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org.openrewrite.maven.internal.MavenPomDownloader Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2020 the original author or authors.

* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at *

* *

* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.openrewrite.maven.internal; import dev.failsafe.Failsafe; import dev.failsafe.FailsafeException; import dev.failsafe.RetryPolicy; import io.micrometer.core.instrument.Counter; import io.micrometer.core.instrument.Metrics; import io.micrometer.core.instrument.Timer; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Value; import org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable; import org.openrewrite.ExecutionContext; import org.openrewrite.HttpSenderExecutionContextView; import org.openrewrite.internal.ListUtils; import org.openrewrite.internal.StringUtils; import org.openrewrite.ipc.http.HttpSender; import org.openrewrite.maven.MavenDownloadingException; import org.openrewrite.maven.MavenExecutionContextView; import org.openrewrite.maven.MavenSettings; import org.openrewrite.maven.cache.MavenPomCache; import org.openrewrite.maven.tree.*; import*; import; import; import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import static java.util.Collections.emptyList; import static java.util.Collections.emptyMap; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import static; @SuppressWarnings("OptionalAssignedToNull") public class MavenPomDownloader { private static final RetryPolicy retryPolicy = RetryPolicy.builder() .handle(SocketTimeoutException.class, TimeoutException.class) .handleIf(throwable -> throwable instanceof UncheckedIOException && throwable.getCause() instanceof SocketTimeoutException) .withDelay(Duration.ofMillis(500)) .withJitter(0.1) .withMaxRetries(5) .build(); private static final Pattern SNAPSHOT_TIMESTAMP = Pattern.compile("^(.*-)?([0-9]{8}\\.[0-9]{6}-[0-9]+)$"); private static final String SNAPSHOT = "SNAPSHOT"; private final MavenPomCache mavenCache; private final Map projectPoms; private final Map projectPomsByGav; private final MavenExecutionContextView ctx; private final HttpSender httpSender; @Nullable private MavenSettings mavenSettings; private Collection mirrors; @Nullable private List activeProfiles; private boolean addCentralRepository; private boolean addLocalRepository; /** * @param projectPoms Other POMs in this project. * @param ctx The execution context, which potentially contain Maven settings customization * and {@link HttpSender} customization. * @param mavenSettings The Maven settings to use, if any. This argument overrides any Maven settings * set on the execution context. * @param activeProfiles The active profiles to use, if any. This argument overrides any active profiles * set on the execution context. */ public MavenPomDownloader(Map projectPoms, ExecutionContext ctx, @Nullable MavenSettings mavenSettings, @Nullable List activeProfiles) { this(projectPoms, HttpSenderExecutionContextView.view(ctx).getHttpSender(), ctx); this.mavenSettings = mavenSettings != null ? mavenSettings : MavenExecutionContextView.view(ctx).getSettings(); this.mirrors = this.ctx.getMirrors(mavenSettings); this.activeProfiles = activeProfiles; } /** * A MavenPomDownloader for non-maven contexts where there are no project poms or assumption that maven central * is implicitly added as a repository. In a Maven contexts, a non-empty projectPoms should be specified to * {@link #MavenPomDownloader(Map, ExecutionContext)} for accurate results. * * @param ctx The execution context, which potentially contain Maven settings customization and {@link HttpSender} customization. */ public MavenPomDownloader(ExecutionContext ctx) { this(emptyMap(), HttpSenderExecutionContextView.view(ctx).getHttpSender(), ctx); this.addCentralRepository = Boolean.TRUE.equals(MavenExecutionContextView.view(ctx).getAddCentralRepository()); this.addLocalRepository = Boolean.TRUE.equals(MavenExecutionContextView.view(ctx).getAddLocalRepository()); } /** * @param projectPoms Other POMs in this project. * @param ctx The execution context, which potentially contain Maven settings customization * and {@link HttpSender} customization. */ public MavenPomDownloader(Map projectPoms, ExecutionContext ctx) { this(projectPoms, HttpSenderExecutionContextView.view(ctx).getHttpSender(), ctx); } /** * @param projectPoms Project poms on disk. * @param httpSender The HTTP sender. * @param ctx The execution context. * @deprecated Use {@link #MavenPomDownloader(Map, ExecutionContext)} instead. */ @Deprecated public MavenPomDownloader(Map projectPoms, HttpSender httpSender, ExecutionContext ctx) { this.projectPoms = projectPoms; this.projectPomsByGav = projectPomsByGav(projectPoms); this.httpSender = httpSender; this.ctx = MavenExecutionContextView.view(ctx); this.mavenSettings = this.ctx.getSettings(); this.mavenCache = this.ctx.getPomCache(); this.addCentralRepository = !Boolean.FALSE.equals(MavenExecutionContextView.view(ctx).getAddCentralRepository()); this.addLocalRepository = !Boolean.FALSE.equals(MavenExecutionContextView.view(ctx).getAddLocalRepository()); this.mirrors = this.ctx.getMirrors(this.ctx.getSettings()); } byte[] sendRequest(HttpSender.Request request) throws IOException, HttpSenderResponseException { long start = System.nanoTime(); try { return Failsafe.with(retryPolicy).get(() -> { try (HttpSender.Response response = httpSender.send(request)) { if (!response.isSuccessful()) { throw new HttpSenderResponseException(null, response.getCode(), new String(response.getBodyAsBytes())); } return response.getBodyAsBytes(); } }); } catch (FailsafeException failsafeException) { if (failsafeException.getCause() instanceof HttpSenderResponseException) { throw (HttpSenderResponseException) failsafeException.getCause(); } throw failsafeException; } catch (UncheckedIOException e) { throw e.getCause(); } finally { this.ctx.recordResolutionTime(Duration.ofNanos(System.nanoTime() - start)); } } private Map projectPomsByGav(Map projectPoms) { Map result = new HashMap<>(); for (Pom projectPom : projectPoms.values()) { List ancestryWithinProject = getAncestryWithinProject(projectPom, projectPoms); Map mergedProperties = mergeProperties(ancestryWithinProject); GroupArtifactVersion gav = new GroupArtifactVersion( projectPom.getGroupId(), projectPom.getArtifactId(), ResolvedPom.placeholderHelper.replacePlaceholders(projectPom.getVersion(), mergedProperties::get) ); result.put(gav, projectPom); } return result; } private Map mergeProperties(final List pomAncestry) { Map mergedProperties = new HashMap<>(); for (Pom pom : pomAncestry) { for (Map.Entry property : pom.getProperties().entrySet()) { mergedProperties.putIfAbsent(property.getKey(), property.getValue()); } } return mergedProperties; } private List getAncestryWithinProject(Pom projectPom, Map projectPoms) { Pom parentPom = getParentWithinProject(projectPom, projectPoms); if (parentPom == null) { return Collections.singletonList(projectPom); } else { return ListUtils.concat(projectPom, getAncestryWithinProject(parentPom, projectPoms)); } } private @Nullable Pom getParentWithinProject(Pom projectPom, Map projectPoms) { Parent parent = projectPom.getParent(); if (parent == null || projectPom.getSourcePath() == null) { return null; } String relativePath = parent.getRelativePath(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(relativePath)) { relativePath = "../pom.xml"; } Path parentPath = projectPom.getSourcePath() .resolve("..") .resolve(Paths.get(relativePath)) .normalize(); Pom parentPom = projectPoms.get(parentPath); return parentPom != null && parentPom.getGav().getGroupId().equals(parent.getGav().getGroupId()) && parentPom.getGav().getArtifactId().equals(parent.getGav().getArtifactId()) ? parentPom : null; } public MavenMetadata downloadMetadata(GroupArtifact groupArtifact, @Nullable ResolvedPom containingPom, List repositories) throws MavenDownloadingException { return downloadMetadata(new GroupArtifactVersion(groupArtifact.getGroupId(), groupArtifact.getArtifactId(), null), containingPom, repositories); } public MavenMetadata downloadMetadata(GroupArtifactVersion gav, @Nullable ResolvedPom containingPom, List repositories) throws MavenDownloadingException { if (gav.getGroupId() == null) { throw new MavenDownloadingException("Missing group id.", null, gav); } if (containingPom != null) { gav = containingPom.getValues(gav); } ctx.getResolutionListener().downloadMetadata(gav); Timer.Sample sample = Timer.start(); Timer.Builder timer = Timer.builder("").tag("type", "metadata"); MavenMetadata mavenMetadata = null; Collection normalizedRepos = distinctNormalizedRepositories(repositories, containingPom, null); Map repositoryResponses = new LinkedHashMap<>(); List attemptedUris = new ArrayList<>(normalizedRepos.size()); for (MavenRepository repo : normalizedRepos) { ctx.getResolutionListener().repository(repo, containingPom); if (gav.getVersion() != null && !repositoryAcceptsVersion(repo, gav.getVersion(), containingPom)) { continue; } attemptedUris.add(repo.getUri()); Optional result = mavenCache.getMavenMetadata(URI.create(repo.getUri()), gav); if (result == null) { // Not in the cache, attempt to download it. boolean cacheEmptyResult = false; try { String scheme = URI.create(repo.getUri()).getScheme(); String baseUri = repo.getUri() + (repo.getUri().endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + requireNonNull(gav.getGroupId()).replace('.', '/') + '/' + gav.getArtifactId() + '/' + (gav.getVersion() == null ? "" : gav.getVersion() + '/'); if ("file".equals(scheme)) { // A maven repository can be expressed as a URI with a