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package org.openrndr.svg
import mu.*
import org.jsoup.nodes.*
import org.openrndr.math.*
import org.openrndr.shape.*
private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {}
internal sealed class SVGElement(element: Element?) {
var tag: String = element?.tagName() ?: ""
var id: String = element?.id() ?: ""
open var style = Style()
abstract fun handleAttribute(attribute: Attribute)
// Any element can have a style attribute to pass down properties
fun styleProperty(key: String, value: String) {
when (key) {
Prop.STROKE -> style.stroke = SVGParse.color(value)
Prop.STROKE_OPACITY -> style.strokeOpacity = SVGParse.number(value)
Prop.STROKE_WIDTH -> style.strokeWeight = SVGParse.length(value)
Prop.STROKE_MITERLIMIT -> style.miterLimit = SVGParse.number(value)
Prop.STROKE_LINECAP -> style.lineCap = SVGParse.lineCap(value)
Prop.STROKE_LINEJOIN -> style.lineJoin = SVGParse.lineJoin(value)
Prop.FILL -> style.fill = SVGParse.color(value)
Prop.FILL_OPACITY -> style.fillOpacity = SVGParse.number(value)
Prop.OPACITY -> style.opacity = SVGParse.number(value)
else -> logger.warn("Unknown property: $key")
/** Special case of parsing an inline style attribute. */
fun inlineStyles(attribute: Attribute) {
attribute.value.split(";").forEach {
val result = it.split(":").map { s -> s.trim() }
if (result.size >= 2) {
styleProperty(result[0], result[1])
/** element */
internal class SVGSVGElement(element: Element) : SVGGroup(element) {
var documentStyle: DocumentStyle = DocumentStyle()
init {
documentStyle.viewBox = SVGParse.viewBox(this.element)
documentStyle.preserveAspectRatio = SVGParse.preserveAspectRatio(this.element)
var bounds = SVGParse.bounds(this.element)
/** element but practically works with anything that has child elements */
internal open class SVGGroup(val element: Element, val elements: MutableList = mutableListOf()) :
SVGElement(element) {
init {
this.element.attributes().forEach {
if (it.key == Attr.STYLE) {
} else {
private fun handleChildren() {
this.element.children().forEach { child ->
when (child.tagName()) {
in Tag.graphicsList -> elements.add(SVGPath(child))
else -> elements.add(SVGGroup(child))
override fun handleAttribute(attribute: Attribute) {
when (attribute.key) {
// Attributes can also be style properties, in which case they're passed on
in Prop.list -> styleProperty(attribute.key, attribute.value)
Attr.TRANSFORM -> style.transform = SVGParse.transform(this.element)
internal class Command(val op: String, vararg val operands: Double) {
fun asVectorList(): List? {
return if (operands.size % 2 == 0) {
operands.asList().chunked(2) { Vector2(it[0], it[1]) }
} else {
// For evaluating elliptical arc arguments according to the SVG spec
internal fun Double.toBoolean(): Boolean? = when (this) {
0.0 -> false
1.0 -> true
else -> null
internal class SVGPath(val element: Element? = null) : SVGElement(element) {
val commands = mutableListOf()
private fun compounds(): List {
val compounds = mutableListOf()
val compoundIndices = mutableListOf()
commands.forEachIndexed { index, it ->
if (it.op == "M" || it.op == "m") {
compoundIndices.forEachIndexed { index, _ ->
val cs = compoundIndices[index]
val ce = if (index + 1 < compoundIndices.size) (compoundIndices[index + 1]) else commands.size
// TODO: We shouldn't be making new SVGPaths without Elements to provide.
// Then we could make SVGPath's constructor non-nullable
val path = SVGPath()
path.commands.addAll(commands.subList(cs, ce))
return compounds
fun shape(): Shape {
var cursor = Vector2.ZERO
var anchor = Vector2.ZERO
// Still problematic
var prevCubicCtrlPoint: Vector2? = null
var prevQuadCtrlPoint: Vector2? = null
val contours = compounds().map { compound ->
val segments = mutableListOf()
var closed = false
// If an argument is invalid, an error is logged,
// further interpreting is stopped and compound is returned as-is.
compound.commands.forEach { command ->
if (command.op !in listOf("z", "Z") && command.operands.isEmpty()) {
logger.error("Invalid amount of arguments provided for: ${command.op}")
val points = command.asVectorList()
// TODO: Rethink this check
if (points == null && command.op.lowercase() !in listOf("a", "h", "v")) {
logger.error("Invalid amount of arguments provided for: ${command.op}")
when (command.op) {
"A", "a" -> {
// If size == step, only the last window can be partial
// Special case as it also has boolean values
val contours = command.operands.toList().windowed(7, 7, true).map m@{
if (it.size != 7) {
logger.error("Invalid amount of arguments provided for: ${command.op}")
} else {
val rx = it[0]
val ry = it[1]
val xAxisRot = it[2]
val largeArcFlag = it[3].toBoolean()
val sweepFlag = it[4].toBoolean()
if (largeArcFlag == null || sweepFlag == null || rx == 0.0 || ry == 0.0) {
logger.error("Invalid values provided for: ${command.op}")
val end = Vector2(it[5], it[6]).let { v ->
if (command.op == "a") {
v + cursor
} else {
contour {
arcTo(rx, ry, xAxisRot, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag, end)
cursor = end
// I don't know why we can't just have segments from the above map,
// but this is the only way this works.
