org.openrewrite.yaml.MergeYamlVisitor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2021 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.openrewrite.yaml;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.intellij.lang.annotations.Language;
import org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable;
import org.openrewrite.Cursor;
import org.openrewrite.internal.ListUtils;
import org.openrewrite.internal.StringUtils;
import org.openrewrite.yaml.tree.Yaml;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static org.openrewrite.Cursor.ROOT_VALUE;
import static org.openrewrite.Tree.randomId;
import static org.openrewrite.internal.ListUtils.*;
import static org.openrewrite.internal.StringUtils.hasLineBreak;
import static org.openrewrite.yaml.MergeYaml.REMOVE_PREFIX;
* Visitor class to merge two yaml files.
* @param
An input object that is passed to every visit method.
* @implNote Loops recursively through the documents, for every part a new MergeYamlVisitor instance will be created.
* As inline comments are put on the prefix of the next element (which can be an item very much higher in the tree),
* the following solutions are chosen to merge the comments as well:
* - when an element has new items, the comment of the next element is copied to the previous element
- the original comment will be removed (either by traversing the children or by using cursor messages)
public class MergeYamlVisitor
extends YamlVisitor
private static final Pattern LINE_BREAK = Pattern.compile("\\R");
private final Yaml existing;
private final Yaml incoming;
private final boolean acceptTheirs;
private final String objectIdentifyingProperty;
private boolean shouldAutoFormat = true;
public MergeYamlVisitor(Yaml.Block block, Yaml incoming, boolean acceptTheirs, @Nullable String objectIdentifyingProperty, boolean shouldAutoFormat) {
this(block, incoming, acceptTheirs, objectIdentifyingProperty);
this.shouldAutoFormat = shouldAutoFormat;
private String linebreak = null;
private String linebreak() {
if (linebreak == null) {
linebreak = Optional.ofNullable(getCursor().firstEnclosing(Yaml.Documents.class))
.map(docs -> docs.getStyle(GeneralFormatStyle.class))
.map(format -> format.isUseCRLFNewLines() ? "\r\n" : "\n")
return linebreak;
public MergeYamlVisitor(Yaml scope, @Language("yml") String yamlString, boolean acceptTheirs, @Nullable String objectIdentifyingProperty) {
new YamlParser().parse(yamlString)
.map(docs -> {
// Any comments will have been put on the parent Yaml.Document node, preserve by copying to the mapping
Yaml.Document doc = docs.getDocuments().get(0);
if (doc.getBlock() instanceof Yaml.Mapping) {
Yaml.Mapping m = (Yaml.Mapping) doc.getBlock();
return m.withEntries(ListUtils.mapFirst(m.getEntries(), entry -> entry.withPrefix(doc.getPrefix())));
} else if (doc.getBlock() instanceof Yaml.Sequence) {
Yaml.Sequence s = (Yaml.Sequence) doc.getBlock();
return s.withEntries(ListUtils.mapFirst(s.getEntries(), entry -> entry.withPrefix(doc.getPrefix())));
return doc.getBlock().withPrefix(doc.getPrefix());
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse as YAML")),
public Yaml visitScalar(Yaml.Scalar existingScalar, P p) {
if (existing.isScope(existingScalar) && incoming instanceof Yaml.Scalar) {
return mergeScalar(existingScalar, (Yaml.Scalar) incoming);
return super.visitScalar(existingScalar, p);
public Yaml visitSequence(Yaml.Sequence existingSeq, P p) {
if (existing.isScope(existingSeq)) {
if (incoming instanceof Yaml.Mapping) {
// Distribute the incoming mapping to each entry in the sequence
return existingSeq.withEntries(map(existingSeq.getEntries(), (i, existingSeqEntry) ->
new MergeYamlVisitor<>(existingSeqEntry.getBlock(), incoming, acceptTheirs, objectIdentifyingProperty, shouldAutoFormat)
.visitNonNull(existingSeqEntry.getBlock(), p, new Cursor(getCursor(), existingSeqEntry))
} else if (incoming instanceof Yaml.Sequence) {