file scheme Path path = Paths.get(URI.create(baseUri + "maven-metadata-local.xml")); if (Files.exists(path)) { MavenMetadata parsed = MavenMetadata.parse(Files.readAllBytes(path)); if (parsed != null) { result = Optional.of(parsed); } } } else { byte[] responseBody = requestAsAuthenticatedOrAnonymous(repo, baseUri + "maven-metadata.xml"); MavenMetadata parsed = MavenMetadata.parse(responseBody); if (parsed != null) { result = Optional.of(parsed); } } } catch (HttpSenderResponseException e) { repositoryResponses.put(repo, e.getMessage()); if (e.isClientSideException()) { //If we have a 400-404, cache an empty result. cacheEmptyResult = true; } } catch (IOException e) { repositoryResponses.put(repo, e.getMessage()); } if (result == null) { // If no result was found in the repository, attempt to derive the metadata from the repository. try { MavenMetadata derivedMeta = deriveMetadata(gav, repo); if (derivedMeta != null) { Counter.builder("rewrite.maven.derived.metadata") .tag("repositoryUri", repo.getUri()) .tag("group", gav.getGroupId()) .tag("artifact", gav.getArtifactId()) .register(Metrics.globalRegistry) .increment(); result = Optional.of(derivedMeta); } } catch (HttpSenderResponseException | MavenDownloadingException | IOException e) { repositoryResponses.put(repo, e.getMessage()); } } if (result == null && cacheEmptyResult) { // If there was no fatal failure while attempting to find metadata and there was no metadata retrieved // from the current repo, cache an empty result. mavenCache.putMavenMetadata(URI.create(repo.getUri()), gav, null); } } else if (!result.isPresent()) { repositoryResponses.put(repo, "Did not attempt to download because of a previous failure to retrieve from this repository."); } // Merge metadata from repository and cache metadata result. if (result != null && result.isPresent()) { if (mavenMetadata == null) { mavenMetadata = result.get(); } else { mavenMetadata = mergeMetadata(mavenMetadata, result.get()); } mavenCache.putMavenMetadata(URI.create(repo.getUri()), gav, result.get()); } } if (mavenMetadata == null) { sample.stop(timer.tags("outcome", "unavailable").register(Metrics.globalRegistry)); ctx.getResolutionListener().downloadError(gav, attemptedUris, null); throw new MavenDownloadingException("Unable to download metadata.", null, gav) .setRepositoryResponses(repositoryResponses); } sample.stop(timer.tags("outcome", "success").register(Metrics.globalRegistry)); return mavenMetadata; } /** * This method will attempt to generate the metadata by navigating the repository's directory structure. * Currently, the only repository I can find that has missing maven-metadata.xml is Nexus. Both Artifactory * and JitPack appear to always publish the metadata. So this method is currently tailored towards Nexus and how * it publishes html index pages. * * @param gav The artifact coordinates that will be derived. * @param repo The repository that will be queried for directory results * @return Metadata or null if the metadata cannot be derived. */ private @Nullable MavenMetadata deriveMetadata(GroupArtifactVersion gav, MavenRepository repo) throws HttpSenderResponseException, IOException, MavenDownloadingException { if ((repo.getDeriveMetadataIfMissing() != null && !repo.getDeriveMetadataIfMissing()) || gav.getVersion() != null) { // Do not derive metadata if we cannot navigate/browse the artifacts. // Do not derive metadata if a specific version has been defined. return null; } String scheme = URI.create(repo.getUri()).getScheme(); String uri = repo.getUri() + (repo.getUri().endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + requireNonNull(gav.getGroupId()).replace('.', '/') + '/' + gav.getArtifactId() + '/'; try { MavenMetadata.Versioning versioning; if ("file".equals(scheme)) { versioning = directoryToVersioning(uri, gav); } else { // Only compute the metadata for http-based repositories. String responseBody = new String(requestAsAuthenticatedOrAnonymous(repo, uri)); versioning = htmlIndexToVersioning(responseBody, uri); } if (versioning == null) { return null; } else { return new MavenMetadata(versioning); } } catch (HttpSenderResponseException e) { if (e.isClientSideException() && e.getResponseCode() != null && e.getResponseCode() != 404) { // If access was denied, do not attempt to derive metadata from this repository in the future. repo.setDeriveMetadataIfMissing(false); } throw e; } } private MavenMetadata.@Nullable Versioning directoryToVersioning(String uri, GroupArtifactVersion gav) throws MavenDownloadingException { Path dir = Paths.get(URI.create(uri)); if (Files.exists(dir)) { try (DirectoryStream stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir)) { List versions = new ArrayList<>(); for (Path path : stream) { if (Files.isDirectory(path) && hasPomFile(dir, path, gav)) { versions.add(path.getFileName().toString()); } } return new MavenMetadata.Versioning(versions, null, null, null); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MavenDownloadingException("Unable to derive metadata from file repository. " + e.getMessage(), null, gav); } } return null; } private MavenMetadata.