org.openscience.cdk.layout.RingPlacer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Copyright (C) 1997-2007 The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) project
* 2008 Gilleain Torrance
* 2014 Mark B Vine (orcid:0000-0002-7794-0426)
* Contact: [email protected]
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* All we ask is that proper credit is given for our work, which includes
* - but is not limited to - adding the above copyright notice to the beginning
* of your source code files, and to any copyright notice that you may distribute
* with programs based on this work.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package org.openscience.cdk.layout;
import org.openscience.cdk.CDKConstants;
import org.openscience.cdk.geometry.GeometryUtil;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtom;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtomContainer;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IBond;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IRing;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IRingSet;
import org.openscience.cdk.tools.ILoggingTool;
import org.openscience.cdk.tools.LoggingToolFactory;
import org.openscience.cdk.tools.manipulator.AtomContainerManipulator;
import javax.vecmath.Point2d;
import javax.vecmath.Tuple2d;
import javax.vecmath.Vector2d;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;
* Class providing methods for generating coordinates for ring atoms.
* Various situations are supported, like condensation, spiro-attachment, etc.
* They can be used for Automated Structure Diagram Generation or in the interactive
* buildup of ringsystems by the user.
* @cdk.module sdg
* @cdk.githash
public class RingPlacer {
// indicate we want to snap to regular polygons for bridges, not generally applicable
// but useful for macro cycles
static final String SNAP_HINT = "sdg.snap.bridged";
public static final double RAD_30 = Math.toRadians(-30);
final static boolean debug = false;
private static ILoggingTool logger = LoggingToolFactory.createLoggingTool(RingPlacer.class);
private IAtomContainer molecule;
private AtomPlacer atomPlacer = new AtomPlacer();
static int FUSED = 0;
static int BRIDGED = 1;
static int SPIRO = 2;
* Default ring start angles. Map contains pairs: ring size with start angle.
public static final Map defaultAngles = new HashMap();
static {
defaultAngles.put(3, Math.PI * (0.1666667));
defaultAngles.put(4, Math.PI * (0.25));
defaultAngles.put(5, Math.PI * (0.3));
defaultAngles.put(7, Math.PI * (0.07));
defaultAngles.put(8, Math.PI * (0.125));
* Suggested ring start angles for JChempaint, different due to Y inversion of canvas.
public static final Map jcpAngles = new HashMap();
static {
jcpAngles.put(3, Math.PI * (0.5));
jcpAngles.put(4, Math.PI * (0.25));
jcpAngles.put(5, Math.PI * (0.5));
jcpAngles.put(7, Math.PI * (0.07));
jcpAngles.put(8, Math.PI * (0.125));
* The empty constructor.
public RingPlacer() {
* Generated coordinates for a given ring. Multiplexes to special handlers
* for the different possible situations (spiro-, fusion-, bridged attachement)
* @param ring The ring to be placed
* @param sharedAtoms The atoms of this ring, also members of another ring, which are already placed
* @param sharedAtomsCenter The geometric center of these atoms
* @param ringCenterVector A vector pointing the the center of the new ring
* @param bondLength The standard bondlength
public void placeRing(IRing ring, IAtomContainer sharedAtoms, Point2d sharedAtomsCenter, Vector2d ringCenterVector,
double bondLength) {
int sharedAtomCount = sharedAtoms.getAtomCount();
logger.debug("placeRing -> sharedAtomCount: " + sharedAtomCount);
if (sharedAtomCount > 2) {
placeBridgedRing(ring, sharedAtoms, sharedAtomsCenter, ringCenterVector, bondLength);
} else if (sharedAtomCount == 2) {
placeFusedRing(ring, sharedAtoms, ringCenterVector, bondLength);
} else if (sharedAtomCount == 1) {
placeSpiroRing(ring, sharedAtoms, sharedAtomsCenter, ringCenterVector, bondLength);
* Place ring with default start angles, using {@link #defaultAngles}.
* @param ring the ring to place.
* @param ringCenter center coordinates of the ring.
* @param bondLength given bond length.
public void placeRing(IRing ring, Point2d ringCenter, double bondLength) {
placeRing(ring, ringCenter, bondLength, defaultAngles);
* Place ring with user provided angles.
* @param ring the ring to place.
* @param ringCenter center coordinates of the ring.
* @param bondLength given bond length.
