org.openscience.cdk.stereo.StereoTool Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 The Jmol Development Team
* Copyright (C) 2010 Gilleain Torrance
* Contact: [email protected]
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* All we ask is that proper credit is given for our work, which includes
* - but is not limited to - adding the above copyright notice to the beginning
* of your source code files, and to any copyright notice that you may distribute
* with programs based on this work.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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package org.openscience.cdk.stereo;
import javax.vecmath.Point3d;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3d;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtom;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.ITetrahedralChirality.Stereo;
* Methods to determine or check the stereo class of a set of atoms.
* Some of these methods were adapted from Jmol's smiles search package.
* @author maclean
* @cdk.module standard
* @cdk.githash
public class StereoTool {
* Currently unused, but intended for the StereoTool to indicate what it
* 'means' by an assignment of some atoms to a class.
public enum StereoClass {
* The handedness of a tetrahedron, in terms of the point-plane distance
* of three of the corners, compared to the fourth.
* PLUS indices a positive point-plane distance,
* MINUS is a negative point-plane distance.
public enum TetrahedralSign {
* The shape that four atoms take in a plane.
public enum SquarePlanarShape {
* The maximum angle in radians for two lines to be 'diaxial'.
* Where 0.95 is about 172 degrees.
public static final double MAX_AXIS_ANGLE = 0.95;
* The maximum tolerance for the normal calculated during colinearity.
public static final double MIN_COLINEAR_NORMAL = 0.05;
public static final double PLANE_TOLERANCE = 0.05;
* Checks these four atoms for square planarity.
* @param atomA an atom in the plane
* @param atomB an atom in the plane
* @param atomC an atom in the plane
* @param atomD an atom in the plane
* @return true if all the atoms are in the same plane
public static boolean isSquarePlanar(IAtom atomA, IAtom atomB, IAtom atomC, IAtom atomD) {
Point3d pointA = atomA.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointB = atomB.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointC = atomC.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointD = atomD.getPoint3d();
return isSquarePlanar(pointA, pointB, pointC, pointD);
private static boolean isSquarePlanar(Point3d pointA, Point3d pointB, Point3d pointC, Point3d pointD) {
return isSquarePlanar(pointA, pointB, pointC, pointD, new Vector3d());
private static boolean isSquarePlanar(Point3d pointA, Point3d pointB, Point3d pointC, Point3d pointD,
Vector3d normal) {
// define a plane using ABC, also checking that the are not colinear
Vector3d vectorAB = new Vector3d();
Vector3d vectorAC = new Vector3d();
getRawNormal(pointA, pointB, pointC, normal, vectorAB, vectorAC);
if (StereoTool.isColinear(normal)) return false;
// check that F is in the same plane as CDE
return StereoTool.allCoplanar(normal, pointC, pointD);
* Given four atoms (assumed to be in the same plane), returns the
* arrangement of those atoms in that plane.
* The 'shapes' returned represent arrangements that look a little like
* the characters 'U', '4', and 'Z'.
* @param atomA an atom in the plane
* @param atomB an atom in the plane
* @param atomC an atom in the plane
* @param atomD an atom in the plane
* @return the shape (U/4/Z)
public static SquarePlanarShape getSquarePlanarShape(IAtom atomA, IAtom atomB, IAtom atomC, IAtom atomD) {
Point3d pointA = atomA.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointB = atomB.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointC = atomC.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointD = atomD.getPoint3d();
// normalA normalB normalC are right-hand normals for the given
// triangles
// A-B-C, B-C-D, C-D-A
Vector3d normalA = new Vector3d();
Vector3d normalB = new Vector3d();
Vector3d normalC = new Vector3d();
// these are temporary vectors that are re-used in the calculations
Vector3d tmpX = new Vector3d();
Vector3d tmpY = new Vector3d();
// the normals (normalA, normalB, normalC) are calculated
StereoTool.getRawNormal(pointA, pointB, pointC, normalA, tmpX, tmpY);
StereoTool.getRawNormal(pointB, pointC, pointD, normalB, tmpX, tmpY);
StereoTool.getRawNormal(pointC, pointD, pointA, normalC, tmpX, tmpY);
// normalize the normals
// sp1 up up up U-shaped
// sp2 up up DOWN 4-shaped
// sp3 up DOWN DOWN Z-shaped
double aDotB = normalA.dot(normalB);
double aDotC = normalA.dot(normalC);
double bDotC = normalB.dot(normalC);
if (aDotB > 0 && aDotC > 0 && bDotC > 0) { // UUU or DDD
return SquarePlanarShape.U_SHAPE;
} else if (aDotB > 0 && aDotC < 0 && bDotC < 0) { // UUD or DDU
return SquarePlanarShape.FOUR_SHAPE;
} else { // UDD or DUU
return SquarePlanarShape.Z_SHAPE;
* Check that all the points in the list are coplanar (in the same plane)
* as the plane defined by the planeNormal and the pointInPlane.