@Nullable Versioning htmlIndexToVersioning(String responseBody, String uri) { // A very primitive approach, this just finds hrefs with trailing "/", List versions = new ArrayList<>(); int start = responseBody.indexOf(" 0) { start = start + 9; int end = responseBody.indexOf("\">", start); if (end < 0) { break; } String href = responseBody.substring(start, end).trim(); if (href.endsWith("/")) { //Only look for hrefs that have directories (the directory names are the versions) versions.add(hrefToVersion(href, uri)); } start = responseBody.indexOf("= 0 ? left : right; } private List mergeVersions(List versions1, List versions2) { Set merged = new HashSet<>(versions1); merged.addAll(versions2); return new ArrayList<>(merged); } private MavenMetadata.@Nullable Snapshot maxSnapshot(MavenMetadata.@Nullable Snapshot s1, MavenMetadata.@Nullable Snapshot s2) { // apparently the snapshot timestamp is not always present in the metadata if (s1 == null || s1.getTimestamp() == null) { return s2; } else if (s2 == null || s2.getTimestamp() == null) { return s1; } else { return (s1.getTimestamp().compareTo(s2.getTimestamp())) >= 0 ? s1 : s2; } } public Pom download(GroupArtifactVersion gav, @Nullable String relativePath, @Nullable ResolvedPom containingPom, List repositories) throws MavenDownloadingException { if (gav.getGroupId() == null || gav.getArtifactId() == null || gav.getVersion() == null) { if (containingPom != null) { ctx.getResolutionListener().downloadError(gav, emptyList(), containingPom.getRequested()); } throw new MavenDownloadingException("Group id, artifact id, or version are missing.", null, gav); } ctx.getResolutionListener().download(gav); // The pom being examined might be from a remote repository or a local filesystem. // First try to match the requested download with one of the project POMs. Pom projectPomWithResolvedVersion = projectPomsByGav.get(gav); if (projectPomWithResolvedVersion != null) { return projectPomWithResolvedVersion; } // The requested gav might itself have an unresolved placeholder in the version, so also check raw values for (Pom projectPom : projectPoms.values()) { if (!projectPom.getGroupId().equals(gav.getGroupId()) || !projectPom.getArtifactId().equals(gav.getArtifactId())) { continue; } if (projectPom.getVersion().equals(gav.getVersion())) { return projectPom; } Map mergedProperties = mergeProperties(getAncestryWithinProject(projectPom, projectPoms)); String versionWithReplacements = ResolvedPom.placeholderHelper.replacePlaceholders(gav.getVersion(), mergedProperties::get); if (projectPom.getVersion().equals(versionWithReplacements)) { return projectPom; } } if (containingPom != null && containingPom.getRequested().getSourcePath() != null && !StringUtils.isBlank(relativePath) && !relativePath.contains(":")) { Path folderContainingPom = containingPom.getRequested().getSourcePath().getParent(); if (folderContainingPom != null) { Pom maybeLocalPom = projectPoms.get(folderContainingPom.resolve(Paths.get(relativePath, "pom.xml")) .normalize()); // Even poms published to remote repositories still contain relative paths to their parent poms // So double check that the GAV coordinates match so that we don't get a relative path from a remote // pom like ".." or "../.." which coincidentally _happens_ to have led to an unrelated pom on the local filesystem if (maybeLocalPom != null && gav.getGroupId().equals(maybeLocalPom.getGroupId()) && gav.getArtifactId().equals(maybeLocalPom.getArtifactId()) && gav.getVersion().equals(maybeLocalPom.getVersion())) { return maybeLocalPom; } } } Collection normalizedRepos = distinctNormalizedRepositories(repositories, containingPom, gav.getVersion()); Timer.Sample sample = Timer.start(); Timer.Builder timer = Timer.builder("").tag("type", "pom"); Map repositoryResponses = new LinkedHashMap<>(); String versionMaybeDatedSnapshot = datedSnapshotVersion(gav, containingPom, repositories, ctx); GroupArtifactVersion originalGav = gav; gav = handleSnapshotTimestampVersion(gav); List uris = new ArrayList<>(); for (MavenRepository repo : normalizedRepos) { ctx.getResolutionListener().repository(repo, containingPom); //noinspection DataFlowIssue if (!repositoryAcceptsVersion(repo, gav.getVersion(), containingPom)) { continue; } ResolvedGroupArtifactVersion resolvedGav = new ResolvedGroupArtifactVersion( repo.getUri(), gav.getGroupId(), gav.getArtifactId(), gav.getVersion(), versionMaybeDatedSnapshot); Optional result = mavenCache.getPom(resolvedGav); if (result == null) { URI uri = URI.create(repo.getUri() + (repo.getUri().endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + requireNonNull(gav.getGroupId()).replace('.', '/') + '/' + gav.getArtifactId() + '/' + gav.getVersion() + '/' + gav.getArtifactId() + '-' + versionMaybeDatedSnapshot + ".pom"); uris.add(uri.toString()); if ("file".equals(uri.getScheme())) { Path inputPath = Paths.get(gav.getGroupId(), gav.getArtifactId(), gav.getVersion()); try { File pomFile = new File(uri); File jarFile = pomFile.toPath().resolveSibling(gav.getArtifactId() + '-' + versionMaybeDatedSnapshot + ".jar").toFile(); //NOTE: // - The pom may exist without a .jar artifact if the pom packaging is "pom" // - The jar may exist without a pom, if manually installed if (!pomFile.exists() && !jarFile.exists()) { continue; } RawPom rawPom; if (pomFile.exists()) { try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(pomFile)) { rawPom = RawPom.parse(fis, Objects.equals(versionMaybeDatedSnapshot, gav.getVersion()) ? null : versionMaybeDatedSnapshot); } } else { // Record the absense of the pom file ctx.getResolutionListener().downloadError(gav, uris, (containingPom == null) ? null : containingPom.getRequested()); // infer rawPom from jar rawPom = rawPomFromGav(gav); } Pom pom = rawPom.toPom(inputPath, repo).withGav(resolvedGav); if (pom.getPackaging() == null || pom.hasJarPackaging()) { if (!jarFile.exists() || jarFile.length() == 0) { // The jar has not been downloaded, making this dependency unusable. continue; } } if (repo.getUri().equals(MavenRepository.MAVEN_LOCAL_DEFAULT.getUri())) { // so that the repository path is the same regardless of username pom = pom.withRepository(MavenRepository.MAVEN_LOCAL_USER_NEUTRAL); } if (!Objects.equals(versionMaybeDatedSnapshot, pom.getVersion())) { pom = pom.withGav(pom.getGav().withDatedSnapshotVersion(versionMaybeDatedSnapshot)); } mavenCache.putPom(resolvedGav, pom); ctx.getResolutionListener().downloadSuccess(resolvedGav, containingPom); sample.stop(timer.tags("outcome", "from maven local").register(Metrics.globalRegistry)); return pom; } catch (IOException e) { // unable to read the pom from a file-based repository. repositoryResponses.put(repo, e.getMessage()); } } else { try { RawPom rawPom; try { byte[] responseBody = requestAsAuthenticatedOrAnonymous(repo, uri.toString()); rawPom = RawPom.parse( new ByteArrayInputStream(responseBody), Objects.equals(versionMaybeDatedSnapshot, gav.getVersion()) ? null : versionMaybeDatedSnapshot ); } catch (HttpSenderResponseException e) { repositoryResponses.put(repo, e.getMessage()); // When `pom` is not found, try to see if `jar` exists for the same GAV if (!e.isClientSideException() || !jarExistsForPomUri(repo, uri.toString())) { throw e; } // Record the absense of the pom file ctx.getResolutionListener().downloadError(gav, uris, (containingPom == null) ? null : containingPom.getRequested()); // Continue with a recreated pom rawPom = rawPomFromGav(gav); } Path inputPath = Paths.get(gav.getGroupId(), gav.getArtifactId(), gav.getVersion()); Pom pom = rawPom.toPom(inputPath, repo).withGav(resolvedGav); if (!Objects.equals(versionMaybeDatedSnapshot, pom.getVersion())) { pom = pom.withGav(pom.getGav().withDatedSnapshotVersion(versionMaybeDatedSnapshot)); } mavenCache.putPom(resolvedGav, pom); ctx.getResolutionListener().downloadSuccess(resolvedGav, containingPom); sample.stop(timer.tags("outcome", "downloaded").register(Metrics.globalRegistry)); return pom; } catch (HttpSenderResponseException e) { repositoryResponses.put(repo, e.getMessage()); if (e.isClientSideException()) { //If the exception is a common, client-side exception, cache an empty result. mavenCache.putPom(resolvedGav, null); } } catch (IOException e) { repositoryResponses.put(repo, e.getMessage()); } } } else if (result.isPresent()) { sample.stop(timer.tags("outcome", "cached").register(Metrics.globalRegistry)); return result.get(); } else { repositoryResponses.put(repo, "Did not attempt to download because of a previous failure to retrieve from this repository."); } } ctx.getResolutionListener().downloadError(gav, uris, (containingPom == null) ? null : containingPom.getRequested()); sample.stop(timer.tags("outcome", "unavailable").register(Metrics.globalRegistry)); throw new MavenDownloadingException("Unable to download POM: " + gav + '.', null, originalGav) .setRepositoryResponses(repositoryResponses); } private RawPom rawPomFromGav(GroupArtifactVersion gav) { return new RawPom(null, null, gav.getGroupId(), gav.getArtifactId(), gav.getVersion(), null, null, null, null, "jar", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } /** * Gets the base version from snapshot timestamp version. */ private GroupArtifactVersion handleSnapshotTimestampVersion(GroupArtifactVersion gav) { Matcher m = SNAPSHOT_TIMESTAMP.matcher(requireNonNull(gav.getVersion())); if (m.matches()) { String