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commonMain.MarchingSquares.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.openrndr.extra.marchingsquares
import org.openrndr.math.IntVector2
import org.openrndr.math.Vector2
import org.openrndr.shape.LineSegment
import org.openrndr.shape.Rectangle
import org.openrndr.shape.ShapeContour
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
* Find contours for a function [f] using the marching squares algorithm. A contour is found when f(x) crosses zero.
* @param f the function
* @param area a rectangular area in which the function should be evaluated
* @param cellSize the size of the cells, smaller size gives higher resolution
* @param useInterpolation intersection points will be interpolated if true, default true
* @return a list of [ShapeContour] instances
fun findContours(
f: (Vector2) -> Double,
area: Rectangle,
cellSize: Double,
useInterpolation: Boolean = true
): List {
val segments = mutableListOf()
val values = mutableMapOf()
val segmentsMap = mutableMapOf>()
for (y in 0 until (area.height / cellSize).toInt()) {
for (x in 0 until (area.width / cellSize).toInt()) {
values[IntVector2(x, y)] = f(Vector2(x * cellSize + area.x, y * cellSize + area.y))
val zero = 0.0
for (y in 0 until (area.height / cellSize).toInt()) {
for (x in 0 until (area.width / cellSize).toInt()) {
// Here we check if we are at a right or top border. This is to ensure we create closed contours
// later on in the process.
val v00 = if (x == 0 || y == 0) zero else (values[IntVector2(x, y)] ?: zero)
val v10 = if (y == 0) zero else (values[IntVector2(x + 1, y)] ?: zero)
val v01 = if (x == 0) zero else (values[IntVector2(x, y + 1)] ?: zero)
val v11 = (values[IntVector2(x + 1, y + 1)] ?: zero)
val p00 = Vector2(x.toDouble(), y.toDouble()) * cellSize + area.corner
val p10 = Vector2((x + 1).toDouble(), y.toDouble()) * cellSize + area.corner
val p01 = Vector2(x.toDouble(), (y + 1).toDouble()) * cellSize + area.corner
val p11 = Vector2((x + 1).toDouble(), (y + 1).toDouble()) * cellSize + area.corner
val index = (if (v00 >= 0.0) 1 else 0) +
(if (v10 >= 0.0) 2 else 0) +
(if (v01 >= 0.0) 4 else 0) +
(if (v11 >= 0.0) 8 else 0)
fun blend(v1: Double, v2: Double): Double {
if (useInterpolation) {
require(v1 == v1 && v2 == v2)
val f1 = min(v1, v2)
val f2 = max(v1, v2)
val v = (-f1) / (f2 - f1)
require(v == v)
require(v in 0.0..1.0)
return if (f1 == v1) {
} else {
1.0 - v
} else {
return 0.5
fun emitLine(
p00: Vector2, p01: Vector2, v00: Double, v01: Double,
p10: Vector2, p11: Vector2, v10: Double, v11: Double
) {
val r0 = blend(v00, v01)
val r1 = blend(v10, v11)
val v0 = p00.mix(p01, r0)
val v1 = p10.mix(p11, r1)
val l0 = LineSegment(v0, v1)
segmentsMap.getOrPut(v1) { mutableListOf() }.add(l0)
segmentsMap.getOrPut(v0) { mutableListOf() }.add(l0)
when (index) {
0, 15 -> {}
1, 15 xor 1 -> {
emitLine(p00, p01, v00, v01, p00, p10, v00, v10)
2, 15 xor 2 -> {
emitLine(p00, p10, v00, v10, p10, p11, v10, v11)
3, 15 xor 3 -> {
emitLine(p00, p01, v00, v01, p10, p11, v10, v11)
4, 15 xor 4 -> {
emitLine(p00, p01, v00, v01, p01, p11, v01, v11)
5, 15 xor 5 -> {
emitLine(p00, p10, v00, v10, p01, p11, v01, v11)
6, 15 xor 6 -> {
emitLine(p00, p01, v00, v01, p00, p10, v00, v10)
emitLine(p01, p11, v01, v11, p10, p11, v10, v11)
7, 15 xor 7 -> {
emitLine(p01, p11, v01, v11, p10, p11, v10, v11)
val processedSegments = mutableSetOf()
val contours = mutableListOf()
for (segment in segments) {
if (segment in processedSegments) {
} else {
val collected = mutableListOf()
var current: LineSegment? = segment
var closed = true
var lastVertex = Vector2.INFINITY
do {
if (lastVertex.squaredDistanceTo(current.start) > 1E-5) {
lastVertex = current.start
if (segmentsMap[current.start]!!.size < 2) {
closed = false
val hold = current
current = segmentsMap[current.start]?.firstOrNull { it !in processedSegments }
if (current == null) {
current = segmentsMap[hold.end]?.firstOrNull { it !in processedSegments }
} while (current != segment && current != null)
contours.add(ShapeContour.fromPoints(collected, closed = closed))
return contours