org.openscience.cdk.geometry.BondTools Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Copyright (C) 2002-2003 The Jmol Project
* Copyright (C) 2003-2007 The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) project
* Contact: [email protected]
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* All we ask is that proper credit is given for our work, which includes
* - but is not limited to - adding the above copyright notice to the beginning
* of your source code files, and to any copyright notice that you may distribute
* with programs based on this work.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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package org.openscience.cdk.geometry;
import org.openscience.cdk.CDKConstants;
import org.openscience.cdk.exception.CDKException;
import org.openscience.cdk.graph.invariant.MorganNumbersTools;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtom;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtomContainer;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IBond;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IBond.Order;
import javax.vecmath.Point2d;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeMap;
* A set of static utility classes for geometric calculations on {@link IBond}s.
* The methods for detecting stereo configurations are described in CDK news, vol 2, p. 64 - 66.
* @author shk3
* @cdk.created 2005-08-04
* @cdk.module standard
* @cdk.githash
public class BondTools {
// FIXME: class JavaDoc should use {@cdk.cite BLA} for the CDK News article
* Tells if a certain bond is center of a valid double bond configuration.
* @param container The atomcontainer.
* @param bond The bond.
* @return true=is a potential configuration, false=is not.
public static boolean isValidDoubleBondConfiguration(IAtomContainer container, IBond bond) {
//org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtom[] atoms = bond.getAtoms();
List connectedAtoms = container.getConnectedAtomsList(bond.getAtom(0));
IAtom from = null;
for (IAtom connectedAtom : connectedAtoms) {
if (connectedAtom != bond.getAtom(1)) {
from = connectedAtom;
boolean[] array = new boolean[container.getBondCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = true;
if (isStartOfDoubleBond(container, bond.getAtom(0), from, array)
&& isEndOfDoubleBond(container, bond.getAtom(1), bond.getAtom(0), array)
&& !bond.getFlag(CDKConstants.ISAROMATIC)) {
return (true);
} else {
return (false);
* Says if two atoms are in cis or trans position around a double bond.
* The atoms have to be given to the method like this: firstOuterAtom - firstInnerAtom = secondInnterAtom - secondOuterAtom
* @param firstOuterAtom See above.
* @param firstInnerAtom See above.
* @param secondInnerAtom See above.
* @param secondOuterAtom See above.
* @param ac The atom container the atoms are in.
* @return true=trans, false=cis.
* @exception CDKException The atoms are not in a double bond configuration (no double bond in the middle, same atoms on one side)
public static boolean isCisTrans(IAtom firstOuterAtom, IAtom firstInnerAtom, IAtom secondInnerAtom,
IAtom secondOuterAtom, IAtomContainer ac) throws CDKException {
if (!isValidDoubleBondConfiguration(ac, ac.getBond(firstInnerAtom, secondInnerAtom))) {
throw new CDKException("There is no valid double bond configuration between your inner atoms!");
boolean firstDirection = isLeft(firstOuterAtom, firstInnerAtom, secondInnerAtom);
boolean secondDirection = isLeft(secondOuterAtom, secondInnerAtom, firstInnerAtom);
return firstDirection == secondDirection;
* Says if an atom is on the left side of a another atom seen from a certain
* atom or not.
* @param whereIs The atom the position of which is returned
* @param viewFrom The atom from which to look
* @param viewTo The atom to which to look
* @return true=is left, false = is not
public static boolean isLeft(IAtom whereIs, IAtom viewFrom, IAtom viewTo) {
double angle = giveAngleBothMethods(viewFrom, viewTo, whereIs, false);
if (angle < 0) {
return (false);
} else {
return (true);
* Returns true if the two atoms are within the distance fudge
* factor of each other.
* @param atom1 Description of Parameter
* @param atom2 Description of Parameter
* @param distanceFudgeFactor Description of Parameter
* @return Description of the Returned Value
* @cdk.keyword join-the-dots
* @cdk.keyword bond creation
public static boolean closeEnoughToBond(IAtom atom1, IAtom atom2, double distanceFudgeFactor) {
if (atom1 != atom2) {
double distanceBetweenAtoms = atom1.getPoint3d().distance(atom2.getPoint3d());
double bondingDistance = atom1.getCovalentRadius() + atom2.getCovalentRadius();
if (distanceBetweenAtoms <= (distanceFudgeFactor * bondingDistance)) {
return true;
return false;
* Gives the angle between two lines starting at atom from and going to to1
* and to2. If bool=false the angle starts from the middle line and goes from
* 0 to PI or 0 to -PI if the to2 is on the left or right side of the line. If
* bool=true the angle goes from 0 to 2PI.
* @param from the atom to view from.
* @param to1 first direction to look in.
* @param to2 second direction to look in.
* @param bool true=angle is 0 to 2PI, false=angel is -PI to PI.
