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org.opensearch.gradle.test.ClusterFormationTasks.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* The OpenSearch Contributors require contributions made to
* this file be licensed under the Apache-2.0 license or a
* Modifications Copyright OpenSearch Contributors. See
* GitHub history for details.
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.opensearch.gradle.test
import org.opensearch.gradle.BuildPlugin
import org.opensearch.gradle.BwcVersions
import org.opensearch.gradle.LoggedExec
import org.opensearch.gradle.Version
import org.opensearch.gradle.VersionProperties
import org.opensearch.gradle.plugin.PluginBuildPlugin
import org.opensearch.gradle.plugin.PluginPropertiesExtension
import org.gradle.api.AntBuilder
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.GradleException
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.Task
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Dependency
import org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection
import org.gradle.api.logging.Logger
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Copy
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Delete
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Exec
import org.gradle.internal.jvm.Jvm
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
* A helper for creating tasks to build a cluster that is used by a task, and tear down the cluster when the task is finished.
class ClusterFormationTasks {
* Adds dependent tasks to the given task to start and stop a cluster with the given configuration.
* Returns a list of NodeInfo objects for each node in the cluster.
static List setup(Project project, String prefix, Task runner, ClusterConfiguration config) {
File sharedDir = new File(project.buildDir, "cluster/shared")
Object startDependencies = config.dependencies
/* First, if we want a clean environment, we remove everything in the
* shared cluster directory to ensure there are no leftovers in repos
* or anything in theory this should not be necessary but repositories
* are only deleted in the cluster-state and not on-disk such that
* snapshots survive failures / test runs and there is no simple way
* today to fix that. */
if (config.cleanShared) {
Task cleanup = project.tasks.create(
name: "${prefix}#prepareCluster.cleanShared",
type: Delete,
dependsOn: startDependencies) {
delete sharedDir
doLast {
startDependencies = cleanup
List startTasks = []
List nodes = []
if (config.numNodes < config.numBwcNodes) {
throw new GradleException("numNodes must be >= numBwcNodes [${config.numNodes} < ${config.numBwcNodes}]")
if (config.numBwcNodes > 0 && config.bwcVersion == null) {
throw new GradleException("bwcVersion must not be null if numBwcNodes is > 0")
// this is our current version distribution configuration we use for all kinds of REST tests etc.
Configuration currentDistro = project.configurations.create("${prefix}_opensearchDistro")
Configuration bwcDistro = project.configurations.create("${prefix}_opensearchBwcDistro")
Configuration bwcPlugins = project.configurations.create("${prefix}_opensearchBwcPlugins")
if (System.getProperty('tests.distribution', 'archive') == 'integ-test-zip') {
throw new Exception("tests.distribution=integ-test-zip is not supported")
configureDistributionDependency(project, config.distribution, currentDistro, VersionProperties.getOpenSearch())
boolean hasBwcNodes = config.numBwcNodes > 0
if (hasBwcNodes) {
if (config.bwcVersion == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must specify bwcVersion when numBwcNodes > 0")
// if we have a cluster that has a BWC cluster we also need to configure a dependency on the BWC version
// this version uses the same distribution etc. and only differs in the version we depend on.
// from here on everything else works the same as if it's the current version, we fetch the BWC version
// from mirrors using gradles built-in mechanism etc.
configureDistributionDependency(project, config.distribution, bwcDistro, config.bwcVersion.toString())
for (Map.Entry entry : config.plugins.entrySet()) {
configureBwcPluginDependency(project, entry.getValue(), bwcPlugins, config.bwcVersion)
bwcDistro.resolutionStrategy.cacheChangingModulesFor(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
bwcPlugins.resolutionStrategy.cacheChangingModulesFor(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
for (int i = 0; i < config.numNodes; i++) {
// we start N nodes and out of these N nodes there might be M bwc nodes.
