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import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.document.BinaryDocValuesField;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.document.HalfFloatPoint;
import org.apache.lucene.document.InetAddressPoint;
import org.apache.lucene.document.LatLonDocValuesField;
import org.apache.lucene.document.SortedNumericDocValuesField;
import org.apache.lucene.document.SortedSetDocValuesField;
import org.apache.lucene.document.StoredField;
import org.apache.lucene.index.AssertingDirectoryReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.CompositeReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.RandomIndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.NumericUtils;
import org.opensearch.Version;
import org.opensearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetadata;
import org.opensearch.common.CheckedConsumer;
import org.opensearch.common.TriFunction;
import org.opensearch.common.breaker.CircuitBreaker;
import org.opensearch.common.lucene.index.OpenSearchDirectoryReader;
import org.opensearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.opensearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.opensearch.common.util.MockBigArrays;
import org.opensearch.common.util.MockPageCacheRecycler;
import org.opensearch.common.xcontent.ContextParser;
import org.opensearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder;
import org.opensearch.index.Index;
import org.opensearch.index.IndexSettings;
import org.opensearch.index.analysis.AnalysisRegistry;
import org.opensearch.index.analysis.AnalyzerScope;
import org.opensearch.index.analysis.IndexAnalyzers;
import org.opensearch.index.analysis.NamedAnalyzer;
import org.opensearch.index.cache.bitset.BitsetFilterCache;
import org.opensearch.index.cache.bitset.BitsetFilterCache.Listener;
import org.opensearch.index.cache.query.DisabledQueryCache;
import org.opensearch.index.fielddata.IndexFieldData;
import org.opensearch.index.fielddata.IndexFieldDataCache;
import org.opensearch.index.fielddata.IndexFieldDataService;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.BinaryFieldMapper;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.CompletionFieldMapper;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.ContentPath;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.DateFieldMapper;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.FieldAliasMapper;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.FieldMapper;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.GeoPointFieldMapper;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.GeoShapeFieldMapper;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.KeywordFieldMapper;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.MappedFieldType;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.Mapper;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.Mapper.BuilderContext;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.MapperService;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.NumberFieldMapper;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.ObjectMapper;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.ObjectMapper.Nested;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.RangeFieldMapper;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.RangeType;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.TextFieldMapper;
import org.opensearch.index.query.QueryShardContext;
import org.opensearch.index.shard.IndexShard;
import org.opensearch.index.shard.ShardId;
import org.opensearch.indices.IndicesModule;
import org.opensearch.indices.breaker.CircuitBreakerService;
import org.opensearch.indices.breaker.NoneCircuitBreakerService;
import org.opensearch.indices.fielddata.cache.IndicesFieldDataCache;
import org.opensearch.indices.mapper.MapperRegistry;
import org.opensearch.plugins.SearchPlugin;
import org.opensearch.script.ScriptService;
import org.opensearch.test.OpenSearchTestCase;
import org.opensearch.test.InternalAggregationTestCase;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import static java.util.Collections.emptyMap;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonMap;
import static org.opensearch.test.InternalAggregationTestCase.DEFAULT_MAX_BUCKETS;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.instanceOf;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyObject;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyString;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.doAnswer;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;

 * Base class for testing {@link Aggregator} implementations.
 * Provides helpers for constructing and searching an {@link Aggregator} implementation based on a provided
 * {@link AggregationBuilder} instance.
public abstract class AggregatorTestCase extends OpenSearchTestCase {
    private static final String NESTEDFIELD_PREFIX = "nested_";
    private List releasables = new ArrayList<>();
    private static final String TYPE_NAME = "type";
    protected ValuesSourceRegistry valuesSourceRegistry;

    // A list of field types that should not be tested, or are not currently supported
    private static List TYPE_TEST_BLACKLIST;

    static {
        List blacklist = new ArrayList<>();
        blacklist.add(ObjectMapper.CONTENT_TYPE); // Cannot aggregate objects
        blacklist.add(GeoShapeFieldMapper.CONTENT_TYPE); // Cannot aggregate geoshapes (yet)
        blacklist.add(ObjectMapper.NESTED_CONTENT_TYPE); // TODO support for nested
        blacklist.add(CompletionFieldMapper.CONTENT_TYPE); // TODO support completion
        blacklist.add(FieldAliasMapper.CONTENT_TYPE); // TODO support alias
        TYPE_TEST_BLACKLIST = blacklist;