* @return The angle in rad.
public static double giveAngleBothMethods(IAtom from, IAtom to1, IAtom to2, boolean bool) {
return giveAngleBothMethods(from.getPoint2d(), to1.getPoint2d(), to2.getPoint2d(), bool);
public static double giveAngleBothMethods(Point2d from, Point2d to1, Point2d to2, boolean bool) {
double[] A = new double[2];
double[] B = new double[2];
double[] C = new double[2];
double angle1 = Math.atan2((B[1] - A[1]), (B[0] - A[0]));
double angle2 = Math.atan2((C[1] - A[1]), (C[0] - A[0]));
double angle = angle2 - angle1;
if (angle2 < 0 && angle1 > 0 && angle2 < -(Math.PI / 2)) {
angle = Math.PI + angle2 + Math.PI - angle1;
if (angle2 > 0 && angle1 < 0 && angle1 < -(Math.PI / 2)) {
angle = -Math.PI + angle2 - Math.PI - angle1;
if (bool && angle < 0) {
return (2 * Math.PI + angle);
} else {
return (angle);
* Says if an atom is the end of a double bond configuration
* @param atom The atom which is the end of configuration
* @param container The atomContainer the atom is in
* @param parent The atom we came from
* @param doubleBondConfiguration The array indicating where double bond
* configurations are specified (this method ensures that there is
* actually the possibility of a double bond configuration)
* @return false=is not end of configuration, true=is
private static boolean isEndOfDoubleBond(IAtomContainer container, IAtom atom, IAtom parent,
boolean[] doubleBondConfiguration) {
if (container.getBondNumber(atom, parent) == -1
|| doubleBondConfiguration.length <= container.getBondNumber(atom, parent)
|| !doubleBondConfiguration[container.getBondNumber(atom, parent)]) {
return false;
int hcount;
if (atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount() == CDKConstants.UNSET)
hcount = 0;
hcount = atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount();
int lengthAtom = container.getConnectedAtomsList(atom).size() + hcount;
if (parent.getImplicitHydrogenCount() == CDKConstants.UNSET)
hcount = 0;
hcount = parent.getImplicitHydrogenCount();
int lengthParent = container.getConnectedAtomsList(parent).size() + hcount;
if (container.getBond(atom, parent) != null) {
if (container.getBond(atom, parent).getOrder() == Order.DOUBLE
&& (lengthAtom == 3 || (lengthAtom == 2 && atom.getSymbol().equals("N")))
&& (lengthParent == 3 || (lengthParent == 2 && parent.getSymbol().equals("N")))) {
List atoms = container.getConnectedAtomsList(atom);
IAtom one = null;
IAtom two = null;
for (IAtom conAtom : atoms) {
if (conAtom != parent && one == null) {
one = conAtom;
} else if (conAtom != parent && one != null) {
two = conAtom;
String[] morgannumbers = MorganNumbersTools.getMorganNumbersWithElementSymbol(container);
if ((one != null && two == null && atom.getSymbol().equals("N") && Math.abs(giveAngleBothMethods(
parent, atom, one, true)) > Math.PI / 10)
|| (!atom.getSymbol().equals("N") && one != null && two != null && !morgannumbers[container
.getAtomNumber(one)].equals(morgannumbers[container.getAtomNumber(two)]))) {
return (true);
} else {
return (false);
return (false);
* Says if an atom is the start of a double bond configuration
* @param a The atom which is the start of configuration
* @param container The atomContainer the atom is in
* @param parent The atom we came from
* @param doubleBondConfiguration The array indicating where double bond
* configurations are specified (this method ensures that there is
* actually the possibility of a double bond configuration)
* @return false=is not start of configuration, true=is
private static boolean isStartOfDoubleBond(IAtomContainer container, IAtom a, IAtom parent,
boolean[] doubleBondConfiguration) {
int hcount;
if (a.getImplicitHydrogenCount() == CDKConstants.UNSET)
hcount = 0;
hcount = a.getImplicitHydrogenCount();
int lengthAtom = container.getConnectedAtomsList(a).size() + hcount;
if (lengthAtom != 3 && (lengthAtom != 2 && !(a.getSymbol().equals("N")))) {
return (false);
List atoms = container.getConnectedAtomsList(a);
IAtom one = null;
IAtom two = null;
boolean doubleBond = false;
IAtom nextAtom = null;
for (IAtom atom : atoms) {
if (atom != parent && container.getBond(atom, a).getOrder() == Order.DOUBLE
&& isEndOfDoubleBond(container, atom, a, doubleBondConfiguration)) {
doubleBond = true;
nextAtom = atom;
if (atom != nextAtom && one == null) {
one = atom;
} else if (atom != nextAtom && one != null) {
two = atom;
String[] morgannumbers = MorganNumbersTools.getMorganNumbersWithElementSymbol(container);
if (one != null
&& ((!a.getSymbol().equals("N")
&& two != null
&& !morgannumbers[container.getAtomNumber(one)].equals(morgannumbers[container
.getAtomNumber(two)]) && doubleBond && doubleBondConfiguration[container.getBondNumber(
a, nextAtom)]) || (doubleBond && a.getSymbol().equals("N") && Math.abs(giveAngleBothMethods(
nextAtom, a, parent, true)) > Math.PI / 10))) {
return (true);
} else {
return (false);
* Says if an atom as a center of a tetrahedral chirality.