// for each of those nodes we might have a different configuration
Configuration distro
String opensearchVersion
if (i < config.numBwcNodes) {
opensearchVersion = config.bwcVersion.toString()
if (project.bwcVersions.unreleased.contains(config.bwcVersion)) {
opensearchVersion += "-SNAPSHOT"
distro = bwcDistro
} else {
opensearchVersion = VersionProperties.getOpenSearch()
distro = currentDistro
NodeInfo node = new NodeInfo(config, i, project, prefix, opensearchVersion, sharedDir)
Closure writeConfigSetup
Object dependsOn
if (node.nodeVersion.onOrAfter("6.5.0")) {
writeConfigSetup = { Map esConfig ->
if (config.getAutoSetHostsProvider()) {
// Don't force discovery provider if one is set by the test cluster specs already
final String seedProvidersSettingName =
node.nodeVersion.onOrAfter("7.0.0") ? "discovery.seed_providers" : "discovery.zen.hosts_provider";
if (esConfig.containsKey(seedProvidersSettingName) == false) {
esConfig[seedProvidersSettingName] = 'file'
esConfig[node.nodeVersion.onOrAfter("7.0.0") ? "discovery.seed_hosts" : ""] = []
boolean supportsInitialMasterNodes = hasBwcNodes == false || config.bwcVersion.onOrAfter("7.0.0")
if (esConfig['discovery.type'] == null && config.getAutoSetInitialMasterNodes() && supportsInitialMasterNodes) {
// To promote inclusive language, the old setting name is deprecated in 2.0.0
esConfig[node.nodeVersion.onOrAfter("2.0.0") ? 'cluster.initial_cluster_manager_nodes' : 'cluster.initial_master_nodes'] ={ n ->
if (n.config.settings[''] == null) {
return "node-" + n.nodeNum
} else {
return n.config.settings['']
dependsOn = startDependencies
} else {
dependsOn = startTasks.empty ? startDependencies : startTasks.get(0)
writeConfigSetup = { Map esConfig ->
String unicastTransportUri = node.config.unicastTransportUri(nodes.get(0), node, project.createAntBuilder())
if (unicastTransportUri == null) {
esConfig[''] = []
} else {
esConfig[''] = "\"${unicastTransportUri}\""
startTasks.add(configureNode(project, prefix, runner, dependsOn, node, config, distro, writeConfigSetup))
Task wait = configureWaitTask("${prefix}#wait", project, nodes, startTasks, config.nodeStartupWaitSeconds)
return nodes
/** Adds a dependency on the given distribution */
static void configureDistributionDependency(Project project, String distro, Configuration configuration, String opensearchVersion) {
boolean internalBuild = project.hasProperty('bwcVersions')
if (distro.equals("integ-test-zip")) {
// short circuit integ test so it doesn't complicate the rest of the distribution setup below
if (internalBuild) {
project.dependencies.project(path: ":distribution", configuration: 'integ-test-zip')
} else {
Version version = Version.fromString(opensearchVersion)
String os = getOs()
String classifier = "-${os}-x64"
String packaging = os.equals('windows') ? 'zip' : 'tar.gz'
String artifactName = 'opensearch'
Object dependency
String snapshotProject = "${os}-${os.equals('windows') ? 'zip' : 'tar'}"
if (version.before("7.0.0")) {
snapshotProject = "zip"
packaging = "zip"
BwcVersions.UnreleasedVersionInfo unreleasedInfo = null
if (project.hasProperty('bwcVersions')) {
// NOTE: leniency is needed for external plugin authors using build-tools. maybe build the version compat info into build-tools?
unreleasedInfo = project.bwcVersions.unreleasedInfo(version)
if (unreleasedInfo != null) {
dependency = project.dependencies.project(
path: unreleasedInfo.gradleProjectPath, configuration: snapshotProject
} else if (internalBuild && opensearchVersion.equals(VersionProperties.getOpenSearch())) {
dependency = project.dependencies.project(path: ":distribution:archives:${snapshotProject}")
} else {
if (version.before('7.0.0')) {
classifier = "" // for bwc, before we had classifiers
// group does not matter as it is not used when we pull from the ivy repo that points to the download service
dependency = "dnm:${artifactName}:${opensearchVersion}${classifier}@${packaging}"
project.dependencies.add(, dependency)
/** Adds a dependency on a different version of the given plugin, which will be retrieved using gradle's dependency resolution */
static void configureBwcPluginDependency(Project project, Object plugin, Configuration configuration, Version opensearchVersion) {
if (plugin instanceof Project) {
Project pluginProject = (Project)plugin
verifyProjectHasBuildPlugin(, opensearchVersion, project, pluginProject)
final String pluginName = findPluginName(pluginProject)
project.dependencies.add(, "org.opensearch.plugin:${pluginName}:${opensearchVersion}@zip")
} else {
project.dependencies.add(, "${plugin}@zip")
* Adds dependent tasks to start an opensearch cluster before the given task is executed,
* and stop it after it has finished executing.