baseVersion; if ( != null) { baseVersion = + SNAPSHOT; } else { baseVersion = SNAPSHOT; } return gav.withVersion(baseVersion); } return gav; } private @Nullable String datedSnapshotVersion(GroupArtifactVersion gav, @Nullable ResolvedPom containingPom, List repositories, ExecutionContext ctx) { if (gav.getVersion() != null && gav.getVersion().endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")) { for (ResolvedGroupArtifactVersion pinnedSnapshotVersion : new MavenExecutionContextView(ctx).getPinnedSnapshotVersions()) { if (pinnedSnapshotVersion.getDatedSnapshotVersion() != null && pinnedSnapshotVersion.getGroupId().equals(gav.getGroupId()) && pinnedSnapshotVersion.getArtifactId().equals(gav.getArtifactId()) && pinnedSnapshotVersion.getVersion().equals(gav.getVersion())) { return pinnedSnapshotVersion.getDatedSnapshotVersion(); } } MavenMetadata mavenMetadata; try { mavenMetadata = downloadMetadata(gav, containingPom, repositories); } catch (MavenDownloadingException e) { //This can happen if the artifact only exists in the local maven cache. In this case, just return the original return gav.getVersion(); } MavenMetadata.Snapshot snapshot = mavenMetadata.getVersioning().getSnapshot(); if (snapshot != null && snapshot.getTimestamp() != null) { return gav.getVersion().replaceFirst("SNAPSHOT$", snapshot.getTimestamp() + "-" + snapshot.getBuildNumber()); } } return gav.getVersion(); } Collection distinctNormalizedRepositories( List repositories, @Nullable ResolvedPom containingPom, @Nullable String acceptsVersion) { LinkedHashMap normalizedRepositories = new LinkedHashMap<>(); if (addLocalRepository) { normalizedRepositories.put(ctx.getLocalRepository().getId(), ctx.getLocalRepository()); } for (MavenRepository repo : repositories) { MavenRepository normalizedRepo = normalizeRepository(repo, ctx, containingPom); if (normalizedRepo != null && (acceptsVersion == null || repositoryAcceptsVersion(normalizedRepo, acceptsVersion, containingPom))) { normalizedRepositories.put(normalizedRepo.getId(), normalizedRepo); } } // repositories from maven settings for (MavenRepository repo : ctx.getRepositories(mavenSettings, activeProfiles)) { MavenRepository normalizedRepo = normalizeRepository(repo, ctx, containingPom); if (normalizedRepo != null && (acceptsVersion == null || repositoryAcceptsVersion(normalizedRepo, acceptsVersion, containingPom))) { normalizedRepositories.put(normalizedRepo.getId(), normalizedRepo); } } if (!normalizedRepositories.containsKey(MavenRepository.MAVEN_CENTRAL.getId()) && addCentralRepository) { MavenRepository normalizedRepo = normalizeRepository(MavenRepository.MAVEN_CENTRAL, ctx, containingPom); if (normalizedRepo != null) { normalizedRepositories.put(normalizedRepo.getId(), normalizedRepo); } } return normalizedRepositories.values(); } public @Nullable MavenRepository normalizeRepository(MavenRepository originalRepository, MavenExecutionContextView ctx, @Nullable ResolvedPom containingPom) { Optional result = null; MavenRepository repository = originalRepository; if (containingPom != null) { // Parameter substitution in case a repository is defined like "${ARTIFACTORY_URL}/repo" repository = repository.withUri(containingPom.getValue(repository.getUri())); } repository = applyAuthenticationToRepository(applyMirrors(repository)); try { if (repository.isKnownToExist()) { return repository; } // If a repository URI contains an unresolved property placeholder, do not continue. // There is also an edge case in which this condition is transient during `resolveParentPropertiesAndRepositoriesRecursively()` // and therefore, we do not want to cache a null normalization result. if (repository.getUri().contains("${")) { ctx.getResolutionListener().repositoryAccessFailed(repository.getUri(), new IllegalArgumentException("Repository " + repository.getUri() + " contains an unresolved property placeholder.")); return null; } // Skip blocked repositories // if (repository.getUri().contains("")) { ctx.getResolutionListener().repositoryAccessFailed(repository.getUri(), new IllegalArgumentException("Repository " + repository.getUri() + " has invalid IP address.")); return null; } if ("file".equals(URI.create(repository.getUri()).getScheme())) { return repository; } result = mavenCache.getNormalizedRepository(repository); if (result == null) { if (!repository.getUri().toLowerCase().startsWith("http")) { // can be s3 among potentially other types for which there is a maven wagon implementation ctx.getResolutionListener().repositoryAccessFailed(repository.getUri(), new IllegalArgumentException("Repository " + repository.getUri() + " is not HTTP(S).")); return null; } MavenRepository normalized = null; try { normalized = normalizeRepository(repository); } catch (Throwable