* Copyright 2021 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.openrewrite.yaml;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStreams;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.RuleNode;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.TerminalNode;
import org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable;
import org.openrewrite.Cursor;
import org.openrewrite.Tree;
import org.openrewrite.yaml.internal.grammar.JsonPathLexer;
import org.openrewrite.yaml.internal.grammar.JsonPathParser;
import org.openrewrite.yaml.internal.grammar.JsonPathParserBaseVisitor;
import org.openrewrite.yaml.internal.grammar.JsonPathParserVisitor;
import org.openrewrite.yaml.tree.Yaml;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static java.util.Collections.disjoint;
* Provides methods for matching the given cursor location to a specified JsonPath expression.
* This is not a full implementation of the JsonPath syntax as linked in the "see also."
* @see https://support.smartbear.com/alertsite/docs/monitors/api/endpoint/jsonpath.html
public class JsonPathMatcher {
private final String jsonPath;
private JsonPathParser.@Nullable JsonPathContext parsed;
public JsonPathMatcher(String jsonPath) {
this.jsonPath = jsonPath;
public Optional find(Cursor cursor) {
return find0(cursor, resolvedAncestors(cursor));
private Optional find0(Cursor cursor, List cursorPath) {
if (cursorPath.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
Tree start;
if (jsonPath.startsWith(".") && !jsonPath.startsWith("..")) {
start = cursor.getValue();
} else {
start = cursorPath.get(0);
JsonPathParser.JsonPathContext ctx = parse();
// The stop may be optimized by interpreting the ExpressionContext and pre-determining the last visit.
JsonPathParser.ExpressionContext stop = (JsonPathParser.ExpressionContext) ctx.children.get(ctx.children.size() - 1);
@SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") JsonPathParserVisitor v = new JsonPathYamlVisitor(cursorPath, start, stop, false);
Object result = v.visit(ctx);
//noinspection unchecked
return Optional.ofNullable((T) result);
public boolean matches(Cursor cursor) {
List cursorPath = resolvedAncestors(cursor);
Object cursorValue = cursorPath.get(cursorPath.size() - 1);
return find0(cursor, cursorPath).map(o -> {
if (o instanceof List) {
//noinspection unchecked
List l = (List) o;
return !disjoint(l, cursorPath) && l.contains(cursorValue);
} else {
return Objects.equals(o, cursorValue);
private static List resolvedAncestors(Cursor cursor) {
ArrayDeque deque = new ArrayDeque<>();
Map resolved = new IdentityHashMap<>();
for (Iterator it = cursor.getPath(Tree.class::isInstance); it.hasNext(); ) {
Tree tree = (Tree) it.next();
if (tree instanceof Yaml.Document) {
tree = new ReplaceAliasWithAnchorValueVisitor() {
public @Nullable Yaml visit(@Nullable Tree tree, Integer p) {
// NOTE: not calling `super.visit()` for performance reasons
if (tree instanceof Yaml) {
Yaml updated = ((Yaml) tree).acceptYaml(this, p);
if (updated != tree) {
resolved.put(tree, updated);
return updated;
return (Yaml) tree;
}.visitNonNull(tree, 0);
ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>(deque);
if (!resolved.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
Tree tree = list.get(i);
if (resolved.containsKey(tree)) {
list.set(i, resolved.get(tree));
return list;
private JsonPathParser.JsonPathContext parse() {
if (parsed == null) {
parsed = jsonPath().jsonPath();
return parsed;
private JsonPathParser jsonPath() {
return new JsonPathParser(new CommonTokenStream(new JsonPathLexer(CharStreams.fromString(this.jsonPath))));
@SuppressWarnings({"ConstantConditions", "unchecked"})
private static class JsonPathYamlVisitor extends JsonPathParserBaseVisitor {
private final List cursorPath;
protected Object scope;
private final JsonPathParser.ExpressionContext stop;
private final boolean isRecursiveDescent;