* The setup of the cluster involves the following:
* Cleanup the extraction directory
* Extract a fresh copy of opensearch
* Write an opensearch.yml config file
* Copy plugins that will be installed to a temporary dir (which contains spaces)
* Install plugins
* Run additional setup commands
* Start opensearch
* @return a task which starts the node.
static Task configureNode(Project project, String prefix, Task runner, Object dependsOn, NodeInfo node, ClusterConfiguration config,
Configuration distribution, Closure writeConfig) {
// tasks are chained so their execution order is maintained
Task setup = project.tasks.create(name: taskName(prefix, node, 'clean'), type: Delete, dependsOn: dependsOn) {
delete node.homeDir
delete node.cwd
setup = project.tasks.create(name: taskName(prefix, node, 'createCwd'), type: DefaultTask, dependsOn: setup) {
doLast {
outputs.dir node.cwd
setup = configureCheckPreviousTask(taskName(prefix, node, 'checkPrevious'), project, setup, node)
setup = configureStopTask(taskName(prefix, node, 'stopPrevious'), project, setup, node)
setup = configureExtractTask(taskName(prefix, node, 'extract'), project, setup, node, distribution, config.distribution)
setup = configureWriteConfigTask(taskName(prefix, node, 'configure'), project, setup, node, writeConfig)
setup = configureCreateKeystoreTask(taskName(prefix, node, 'createKeystore'), project, setup, node)
setup = configureAddKeystoreSettingTasks(prefix, project, setup, node)
setup = configureAddKeystoreFileTasks(prefix, project, setup, node)
if (node.config.plugins.isEmpty() == false) {
if (node.nodeVersion == Version.fromString(VersionProperties.getOpenSearch())) {
setup = configureCopyPluginsTask(taskName(prefix, node, 'copyPlugins'), project, setup, node, prefix)
} else {
setup = configureCopyBwcPluginsTask(taskName(prefix, node, 'copyBwcPlugins'), project, setup, node, prefix)
// install modules
for (Project module : node.config.modules) {
String actionName = pluginTaskName('install',, 'Module')
setup = configureInstallModuleTask(taskName(prefix, node, actionName), project, setup, node, module)
// install plugins
for (String pluginName : node.config.plugins.keySet()) {
String actionName = pluginTaskName('install', pluginName, 'Plugin')
setup = configureInstallPluginTask(taskName(prefix, node, actionName), project, setup, node, pluginName, prefix)
// sets up any extra config files that need to be copied over to the ES instance;
// its run after plugins have been installed, as the extra config files may belong to plugins
setup = configureExtraConfigFilesTask(taskName(prefix, node, 'extraConfig'), project, setup, node)
// extra setup commands
for (Map.Entry command : node.config.setupCommands.entrySet()) {
// the first argument is the actual script name, relative to home
Object[] args = command.getValue().clone()
final Object commandPath
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
* We have to delay building the string as the path will not exist during configuration which will fail on Windows due to
* getting the short name requiring the path to already exist. Note that we have to capture the value of arg[0] now
* otherwise we would stack overflow later since arg[0] is replaced below.
String argsZero = args[0]
commandPath = "${-> Paths.get(NodeInfo.getShortPathName(node.homeDir.toString())).resolve(argsZero.toString()).toString()}"
} else {
commandPath = node.homeDir.toPath().resolve(args[0].toString()).toString()
args[0] = commandPath
setup = configureExecTask(taskName(prefix, node, command.getKey()), project, setup, node, args)
Task start = configureStartTask(taskName(prefix, node, 'start'), project, setup, node)
if (node.config.daemonize) {
Task stop = configureStopTask(taskName(prefix, node, 'stop'), project, [], node)
// if we are running in the background, make sure to stop the server when the task completes
for (Object dependency : config.dependencies) {
if (dependency instanceof Fixture) {
def depStop = ((Fixture)dependency).stopTask
return start
/** Adds a task to extract the opensearch distribution */
static Task configureExtractTask(String name, Project project, Task setup, NodeInfo node,
Configuration configuration, String distribution) {
List extractDependsOn = [configuration, setup]
/* configuration.singleFile will be an external artifact if this is being run by a plugin not living in the
opensearch source tree. If this is a plugin built in the opensearch source tree or this is a distro in
the opensearch source tree then this should be the version of opensearch built by the source tree.