* @param startAngles a map with start angles when drawing the ring.
public void placeRing(IRing ring, Point2d ringCenter, double bondLength, Map startAngles) {
double radius = this.getNativeRingRadius(ring, bondLength);
double addAngle = 2 * Math.PI / ring.getRingSize();
IAtom startAtom = ring.getAtom(0);
Point2d p = new Point2d(ringCenter.x + radius, ringCenter.y);
double startAngle = Math.PI * 0.5;
* Different ring sizes get different start angles to have visually
* correct placement
int ringSize = ring.getRingSize();
if (startAngles.get(ringSize) != null) startAngle = startAngles.get(ringSize);
List bonds = ring.getConnectedBondsList(startAtom);
* Store all atoms to draw in consecutive order relative to the chosen
* bond.
Vector atomsToDraw = new Vector();
IAtom currentAtom = startAtom;
IBond currentBond = (IBond) bonds.get(0);
for (int i = 0; i < ring.getBondCount(); i++) {
currentBond = ring.getNextBond(currentBond, currentAtom);
currentAtom = currentBond.getOther(currentAtom);
atomPlacer.populatePolygonCorners(atomsToDraw, ringCenter, startAngle, addAngle, radius);
* Positions the aliphatic substituents of a ring system
* @param rs The RingSystem for which the substituents are to be laid out
* @return A list of atoms that where laid out
public IAtomContainer placeRingSubstituents(IRingSet rs, double bondLength) {
logger.debug("RingPlacer.placeRingSubstituents() start");
IRing ring = null;
IAtom atom = null;
IRingSet rings = null;
IAtomContainer unplacedPartners = rs.getBuilder().newInstance(IAtomContainer.class);
IAtomContainer sharedAtoms = rs.getBuilder().newInstance(IAtomContainer.class);
IAtomContainer primaryAtoms = rs.getBuilder().newInstance(IAtomContainer.class);
IAtomContainer treatedAtoms = rs.getBuilder().newInstance(IAtomContainer.class);
Point2d centerOfRingGravity = null;
for (int j = 0; j < rs.getAtomContainerCount(); j++) {
ring = (IRing) rs.getAtomContainer(j); /*
* Get the j-th Ring in
* RingSet rs
for (int k = 0; k < ring.getAtomCount(); k++) {
atom = ring.getAtom(k);
rings = rs.getRings(atom);
centerOfRingGravity = GeometryUtil.get2DCenter(rings);
atomPlacer.partitionPartners(atom, unplacedPartners, sharedAtoms);
try {
for (int f = 0; f < unplacedPartners.getAtomCount(); f++) {
logger.debug("placeRingSubstituents->unplacedPartners: "
+ (molecule.indexOf(unplacedPartners.getAtom(f)) + 1));
} catch (Exception exc) {
if (unplacedPartners.getAtomCount() > 0) {
atomPlacer.distributePartners(atom, sharedAtoms, centerOfRingGravity, unplacedPartners, bondLength);
logger.debug("RingPlacer.placeRingSubstituents() end");
return treatedAtoms;
private static double det(double xa, double ya, double xb, double yb, double xc, double yc) {
return (xa - xc) * (yb - yc) - (ya - yc) * (xb - xc);
private static double det(Point2d a, Point2d b, Point2d c) {
return det(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y, c.x, c.y);
* Generated coordinates for a given ring, which is connected to another ring a bridged ring,
* i.e. it shares more than two atoms with another ring.
