(), ctx, mctx.getSettings(), mctx.getActiveProfiles());
VersionComparator versionComparator = new LatestRelease(null);
GroupArtifact develocityExtension = new GroupArtifact("com.gradle", DEVELOCITY_MAVEN_EXTENSION_ARTIFACT_ID);
try {
MavenMetadata extensionMetadata = pomDownloader.downloadMetadata(develocityExtension, null, Collections.singletonList(MavenRepository.MAVEN_CENTRAL));
return extensionMetadata.getVersioning()
.filter(v -> versionComparator.isValid(null, v))
.max((v1, v2) ->, v1, v2))
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("Expected to find at least one Gradle Enterprise Maven extension version to select from."));
} catch (MavenDownloadingException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not download Maven metadata", e);