* This method uses wedge bonds. 3D coordinates are not taken into account. If there
* are no wedge bonds around a potential stereo center, it will not be found.
*@param atom The atom which is the center
*@param container The atomContainer the atom is in
*@return 0=is not tetrahedral;>1 is a certain depiction of
* tetrahedrality (evaluated in parse chain)
public static int isTetrahedral(IAtomContainer container, IAtom atom, boolean strict) {
List atoms = container.getConnectedAtomsList(atom);
if (atoms.size() != 4) {
return (0);
List bonds = container.getConnectedBondsList(atom);
int up = 0;
int down = 0;
for (IBond bond : bonds) {
if (bond.getStereo() == IBond.Stereo.NONE || bond.getStereo() == CDKConstants.UNSET) {
} else if (bond.getStereo() == IBond.Stereo.UP) {
} else if (bond.getStereo() == IBond.Stereo.DOWN) {
if (up == 1 && down == 1) {
return 1;
if (up == 2 && down == 2) {
if (stereosAreOpposite(container, atom)) {
return 2;
return 0;
if (up == 1 && down == 0 && !strict) {
return 3;
if (down == 1 && up == 0 && !strict) {
return 4;
if (down == 2 && up == 1 && !strict) {
return 5;
if (down == 1 && up == 2 && !strict) {
return 6;
return 0;
* Says if an atom as a center of a trigonal-bipyramidal or actahedral
* chirality. This method uses wedge bonds. 3D coordinates are not taken into account. If there
* are no wedge bonds around a potential stereo center, it will not be found.
*@param atom The atom which is the center
*@param container The atomContainer the atom is in
*@return true=is square planar, false=is not
public static int isTrigonalBipyramidalOrOctahedral(IAtomContainer container, IAtom atom) {
List atoms = container.getConnectedAtomsList(atom);
if (atoms.size() < 5 || atoms.size() > 6) {
return (0);
List bonds = container.getConnectedBondsList(atom);
int up = 0;
int down = 0;
for (IBond bond : bonds) {
if (bond.getStereo() == CDKConstants.UNSET || bond.getStereo() == IBond.Stereo.NONE) {
} else if (bond.getStereo() == IBond.Stereo.UP) {
} else if (bond.getStereo() == IBond.Stereo.DOWN) {
if (up == 1 && down == 1) {
if (atoms.size() == 5)
return 1;
return 2;
return 0;
* Says if an atom as a center of any valid stereo configuration or not.
* This method uses wedge bonds. 3D coordinates are not taken into account. If there
* are no wedge bonds around a potential stereo center, it will not be found.
*@param stereoAtom The atom which is the center
*@param container The atomContainer the atom is in
*@return true=is a stereo atom, false=is not
public static boolean isStereo(IAtomContainer container, IAtom stereoAtom) {
List atoms = container.getConnectedAtomsList(stereoAtom);
if (atoms.size() < 4 || atoms.size() > 6) {
return (false);
List bonds = container.getConnectedBondsList(stereoAtom);
int stereo = 0;
for (IBond bond : bonds) {
if (bond.getStereo() != CDKConstants.UNSET && bond.getStereo() != IBond.Stereo.NONE) {
if (stereo == 0) {
return false;
int differentAtoms = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < atoms.size(); i++) {
boolean isDifferent = true;
for (int k = 0; k < i; k++) {
if (atoms.get(i).getSymbol().equals(atoms.get(k).getSymbol())) {
isDifferent = false;
if (isDifferent) {
if (differentAtoms != atoms.size()) {
long[] morgannumbers = MorganNumbersTools.getMorganNumbers(container);
List differentSymbols = new ArrayList();
for (IAtom atom : atoms) {
if (!differentSymbols.contains(atom.getSymbol())) {
int[] onlyRelevantIfTwo = new int[2];
if (differentSymbols.size() == 2) {
for (IAtom atom : atoms) {
if (differentSymbols.indexOf(atom.getSymbol()) == 0) {
} else {
boolean[] symbolsWithDifferentMorganNumbers = new boolean[differentSymbols.size()];
List[] symbolsMorganNumbers = new ArrayList[symbolsWithDifferentMorganNumbers.length];
for (int i = 0; i < symbolsWithDifferentMorganNumbers.length; i++) {
symbolsWithDifferentMorganNumbers[i] = true;
symbolsMorganNumbers[i] = new ArrayList();
for (IAtom atom : atoms) {
int elementNumber = differentSymbols.indexOf(atom.getSymbol());
if (symbolsMorganNumbers[elementNumber].contains(morgannumbers[container.getAtomNumber(atom)])) {
symbolsWithDifferentMorganNumbers[elementNumber] = false;
} else {
int numberOfSymbolsWithDifferentMorganNumbers = 0;
for (boolean symbolWithDifferentMorganNumber : symbolsWithDifferentMorganNumbers) {
if (symbolWithDifferentMorganNumber) {
if (numberOfSymbolsWithDifferentMorganNumbers != differentSymbols.size()) {
if ((atoms.size() == 5 || atoms.size() == 6)
&& (numberOfSymbolsWithDifferentMorganNumbers + differentAtoms > 2 || (differentAtoms == 2
&& onlyRelevantIfTwo[0] > 1 && onlyRelevantIfTwo[1] > 1))) {
return (true);
return isSquarePlanar(container, stereoAtom)
&& (numberOfSymbolsWithDifferentMorganNumbers + differentAtoms > 2 || (differentAtoms == 2
&& onlyRelevantIfTwo[0] > 1 && onlyRelevantIfTwo[1] > 1));
return (true);
* Says if an atom as a center of a square planar chirality.