public JsonPathYamlVisitor(List cursorPath, Object scope, JsonPathParser.ExpressionContext stop, boolean isRecursiveDescent) {
this.cursorPath = cursorPath;
this.scope = scope;
this.stop = stop;
this.isRecursiveDescent = isRecursiveDescent;
protected Object defaultResult() {
return scope;
protected Object aggregateResult(Object aggregate, Object nextResult) {
return (scope = nextResult);
protected boolean shouldVisitNextChild(RuleNode node, Object currentResult) {
return scope != null;
public Object visitJsonPath(JsonPathParser.JsonPathContext ctx) {
if (ctx.ROOT() != null || ctx.start.getType() == JsonPathLexer.LBRACK) {
Tree first = cursorPath.get(0);
if (first instanceof Yaml.Document) {
scope = ((Yaml.Document) first).getBlock();
break MATCH;
for (Tree tree : cursorPath) {
if (tree instanceof Yaml.Mapping) {
scope = tree;
break MATCH;
scope = null;
return super.visitJsonPath(ctx);
private JsonPathParser.ExpressionContext getExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext ctx) {
if (ctx == null || ctx instanceof JsonPathParser.ExpressionContext) {
return (JsonPathParser.ExpressionContext) ctx;
return getExpressionContext(ctx.getParent());
public @Nullable Object visitRecursiveDecent(JsonPathParser.RecursiveDecentContext ctx) {
if (scope == null) {
return null;
Object result = null;
// A recursive descent at the start of the expression or declared in a filter must check the entire cursor patch.
// `$..foo` or `$.foo..bar[?($..buz == 'buz')]`
List previous = ctx.getParent().getParent().children;
ParserRuleContext current = ctx.getParent();
if (previous.indexOf(current) - 1 < 0 || "$".equals(previous.get(previous.indexOf(current) - 1).getText())) {
List results = new ArrayList<>();
for (Tree path : cursorPath) {
JsonPathYamlVisitor v = new JsonPathYamlVisitor(cursorPath, path, null, false);
for (int i = 1; i < ctx.getChildCount(); i++) {
result = v.visit(ctx.getChild(i));
if (result != null) {
return results;
// Otherwise, the recursive descent is scoped to the previous match. `$.foo..['find-in-foo']`.
} else {
JsonPathYamlVisitor v = new JsonPathYamlVisitor(cursorPath, scope, null, true);
for (int i = 1; i < ctx.getChildCount(); i++) {
result = v.visit(ctx.getChild(i));
if (result != null) {
return result;
public @Nullable Object visitBracketOperator(JsonPathParser.BracketOperatorContext ctx) {
if (!ctx.property().isEmpty()) {
if (ctx.property().size() == 1) {
return visitProperty(ctx.property(0));
// Return a list if more than 1 property is specified.
List list = new ArrayList<>();
for (JsonPathParser.PropertyContext propertyContext : ctx.property()) {
return list;
} else if (ctx.slice() != null) {
return visitSlice(ctx.slice());
} else if (ctx.indexes() != null) {
return visitIndexes(ctx.indexes());
} else if (ctx.filter() != null) {
return visitFilter(ctx.filter());
return null;
public Object visitSlice(JsonPathParser.SliceContext ctx) {
List results;
if (scope instanceof List) {
//noinspection unchecked
results = (List) scope;
} else if (scope instanceof Yaml.Sequence) {
Yaml.Sequence array = (Yaml.Sequence) scope;
results = new ArrayList<>(array.getEntries());
} else if (scope instanceof Yaml.Mapping.Entry) {
scope = ((Yaml.Mapping.Entry) scope).getValue();
return visitSlice(ctx);
} else {
results = new ArrayList<>();
// A wildcard will use these initial values, so it is not checked in the conditions.
int start = 0;
int limit = results.size();
if (ctx.PositiveNumber() != null) {
// [:n], Selects the first n elements of the array.
limit = Integer.parseInt(ctx.PositiveNumber().getText());
} else if (ctx.NegativeNumber() != null) {
// [-n:], Selects the last n elements of the array.
start = results.size() + Integer.parseInt(ctx.NegativeNumber().getText());
} else if (ctx.start() != null) {
// [start:end] or [start:]
// Selects array elements from the start index and up to, but not including, end index.