* @param ring The ring to be placed
* @param sharedAtoms The atoms of this ring, also members of another ring, which are already placed
* @param sharedAtomsCenter The geometric center of these atoms
* @param ringCenterVector A vector pointing the the center of the new ring
* @param bondLength The standard bondlength
private void placeBridgedRing(IRing ring, IAtomContainer sharedAtoms, Point2d sharedAtomsCenter, Vector2d ringCenterVector, double bondLength) {
IAtom[] bridgeAtoms = getBridgeAtoms(sharedAtoms);
IAtom bondAtom1 = bridgeAtoms[0];
IAtom bondAtom2 = bridgeAtoms[1];
List otherAtoms = new ArrayList<>();
for (IAtom atom : sharedAtoms.atoms())
if (!atom.equals(bondAtom1) && !atom.equals(bondAtom2))
final boolean snap = ring.getProperty(SNAP_HINT) != null && ring.getProperty(SNAP_HINT, Boolean.class);
boolean swap = snap ? det(bondAtom1.getPoint2d(), GeometryUtil.get2DCenter(otherAtoms), bondAtom2.getPoint2d()) < 0
: det(bondAtom1.getPoint2d(), GeometryUtil.get2DCenter(otherAtoms), bondAtom2.getPoint2d()) > 0;
if (swap) {
IAtom tmp = bondAtom1;
bondAtom1 = bondAtom2;
bondAtom2 = tmp;
Vector2d bondAtom1Vector = new Vector2d(bondAtom1.getPoint2d());
Vector2d bondAtom2Vector = new Vector2d(bondAtom2.getPoint2d());
Point2d midPoint = getMidPoint(bondAtom1Vector, bondAtom2Vector);
Point2d ringCenter = null;
double radius = getNativeRingRadius(ring, bondLength);
double offset = 0;
if (snap) {
ringCenter = new Point2d(midPoint);
ringCenterVector = getPerpendicular(bondAtom1Vector, bondAtom2Vector,
new Vector2d(midPoint.x - sharedAtomsCenter.x, midPoint.y - sharedAtomsCenter.y));
offset = 0;
for (IAtom atom : otherAtoms) {
double dist = atom.getPoint2d().distance(midPoint);
if (dist > offset)
offset = dist;
} else {
ringCenter = new Point2d(sharedAtomsCenter);
final int numUnplaced = ring.getRingSize() - sharedAtoms.getAtomCount();
double dot = bondAtom2Vector.x * bondAtom1Vector.x + bondAtom2Vector.y * bondAtom1Vector.y;
double det = bondAtom2Vector.x * bondAtom1Vector.y - bondAtom2Vector.y * bondAtom1Vector.x;
// theta remain/step
double tRemain = Math.atan2(det, dot);
if (tRemain < 0) tRemain = Math.PI + (Math.PI + tRemain);
double tStep = tRemain / (numUnplaced + 1);
logger.debug("placeBridgedRing->tRemain: " + Math.toDegrees(tRemain));
logger.debug("placeBridgedRing->tStep: " + Math.toDegrees(tStep));
double startAngle;
int direction = -1;
startAngle = GeometryUtil.getAngle(bondAtom1.getPoint2d().x - ringCenter.x, bondAtom1.getPoint2d().y - ringCenter.y);
IAtom currentAtom = bondAtom1;
IBond currentBond = sharedAtoms.getConnectedBondsList(currentAtom).get(0);
List atoms = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < ring.getBondCount(); i++) {
currentBond = ring.getNextBond(currentBond, currentAtom);
currentAtom = currentBond.getOther(currentAtom);
if (!sharedAtoms.contains(currentAtom)) {
logger.debug("placeBridgedRing->atomsToPlace: " + AtomPlacer.listNumbers(molecule, atoms));
logger.debug("placeBridgedRing->startAngle: " + Math.toDegrees(startAngle));
logger.debug("placeBridgedRing->tStep: " + Math.toDegrees(tStep));
atomPlacer.populatePolygonCorners(atoms, ringCenter, startAngle, -tStep, radius);
* Generated coordinates for a given ring, which is connected to a spiro ring.
* The rings share exactly one atom.
* @param ring The ring to be placed
* @param sharedAtoms The atoms of this ring, also members of another ring, which are already placed
* @param sharedAtomsCenter The geometric center of these atoms
* @param ringCenterVector A vector pointing the the center of the new ring
* @param bondLength The standard bondlength
public void placeSpiroRing(IRing ring, IAtomContainer sharedAtoms, Point2d sharedAtomsCenter,
Vector2d ringCenterVector, double bondLength) {
double radius = getNativeRingRadius(ring, bondLength);
Point2d ringCenter = new Point2d(sharedAtomsCenter);
double addAngle = 2 * Math.PI / ring.getRingSize();
IAtom startAtom = sharedAtoms.getAtom(0);
//double centerX = ringCenter.x;
//double centerY = ringCenter.y;
//int direction = 1;
IAtom currentAtom = startAtom;
double startAngle = GeometryUtil.getAngle(startAtom.getPoint2d().x - ringCenter.x, startAtom.getPoint2d().y
- ringCenter.y);
* Get one bond connected to the spiro bridge atom. It doesn't matter in
* which direction we draw.