     * Allows subclasses to provide alternate names for the provided field type, which
     * can be useful when testing aggregations on field aliases.
    protected Map getFieldAliases(MappedFieldType... fieldTypes) {
        return Collections.emptyMap();

    private static void registerFieldTypes(SearchContext searchContext, MapperService mapperService,
                                           Map fieldNameToType) {
        for (Map.Entry entry : fieldNameToType.entrySet()) {
            String fieldName = entry.getKey();
            MappedFieldType fieldType = entry.getValue();


    // Make this @Before instead of @BeforeClass so it can call the non-static getSearchPlugins method
    public void initValuesSourceRegistry() {
        List plugins = new ArrayList<>(getSearchPlugins());
        plugins.add(new AggCardinalityPlugin());
        SearchModule searchModule = new SearchModule(Settings.EMPTY, false, plugins);
        valuesSourceRegistry = searchModule.getValuesSourceRegistry();

     * Test cases should override this if they have plugins that need to be loaded, e.g. the plugins their aggregators are in.
    protected List getSearchPlugins() {
        return Collections.emptyList();

    protected  A createAggregator(AggregationBuilder aggregationBuilder,
                                                        IndexSearcher indexSearcher,
                                                        MappedFieldType... fieldTypes) throws IOException {
        return createAggregator(aggregationBuilder, indexSearcher, createIndexSettings(),
            new MultiBucketConsumer(DEFAULT_MAX_BUCKETS, new NoneCircuitBreakerService().getBreaker(CircuitBreaker.REQUEST)), fieldTypes);

    protected  A createAggregator(Query query,
                                                        AggregationBuilder aggregationBuilder,
                                                        IndexSearcher indexSearcher,
                                                        IndexSettings indexSettings,
                                                        MappedFieldType... fieldTypes) throws IOException {
        return createAggregator(query, aggregationBuilder, indexSearcher, indexSettings,
            new MultiBucketConsumer(DEFAULT_MAX_BUCKETS, new NoneCircuitBreakerService().getBreaker(CircuitBreaker.REQUEST)), fieldTypes);

    protected  A createAggregator(Query query, AggregationBuilder aggregationBuilder,
                                                        IndexSearcher indexSearcher,
                                                        MultiBucketConsumer bucketConsumer,
                                                        MappedFieldType... fieldTypes) throws IOException {
        return createAggregator(query, aggregationBuilder, indexSearcher, createIndexSettings(), bucketConsumer, fieldTypes);

    protected  A createAggregator(AggregationBuilder aggregationBuilder,
                                                        IndexSearcher indexSearcher,
                                                        IndexSettings indexSettings,
                                                        MultiBucketConsumer bucketConsumer,
                                                        MappedFieldType... fieldTypes) throws IOException {
        return createAggregator(null, aggregationBuilder, indexSearcher, indexSettings, bucketConsumer, fieldTypes);

    protected  A createAggregator(Query query,
                                                        AggregationBuilder aggregationBuilder,
                                                        IndexSearcher indexSearcher,
                                                        IndexSettings indexSettings,
                                                        MultiBucketConsumer bucketConsumer,
                                                        MappedFieldType... fieldTypes) throws IOException {
        SearchContext searchContext = createSearchContext(indexSearcher, indexSettings, query, bucketConsumer, fieldTypes);
        return createAggregator(aggregationBuilder, searchContext);

    protected  A createAggregator(AggregationBuilder aggregationBuilder, SearchContext searchContext)
        throws IOException {
        A aggregator = (A) aggregationBuilder.rewrite(searchContext.getQueryShardContext())
            .build(searchContext.getQueryShardContext(), null)
            .create(searchContext, null, CardinalityUpperBound.ONE);
        return aggregator;

     * Create a {@linkplain SearchContext} for testing an {@link Aggregator}.
    protected SearchContext createSearchContext(IndexSearcher indexSearcher,
                                                IndexSettings indexSettings,
                                                Query query,
                                                MultiBucketConsumer bucketConsumer,
                                                MappedFieldType... fieldTypes) throws IOException {
        return createSearchContext(indexSearcher, indexSettings, query, bucketConsumer, new NoneCircuitBreakerService(), fieldTypes);

    protected SearchContext createSearchContext(IndexSearcher indexSearcher,
                                                IndexSettings indexSettings,
                                                Query query,
                                                MultiBucketConsumer bucketConsumer,
                                                CircuitBreakerService circuitBreakerService,
                                                MappedFieldType... fieldTypes) throws IOException {
        QueryCache queryCache = new DisabledQueryCache(indexSettings);
        QueryCachingPolicy queryCachingPolicy = new QueryCachingPolicy() {
            public void onUse(Query query) {

            public boolean shouldCache(Query query) {
                // never cache a query
                return false;
        ContextIndexSearcher contextIndexSearcher = new ContextIndexSearcher(indexSearcher.getIndexReader(),
            indexSearcher.getSimilarity(), queryCache, queryCachingPolicy, false);