// If end is omitted, selects all elements from start until the end of the array.
start = ctx.start() != null ? Integer.parseInt(ctx.start().getText()) : 0;
limit = ctx.end() != null ? Integer.parseInt(ctx.end().getText()) + 1 : limit;
return results.subList(start, Math.min(start + limit, results.size()));
public Object visitIndexes(JsonPathParser.IndexesContext ctx) {
List results;
if (scope instanceof List) {
//noinspection unchecked
results = (List) scope;
} else if (scope instanceof Yaml.Sequence) {
Yaml.Sequence array = (Yaml.Sequence) scope;
results = new ArrayList<>(array.getEntries());
} else if (scope instanceof Yaml.Mapping.Entry) {
scope = ((Yaml.Mapping.Entry) scope).getValue();
return visitIndexes(ctx);
} else {
results = new ArrayList<>();
List indexes = new ArrayList<>();
for (TerminalNode terminalNode : ctx.PositiveNumber()) {
for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
if (terminalNode.getText().contains(String.valueOf(i))) {
return getResultFromList(indexes);
public @Nullable Object visitProperty(JsonPathParser.PropertyContext ctx) {
if (scope instanceof Yaml.Mapping) {
Yaml.Mapping mapping = (Yaml.Mapping) scope;
if (isRecursiveDescent) {
scope = mapping.getEntries();
Object result = getResultFromList(visitProperty(ctx));
return getResultFromList(result);
} else {
for (Yaml.Mapping.Entry entry : mapping.getEntries()) {
if (entry instanceof Yaml.Mapping.Entry) {
String key = entry.getKey().getValue();
String name = ctx.StringLiteral() != null ?
unquoteStringLiteral(ctx.StringLiteral().getText()) : ctx.Identifier().getText();
if (key.equals(name)) {
return entry;
} else if (scope instanceof Yaml.Mapping.Entry) {
Yaml.Mapping.Entry member = (Yaml.Mapping.Entry) scope;
List matches = new ArrayList<>();
String key = member.getKey().getValue();
String name = ctx.StringLiteral() != null ?
unquoteStringLiteral(ctx.StringLiteral().getText()) : ctx.Identifier().getText();
if (isRecursiveDescent) {
if (key.equals(name)) {
if (!(member.getValue() instanceof Yaml.Scalar)) {
scope = member.getValue();
Object result = getResultFromList(visitProperty(ctx));
if (result != null) {
return getResultFromList(matches);
} else if (((member.getValue() instanceof Yaml.Scalar))) {
return key.equals(name) ? member : null;
scope = member.getValue();
return visitProperty(ctx);
} else if (scope instanceof Yaml.Sequence) {
List matches = new ArrayList<>();
for (Yaml.Sequence.Entry entry : ((Yaml.Sequence) scope).getEntries()) {
scope = entry;
Object result = visitProperty(ctx);
if (result != null) {
return getResultFromList(matches);
} else if (scope instanceof Yaml.Sequence.Entry) {
Yaml.Sequence.Entry entry = (Yaml.Sequence.Entry) scope;
scope = entry.getBlock();
return visitProperty(ctx);
} else if (scope instanceof List) {
List matches = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object object : ((List) scope)) {
scope = object;
Object result = visitProperty(ctx);
if (result instanceof List) {
// Unwrap lists of results from visitProperty to match the position of the cursor.
matches.addAll(((List) result));
} else if (result != null) {
return getResultFromList(matches);
return null;
public @Nullable Object visitWildcard(JsonPathParser.WildcardContext ctx) {
if (scope instanceof Yaml.Mapping) {
Yaml.Mapping mapping = (Yaml.Mapping) scope;
return mapping.getEntries();
} else if (scope instanceof Yaml.Mapping.Entry) {
Yaml.Mapping.Entry member = (Yaml.Mapping.Entry) scope;
return member.getValue();
} else if (scope instanceof Yaml.Sequence) {
List matches = new ArrayList<>();
for (Yaml.Sequence.Entry entry : ((Yaml.Sequence) scope).getEntries()) {
scope = entry;
Object result = visitWildcard(ctx);
if (result != null) {
return getResultFromList(matches);
} else if (scope instanceof Yaml.Sequence.Entry) {
Yaml.Sequence.Entry entry = (Yaml.Sequence.Entry) scope;
return entry.getBlock();
} else if (scope instanceof List) {
List results = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object object : ((List) scope)) {
scope = object;
Object result = visitWildcard(ctx);
if (result != null) {
List matches = new ArrayList<>();
if (stop != null && stop == getExpressionContext(ctx)) {
// Return the values of each result when the JsonPath ends with a wildcard.