List bonds = ring.getConnectedBondsList(startAtom);
IBond currentBond = (IBond) bonds.get(0);
Vector atomsToDraw = new Vector();
* Store all atoms to draw in consequtive order relative to the chosen
* bond.
for (int i = 0; i < ring.getBondCount(); i++) {
currentBond = ring.getNextBond(currentBond, currentAtom);
currentAtom = currentBond.getOther(currentAtom);
logger.debug("currentAtom " + currentAtom);
logger.debug("startAtom " + startAtom);
atomPlacer.populatePolygonCorners(atomsToDraw, ringCenter, startAngle, addAngle, radius);
* Generated coordinates for a given ring, which is fused to another ring.
* The rings share exactly one bond.
* @param ring The ring to be placed
* @param sharedAtoms The atoms of this ring, also members of another ring, which are already placed
* @param ringCenterVector A vector pointing the the center of the new ring
* @param bondLength The standard bondlength
public void placeFusedRing(IRing ring,
IAtomContainer sharedAtoms,
Vector2d ringCenterVector,
double bondLength) {
logger.debug("RingPlacer.placeFusedRing() start");
final IAtom beg = sharedAtoms.getAtom(0);
final IAtom end = sharedAtoms.getAtom(1);
final Vector2d pBeg = new Vector2d(beg.getPoint2d());
final Vector2d pEnd = new Vector2d(end.getPoint2d());
// fuse the ring perpendicular to the bond, ring center is not
// sub-optimal if non-regular/convex polygon (e.g. macro cycle)
ringCenterVector = getPerpendicular(pBeg, pEnd, ringCenterVector);
double radius = getNativeRingRadius(ring, bondLength);
double newRingPerpendicular = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radius, 2) - Math.pow(bondLength / 2, 2));
logger.debug("placeFusedRing->: ringCenterVector.length()" + ringCenterVector.length());
final Point2d ringCenter = getMidPoint(pBeg, pEnd);
final Vector2d originRingCenterVector = new Vector2d(ringCenter);
final double occupiedAngle = angle(pBeg, pEnd);
final double remainingAngle = (2 * Math.PI) - occupiedAngle;
double addAngle = remainingAngle / (ring.getRingSize() - 1);
logger.debug("placeFusedRing->occupiedAngle: " + Math.toDegrees(occupiedAngle));
logger.debug("placeFusedRing->remainingAngle: " + Math.toDegrees(remainingAngle));
logger.debug("placeFusedRing->addAngle: " + Math.toDegrees(addAngle));
IAtom startAtom;
final double centerX = ringCenter.x;
final double centerY = ringCenter.y;
final double xDiff = beg.getPoint2d().x - end.getPoint2d().x;
final double yDiff = beg.getPoint2d().y - end.getPoint2d().y;
double startAngle;;
int direction = 1;
// if bond is vertical
if (xDiff == 0) {
logger.debug("placeFusedRing->Bond is vertical");
//starts with the lower Atom
if (beg.getPoint2d().y > end.getPoint2d().y) {
startAtom = beg;
} else {
startAtom = end;
//changes the drawing direction
if (centerX < beg.getPoint2d().x) {
direction = 1;
} else {
direction = -1;
// if bond is not vertical
else {
//starts with the left Atom
if (beg.getPoint2d().x > end.getPoint2d().x) {
startAtom = beg;
} else {
startAtom = end;
//changes the drawing direction
if (centerY - beg.getPoint2d().y > (centerX - beg.getPoint2d().x) * yDiff / xDiff) {
direction = 1;
} else {
direction = -1;
startAngle = GeometryUtil.getAngle(startAtom.getPoint2d().x - ringCenter.x, startAtom.getPoint2d().y
- ringCenter.y);
IAtom currentAtom = startAtom;
// determine first bond in Ring
// int k = 0;
// for (k = 0; k < ring.getElectronContainerCount(); k++) {
// if (ring.getElectronContainer(k) instanceof IBond) break;
// }
IBond currentBond = sharedAtoms.getBond(0);
Vector atomsToDraw = new Vector();
for (int i = 0; i < ring.getBondCount() - 2; i++) {
currentBond = ring.getNextBond(currentBond, currentAtom);
currentAtom = currentBond.getOther(currentAtom);
addAngle = addAngle * direction;
logger.debug("placeFusedRing->startAngle: " + Math.toDegrees(startAngle));
logger.debug("placeFusedRing->addAngle: " + Math.toDegrees(addAngle));
logger.debug("placeFusedRing->startAtom is: " + (molecule.indexOf(startAtom) + 1));
logger.debug("AtomsToDraw: " + AtomPlacer.listNumbers(molecule, atomsToDraw));
atomPlacer.populatePolygonCorners(atomsToDraw, ringCenter, startAngle, addAngle, radius);
* Completes the layout of a partiallyed laid out ring.