        SearchContext searchContext = mock(SearchContext.class);
                .thenReturn(new FetchPhase(Arrays.asList(new FetchSourcePhase(), new FetchDocValuesPhase())));
        when(searchContext.bitsetFilterCache()).thenReturn(new BitsetFilterCache(indexSettings, mock(Listener.class)));
        IndexShard indexShard = mock(IndexShard.class);
        when(indexShard.shardId()).thenReturn(new ShardId("test", "test", 0));
            .thenReturn(new SearchContextAggregations(AggregatorFactories.EMPTY, bucketConsumer));
         * Always use the circuit breaking big arrays instance so that the CircuitBreakerService
         * we're passed gets a chance to break.
        BigArrays bigArrays = new MockBigArrays(new MockPageCacheRecycler(Settings.EMPTY), circuitBreakerService).withCircuitBreaking();

        // TODO: now just needed for top_hits, this will need to be revised for other agg unit tests:
        MapperService mapperService = mapperServiceMock();
        IndexFieldDataService ifds = new IndexFieldDataService(indexSettings,
            new IndicesFieldDataCache(Settings.EMPTY, new IndexFieldDataCache.Listener() {
            }), circuitBreakerService, mapperService);
        QueryShardContext queryShardContext =
            queryShardContextMock(contextIndexSearcher, mapperService, indexSettings, circuitBreakerService, bigArrays);
        when(queryShardContext.getObjectMapper(anyString())).thenAnswer(invocation -> {
            String fieldName = (String) invocation.getArguments()[0];
            if (fieldName.startsWith(NESTEDFIELD_PREFIX)) {
                BuilderContext context = new BuilderContext(indexSettings.getSettings(), new ContentPath());
                return new ObjectMapper.Builder<>(fieldName).nested(Nested.newNested()).build(context);
            return null;

        Map fieldNameToType = new HashMap<>();
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(MappedFieldType::name, Function.identity())));

        registerFieldTypes(searchContext, mapperService,
        doAnswer(invocation -> {
            /* Store the release-ables so we can release them at the end of the test case. This is important because aggregations don't
             * close their sub-aggregations. This is fairly similar to what the production code does. */
            releasables.add((Releasable) invocation.getArguments()[0]);
            return null;
        return searchContext;

    protected IndexSettings createIndexSettings() {
        return new IndexSettings(
                IndexMetadata.builder("_index").settings(Settings.builder().put(IndexMetadata.SETTING_VERSION_CREATED, Version.CURRENT))

     * sub-tests that need a more complex mock can overwrite this
    protected MapperService mapperServiceMock() {
        return mock(MapperService.class);

     * sub-tests that need a more complex mock can overwrite this
    protected QueryShardContext queryShardContextMock(IndexSearcher searcher,
                                                      MapperService mapperService,
                                                      IndexSettings indexSettings,
                                                      CircuitBreakerService circuitBreakerService,
                                                      BigArrays bigArrays) {

        return new QueryShardContext(0, indexSettings, bigArrays, null,
            getIndexFieldDataLookup(mapperService, circuitBreakerService),
            mapperService, null, getMockScriptService(), xContentRegistry(),
            writableRegistry(), null, searcher, System::currentTimeMillis, null, null, () -> true,

     * Sub-tests that need a more complex index field data provider can override this
    protected TriFunction, IndexFieldData> getIndexFieldDataLookup(
        MapperService mapperService, CircuitBreakerService circuitBreakerService) {
        return (fieldType, s, searchLookup) -> fieldType.fielddataBuilder(
            mapperService.getIndexSettings().getIndex().getName(), searchLookup)
            .build(new IndexFieldDataCache.None(), circuitBreakerService);