If it isn't then Bad Things(TM) will happen. */
Task extract = project.tasks.create(name: name, type: Copy, dependsOn: extractDependsOn) {
if (getOs().equals("windows") || distribution.equals("integ-test-zip") || node.nodeVersion.before("7.0.0")) {
from {
} else {
// macos and linux use tar
from {
into node.baseDir
return extract
/** Adds a task to write opensearch.yml for the given node configuration */
static Task configureWriteConfigTask(String name, Project project, Task setup, NodeInfo node, Closure configFilter) {
Map esConfig = [
'' : node.clusterName,
'' : "node-" + node.nodeNum,
(node.nodeVersion.onOrAfter('7.4.0') ? 'node.pidfile' : 'pidfile') : node.pidFile,
'path.repo' : "${node.sharedDir}/repo",
'path.shared_data' : "${node.sharedDir}/",
// Define a node attribute so we can test that it exists
'node.attr.testattr' : 'test',
// Don't wait for state, just start up quickly. This will also allow new and old nodes in the BWC case to become the master
'discovery.initial_state_timeout' : '0s'
int minimumMasterNodes =
if (node.nodeVersion.before("7.0.0") && minimumMasterNodes > 0) {
esConfig['discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes'] = minimumMasterNodes
if (node.nodeVersion.before("7.0.0") && esConfig.containsKey('discovery.zen.master_election.wait_for_joins_timeout') == false) {
// If a node decides to become master based on partial information from the pinging, don't let it hang for 30 seconds to correct
// its mistake. Instead, only wait 5s to do another round of pinging.
// This is necessary since we use 30s as the default timeout in REST requests waiting for cluster formation
// so we need to bail quicker than the default 30s for the cluster to form in time.
esConfig['discovery.zen.master_election.wait_for_joins_timeout'] = '5s'
esConfig['http.port'] = node.config.httpPort
if (node.nodeVersion.onOrAfter('6.7.0')) {
esConfig['transport.port'] = node.config.transportPort
} else {
esConfig['transport.tcp.port'] = node.config.transportPort
// Default the watermarks to absurdly low to prevent the tests from failing on nodes without enough disk space
esConfig['cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.low'] = '1b'
esConfig['cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.high'] = '1b'
if (node.nodeVersion.major >= 6) {
esConfig['cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.flood_stage'] = '1b'
// increase script compilation limit since tests can rapid-fire script compilations
if (node.nodeVersion.onOrAfter('7.9.0')) {
esConfig['script.disable_max_compilations_rate'] = 'true'
} else {
esConfig['script.max_compilations_rate'] = '2048/1m'
// Temporarily disable the real memory usage circuit breaker. It depends on real memory usage which we have no full control
// over and the REST client will not retry on circuit breaking exceptions yet (see #31986 for details). Once the REST client
// can retry on circuit breaking exceptions, we can revert again to the default configuration.
if (node.nodeVersion.major >= 7) {
esConfig[''] = false
Task writeConfig = project.tasks.create(name: name, type: DefaultTask, dependsOn: setup)
writeConfig.doFirst {
for (Map.Entry setting : node.config.settings) {
if (setting.value == null) {
} else {
esConfig.put(setting.key, setting.value)
esConfig =
File configFile = new File(node.pathConf, 'opensearch.yml')"Configuring ${configFile}")
configFile.setText(esConfig.collect { key, value -> "${key}: ${value}" }.join('\n'), 'UTF-8')
/** Adds a task to create keystore */
static Task configureCreateKeystoreTask(String name, Project project, Task setup, NodeInfo node) {
if (node.config.keystoreSettings.isEmpty() && node.config.keystoreFiles.isEmpty()) {
return setup
} else {
* We have to delay building the string as the path will not exist during configuration which will fail on Windows due to
* getting the short name requiring the path to already exist.
final Object esKeystoreUtil = "${-> node.binPath().resolve('opensearch-keystore').toString()}"
return configureExecTask(name, project, setup, node, esKeystoreUtil, 'create')
/** Adds tasks to add settings to the keystore */
static Task configureAddKeystoreSettingTasks(String parent, Project project, Task setup, NodeInfo node) {
Map kvs = node.config.keystoreSettings
Task parentTask = setup
* We have to delay building the string as the path will not exist during configuration which will fail on Windows due to getting
* the short name requiring the path to already exist.
final Object esKeystoreUtil = "${-> node.binPath().resolve('opensearch-keystore').toString()}"
for (Map.Entry entry in kvs) {
String key = entry.getKey()
String name = taskName(parent, node, 'addToKeystore#' + key)
Task t = configureExecTask(name, project, parentTask, node, esKeystoreUtil, 'add', key, '-x')
String settingsValue = entry.getValue() // eval this early otherwise it will not use the right value
t.doFirst {
standardInput = new ByteArrayInputStream(settingsValue.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
parentTask = t
return parentTask
/** Adds tasks to add files to the keystore */
static Task configureAddKeystoreFileTasks(String parent, Project project, Task setup, NodeInfo node) {
Map kvs = node.config.keystoreFiles
if (kvs.isEmpty()) {
return setup
Task parentTask = setup
* We have to delay building the string as the path will not exist during configuration which will fail on Windows due to getting
* the short name requiring the path to already exist.