segments += contours.flatMap { it.segments}
"M" -> {
// TODO: Log an error when this nulls
cursor = points!!.firstOrNull() ?: return@forEach
anchor = cursor
// Following points are implicit lineto arguments
segments += points.drop(1).map {
Segment(cursor, it).apply {
cursor = it
"m" -> {
// TODO: Log an error when this nulls
cursor += points!!.firstOrNull() ?: return@forEach
anchor = cursor
// Following points are implicit lineto arguments
segments += points.drop(1).map {
Segment(cursor, cursor + it).apply {
cursor += it
"L" -> {
segments += points!!.map {
Segment(cursor, it).apply {
cursor = it
"l" -> {
segments += points!!.map {
Segment(cursor, cursor + it).apply {
cursor += it
"H" -> {
segments += {
val target = Vector2(it, cursor.y)
Segment(cursor, target).apply {
cursor = target
"h" -> {
segments += {
val target = cursor + Vector2(it, 0.0)
Segment(cursor, target).apply {
cursor = target
"V" -> {
segments += {
val target = Vector2(cursor.x, it)
Segment(cursor, target).apply {
cursor = target
"v" -> {
segments += {
val target = cursor + Vector2(0.0, it)
Segment(cursor, target).apply {
cursor = target
"C" -> {
segments += points!!.windowed(3, 3, true).map {
if (it.size != 3) {
logger.error("Invalid amount of arguments provided for: ${command.op}")
} else {
val (cp1, cp2, target) = it
Segment(cursor, cp1, cp2, target).also {
cursor = target
prevCubicCtrlPoint = cp2
"c" -> {
segments += points!!.windowed(3, 3, true).map {
if (it.size != 3) {
logger.error("Invalid amount of arguments provided for: ${command.op}")
} else {
val (cp1, cp2, target) = { v -> cursor + v }
Segment(cursor, cp1, cp2, target).apply {
cursor = target
prevCubicCtrlPoint = cp2
"S" -> {
segments += points!!.windowed(2, 2, true).map {
if (it.size != 2) {
logger.error("Invalid amount of arguments provided for: ${command.op}")
} else {
val cp1 = 2.0 * cursor - (prevCubicCtrlPoint ?: cursor)
val (cp2, target) = it
Segment(cursor, cp1, cp2, target).also {
cursor = target
prevCubicCtrlPoint = cp2
"s" -> {
segments += points!!.windowed(2, 2, true).map {
if (it.size != 2) {
logger.error("Invalid amount of arguments provided for: ${command.op}")
} else {
val cp1 = 2.0 * cursor - (prevCubicCtrlPoint ?: cursor)
val (cp2, target) = { v -> cursor + v }
Segment(cursor, cp1, cp2, target).also {
cursor = target
prevCubicCtrlPoint = cp2
"Q" -> {
segments += points!!.windowed(2, 2, true).map {
if (it.size != 2) {
logger.error("Invalid amount of arguments provided for: ${command.op}")
} else {
val (cp, target) = it
Segment(cursor, cp, target).also {
cursor = target
prevQuadCtrlPoint = cp
"q" -> {
segments += points!!.windowed(2, 2, true).map {
if (it.size != 2) {
logger.error("Invalid amount of arguments provided for: ${command.op}")
} else {
val (cp, target) = { v -> cursor + v }
Segment(cursor, cp, target).also {
cursor = target
prevQuadCtrlPoint = cp
"T" -> {
points!!.forEach {
val cp = 2.0 * cursor - (prevQuadCtrlPoint ?: cursor)
Segment(cursor, cp, it).also { _ ->
cursor = it
prevQuadCtrlPoint = cp
"t" -> {
points!!.forEach {
val cp = 2.0 * cursor - (prevQuadCtrlPoint ?: cursor)
Segment(cursor, cp, cursor + it).also { _ ->
cursor = it
prevQuadCtrlPoint = cp
"Z", "z" -> {
if ((cursor - anchor).length >= 0.001) {
segments += Segment(cursor, anchor)
cursor = anchor
closed = true
else -> {
// The spec declares we should still attempt to render
// the path up until the erroneous command as to visually
// signal the user where the error occurred.
logger.error("Invalid path operator: ${command.op}")
ShapeContour(segments, closed, YPolarity.CW_NEGATIVE_Y)
return Shape(contours)
override fun handleAttribute(attribute: Attribute) {
if (this.element is Element) {
when (attribute.key) {
// Attributes can also be style properties, in which case they're passed on
in Prop.list -> styleProperty(attribute.key, attribute.value)
Attr.TRANSFORM -> style.transform = SVGParse.transform(this.element)
init {
if (this.element is Element) {
commands += when (tag) {
Tag.PATH -> SVGParse.path(this.element)
Tag.LINE -> SVGParse.line(this.element)
Tag.RECT -> SVGParse.rectangle(this.element)
Tag.ELLIPSE -> SVGParse.ellipse(this.element)
Tag.POLYGON -> SVGParse.polygon(this.element)
Tag.POLYLINE -> SVGParse.polyline(this.element)
else -> emptyList()
element.attributes().forEach {
if (it.key == Attr.STYLE) {
} else {