     * Sub-tests that need scripting can override this method to provide a script service and pre-baked scripts
    protected ScriptService getMockScriptService() {
        return null;

    protected  A searchAndReduce(IndexSearcher searcher,
                                                                                      Query query,
                                                                                      AggregationBuilder builder,
                                                                                      MappedFieldType... fieldTypes) throws IOException {
        return searchAndReduce(createIndexSettings(), searcher, query, builder, DEFAULT_MAX_BUCKETS, fieldTypes);

    protected  A searchAndReduce(IndexSettings indexSettings,
                                                                                      IndexSearcher searcher,
                                                                                      Query query,
                                                                                      AggregationBuilder builder,
                                                                                      MappedFieldType... fieldTypes) throws IOException {
        return searchAndReduce(indexSettings, searcher, query, builder, DEFAULT_MAX_BUCKETS, fieldTypes);

    protected  A searchAndReduce(IndexSearcher searcher,
                                                                                      Query query,
                                                                                      AggregationBuilder builder,
                                                                                      int maxBucket,
                                                                                      MappedFieldType... fieldTypes) throws IOException {
        return searchAndReduce(createIndexSettings(), searcher, query, builder, maxBucket, fieldTypes);

     * Collects all documents that match the provided query {@link Query} and
     * returns the reduced {@link InternalAggregation}.