final Object esKeystoreUtil = "${-> node.binPath().resolve('opensearch-keystore').toString()}"
for (Map.Entry entry in kvs) {
String key = entry.getKey()
String name = taskName(parent, node, 'addToKeystore#' + key)
String srcFileName = entry.getValue()
Task t = configureExecTask(name, project, parentTask, node, esKeystoreUtil, 'add-file', key, srcFileName)
t.doFirst {
File srcFile = project.file(srcFileName)
if (srcFile.isDirectory()) {
throw new GradleException("Source for keystoreFile must be a file: ${srcFile}")
if (srcFile.exists() == false) {
throw new GradleException("Source file for keystoreFile does not exist: ${srcFile}")
parentTask = t
return parentTask
static Task configureExtraConfigFilesTask(String name, Project project, Task setup, NodeInfo node) {
if (node.config.extraConfigFiles.isEmpty()) {
return setup
Copy copyConfig = project.tasks.create(name: name, type: Copy, dependsOn: setup)
File configDir = new File(node.homeDir, 'config')
copyConfig.into(configDir) // copy must always have a general dest dir, even though we don't use it
for (Map.Entry extraConfigFile : node.config.extraConfigFiles.entrySet()) {
Object extraConfigFileValue = extraConfigFile.getValue()
copyConfig.doFirst {
// make sure the copy won't be a no-op or act on a directory
File srcConfigFile = project.file(extraConfigFileValue)
if (srcConfigFile.isDirectory()) {
throw new GradleException("Source for extraConfigFile must be a file: ${srcConfigFile}")
if (srcConfigFile.exists() == false) {
throw new GradleException("Source file for extraConfigFile does not exist: ${srcConfigFile}")
File destConfigFile = new File(node.homeDir, 'config/' + extraConfigFile.getKey())
// wrap source file in closure to delay resolution to execution time
copyConfig.from({ extraConfigFileValue }) {
// this must be in a closure so it is only applied to the single file specified in from above
rename { }
return copyConfig
* Adds a task to copy plugins to a temp dir, which they will later be installed from.
* For each plugin, if the plugin has rest spec apis in its tests, those api files are also copied
* to the test resources for this project.
static Task configureCopyPluginsTask(String name, Project project, Task setup, NodeInfo node, String prefix) {
Copy copyPlugins = project.tasks.create(name: name, type: Copy, dependsOn: setup)
List pluginFiles = []
for (Map.Entry plugin : node.config.plugins.entrySet()) {
String configurationName = pluginConfigurationName(prefix, plugin.key)
Configuration configuration = project.configurations.findByName(configurationName)
if (configuration == null) {
configuration = project.configurations.create(configurationName)
if (plugin.getValue() instanceof Project) {
Project pluginProject = plugin.getValue()
verifyProjectHasBuildPlugin(name, node.nodeVersion, project, pluginProject)
project.dependencies.add(configurationName, project.dependencies.project(path: pluginProject.path, configuration: 'zip'))
// also allow rest tests to use the rest spec from the plugin
String copyRestSpecTaskName = pluginTaskName('copy', plugin.getKey(), 'PluginRestSpec')
Copy copyRestSpec = project.tasks.findByName(copyRestSpecTaskName)
for (File resourceDir : pluginProject.sourceSets.test.resources.srcDirs) {
File restApiDir = new File(resourceDir, 'rest-api-spec/api')
if (restApiDir.exists() == false) continue
if (copyRestSpec == null) {
copyRestSpec = project.tasks.create(name: copyRestSpecTaskName, type: Copy)
} else {
project.dependencies.add(configurationName, "${plugin.getValue()}@zip")
return copyPlugins
private static String pluginConfigurationName(final String prefix, final String name) {
return "_plugin_${prefix}_${name}".replace(':', '_')
private static String pluginBwcConfigurationName(final String prefix, final String name) {
return "_plugin_bwc_${prefix}_${name}".replace(':', '_')
/** Configures task to copy a plugin based on a zip file resolved using dependencies for an older version */
static Task configureCopyBwcPluginsTask(String name, Project project, Task setup, NodeInfo node, String prefix) {
Configuration bwcPlugins = project.configurations.getByName("${prefix}_opensearchBwcPlugins")
for (Map.Entry plugin : node.config.plugins.entrySet()) {
String configurationName = pluginBwcConfigurationName(prefix, plugin.key)
Configuration configuration = project.configurations.findByName(configurationName)
if (configuration == null) {
configuration = project.configurations.create(configurationName)
if (plugin.getValue() instanceof Project) {
Project pluginProject = plugin.getValue()
verifyProjectHasBuildPlugin(name, node.nodeVersion, project, pluginProject)