e) { ctx.getResolutionListener().repositoryAccessFailed(repository.getUri(), e); } mavenCache.putNormalizedRepository(repository, normalized); result = Optional.ofNullable(normalized); } } catch (Exception e) { ctx.getResolutionListener().repositoryAccessFailed(repository.getUri(), e); ctx.getOnError().accept(e); mavenCache.putNormalizedRepository(repository, null); } return result == null || !result.isPresent() ? null : applyAuthenticationToRepository(result.get()); } @Nullable MavenRepository normalizeRepository(MavenRepository repository) throws Throwable { // Always prefer to use https, fallback to http only if https isn't available // URLs are case-sensitive after the domain name, so it can be incorrect to lowerCase() a whole URL // This regex accepts any capitalization of the letters in "http" String originalUrl = repository.getUri(); String httpsUri = originalUrl.toLowerCase().startsWith("http:") ? repository.getUri().replaceFirst("[hH][tT][tT][pP]://", "https://") : repository.getUri(); if (!httpsUri.endsWith("/")) { httpsUri += "/"; } HttpSender.Request.Builder request = httpSender.options(httpsUri); ReachabilityResult reachability = reachable(applyAuthenticationAndTimeoutToRequest(repository, request)); if (reachability.isSuccess()) { return repository.withUri(httpsUri); } reachability = reachable(applyAuthenticationAndTimeoutToRequest(repository, request.withMethod(HttpSender.Method.HEAD).url(httpsUri))); if (reachability.isReachable()) { return repository.withUri(httpsUri); } if (!originalUrl.equals(httpsUri)) { reachability = reachable(applyAuthenticationAndTimeoutToRequest(repository, request.withMethod(HttpSender.Method.OPTIONS).url(originalUrl))); if (reachability.isSuccess()) { return repository.withUri(originalUrl); } reachability = reachable(applyAuthenticationAndTimeoutToRequest(repository, request.withMethod(HttpSender.Method.HEAD).url(originalUrl))); if (reachability.isReachable()) { return repository.withUri(originalUrl); } } // Won't be null if server is unreachable throw Objects.requireNonNull(reachability.throwable); } @Value private static class ReachabilityResult { Reachability reachability; @Nullable Throwable throwable; private static ReachabilityResult success() { return new ReachabilityResult(Reachability.SUCCESS, null); } public boolean isReachable() { return reachability == Reachability.SUCCESS || reachability == Reachability.ERROR; } public boolean isSuccess() { return reachability == Reachability.SUCCESS; } } enum Reachability { SUCCESS, ERROR, UNREACHABLE; } private ReachabilityResult reachable(HttpSender.Request.Builder request) { try { sendRequest(; return ReachabilityResult.success(); } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof HttpSenderResponseException) { HttpSenderResponseException e = (HttpSenderResponseException) t; // response was returned from the server, but it was not a 200 OK. The server therefore exists. if (e.isServerReached()) { return new ReachabilityResult(Reachability.ERROR, t); } } return new ReachabilityResult(Reachability.UNREACHABLE, t); } } private boolean jarExistsForPomUri(MavenRepository repo, String pomUrl) { String jarUrl = pomUrl.replaceAll("\\.pom$", ".jar"); try { try { return Failsafe.with(retryPolicy).get(() -> { HttpSender.Request authenticated = applyAuthenticationAndTimeoutToRequest(repo, httpSender.get(jarUrl)).build(); try (HttpSender.Response response = httpSender.send(authenticated)) { return response.isSuccessful(); } }); } catch (FailsafeException failsafeException) { Throwable cause = failsafeException.getCause(); if (cause instanceof HttpSenderResponseException && hasCredentials(repo) && ((HttpSenderResponseException) cause).isClientSideException()) { return Failsafe.with(retryPolicy).get(() -> { HttpSender.Request unauthenticated = httpSender.get(jarUrl).build(); try (HttpSender.Response response = httpSender.send(unauthenticated)) { return response.isSuccessful(); } }); } } } catch (Throwable e) { // Not interested in exceptions downloading the jar; we'll throw the original exception for the pom } return false; } /** * Replicates Apache Maven's behavior to attempt anonymous download if repository credentials prove invalid */ private byte[] requestAsAuthenticatedOrAnonymous(MavenRepository repo, String uriString) throws HttpSenderResponseException, IOException { try { HttpSender.Request.Builder request = httpSender.get(uriString); return sendRequest(applyAuthenticationAndTimeoutToRequest(repo, request).build()); } catch (HttpSenderResponseException e) { if (hasCredentials(repo) && e.isClientSideException()) { return retryRequestAnonymously(uriString, e); } else { throw e; } } } private byte[] retryRequestAnonymously(String uriString, HttpSenderResponseException originalException) throws HttpSenderResponseException, IOException { try { return sendRequest(httpSender.get(uriString).build()); } catch (HttpSenderResponseException