* Half the time it aggregates each leaf individually and reduces all * results together. The other half the time it aggregates across the entire * index at once and runs a final reduction on the single resulting agg. */ protected A searchAndReduce(IndexSettings indexSettings, IndexSearcher searcher, Query query, AggregationBuilder builder, int maxBucket, MappedFieldType... fieldTypes) throws IOException { final IndexReaderContext ctx = searcher.getTopReaderContext(); final PipelineTree pipelines = builder.buildPipelineTree(); List aggs = new ArrayList<>(); Query rewritten = searcher.rewrite(query); MultiBucketConsumer bucketConsumer = new MultiBucketConsumer(maxBucket, new NoneCircuitBreakerService().getBreaker(CircuitBreaker.REQUEST)); C root = createAggregator(query, builder, searcher, bucketConsumer, fieldTypes); if (randomBoolean() && searcher.getIndexReader().leaves().size() > 0) { assertThat(ctx, instanceOf(CompositeReaderContext.class)); final CompositeReaderContext compCTX = (CompositeReaderContext) ctx; final int size = compCTX.leaves().size(); final ShardSearcher[] subSearchers = new ShardSearcher[size]; for (int searcherIDX = 0; searcherIDX < subSearchers.length; searcherIDX++) { final LeafReaderContext leave = compCTX.leaves().get(searcherIDX); subSearchers[searcherIDX] = new ShardSearcher(leave, compCTX); } for (ShardSearcher subSearcher : subSearchers) { MultiBucketConsumer shardBucketConsumer = new MultiBucketConsumer(maxBucket, new NoneCircuitBreakerService().getBreaker(CircuitBreaker.REQUEST)); C a = createAggregator(query, builder, subSearcher, indexSettings, shardBucketConsumer, fieldTypes); a.preCollection(); Weight weight = subSearcher.createWeight(rewritten, ScoreMode.COMPLETE, 1f);, a); a.postCollection(); aggs.add(a.buildTopLevel()); } } else { root.preCollection();, root); root.postCollection(); aggs.add(root.buildTopLevel()); } if (randomBoolean() && aggs.size() > 1) { // sometimes do an incremental reduce int toReduceSize = aggs.size(); Collections.shuffle(aggs, random()); int r = randomIntBetween(1, toReduceSize); List toReduce = aggs.subList(0, r); InternalAggregation.ReduceContext context = InternalAggregation.ReduceContext.forPartialReduction( root.context().bigArrays(), getMockScriptService(), () -> PipelineAggregator.PipelineTree.EMPTY); A reduced = (A) aggs.get(0).reduce(toReduce, context); aggs = new ArrayList<>(aggs.subList(r, toReduceSize)); aggs.add(reduced); } // now do the final reduce MultiBucketConsumer reduceBucketConsumer = new MultiBucketConsumer(maxBucket, new NoneCircuitBreakerService().getBreaker(CircuitBreaker.REQUEST)); InternalAggregation.ReduceContext context = InternalAggregation.ReduceContext.forFinalReduction( root.context().bigArrays(), getMockScriptService(), reduceBucketConsumer, pipelines); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") A internalAgg = (A) aggs.get(0).reduce(aggs, context); // materialize any parent pipelines internalAgg = (A) internalAgg.reducePipelines(internalAgg, context, pipelines); // materialize any sibling pipelines at top level for (PipelineAggregator pipelineAggregator : pipelines.aggregators()) { internalAgg = (A) pipelineAggregator.reduce(internalAgg, context); } doAssertReducedMultiBucketConsumer(internalAgg, reduceBucketConsumer); return internalAgg; } protected void doAssertReducedMultiBucketConsumer(Aggregation agg, MultiBucketConsumerService.MultiBucketConsumer bucketConsumer) { InternalAggregationTestCase.assertMultiBucketConsumer(agg, bucketConsumer); } protected void testCase( T aggregationBuilder, Query query, CheckedConsumer buildIndex, Consumer verify, MappedFieldType... fieldTypes) throws IOException { try (Directory directory = newDirectory()) { RandomIndexWriter indexWriter = new RandomIndexWriter(random(), directory); buildIndex.accept(indexWriter); indexWriter.close(); try (DirectoryReader unwrapped =; IndexReader indexReader = wrapDirectoryReader(unwrapped)) { IndexSearcher indexSearcher = newIndexSearcher(indexReader); V agg = searchAndReduce(indexSearcher, query, aggregationBuilder, fieldTypes); verify.accept(agg); } } } /** * Override to wrap the {@linkplain DirectoryReader} for aggs like * {@link NestedAggregationBuilder}. */ protected IndexReader wrapDirectoryReader(DirectoryReader reader) throws IOException { return reader; } private static class ShardSearcher extends IndexSearcher { private final List ctx; ShardSearcher(LeafReaderContext ctx, IndexReaderContext parent) { super(parent); this.ctx = Collections.singletonList(ctx); } public void search(Weight weight, Collector collector) throws IOException { search(ctx, weight, collector); } @Override public String toString() { return "ShardSearcher(" + ctx.get(0) + ")"; } } protected static DirectoryReader wrapInMockESDirectoryReader(DirectoryReader directoryReader) throws IOException { return OpenSearchDirectoryReader.wrap(directoryReader, new ShardId(new Index("_index", "_na_"), 0)); } /** * Added to randomly run with more assertions on the index searcher level, * like {@link org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase#newSearcher(IndexReader)}, which can't be used because it also * wraps in the IndexSearcher's IndexReader with other implementations that we can't handle. (e.g. ParallelCompositeReader) */ protected static IndexSearcher newIndexSearcher(IndexReader indexReader) { if (randomBoolean()) { // this executes basic query checks and asserts that weights are normalized only once