* This method uses wedge bonds. 3D coordinates are not taken into account. If there
* are no wedge bonds around a potential stereo center, it will not be found.
*@param atom The atom which is the center
*@param container The atomContainer the atom is in
*@return true=is square planar, false=is not
public static boolean isSquarePlanar(IAtomContainer container, IAtom atom) {
List atoms = container.getConnectedAtomsList(atom);
if (atoms.size() != 4) {
return (false);
List bonds = container.getConnectedBondsList(atom);
int up = 0;
int down = 0;
for (IBond bond : bonds) {
if (bond.getStereo() == CDKConstants.UNSET || bond.getStereo() == IBond.Stereo.NONE) {
} else if (bond.getStereo() == IBond.Stereo.UP) {
} else if (bond.getStereo() == IBond.Stereo.DOWN) {
return up == 2 && down == 2 && !stereosAreOpposite(container, atom);
* Says if of four atoms connected two one atom the up and down bonds are
* opposite or not, i. e.if it's tetrehedral or square planar. The method
* does not check if there are four atoms and if two or up and two are down
*@param atom The atom which is the center
*@param container The atomContainer the atom is in
*@return true=are opposite, false=are not
public static boolean stereosAreOpposite(IAtomContainer container, IAtom atom) {
List atoms = container.getConnectedAtomsList(atom);
TreeMap hm = new TreeMap();
for (int i = 1; i < atoms.size(); i++) {
hm.put(giveAngle(atom, atoms.get(0), atoms.get(i)), i);
Object[] ohere = hm.values().toArray();
IBond.Stereo stereoOne = container.getBond(atom, atoms.get(0)).getStereo();
IBond.Stereo stereoOpposite = container.getBond(atom, atoms.get((Integer) ohere[1])).getStereo();
return stereoOpposite == stereoOne;
* Calls giveAngleBothMethods with bool = true.
*@param from the atom to view from
*@param to1 first direction to look in
*@param to2 second direction to look in
*@return The angle in rad from 0 to 2*PI
public static double giveAngle(IAtom from, IAtom to1, IAtom to2) {
return (giveAngleBothMethods(from, to1, to2, true));
* Calls giveAngleBothMethods with bool = false.
*@param from the atom to view from
*@param to1 first direction to look in
*@param to2 second direction to look in
*@return The angle in rad from -PI to PI
public static double giveAngleFromMiddle(IAtom from, IAtom to1, IAtom to2) {
return (giveAngleBothMethods(from, to1, to2, false));
public static void makeUpDownBonds(IAtomContainer container) {
for (int i = 0; i < container.getAtomCount(); i++) {
IAtom a = container.getAtom(i);
if (container.getConnectedAtomsList(a).size() == 4) {
int up = 0;
int down = 0;
int hs = 0;
IAtom h = null;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
IAtom conAtom = container.getConnectedAtomsList(a).get(k);
IBond.Stereo stereo = container.getBond(a, conAtom).getStereo();
if (stereo == IBond.Stereo.UP) {
} else if (stereo == IBond.Stereo.DOWN) {
} else if (stereo == IBond.Stereo.NONE && conAtom.getSymbol().equals("H")) {
h = conAtom;
} else {
h = null;
if (up == 0 && down == 1 && h != null && hs == 1) {
container.getBond(a, h).setStereo(IBond.Stereo.UP);
if (up == 1 && down == 0 && h != null && hs == 1) {
container.getBond(a, h).setStereo(IBond.Stereo.DOWN);
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