* @param planeNormal the normal to the plane
* @param pointInPlane any point know to be in the plane
* @param points an array of points to test
* @return false if any of the points is not in the plane
public static boolean allCoplanar(Vector3d planeNormal, Point3d pointInPlane, Point3d... points) {
for (Point3d point : points) {
double distance = StereoTool.signedDistanceToPlane(planeNormal, pointInPlane, point);
if (distance < PLANE_TOLERANCE) {
} else {
return false;
return true;
* Checks these 7 atoms to see if they are at the points of an octahedron.
* @param atomA one of the axial atoms
* @param atomB the central atom
* @param atomC one of the equatorial atoms
* @param atomD one of the equatorial atoms
* @param atomE one of the equatorial atoms
* @param atomF one of the equatorial atoms
* @param atomG the other axial atom
* @return true if the geometry is octahedral
public static boolean isOctahedral(IAtom atomA, IAtom atomB, IAtom atomC, IAtom atomD, IAtom atomE, IAtom atomF,
IAtom atomG) {
Point3d pointA = atomA.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointB = atomB.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointC = atomC.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointD = atomD.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointE = atomE.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointF = atomF.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointG = atomG.getPoint3d();
// the points on the axis should be in a line
boolean isColinearABG = isColinear(pointA, pointB, pointG);
if (!isColinearABG) return false;
// check that CDEF are in a plane
Vector3d normal = new Vector3d();
isSquarePlanar(pointC, pointD, pointE, pointF, normal);
// now check rotation in relation to the first atom
Vector3d vectorAB = new Vector3d(pointA);
// that is, they point in opposite directions
return normal.dot(vectorAB) < 0;
* Checks these 6 atoms to see if they form a trigonal-bipyramidal shape.
* @param atomA one of the axial atoms
* @param atomB the central atom
* @param atomC one of the equatorial atoms
* @param atomD one of the equatorial atoms
* @param atomE one of the equatorial atoms
* @param atomF the other axial atom
* @return true if the geometry is trigonal-bipyramidal
public static boolean isTrigonalBipyramidal(IAtom atomA, IAtom atomB, IAtom atomC, IAtom atomD, IAtom atomE,
IAtom atomF) {
Point3d pointA = atomA.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointB = atomB.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointC = atomC.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointD = atomD.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointE = atomE.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointF = atomF.getPoint3d();
boolean isColinearABF = StereoTool.isColinear(pointA, pointB, pointF);
if (isColinearABF) {
// the normal to the equatorial plane
Vector3d normal = StereoTool.getNormal(pointC, pointD, pointE);
// get the side of the plane that axis point A is
TetrahedralSign handednessCDEA = StereoTool.getHandedness(normal, pointC, pointF);
// get the side of the plane that axis point F is
TetrahedralSign handednessCDEF = StereoTool.getHandedness(normal, pointC, pointA);
// in other words, the two axial points (A,F) are on opposite sides
// of the equatorial plane CDE
return handednessCDEA != handednessCDEF;
} else {
return false;
* Take four atoms, and return Stereo.CLOCKWISE or Stereo.ANTI_CLOCKWISE.
* The first atom is the one pointing towards the observer.
* @param atom1 the atom pointing towards the observer
* @param atom2 the second atom (points away)
* @param atom3 the third atom (points away)
* @param atom4 the fourth atom (points away)
* @return clockwise or anticlockwise
public static Stereo getStereo(IAtom atom1, IAtom atom2, IAtom atom3, IAtom atom4) {
// a normal is calculated for the base atoms (2, 3, 4) and compared to
// the first atom. PLUS indicates ACW.