return mergeSequence(existingSeq, (Yaml.Sequence) incoming, p, getCursor());
return super.visitSequence(existingSeq, p);
public Yaml visitMapping(Yaml.Mapping existingMapping, P p) {
if (existing.isScope(existingMapping) && incoming instanceof Yaml.Mapping) {
Yaml.Mapping mapping = mergeMapping(existingMapping, (Yaml.Mapping) incoming, p, getCursor());
if (getCursor().getMessage(REMOVE_PREFIX, false)) {
List entries = ((Yaml.Mapping) getCursor().getValue()).getEntries();
return mapping.withEntries(mapLast(mapping.getEntries(), it ->
it.withPrefix(linebreak() + substringOfAfterFirstLineBreak(entries.get(entries.size() - 1).getPrefix()))));
return mapping;
return super.visitMapping(existingMapping, p);
private static boolean keyMatches(Yaml.Mapping.@Nullable Entry e1, Yaml.Mapping.@Nullable Entry e2) {
return e1 != null && e2 != null && e1.getKey().getValue().equals(e2.getKey().getValue());
private boolean keyMatches(Yaml.Mapping m1, Yaml.Mapping m2) {
Optional nameToAdd = m2.getEntries().stream()
.filter(e -> objectIdentifyingProperty != null && objectIdentifyingProperty.equals(e.getKey().getValue()))
.map(e -> ((Yaml.Scalar) e.getValue()).getValue())
return -> m1.getEntries().stream()
.filter(e -> objectIdentifyingProperty.equals(e.getKey().getValue()))
.map(e -> ((Yaml.Scalar) e.getValue()).getValue())
.anyMatch(existingName -> existingName.equals(nameToAddValue)))
private Yaml.Mapping mergeMapping(Yaml.Mapping m1, Yaml.Mapping m2, P p, Cursor cursor) {
// Merge same key, different value together
List mergedEntries = map(m1.getEntries(), existingEntry -> {
for (Yaml.Mapping.Entry incomingEntry : m2.getEntries()) {
if (keyMatches(existingEntry, incomingEntry)) {
Yaml.Block value = incomingEntry.getValue();
if (shouldAutoFormat && incomingEntry.getValue() instanceof Yaml.Scalar && hasLineBreak(((Yaml.Scalar) value).getValue())) {
MultilineScalarChanged marker = new MultilineScalarChanged(randomId(), false, calculateMultilineIndent(incomingEntry));
value = autoFormat(value.withMarkers(value.getMarkers().add(marker)), p);
Yaml mergedYaml = new MergeYamlVisitor<>(existingEntry.getValue(), value, acceptTheirs, objectIdentifyingProperty, shouldAutoFormat)
.visitNonNull(existingEntry.getValue(), p, new Cursor(cursor, existingEntry));
return existingEntry.withValue((Yaml.Block) mergedYaml);
return existingEntry;
// Merge existing and new entries together
List mutatedEntries = concatAll(mergedEntries, map(m2.getEntries(), it -> {
for (Yaml.Mapping.Entry existingEntry : m1.getEntries()) {
if (keyMatches(existingEntry, it)) {
return null;
if (shouldAutoFormat && it.getValue() instanceof Yaml.Scalar && hasLineBreak(((Yaml.Scalar) it.getValue()).getValue())) {
MultilineScalarChanged marker = new MultilineScalarChanged(randomId(), true, calculateMultilineIndent(it));
it = it.withValue(it.getValue().withMarkers(it.getValue().getMarkers().add(marker)));
return shouldAutoFormat ? autoFormat(it, p, cursor) : it;
// copy comment to previous element if needed
if (m1.getEntries().size() < mutatedEntries.size() && !getCursor().isRoot()) {
Cursor c = getCursor().dropParentUntil(it -> {
if (ROOT_VALUE.equals(it) || it instanceof Yaml.Document) {
return true;
if (it instanceof Yaml.Mapping) {
List entries = ((Yaml.Mapping) it).getEntries();
// last member should search further upwards until two entries are found
if (entries.get(entries.size() - 1).equals(getCursor().getParentOrThrow().getValue())) {
return false;
return entries.size() > 1;
return false;
if (c.getValue() instanceof Yaml.Document || c.getValue() instanceof Yaml.Mapping) {
String comment = null;
if (c.getValue() instanceof Yaml.Document) {
comment = ((Yaml.Document) c.getValue()).getEnd().getPrefix();
} else {
List entries = ((Yaml.Mapping) c.getValue()).getEntries();
// get comment from next element in same mapping block
for (int i = 0; i < entries.size() - 1; i++) {
if (entries.get(i).getValue().equals(getCursor().getValue())) {