retryException) { if (retryException.isAccessDenied()) { throw originalException; } else { throw retryException; } } } /** * Returns a Maven Repository with any applicable credentials as sourced from the ExecutionContext */ private MavenRepository applyAuthenticationToRepository(MavenRepository repository) { return MavenRepositoryCredentials.apply(ctx.getCredentials(mavenSettings), repository); } /** * Returns a request builder with Authorization header set if the provided repository specifies credentials */ private HttpSender.Request.Builder applyAuthenticationAndTimeoutToRequest(MavenRepository repository, HttpSender.Request.Builder request) { if (mavenSettings != null && mavenSettings.getServers() != null) { request.withConnectTimeout(repository.getTimeout() == null ? Duration.ofSeconds(10) : repository.getTimeout()); request.withReadTimeout(repository.getTimeout() == null ? Duration.ofSeconds(30) : repository.getTimeout()); for (MavenSettings.Server server : mavenSettings.getServers().getServers()) { if (server.getId().equals(repository.getId()) && server.getConfiguration() != null) { MavenSettings.ServerConfiguration configuration = server.getConfiguration(); if (server.getConfiguration().getHttpHeaders() != null) { for (MavenSettings.HttpHeader header : configuration.getHttpHeaders()) { request.withHeader(header.getName(), header.getValue()); } } if (configuration.getTimeout() != null) { request.withConnectTimeout(Duration.ofMillis(configuration.getTimeout())); } if (configuration.getTimeout() != null) { request.withReadTimeout(Duration.ofMillis(configuration.getTimeout())); } } } } if (hasCredentials(repository)) { return request.withBasicAuthentication(repository.getUsername(), repository.getPassword()); } return request; } private static boolean hasCredentials(MavenRepository repository) { return repository.getUsername() != null && repository.getPassword() != null; } private MavenRepository applyMirrors(MavenRepository repository) { return MavenRepositoryMirror.apply(mirrors, repository); } @Getter public static class HttpSenderResponseException extends Exception { @Nullable private final Integer responseCode; private final String body; public HttpSenderResponseException(@Nullable Throwable cause, @Nullable Integer responseCode, String body) { super(cause); this.responseCode = responseCode; this.body = body; } /** * All 400s are considered client-side exceptions, but we only want to cache ones that are unlikely to change * if requested again in order to save on time spent making HTTP calls. *
* For 408 TIMEOUT, 425 TOO_EARLY, and 429 TOO_MANY_REQUESTS, these are likely to change if not cached. */ public boolean isClientSideException() { if (responseCode == null || responseCode < 400 || responseCode > 499) { return false; } return responseCode != 408 && responseCode != 425 && responseCode != 429; } @Override public String getMessage() { return responseCode == null ? requireNonNull(getCause()).getMessage() : "HTTP " + responseCode; } public boolean isAccessDenied() { return responseCode != null && 400 < responseCode && responseCode <= 403; } // Any response code below 100 implies that no connection was made. Sometimes 0 or -1 is used for connection failures. public boolean isServerReached() { return responseCode != null && responseCode >= 100; } } public boolean repositoryAcceptsVersion(MavenRepository repo, String version, @Nullable ResolvedPom containingPom) { if (version.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")) { String snapshotsRaw = containingPom == null ? repo.getSnapshots() : containingPom.getValue(repo.getSnapshots()); return snapshotsRaw == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(snapshotsRaw.trim()); } else if ("".equalsIgnoreCase(repo.getUri())) { // special case this repository since it will be so commonly used return version.matches(".*(M|RC)\\d+$"); } String releasesRaw = containingPom == null ? repo.getReleases() : containingPom.getValue(repo.getReleases()); return releasesRaw == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(releasesRaw.trim()); } /** * Check if dir has a folder named versionPath and a pom file for the artifact. * Maven might have tried to download the artifact before and failed, so the folder might exist but contains only * a artifact-version.pom.lastUpdated file, indicating last time maven attempted to download the artifact. * * @param dir root directory of the artifact * @param versionPath version path of the artifact * @param gav the artifact * @return true if the artifact has a pom file, false otherwise. */ private static boolean hasPomFile(Path dir, Path versionPath, GroupArtifactVersion gav) { String artifactPomFile = gav.getArtifactId() + "-" + versionPath.getFileName() + ".pom"; return Files.exists(dir.resolve(versionPath.resolve(artifactPomFile))); } }