* @param rset ring set
* @param ring the ring to complete
* @param bondLength the bond length
boolean completePartiallyPlacedRing(IRingSet rset, IRing ring, double bondLength) {
if (ring.getFlag(CDKConstants.ISPLACED))
return true;
IRing partiallyPlacedRing = molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(IRing.class);
for (IAtom atom : ring.atoms())
if (atom.getPoint2d() != null)
atom.setFlag(CDKConstants.ISPLACED, true);
AtomPlacer.copyPlaced(partiallyPlacedRing, ring);
if (partiallyPlacedRing.getAtomCount() > 1 &&
partiallyPlacedRing.getAtomCount() < ring.getAtomCount()) {
placeConnectedRings(rset, partiallyPlacedRing, RingPlacer.FUSED, bondLength);
placeConnectedRings(rset, partiallyPlacedRing, RingPlacer.BRIDGED, bondLength);
placeConnectedRings(rset, partiallyPlacedRing, RingPlacer.SPIRO, bondLength);
ring.setFlag(CDKConstants.ISPLACED, true);
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Get the middle of two provide points.
* @param a first point
* @param b second point
* @return mid
private static Point2d getMidPoint(Tuple2d a, Tuple2d b) {
return new Point2d((a.x + b.x) / 2, (a.y + b.y) / 2);
private static double angle(Vector2d pBeg, Vector2d pEnd) {
// TODO inline to allow generic Tuple2ds
return pBeg.angle(pEnd);
* Gat a vector perpendicular to the line, a-b, that is pointing
* the same direction as 'ref'.
* @param a first coordinate
* @param b second coordinate
* @param ref reference vector
* @return perpendicular vector
private static Vector2d getPerpendicular(Tuple2d a, Tuple2d b, Vector2d ref) {
final Vector2d pVec = new Vector2d(-(a.y-b.y), a.x-b.x);
if (pVec.dot(ref) < 0)
return pVec;
* True if coordinates have been assigned to all atoms in all rings.
* @param rs The ringset to be checked
* @return True if coordinates have been assigned to all atoms in all rings.
public boolean allPlaced(IRingSet rs) {
for (int i = 0; i < rs.getAtomContainerCount(); i++) {
if (!((IRing) rs.getAtomContainer(i)).getFlag(CDKConstants.ISPLACED)) {
return false;
return true;
* Walks throught the atoms of each ring in a ring set and marks
* a ring as PLACED if all of its atoms have been placed.
* @param rs The ringset to be checked
public void checkAndMarkPlaced(IRingSet rs) {
IRing ring = null;
boolean allPlaced = true;
boolean ringsetPlaced = true;
for (int i = 0; i < rs.getAtomContainerCount(); i++) {
ring = (IRing) rs.getAtomContainer(i);
allPlaced = true;
for (int j = 0; j < ring.getAtomCount(); j++) {
if (!((IAtom) ring.getAtom(j)).getFlag(CDKConstants.ISPLACED)) {
allPlaced = false;
ringsetPlaced = false;
ring.setFlag(CDKConstants.ISPLACED, allPlaced);
rs.setFlag(CDKConstants.ISPLACED, ringsetPlaced);
* Returns the bridge atoms, that is the outermost atoms in
* the chain of more than two atoms which are shared by two rings
* @param sharedAtoms The atoms (n > 2) which are shared by two rings
* @return The bridge atoms, i.e. the outermost atoms in the chain of more than two atoms which are shared by two rings
private IAtom[] getBridgeAtoms(IAtomContainer sharedAtoms) {
IAtom[] bridgeAtoms = new IAtom[2];
IAtom atom;
int counter = 0;
for (int f = 0; f < sharedAtoms.getAtomCount(); f++) {
atom = sharedAtoms.getAtom(f);
if (sharedAtoms.getConnectedAtomsList(atom).size() == 1) {
bridgeAtoms[counter] = atom;
return bridgeAtoms;
* Partition the bonding partners of a given atom into ring atoms and non-ring atoms
* @param atom The atom whose bonding partners are to be partitioned
* @param ring The ring against which the bonding partners are checked
* @param ringAtoms An AtomContainer to store the ring bonding partners
* @param nonRingAtoms An AtomContainer to store the non-ring bonding partners
public void partitionNonRingPartners(IAtom atom, IRing ring, IAtomContainer ringAtoms, IAtomContainer nonRingAtoms) {
List atoms = molecule.getConnectedAtomsList(atom);
for (int i = 0; i < atoms.size(); i++) {
IAtom curAtom = (IAtom) atoms.get(i);
if (!ring.contains(curAtom)) {
} else {
* Returns the ring radius of a perfect polygons of size ring.getAtomCount()
* The ring radius is the distance of each atom to the ringcenter.