TetrahedralSign sign = StereoTool.getHandedness(atom2, atom3, atom4, atom1);
if (sign == TetrahedralSign.PLUS) {
return Stereo.ANTI_CLOCKWISE;
} else {
return Stereo.CLOCKWISE;
* Gets the tetrahedral handedness of four atoms - three of which form the
* 'base' of the tetrahedron, and the other the apex. Note that it assumes
* a right-handed coordinate system, and that the points {A,B,C} are in
* a counter-clockwise order in the plane they share.
* @param baseAtomA the first atom in the base of the tetrahedron
* @param baseAtomB the second atom in the base of the tetrahedron
* @param baseAtomC the third atom in the base of the tetrahedron
* @param apexAtom the atom in the point of the tetrahedron
* @return the sign of the tetrahedron
public static TetrahedralSign getHandedness(IAtom baseAtomA, IAtom baseAtomB, IAtom baseAtomC, IAtom apexAtom) {
Point3d pointA = baseAtomA.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointB = baseAtomB.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointC = baseAtomC.getPoint3d();
Point3d pointD = apexAtom.getPoint3d();
return StereoTool.getHandedness(pointA, pointB, pointC, pointD);
private static TetrahedralSign getHandedness(Point3d pointA, Point3d pointB, Point3d pointC, Point3d pointD) {
// assumes anti-clockwise for a right-handed system
Vector3d normal = StereoTool.getNormal(pointA, pointB, pointC);
// it doesn't matter which of points {A,B,C} is used
return StereoTool.getHandedness(normal, pointA, pointD);
private static TetrahedralSign getHandedness(Vector3d planeNormal, Point3d pointInPlane, Point3d testPoint) {
double distance = signedDistanceToPlane(planeNormal, pointInPlane, testPoint);
// The point-plane distance is the absolute value,
// the sign of the distance gives the side of the plane the point is on
// relative to the plane normal.
if (distance > 0) {
return TetrahedralSign.PLUS;
} else {
return TetrahedralSign.MINUS;
* Checks the three supplied points to see if they fall on the same line.
* It does this by finding the normal to an arbitrary pair of lines between
* the points (in fact, A-B and A-C) and checking that its length is 0.
* @param ptA
* @param ptB
* @param ptC
* @return true if the tree points are on a straight line
public static boolean isColinear(Point3d ptA, Point3d ptB, Point3d ptC) {
Vector3d vectorAB = new Vector3d();
Vector3d vectorAC = new Vector3d();
Vector3d normal = new Vector3d();
StereoTool.getRawNormal(ptA, ptB, ptC, normal, vectorAB, vectorAC);
return isColinear(normal);
private static boolean isColinear(Vector3d normal) {
double baCrossACLen = normal.length();
return baCrossACLen < StereoTool.MIN_COLINEAR_NORMAL;
* Given a normalized normal for a plane, any point in that plane, and
* a point, will return the distance between the plane and that point.
* @param planeNormal the normalized plane normal
* @param pointInPlane an arbitrary point in that plane
* @param point the point to measure
* @return the signed distance to the plane
public static double signedDistanceToPlane(Vector3d planeNormal, Point3d pointInPlane, Point3d point) {
if (planeNormal == null) return Double.NaN;
Vector3d pointPointDiff = new Vector3d();
pointPointDiff.sub(point, pointInPlane);
return planeNormal.dot(pointPointDiff);
* Given three points (A, B, C), makes the vectors A-B and A-C, and makes
* the cross product of these two vectors; this has the effect of making a
* third vector at right angles to AB and AC.
* NOTE : the returned normal is normalized; that is, it has been
* divided by its length.
* @param ptA the 'middle' point
* @param ptB one of the end points
* @param ptC one of the end points
* @return the vector at right angles to AB and AC
public static Vector3d getNormal(Point3d ptA, Point3d ptB, Point3d ptC) {
Vector3d vectorAB = new Vector3d();
Vector3d vectorAC = new Vector3d();
Vector3d normal = new Vector3d();
StereoTool.getRawNormal(ptA, ptB, ptC, normal, vectorAB, vectorAC);
return normal;
private static void getRawNormal(Point3d ptA, Point3d ptB, Point3d ptC, Vector3d normal, Vector3d vcAB,
Vector3d vcAC) {
// make A->B and A->C
vcAB.sub(ptB, ptA);
vcAC.sub(ptC, ptA);
// make the normal to this
normal.cross(vcAB, vcAC);
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