comment = substringOfBeforeFirstLineBreak(entries.get(i + 1).getPrefix());
// or retrieve it for last item from next element (could potentially be much higher in the tree)
if (comment == null && hasLineBreak(entries.get(entries.size() - 1).getPrefix())) {
comment = substringOfBeforeFirstLineBreak(entries.get(entries.size() - 1).getPrefix());
if (comment != null) {
Yaml.Mapping.Entry last = mutatedEntries.get(mutatedEntries.size() - 1);
mutatedEntries.set(mutatedEntries.size() - 1, last.withPrefix(comment + last.getPrefix()));
c.putMessage(REMOVE_PREFIX, true);
removePrefixForDirectChildren(m1.getEntries(), mutatedEntries);
return m1.withEntries(mutatedEntries);
private void removePrefixForDirectChildren(List m1Entries, List mutatedEntries) {
for (int i = 0; i < m1Entries.size() - 1; i++) {
if (m1Entries.get(i).getValue() instanceof Yaml.Mapping && mutatedEntries.get(i).getValue() instanceof Yaml.Mapping &&
((Yaml.Mapping) m1Entries.get(i).getValue()).getEntries().size() < ((Yaml.Mapping) mutatedEntries.get(i).getValue()).getEntries().size()) {
mutatedEntries.set(i + 1, mutatedEntries.get(i + 1).withPrefix(
linebreak() + substringOfAfterFirstLineBreak(mutatedEntries.get(i + 1).getPrefix())));
private Yaml.Sequence mergeSequence(Yaml.Sequence s1, Yaml.Sequence s2, P p, Cursor cursor) {
if (acceptTheirs) {
return s1;
boolean isSequenceOfScalars = s2.getEntries().stream().allMatch(entry -> entry.getBlock() instanceof Yaml.Scalar);
if (isSequenceOfScalars) {
List incomingEntries = new ArrayList<>(s2.getEntries());
for (Yaml.Sequence.Entry entry : s1.getEntries()) {
if (entry.getBlock() instanceof Yaml.Scalar) {
String existingScalar = ((Yaml.Scalar) entry.getBlock()).getValue();
for (Yaml.Sequence.Entry incomingEntry : incomingEntries) {
if (((Yaml.Scalar) incomingEntry.getBlock()).getValue().equals(existingScalar)) {
continue nextEntry;
return s1.withEntries(concatAll(s1.getEntries(), map(incomingEntries, it -> autoFormat(it, p, cursor))));
} else {
if (objectIdentifyingProperty == null) {
// No identifier set to match entries on, so cannot continue
return s1;
} else {
List mutatedEntries = map(s2.getEntries(), entry -> {
Yaml.Mapping incomingMapping = (Yaml.Mapping) entry.getBlock();
for (Yaml.Sequence.Entry existingEntry : s1.getEntries()) {
Yaml.Mapping existingMapping = (Yaml.Mapping) existingEntry.getBlock();
if (keyMatches(existingMapping, incomingMapping)) {
Yaml.Sequence.Entry e1 = existingEntry.withBlock(mergeMapping(existingMapping, incomingMapping, p, cursor));
if (e1 == existingEntry) {
// Made no change, no need to consider the entry "mutated"
return null;
return e1;
return entry;
if (mutatedEntries.isEmpty()) {
return s1;
List entries = concatAll(
s1.getEntries().stream().filter(entry -> !mutatedEntries.contains(entry)).collect(Collectors.toList()),
map(mutatedEntries, entry -> autoFormat(entry, p, cursor)));
if (entries.size() != s1.getEntries().size()) {
return s1.withEntries(entries);
for (int i = 0; i < s1.getEntries().size(); i++) {
if (entries.get(i) != s1.getEntries().get(i)) {
return s1.withEntries(entries);
return s1;
private Yaml.Scalar mergeScalar(Yaml.Scalar y1, Yaml.Scalar y2) {
String s1 = y1.getValue();
String s2 = y2.getValue();
return !s1.equals(s2) && !acceptTheirs ? y1.withValue(s2) : y1;
private String substringOfBeforeFirstLineBreak(String s) {
String[] lines = LINE_BREAK.split(s);
return lines.length > 0 ? lines[0] : "";
private String substringOfAfterFirstLineBreak(String s) {
String[] lines = LINE_BREAK.split(s);
return lines.length > 1 ? String.join(linebreak(), Arrays.copyOfRange(lines, 1, lines.length)) : "";
private int calculateMultilineIndent(Yaml.Mapping.Entry entry) {
String[] lines = LINE_BREAK.split(entry.getPrefix());
int keyIndent = (lines.length > 1 ? lines[lines.length - 1] : "").length();
int indent = StringUtils.minCommonIndentLevel(substringOfAfterFirstLineBreak(((Yaml.Scalar) entry.getValue()).getValue()));
return Math.max(indent - keyIndent, 0);