* @param ring The ring for which the radius is to calculated
* @param bondLength The bond length for each bond in the ring
* @return The radius of the ring.
public double getNativeRingRadius(IRing ring, double bondLength) {
int size = ring.getAtomCount();
double radius = bondLength / (2 * Math.sin((Math.PI) / size));
return radius;
* Calculated the center for the first ring so that it can
* layed out. Only then, all other rings can be assigned
* coordinates relative to it.
* @param ring The ring for which the center is to be calculated
* @return A Vector2d pointing to the new ringcenter
Vector2d getRingCenterOfFirstRing(IRing ring, Vector2d bondVector, double bondLength) {
int size = ring.getAtomCount();
double radius = bondLength / (2 * Math.sin((Math.PI) / size));
double newRingPerpendicular = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radius, 2) - Math.pow(bondLength / 2, 2));
/* get the angle between the x axis and the bond vector */
double rotangle = GeometryUtil.getAngle(bondVector.x, bondVector.y);
* Add 90 Degrees to this angle, this is supposed to be the new
* ringcenter vector
rotangle += Math.PI / 2;
return new Vector2d(Math.cos(rotangle) * newRingPerpendicular, Math.sin(rotangle) * newRingPerpendicular);
private void rotate(Vector2d vec, double rad) {
double rx = (vec.x * Math.cos(rad)) - (vec.y * Math.sin(rad));
double ry = (vec.x * Math.sin(rad)) + (vec.y * Math.cos(rad));
vec.x = rx;
vec.y = ry;
* Layout all rings in the given RingSet that are connected to a given Ring
* @param rs The RingSet to be searched for rings connected to Ring
* @param ring The Ring for which all connected rings in RingSet are to be layed out.
void placeConnectedRings(IRingSet rs, IRing ring, int handleType, double bondLength) {
final IRingSet connectedRings = rs.getConnectedRings(ring);
// logger.debug(rs.reportRingList(molecule));
for (IAtomContainer container : connectedRings.atomContainers()) {
final IRing connectedRing = (IRing) container;
if (!connectedRing.getFlag(CDKConstants.ISPLACED)) {
// logger.debug(ring.toString(molecule));
// logger.debug(connectedRing.toString(molecule));
final IAtomContainer sharedAtoms = AtomContainerManipulator.getIntersection(ring, connectedRing);
final int numSharedAtoms = sharedAtoms.getAtomCount();
logger.debug("placeConnectedRings-> connectedRing: " + (ring.toString()));
if ((numSharedAtoms == 2 && handleType == FUSED) ||
(numSharedAtoms == 1 && handleType == SPIRO) ||
(numSharedAtoms > 2 && handleType == BRIDGED)) {
final Point2d sharedAtomsCenter = GeometryUtil.get2DCenter(sharedAtoms);
final Point2d oldRingCenter = GeometryUtil.get2DCenter(ring);
final Vector2d tempVector = (new Vector2d(sharedAtomsCenter));
final Vector2d newRingCenterVector = new Vector2d(tempVector);
newRingCenterVector.sub(new Vector2d(oldRingCenter));
// zero (or v. small ring center)
if (Math.abs(newRingCenterVector.x) < 0.001 && Math.abs(newRingCenterVector.y) < 0.001) {
// first see if we can use terminal bonds
IAtomContainer terminalOnly = molecule.getBuilder().newInstance(IAtomContainer.class);
for (IAtom atom : ring.atoms()) {
if (ring.getConnectedBondsCount(atom) == 1)
if (terminalOnly.getAtomCount() == 2) {
connectedRing.setProperty(RingPlacer.SNAP_HINT, true);
else {
// project coordinates on 12 axis (30 degree snaps) and choose one with most spread
Vector2d vec = new Vector2d(0, 1);