final String depName = findPluginName(pluginProject)
Dependency dep = bwcPlugins.dependencies.find { == depName
} else {
project.dependencies.add(configurationName, "${plugin.getValue()}@zip")
Copy copyPlugins = project.tasks.create(name: name, type: Copy, dependsOn: setup) {
from bwcPlugins
into node.pluginsTmpDir
return copyPlugins
static Task configureInstallModuleTask(String name, Project project, Task setup, NodeInfo node, Project module) {
if (node.config.distribution != 'integ-test-zip') {"Not installing modules for $name, ${node.config.distribution} already has them")
return setup
if (module.plugins.hasPlugin(PluginBuildPlugin) == false) {
throw new GradleException("Task ${name} cannot include module ${module.path} which is not an opensearchplugin")
Copy installModule = project.tasks.create(name, Copy.class)
installModule.into(new File(node.homeDir, "modules/${}"))
installModule.from({ project.zipTree(module.tasks.bundlePlugin.outputs.files.singleFile) })
return installModule
static Task configureInstallPluginTask(String name, Project project, Task setup, NodeInfo node, String pluginName, String prefix) {
FileCollection pluginZip;
if (node.nodeVersion != Version.fromString(VersionProperties.getOpenSearch())) {
pluginZip = project.configurations.getByName(pluginBwcConfigurationName(prefix, pluginName))
} else {
pluginZip = project.configurations.getByName(pluginConfigurationName(prefix, pluginName))
// delay reading the file location until execution time by wrapping in a closure within a GString
final Object file = "${-> new File(node.pluginsTmpDir, pluginZip.singleFile.getName()).toURI().toURL().toString()}"
* We have to delay building the string as the path will not exist during configuration which will fail on Windows due to getting
* the short name requiring the path to already exist.
final Object esPluginUtil = "${-> node.binPath().resolve('opensearch-plugin').toString()}"
final Object[] args = [esPluginUtil, 'install', '--batch', file]
return configureExecTask(name, project, setup, node, args)
/** Wrapper for command line argument: surrounds comma with double quotes **/
private static class EscapeCommaWrapper {
Object arg
public String toString() {
String s = arg.toString()
/// Surround strings that contains a comma with double quotes
if (s.indexOf(',') != -1) {
return "\"${s}\""
return s
/** Adds a task to execute a command to help setup the cluster */
static Task configureExecTask(String name, Project project, Task setup, NodeInfo node, Object[] execArgs) {
return project.tasks.create(name: name, type: LoggedExec, dependsOn: setup) { Exec exec ->
exec.workingDir node.cwd
if (useRuntimeJava(project, node)) {
exec.environment.put('JAVA_HOME', project.runtimeJavaHome)
} else {
// force JAVA_HOME to *not* be set
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
exec.executable 'cmd'
exec.args '/C', 'call'
// On Windows the comma character is considered a parameter separator:
// argument are wrapped in an ExecArgWrapper that escapes commas
exec.args execArgs.collect { a -> new EscapeCommaWrapper(arg: a) }
} else {
exec.commandLine execArgs
public static boolean useRuntimeJava(Project project, NodeInfo node) {
return (BuildParams.isRuntimeJavaHomeSet ||
(node.isBwcNode == false && node.nodeVersion.before(Version.fromString("7.0.0"))) ||
node.config.distribution == 'integ-test-zip')
/** Adds a task to start an opensearch node with the given configuration */
static Task configureStartTask(String name, Project project, Task setup, NodeInfo node) {
// this closure is converted into ant nodes by groovy's AntBuilder
Closure antRunner = { AntBuilder ant ->
ant.exec(executable: node.executable, spawn: node.config.daemonize, newenvironment: true,
dir: node.cwd, taskname: 'opensearch') {
node.env.each { key, value -> env(key: key, value: value) }
if (useRuntimeJava(project, node)) {
env(key: 'JAVA_HOME', value: project.runtimeJavaHome)
node.args.each { arg(value: it) }
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
// Having no TMP on Windows defaults to C:\Windows and permission errors
// Since we configure ant to run with a new environment above, we need to explicitly pass this
String tmp = System.getenv("TMP")
assert tmp != null
env(key: "TMP", value: tmp)
// this closure is the actual code to run opensearch
Closure opensearchRunner = {
// Due to how ant exec works with the spawn option, we lose all stdout/stderr from the
// process executed. To work around this, when spawning, we wrap the opensearch start
// command inside another shell script, which simply internally redirects the output