results.forEach(o -> matches.add(getValue(o)));
} else {
// Unwrap lists of results from visitProperty to match the position of the cursor.
for (Object result : results) {
if (result instanceof List) {
matches.addAll(((List) result));
} else if (result != null) {
return getResultFromList(matches);
return null;
public Object visitLiteralExpression(JsonPathParser.LiteralExpressionContext ctx) {
String s = null;
if (ctx.StringLiteral() != null) {
s = ctx.StringLiteral().getText();
} else if (!ctx.children.isEmpty()) {
s = ctx.children.get(0).getText();
if (s != null && (s.startsWith("'") || s.startsWith("\""))) {
return s.substring(1, s.length() - 1);
return "null".equals(s) ? null : s;
public @Nullable Object visitUnaryExpression(JsonPathParser.UnaryExpressionContext ctx) {
if (ctx.AT() != null) {
if (scope instanceof Yaml.Scalar) {
if (ctx.Identifier() == null && ctx.StringLiteral() == null) {
return scope;
} else if (scope instanceof Yaml.Mapping) {
scope = ((Yaml.Mapping) scope).getEntries();
return visitUnaryExpression(ctx);
} else if (scope instanceof Yaml.Mapping.Entry) {
Yaml.Mapping.Entry entry = (Yaml.Mapping.Entry) scope;
if (ctx.Identifier() != null || ctx.StringLiteral() != null) {
String key = entry.getKey().getValue();
String name = ctx.StringLiteral() != null ?
unquoteStringLiteral(ctx.StringLiteral().getText()) : ctx.Identifier().getText();
if (key.equals(name)) {
return entry;
scope = entry.getValue();
return getResultFromList(visitUnaryExpression(ctx));
} else if (scope instanceof Yaml.Sequence) {
scope = ((Yaml.Sequence) scope).getEntries();
return visitUnaryExpression(ctx);
} else if (scope instanceof Yaml.Sequence.Entry) {
// Unary operators set the scope of the matched key within a block.
Yaml.Sequence.Entry entry = (Yaml.Sequence.Entry) scope;
scope = entry.getBlock();
Object result = visitUnaryExpression(ctx);
if (result != null) {
return getResultFromList(entry.getBlock());
} else if (scope instanceof List) {
List matches = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object object : ((List) scope)) {
scope = object;
Object result = visitUnaryExpression(ctx);
if (result instanceof List) {
// Unwrap lists of results from visitUnaryExpression to match the position of the cursor.
matches.addAll(((List) result));
} else if (result != null) {
return getResultFromList(matches);
} else if (ctx.jsonPath() != null) {
Object result = visit(ctx.jsonPath());
return getResultByKey(result, ctx.stop.getText());
return null;
public @Nullable Object visitRegexExpression(JsonPathParser.RegexExpressionContext ctx) {
if (scope == null || scope instanceof List && ((List) scope).isEmpty()) {
return null;
Object rhs = ctx.REGEX().getText();
Object lhs = visitUnaryExpression(ctx.unaryExpression());
String operator = "=~";
if (lhs instanceof List) {
List matches = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object match : ((List) lhs)) {
Yaml mappingOrEntry = getOperatorResult(match, operator, rhs);
if (mappingOrEntry != null) {
return matches;
} else {
return getOperatorResult(lhs, operator, rhs);
// Checks if a string contains the specified substring (case-sensitive), or an array contains the specified element.