double bestLen = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
Vector2d orth = new Vector2d(-vec.y, vec.x);
double min = Double.MAX_VALUE, max = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (IAtom atom : sharedAtoms.atoms()) {
// s: scalar projection
double s = orth.dot(new Vector2d(atom.getPoint2d()));
if (s < min)
min = s;
if (s > max)
max = s;
double len = max - min;
if (len > bestLen) {
bestLen = len;
rotate(vec, RAD_30);
final Vector2d oldRingCenterVector = new Vector2d(newRingCenterVector);
logger.debug("placeConnectedRing -> tempVector: " + tempVector + ", tempVector.length: "
+ tempVector.length());
logger.debug("placeConnectedRing -> bondCenter: " + sharedAtomsCenter);
logger.debug("placeConnectedRing -> oldRingCenterVector.length(): " + oldRingCenterVector.length());
logger.debug("placeConnectedRing -> newRingCenterVector.length(): " + newRingCenterVector.length());
final Point2d tempPoint = new Point2d(sharedAtomsCenter);
placeRing(connectedRing, sharedAtoms, sharedAtomsCenter, newRingCenterVector, bondLength);
connectedRing.setFlag(CDKConstants.ISPLACED, true);
placeConnectedRings(rs, connectedRing, handleType, bondLength);
public IAtomContainer getMolecule() {
return this.molecule;
public void setMolecule(IAtomContainer molecule) {
this.molecule = molecule;
public AtomPlacer getAtomPlacer() {
return this.atomPlacer;
public void setAtomPlacer(AtomPlacer atomPlacer) {
this.atomPlacer = atomPlacer;
* Sorts ring systems prioritising the most complex. To sort correctly,
* {@link #countHetero(List)} must first be invoked.
static final Comparator RING_COMPARATOR = new Comparator() {
public int compare(IRingSet a, IRingSet b) {
// polycyclic better
int cmp = Boolean.compare(a.getAtomContainerCount() == 1, b.getAtomContainerCount() == 1);
if (cmp != 0) return cmp;
// more hetero atoms better
Integer numHeteroRingA = a.getProperty(NUM_HETERO_RINGS);
Integer numHeteroRingB = b.getProperty(NUM_HETERO_RINGS);
if (numHeteroRingA == null) numHeteroRingA = 0;
if (numHeteroRingB == null) numHeteroRingB = 0;
cmp = -Integer.compare(numHeteroRingA, numHeteroRingB);
if (cmp != 0) return cmp;
// more hetero rings better
Integer numHeteroAtomA = a.getProperty(NUM_HETERO_ATOMS);
Integer numHeteroAtomB = b.getProperty(NUM_HETERO_ATOMS);
if (numHeteroAtomA == null) numHeteroAtomA = 0;
if (numHeteroAtomB == null) numHeteroAtomB = 0;
cmp = -Integer.compare(numHeteroAtomA, numHeteroAtomB);
if (cmp != 0) return cmp;
// more rings better
return -Integer.compare(a.getAtomContainerCount(), b.getAtomContainerCount());
private static final String NUM_HETERO_RINGS = "sdg:numHeteroRings";
private static final String NUM_HETERO_ATOMS = "sdg:numHeteroAtoms";
* Counds the number of hetero atoms and hetero rings in a ringset. The
* properties {@code sdg:numHeteroRings} and {@code sdg:numHeteroAtoms}
* are set.
* @param rsets ring systems
static void countHetero(List rsets) {
for (IRingSet rset : rsets) {
int numHeteroAtoms = 0;
int numHeteroRings = 0;
for (IAtomContainer ring : rset.atomContainers()) {
int prevNumHeteroAtoms = numHeteroAtoms;
for (IAtom atom : ring.atoms()) {
Integer elem = atom.getAtomicNumber();
if (elem != null && elem != 6 && elem != 1)
if (numHeteroAtoms > prevNumHeteroAtoms)
rset.setProperty(NUM_HETERO_ATOMS, numHeteroAtoms);
rset.setProperty(NUM_HETERO_RINGS, numHeteroRings);
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