// of the real opensearch script. This allows ant to keep the streams open with the
// dummy process, but us to have the output available if there is an error in the
// opensearch start script
if (node.config.daemonize) {
node.getCommandString().eachLine { line -> }
if (logger.isInfoEnabled() || node.config.daemonize == false) {
runAntCommand(project, antRunner, System.out, System.err)
} else {
// buffer the output, we may not need to print it
PrintStream captureStream = new PrintStream(node.buffer, true, "UTF-8")
runAntCommand(project, antRunner, captureStream, captureStream)
Task start = project.tasks.create(name: name, type: DefaultTask, dependsOn: setup)
if (node.javaVersion != null) {
BuildPlugin.requireJavaHome(start, node.javaVersion)
start.doFirst {
// If the node runs in a FIPS 140-2 JVM, the BCFKS default keystore will be password protected
if (BuildParams.inFipsJvm) {
node.config.systemProperties.put('', 'password')
node.config.systemProperties.put('', 'password')
// Configure ES JAVA OPTS - adds system properties, assertion flags, remote debug etc
List opensearchJavaOpts = [node.env.get('OPENSEARCH_JAVA_OPTS', '')]
String collectedSystemProperties = node.config.systemProperties.collect { key, value -> "-D${key}=${value}" }.join(" ")
if (Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty('tests.asserts', 'true'))) {
// put the enable assertions options before other options to allow
// flexibility to disable assertions for specific packages or classes
// in the cluster-specific options
// we must add debug options inside the closure so the config is read at execution time, as
// gradle task options are not processed until the end of the configuration phase
if (node.config.debug) {
println 'Running opensearch in debug mode, suspending until connected on port 8000'
node.env['OPENSEARCH_JAVA_OPTS'] = opensearchJavaOpts.join(" ")
//"Starting node in ${node.clusterName} distribution: ${node.config.distribution}")
return start
static Task configureWaitTask(String name, Project project, List nodes, List startTasks, int waitSeconds) {
Task wait = project.tasks.create(name: name, dependsOn: startTasks)
wait.doLast {
Collection unicastHosts = new HashSet<>()
nodes.forEach { node ->
String unicastHost = node.config.unicastTransportUri(node, null, project.createAntBuilder())
if (unicastHost != null) {
String unicastHostsTxt = String.join("\n", unicastHosts)
nodes.forEach { node ->
ant.waitfor(maxwait: "${waitSeconds}", maxwaitunit: 'second', checkevery: '500', checkeveryunit: 'millisecond', timeoutproperty: "failed${name}") {
or {
for (NodeInfo node : nodes) {
resourceexists {
file(file: node.failedMarker.toString())
and {
for (NodeInfo node : nodes) {
resourceexists {
file(file: node.pidFile.toString())
resourceexists {
file(file: node.httpPortsFile.toString())
resourceexists {
file(file: node.transportPortsFile.toString())
if ("failed${name}".toString())) {
waitFailed(project, nodes, logger, "Failed to start opensearch: timed out after ${waitSeconds} seconds")
boolean anyNodeFailed = false
for (NodeInfo node : nodes) {
if (node.failedMarker.exists()) {
logger.error("Failed to start opensearch: ${node.failedMarker.toString()} exists")
anyNodeFailed = true
if (anyNodeFailed) {
waitFailed(project, nodes, logger, 'Failed to start opensearch')
// make sure all files exist otherwise we haven't fully started up
boolean missingFile = false
for (NodeInfo node : nodes) {
missingFile |= node.pidFile.exists() == false
missingFile |= node.httpPortsFile.exists() == false
missingFile |= node.transportPortsFile.exists() == false
if (missingFile) {
waitFailed(project, nodes, logger, 'OpenSearch did not complete startup in time allotted')
// go through each node checking the wait condition
for (NodeInfo node : nodes) {
// first bind node info to the closure, then pass to the ant runner so we can get good logging
Closure antRunner = node.config.waitCondition.curry(node)
boolean success
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
success = runAntCommand(project, antRunner, System.out, System.err)
} else {
PrintStream captureStream = new PrintStream(node.buffer, true, "UTF-8")
success = runAntCommand(project, antRunner, captureStream, captureStream)
if (success == false) {
waitFailed(project, nodes, logger, 'OpenSearch cluster failed to pass wait condition')
return wait
static void waitFailed(Project project, List nodes, Logger logger, String msg) {
for (NodeInfo node : nodes) {
if (logger.isInfoEnabled() == false) {
// We already log the command at info level. No need to do it twice.