public @Nullable Object visitContainsExpression(JsonPathParser.ContainsExpressionContext ctx) {
Object originalScope = scope;
if (ctx.children.get(0) instanceof JsonPathParser.UnaryExpressionContext) {
Object lhs = visitUnaryExpression(ctx.unaryExpression());
Object rhs = visitLiteralExpression(ctx.literalExpression());
if (lhs instanceof List) {
String key = ctx.children.get(0).getChild(2).getText();
lhs = getResultByKey(lhs, key);
if (lhs instanceof Yaml.Mapping.Entry && rhs != null) {
Yaml.Mapping.Entry entry = (Yaml.Mapping.Entry) lhs;
if (entry.getValue() instanceof Yaml.Sequence) {
Yaml.Sequence sequence = (Yaml.Sequence) entry.getValue();
for (Yaml.Sequence.Entry o : sequence.getEntries()) {
if (o.getBlock() instanceof Yaml.Scalar) {
Yaml.Scalar block = (Yaml.Scalar) o.getBlock();
if (block.getValue().contains(String.valueOf(rhs))) {
return originalScope;
} else if (entry.getValue() instanceof Yaml.Scalar) {
Yaml.Scalar scalar = (Yaml.Scalar) entry.getValue();
if (scalar.getValue().contains(String.valueOf(rhs))) {
return originalScope;
} else {
Object lhs = visitLiteralExpression(ctx.literalExpression());
Object rhs = visitUnaryExpression(ctx.unaryExpression());
if (rhs instanceof List) {
String key = ctx.children.get(2).getChild(2).getText();
rhs = getResultByKey(rhs, key);
if (rhs instanceof Yaml.Mapping.Entry && lhs != null) {
Yaml.Mapping.Entry entry = (Yaml.Mapping.Entry) rhs;
if (entry.getValue() instanceof Yaml.Scalar) {
Yaml.Scalar scalar = (Yaml.Scalar) entry.getValue();
if (scalar.getValue().contains(String.valueOf(lhs))) {
return originalScope;
return null;
public @Nullable Object visitBinaryExpression(JsonPathParser.BinaryExpressionContext ctx) {
Object lhs = ctx.children.get(0);
Object rhs = ctx.children.get(2);
if (ctx.LOGICAL_OPERATOR() != null) {
String operator;
switch (ctx.LOGICAL_OPERATOR().getText()) {
case ("&&"):
operator = "&&";
case ("||"):
operator = "||";
return false;
Object scopeOfLogicalOp = scope;
lhs = getBinaryExpressionResult(lhs);
scope = scopeOfLogicalOp;
rhs = getBinaryExpressionResult(rhs);
if ("&&".equals(operator) &&
((lhs != null && (!(lhs instanceof List) || !((List) lhs).isEmpty())) &&
(rhs != null && (!(rhs instanceof List) || !((List) rhs).isEmpty())))) {
// Return the result of the evaluated expression.
if (lhs instanceof Yaml) {
return rhs;
} else if (rhs instanceof Yaml) {
return lhs;
// Return the result of the expression that has the fewest matches.
if (lhs instanceof List && rhs instanceof List && ((List>) lhs).size() != ((List>) rhs).size()) {
return ((List>) lhs).size() < ((List>) rhs).size() ? lhs : rhs;
return scopeOfLogicalOp;
} else if ("||".equals(operator) &&
((lhs != null && (!(lhs instanceof List) || !((List) lhs).isEmpty())) ||
(rhs != null && (!(rhs instanceof List) || !((List) rhs).isEmpty())))) {
return scopeOfLogicalOp;
} else if (ctx.EQUALITY_OPERATOR() != null) {
// Equality operators may resolve the LHS and RHS without caching scope.
Object originalScope = scope;
lhs = getBinaryExpressionResult(lhs);
rhs = getBinaryExpressionResult(rhs);
String operator;
switch (ctx.EQUALITY_OPERATOR().getText()) {
case ("=="):
operator = "==";
case ("!="):
operator = "!=";
return null;
if (lhs instanceof List) {
List matches = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object match : ((List) lhs)) {
Yaml result = getOperatorResult(match, operator, rhs);
if (result != null) {
// The filterExpression matched a result inside a Mapping. I.E. originalScope[?(filterExpression)]
if (originalScope instanceof Yaml.Mapping.Entry && ((Yaml.Mapping.Entry) originalScope).getValue() instanceof Yaml.Mapping) {
return originalScope;
return matches;
} else {
if (originalScope instanceof Yaml.Mapping.Entry) {
if (getOperatorResult(lhs, operator, rhs) != null) {
return originalScope;
} else {
return getOperatorResult(lhs, operator, rhs);
return null;
private @Nullable Object getBinaryExpressionResult(Object ctx) {
if (ctx instanceof JsonPathParser.BinaryExpressionContext) {
ctx = visitBinaryExpression((JsonPathParser.BinaryExpressionContext) ctx);
} else if (ctx instanceof JsonPathParser.RegexExpressionContext) {
ctx = visitRegexExpression((JsonPathParser.RegexExpressionContext) ctx);
} else if (ctx instanceof JsonPathParser.ContainsExpressionContext) {
ctx = visitContainsExpression((JsonPathParser.ContainsExpressionContext) ctx);
} else if (ctx instanceof JsonPathParser.UnaryExpressionContext) {
ctx = visitUnaryExpression((JsonPathParser.UnaryExpressionContext) ctx);
} else if (ctx instanceof JsonPathParser.LiteralExpressionContext) {
ctx = visitLiteralExpression((JsonPathParser.LiteralExpressionContext) ctx);
return ctx;
// Interpret the LHS to check the appropriate value.