etc. return new AssertingIndexSearcher(random(), indexReader); } else { return new IndexSearcher(indexReader); } } /** * Added to randomly run with more assertions on the index reader level, * like {@link org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase#wrapReader(IndexReader)}, which can't be used because it also * wraps in the IndexReader with other implementations that we can't handle. (e.g. ParallelCompositeReader) */ protected static IndexReader maybeWrapReaderEs(DirectoryReader reader) throws IOException { if (randomBoolean()) { return new AssertingDirectoryReader(reader); } else { return reader; } } /** * Implementors should return a list of {@link ValuesSourceType} that the aggregator supports. * This is used to test the matrix of supported/unsupported field types against the aggregator * and verify it works (or doesn't) as expected. * * If this method is implemented, {@link AggregatorTestCase#createAggBuilderForTypeTest(MappedFieldType, String)} * should be implemented as well. * * @return list of supported ValuesSourceTypes */ protected List getSupportedValuesSourceTypes() { // If aggs don't override this method, an empty list allows the test to be skipped. // Once all aggs implement this method we should make it abstract and not allow skipping. return Collections.emptyList(); } /** * This method is invoked each time a field type is tested in {@link AggregatorTestCase#testSupportedFieldTypes()}. * The field type and name are provided, and the implementor is expected to return an AggBuilder accordingly. * The AggBuilder should be returned even if the aggregation does not support the field type, because * the test will check if an exception is thrown in that case. * * The list of supported types are provided by {@link AggregatorTestCase#getSupportedValuesSourceTypes()}, * which must also be implemented. * * @param fieldType the type of the field that will be tested * @param fieldName the name of the field that will be test * @return an aggregation builder to test against the field */ protected AggregationBuilder createAggBuilderForTypeTest(MappedFieldType fieldType, String fieldName) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("If getSupportedValuesSourceTypes() is implemented, " + "createAggBuilderForTypeTest() must be implemented as well."); } /** * A method that allows implementors to specifically blacklist particular field types (based on their content_name). * This is needed in some areas where the ValuesSourceType is not granular enough, for example integer values * vs floating points, or `keyword` bytes vs `binary` bytes (which are not searchable) * * This is a blacklist instead of a whitelist because there are vastly more field types than ValuesSourceTypes, * and it's expected that these unsupported cases are exceptional rather than common */ protected List unsupportedMappedFieldTypes() { return Collections.emptyList(); } /** * This test will validate that an aggregator succeeds or fails to run against all the field types * that are registered in {@link IndicesModule} (e.g. all the core field types). An aggregator * is provided by the implementor class, and it is executed against each field type in turn. If * an exception is thrown when the field is supported, that will fail the test. Similarly, if * an exception _is not_ thrown when a field is unsupported, that will also fail the test. * * Exception types/messages are not currently checked, just presence/absence of an exception. */ public void testSupportedFieldTypes() throws IOException { MapperRegistry mapperRegistry = new IndicesModule(Collections.emptyList()).getMapperRegistry(); Settings settings = Settings.builder().put("index.version.created",; String fieldName = "typeTestFieldName"; List supportedVSTypes = getSupportedValuesSourceTypes(); List unsupportedMappedFieldTypes = unsupportedMappedFieldTypes(); if (supportedVSTypes.isEmpty()) { // If the test says it doesn't support any VStypes, it has not been converted yet so skip return; } for (Map.Entry mappedType : mapperRegistry.getMapperParsers().entrySet()) { // Some field types should not be tested, or require more work and are not ready yet if (TYPE_TEST_BLACKLIST.contains(mappedType.getKey())) { continue; } Map source = new HashMap<>(); source.put("type", mappedType.getKey()); // Text is the only field that doesn't support DVs, instead FD if (mappedType.getKey().equals(TextFieldMapper.CONTENT_TYPE) == false) { source.put("doc_values", "true"); } Mapper.Builder builder = mappedType.getValue().parse(fieldName, source, new MockParserContext()); FieldMapper mapper = (FieldMapper) BuilderContext(settings, new ContentPath())); MappedFieldType fieldType = mapper.fieldType(); // Non-aggregatable fields are not testable (they will throw an error on all aggs anyway), so skip if (fieldType.isAggregatable() == false) { continue; } try (Directory directory = newDirectory()) { RandomIndexWriter indexWriter = new RandomIndexWriter(random(), directory); writeTestDoc(fieldType, fieldName, indexWriter); indexWriter.close(); try (IndexReader indexReader = { IndexSearcher indexSearcher = newIndexSearcher(indexReader); AggregationBuilder aggregationBuilder = createAggBuilderForTypeTest(fieldType, fieldName); ValuesSourceType vst = fieldToVST(fieldType); // TODO in the future we can make this more explicit with expectThrows(), when the exceptions are standardized AssertionError failure = null; try { searchAndReduce(indexSearcher, new