node.getCommandString().eachLine { line -> logger.error(line) }
logger.error("Node ${node.nodeNum} output:")
logger.error("| failure marker exists: ${node.failedMarker.exists()}")
logger.error("| pid file exists: ${node.pidFile.exists()}")
logger.error("| http ports file exists: ${node.httpPortsFile.exists()}")
logger.error("| transport ports file exists: ${node.transportPortsFile.exists()}")
// the waitfor failed, so dump any output we got (if info logging this goes directly to stdout)
logger.error("|\n| [ant output]")
node.buffer.toString('UTF-8').eachLine { line -> logger.error("| ${line}") }
// also dump the log file for the startup script (which will include ES logging output to stdout)
if (node.startLog.exists()) {
logger.error("|\n| [log]")
node.startLog.eachLine { line -> logger.error("| ${line}") }
if (node.pidFile.exists() && node.failedMarker.exists() == false &&
(node.httpPortsFile.exists() == false || node.transportPortsFile.exists() == false)) {
logger.error("|\n| [jstack]")
String pid = node.pidFile.getText('UTF-8')
ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
project.exec {
commandLine = ["${project.runtimeJavaHome}/bin/jstack", pid]
standardOutput = output
output.toString('UTF-8').eachLine { line -> logger.error("| ${line}") }
throw new GradleException(msg)
/** Adds a task to check if the process with the given pidfile is actually opensearch */
static Task configureCheckPreviousTask(String name, Project project, Object depends, NodeInfo node) {
return project.tasks.create(name: name, type: Exec, dependsOn: depends) {
onlyIf { node.pidFile.exists() }
// the pid file won't actually be read until execution time, since the read is wrapped within an inner closure of the GString = "${ -> node.pidFile.getText('UTF-8').trim()}"
final File jps = Jvm.forHome(project.runtimeJavaHome).getExecutable('jps')
commandLine jps, '-l'
standardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
doLast {
String out = standardOutput.toString()
if (out.contains("${} org.opensearch.bootstrap.OpenSearch") == false) {
logger.error('jps -l')
logger.error("pid file: ${node.pidFile}")
logger.error("pid: ${}")
throw new GradleException("jps -l did not report any process with org.opensearch.bootstrap.OpenSearch\n" +
"Did you run gradle clean? Maybe an old pid file is still lying around.")
} else {
/** Adds a task to kill an opensearch node with the given pidfile */
static Task configureStopTask(String name, Project project, Object depends, NodeInfo node) {
return project.tasks.create(name: name, type: LoggedExec, dependsOn: depends) {
onlyIf { node.pidFile.exists() }
// the pid file won't actually be read until execution time, since the read is wrapped within an inner closure of the GString = "${ -> node.pidFile.getText('UTF-8').trim()}"
doFirst {"Shutting down external node with pid ${pid}")
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
executable 'Taskkill'
args '/PID', pid, '/F'
} else {
executable 'kill'
args '-9', pid
doLast {
// Large tests can exhaust disk space, clean up jdk from the distribution to save some space
project.delete(new File(node.homeDir, "jdk"))
/** Returns a unique task name for this task and node configuration */
static String taskName(String prefix, NodeInfo node, String action) {
if (node.config.numNodes > 1) {
return "${prefix}#node${node.nodeNum}.${action}"
} else {
return "${prefix}#${action}"
public static String pluginTaskName(String action, String name, String suffix) {
// replace every dash followed by a character with just the uppercase character
String camelName = name.replaceAll(/-(\w)/) { _, c -> c.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT) }
return action + camelName[0].toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT) + camelName.substring(1) + suffix
/** Runs an ant command, sending output to the given out and error streams */
static Object runAntCommand(Project project, Closure command, PrintStream outputStream, PrintStream errorStream) {
DefaultLogger listener = new DefaultLogger(
errorPrintStream: errorStream,
outputPrintStream: outputStream,
AntBuilder ant = project.createAntBuilder()
Object retVal = command(ant)
return retVal
static void verifyProjectHasBuildPlugin(String name, Version version, Project project, Project pluginProject) {
if (pluginProject.plugins.hasPlugin(PluginBuildPlugin) == false) {
throw new GradleException("Task [${name}] cannot add plugin [${pluginProject.path}] with version [${version}] to project's " +
"[${project.path}] dependencies: the plugin is not an opensearchplugin")
/** Find the plugin name in the given project. */
static String findPluginName(Project pluginProject) {
PluginPropertiesExtension extension = pluginProject.extensions.findByName('opensearchplugin')
/** Find the current OS */
static String getOs() {
String os = "linux"
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
os = "windows"
} else if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_MAC)) {
os = "darwin"
return os