private @Nullable Yaml getOperatorResult(Object lhs, String operator, Object rhs) {
if (lhs instanceof Yaml.Mapping) {
Yaml.Mapping mapping = (Yaml.Mapping) lhs;
for (Yaml.Mapping.Entry entry : mapping.getEntries()) {
if (entry.getValue() instanceof Yaml.Scalar &&
checkObjectEquality(((Yaml.Scalar) entry.getValue()).getValue(), operator, rhs)) {
return mapping;
} else if (lhs instanceof Yaml.Mapping.Entry) {
Yaml.Mapping.Entry entry = (Yaml.Mapping.Entry) lhs;
if (entry.getValue() instanceof Yaml.Scalar &&
checkObjectEquality(((Yaml.Scalar) entry.getValue()).getValue(), operator, rhs)) {
return entry;
} else if (lhs instanceof Yaml.Scalar) {
Yaml.Scalar scalar = (Yaml.Scalar) lhs;
if (checkObjectEquality(scalar.getValue(), operator, rhs)) {
return scalar;
return null;
private boolean checkObjectEquality(Object lhs, String operator, Object rhs) {
if (lhs == null || rhs == null) {
return false;
BiPredicate predicate = (lh, rh) -> {
switch (operator) {
case "==":
return Objects.equals(lh, rh);
case "!=":
return !Objects.equals(lh, rh);
case "=~":
return Pattern.compile(rh.toString()).matcher(lh.toString()).matches();
return false;
return predicate.test(lhs, rhs);
// Extract the result from YAML objects that can match by key.
public @Nullable Object getResultByKey(Object result, String key) {
if (result instanceof Yaml.Mapping.Entry) {
Yaml.Mapping.Entry member = (Yaml.Mapping.Entry) result;
if (member.getValue() instanceof Yaml.Scalar) {
return member.getKey().getValue().equals(key) ? member : null;
} else if (result instanceof List) {
for (Object o : ((List) result)) {
Object r = getResultByKey(o, key);
if (r != null) {
return r;
return null;
// Ensure the scope is set correctly when results are wrapped in a list.
private Object getResultFromList(Object results) {
if (results instanceof List) {
List matches = (List) results;
if (matches.isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else if (matches.size() == 1) {
return matches.get(0);
return results;
// Extract the value from a Json object.
private @Nullable Object getValue(Object result) {
if (result instanceof Yaml.Mapping.Entry) {
return getValue(((Yaml.Mapping.Entry) result).getValue());
} else if (result instanceof Yaml.Mapping) {
return ((Yaml.Mapping) result).getEntries();
} else if (result instanceof List) {
List list = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object o : ((List) result)) {
Object value = getValue(o);
if (value != null) {
return list;
} else if (result instanceof Yaml.Sequence) {
return ((Yaml.Sequence) result).getEntries();
} else if (result instanceof Yaml.Scalar) {
return ((Yaml.Scalar) result).getValue();
} else if (result instanceof String) {
return result;
return null;
private static String unquoteStringLiteral(String literal) {
if (literal != null && (literal.startsWith("'") || literal.startsWith("\""))) {
return literal.substring(1, literal.length() - 1);
return "null".equals(literal) ? null : literal;