MatchAllDocsQuery(), aggregationBuilder, fieldType); if (supportedVSTypes.contains(vst) == false || unsupportedMappedFieldTypes.contains(fieldType.typeName())) { failure = new AssertionError("Aggregator [" + aggregationBuilder.getType() + "] should not support field type [" + fieldType.typeName() + "] but executing against the field did not throw an exception"); } } catch (Exception | AssertionError e) { if (supportedVSTypes.contains(vst) && unsupportedMappedFieldTypes.contains(fieldType.typeName()) == false) { failure = new AssertionError("Aggregator [" + aggregationBuilder.getType() + "] supports field type [" + fieldType.typeName() + "] but executing against the field threw an exception: [" + e.getMessage() + "]", e); } } if (failure != null) { throw failure; } } } } } private ValuesSourceType fieldToVST(MappedFieldType fieldType) { return fieldType.fielddataBuilder("", () -> { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }).build(null, null).getValuesSourceType(); } /** * Helper method to write a single document with a single value specific to the requested fieldType. * * Throws an exception if it encounters an unknown field type, to prevent new ones from sneaking in without * being tested. */ private void writeTestDoc(MappedFieldType fieldType, String fieldName, RandomIndexWriter iw) throws IOException { String typeName = fieldType.typeName(); ValuesSourceType vst = fieldToVST(fieldType); Document doc = new Document(); String json; if (vst.equals(CoreValuesSourceType.NUMERIC)) { long v; if (typeName.equals(NumberFieldMapper.NumberType.DOUBLE.typeName())) { double d = Math.abs(randomDouble()); v = NumericUtils.doubleToSortableLong(d); json = "{ \"" + fieldName + "\" : \"" + d + "\" }"; } else if (typeName.equals(NumberFieldMapper.NumberType.FLOAT.typeName())) { float f = Math.abs(randomFloat()); v = NumericUtils.floatToSortableInt(f); json = "{ \"" + fieldName + "\" : \"" + f + "\" }"; } else if (typeName.equals(NumberFieldMapper.NumberType.HALF_FLOAT.typeName())) { // Generate a random float that respects the limits of half float float f = Math.abs((randomFloat() * 2 - 1) * 65504); v = HalfFloatPoint.halfFloatToSortableShort(f); json = "{ \"" + fieldName + "\" : \"" + f + "\" }"; } else { // smallest numeric is a byte so we select the smallest v = Math.abs(randomByte()); json = "{ \"" + fieldName + "\" : \"" + v + "\" }"; } doc.add(new SortedNumericDocValuesField(fieldName, v)); } else if (vst.equals(CoreValuesSourceType.BYTES)) { if (typeName.equals(BinaryFieldMapper.CONTENT_TYPE)) { doc.add(new BinaryFieldMapper.CustomBinaryDocValuesField(fieldName, new BytesRef("a").bytes)); json = "{ \"" + fieldName + "\" : \"a\" }"; } else { doc.add(new SortedSetDocValuesField(fieldName, new BytesRef("a"))); json = "{ \"" + fieldName + "\" : \"a\" }"; } } else if (vst.equals(CoreValuesSourceType.DATE)) { // positive integer because date_nanos gets unhappy with large longs long v; v = Math.abs(randomInt()); doc.add(new SortedNumericDocValuesField(fieldName, v)); json = "{ \"" + fieldName + "\" : \"" + v + "\" }"; } else if (vst.equals(CoreValuesSourceType.BOOLEAN)) { long v; v = randomBoolean() ? 0 : 1; doc.add(new SortedNumericDocValuesField(fieldName, v)); json = "{ \"" + fieldName + "\" : \"" + (v == 0 ? "false" : "true") + "\" }"; } else if (vst.equals(CoreValuesSourceType.IP)) { InetAddress ip = randomIp(randomBoolean()); json = "{ \"" + fieldName + "\" : \"" + NetworkAddress.format(ip) + "\" }"; doc.add(new SortedSetDocValuesField(fieldName, new BytesRef(InetAddressPoint.encode(ip)))); } else if (vst.equals(CoreValuesSourceType.RANGE)) { Object start; Object end; RangeType rangeType; if (typeName.equals(RangeType.DOUBLE.typeName())) { start = randomDouble(); end = RangeType.DOUBLE.nextUp(start); rangeType = RangeType.DOUBLE; } else if (typeName.equals(RangeType.FLOAT.typeName())) { start = randomFloat(); end = RangeType.FLOAT.nextUp(start); rangeType = RangeType.DOUBLE; } else if (typeName.equals(RangeType.IP.typeName())) { boolean v4 = randomBoolean(); start = randomIp(v4); end = RangeType.IP.nextUp(start); rangeType = RangeType.IP; } else if (typeName.equals(RangeType.LONG.typeName())) { start = randomLong(); end = RangeType.LONG.nextUp(start); rangeType = RangeType.LONG; } else if (typeName.equals(RangeType.INTEGER.typeName())) { start = randomInt(); end = RangeType.INTEGER.nextUp(start); rangeType = RangeType.INTEGER; } else if (typeName.equals(RangeType.DATE.typeName())) { start = randomNonNegativeLong(); end = RangeType.DATE.nextUp(start); rangeType = RangeType.DATE; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown type of range [" + typeName + "]"); } final RangeFieldMapper.Range range = new RangeFieldMapper.Range(rangeType, start, end, true, true); doc.add(new BinaryDocValuesField(fieldName, rangeType.encodeRanges(Collections.singleton(range)))); json = "{ \"" + fieldName + "\" : { \n" + " \"gte\" : \"" + start + "\",\n" + " \"lte\" : \"" + end + "\"\n" + " }}"; } else if (vst.equals(CoreValuesSourceType.GEOPOINT)) { double lat = randomDouble(); double lon = randomDouble(); doc.add(new LatLonDocValuesField(fieldName, lat, lon)); json = "{ \"" + fieldName + "\" : \"[" + lon + "," + lat + "]\" }"; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown field type [" + typeName + "]"); } doc.add(new StoredField("_source", new BytesRef(json))); iw.addDocument(doc); } private class MockParserContext extends Mapper.TypeParser.ParserContext { MockParserContext() { super(null, null, null, Version.CURRENT, null, null, null); } @Override public Settings getSettings() { return Settings.EMPTY; } @Override public IndexAnalyzers getIndexAnalyzers() { NamedAnalyzer defaultAnalyzer = new NamedAnalyzer(AnalysisRegistry.DEFAULT_ANALYZER_NAME, AnalyzerScope.GLOBAL, new StandardAnalyzer()); return new IndexAnalyzers(singletonMap(AnalysisRegistry.DEFAULT_ANALYZER_NAME, defaultAnalyzer), emptyMap(), emptyMap()); } } @After private void cleanupReleasables() { Releasables.close(releasables); releasables.clear(); } /** * Hook for checking things after all {@link Aggregator}s have been closed. */ protected void afterClose() {} /** * Make a {@linkplain DateFieldMapper.DateFieldType} for a {@code date}. */ protected DateFieldMapper.DateFieldType dateField(String name, DateFieldMapper.Resolution resolution) { return new DateFieldMapper.DateFieldType(name, resolution); } /** * Make a {@linkplain NumberFieldMapper.NumberFieldType} for a {@code double}. */ protected NumberFieldMapper.NumberFieldType doubleField(String name) { return new NumberFieldMapper.NumberFieldType(name, NumberFieldMapper.NumberType.DOUBLE); } /** * Make a {@linkplain GeoPointFieldMapper.GeoPointFieldType} for a {@code geo_point}. */ protected GeoPointFieldMapper.GeoPointFieldType geoPointField(String name) { return new GeoPointFieldMapper.GeoPointFieldType(name); } /** * Make a {@linkplain DateFieldMapper.DateFieldType} for a {@code date}. */ protected KeywordFieldMapper.KeywordFieldType keywordField(String name) { return new KeywordFieldMapper.KeywordFieldType(name); } /** * Make a {@linkplain NumberFieldMapper.NumberFieldType} for a {@code long}. */ protected NumberFieldMapper.NumberFieldType longField(String name) { return new NumberFieldMapper.NumberFieldType(name, NumberFieldMapper.NumberType.LONG); } /** * Make a {@linkplain NumberFieldMapper.NumberFieldType} for a {@code range}. */ protected RangeFieldMapper.RangeFieldType rangeField(String name, RangeType rangeType) { if (rangeType == RangeType.DATE) { return new RangeFieldMapper.RangeFieldType(name, RangeFieldMapper.Defaults.DATE_FORMATTER); } return new RangeFieldMapper.RangeFieldType(name, rangeType); } /** * Request an aggregation that returns the {@link CardinalityUpperBound} * that was passed to its ctor. */ public static AggregationBuilder aggCardinality(String name) { return new AggCardinalityAggregationBuilder(name); } private static class AggCardinalityAggregationBuilder extends AbstractAggregationBuilder { AggCardinalityAggregationBuilder(String name) { super(name); } @Override protected AggregatorFactory doBuild(QueryShardContext queryShardContext, AggregatorFactory parent, Builder subfactoriesBuilder) throws IOException { return new AggregatorFactory(name, queryShardContext, parent, subfactoriesBuilder, metadata) { @Override protected Aggregator createInternal( SearchContext searchContext, Aggregator parent, CardinalityUpperBound cardinality, Map metadata ) throws IOException { return new MetricsAggregator(name, searchContext, parent, metadata) { @Override protected LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx, LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException { return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR; } @Override public InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long owningBucketOrd) throws IOException { return new InternalAggCardinality(name, cardinality, metadata); } @Override public InternalAggregation buildEmptyAggregation() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } }; } }; } @Override protected XContentBuilder internalXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException { return builder; } @Override public BucketCardinality bucketCardinality() { return BucketCardinality.ONE; } @Override public String getType() { return "agg_cardinality"; } @Override protected AggregationBuilder shallowCopy(Builder factoriesBuilder, Map metadata) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override protected void doWriteTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } public static class InternalAggCardinality extends InternalAggregation { private final CardinalityUpperBound cardinality; protected InternalAggCardinality(String name, CardinalityUpperBound cardinality, Map metadata) { super(name, metadata); this.cardinality = cardinality; } public CardinalityUpperBound cardinality() { return cardinality; } @Override public InternalAggregation reduce(List aggregations, ReduceContext reduceContext) { aggregations.forEach(ia -> { assertThat(((InternalAggCardinality) ia).cardinality, equalTo(cardinality)); }); return new InternalAggCardinality(name, cardinality, metadata); } @Override protected boolean mustReduceOnSingleInternalAgg() { return true; } @Override public XContentBuilder doXContentBody(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException { return builder.array("cardinality", cardinality); } @Override public Object getProperty(List path) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public String getWriteableName() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override protected void doWriteTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } private static class AggCardinalityPlugin implements SearchPlugin { @Override public List getAggregations() { return singletonList(new AggregationSpec("agg_cardinality", in -> null, (ContextParser) (p, c) -> null)); } } }

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