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org.opensearch.cluster.coordination.LinearizabilityChecker Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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* this file be licensed under the Apache-2.0 license or a
* compatible open source license.
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
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package org.opensearch.cluster.coordination;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FixedBitSet;
import org.opensearch.common.collect.Tuple;
import org.opensearch.core.common.Strings;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
* Basic implementation of the Wing and Gong Graph Search Algorithm, following the descriptions in
* Gavin Lowe: Testing for linearizability
* Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 29, 4 (2017).
* Alex Horn and Daniel Kroening: Faster linearizability checking via P-compositionality
* FORTE (2015).
public class LinearizabilityChecker {
private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(LinearizabilityChecker.class);
* Sequential specification of a datatype. Used as input for the linearizability checker.
* All parameter and return values should be immutable and have proper equals / hashCode implementations
public interface SequentialSpec {
* Returns the initial state of the datatype
Object initialState();
* Next-state function, checking whether transitioning the datatype in the given state under the provided input and output is valid.
* @param currentState the current state of the datatype
* @param input the input, associated with the given invocation event
* @param output the output, associated with the corresponding response event
* @return the next state, if the given current state, input and output are a valid transition, or Optional.empty() otherwise
Optional nextState(Object currentState, Object input, Object output);
* For compositional checking, the history can be partitioned into sub-histories
* @param events the history of events to partition
* @return the partitioned history
default Collection> partition(List events) {
return Collections.singleton(events);
* Sequential specification of a datatype that allows for keyed access,
* providing compositional checking (see {@link SequentialSpec#partition(List)}).
public interface KeyedSpec extends SequentialSpec {
* extracts the key from the given keyed invocation input value
Object getKey(Object value);
* extracts the key-less value from the given keyed invocation input value
Object getValue(Object value);
default Collection> partition(List events) {
final Map> keyedPartitions = new HashMap<>();
final Map matches = new HashMap<>();
for (Event event : events) {
if (event.type == EventType.INVOCATION) {
final Object key = getKey(event.value);
final Object val = getValue(event.value);
final Event unfoldedEvent = new Event(EventType.INVOCATION, val,;
keyedPartitions.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(unfoldedEvent);
matches.put(, key);
} else {
final Object key = matches.get(;
return keyedPartitions.values();
* Sequence of invocations and responses, recording the run of a concurrent system.
public static class History {
private final Queue events;
private AtomicInteger nextId = new AtomicInteger();
public History() {
events = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
public History(Collection events) {
this.nextId.set( -> + 1);
* Appends a new invocation event to the history
* @param input the input value associated with the invocation event
* @return an id that can be used to record the corresponding response event
public int invoke(Object input) {
final int id = nextId.getAndIncrement();
events.add(new Event(EventType.INVOCATION, input, id));
return id;
* Appends a new response event to the history
* @param id the id of the corresponding invocation event
* @param output the output value associated with the response event
public void respond(int id, Object output) {
events.add(new Event(EventType.RESPONSE, output, id));
* Removes the events with the corresponding id from the history
* @param id the value of the id to remove
public void remove(int id) {
events.removeIf(e -> == id);
* Copy the list of events for external use.
* @return list of events in the order recorded.
public List copyEvents() {
return new ArrayList<>(events);
* Completes the history with response events for invocations that are missing corresponding responses
* @param missingResponseGenerator a function from invocation input to response output, used to generate the corresponding response
public void complete(Function missingResponseGenerator) {
final Map uncompletedInvocations = new HashMap<>();
for (Event event : events) {
if (event.type == EventType.INVOCATION) {
uncompletedInvocations.put(, event);
} else {
final Event removed = uncompletedInvocations.remove(;
if (removed == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("history not well-formed: " + events);
for (Map.Entry entry : uncompletedInvocations.entrySet()) {
events.add(new Event(EventType.RESPONSE, missingResponseGenerator.apply(entry.getValue().value), entry.getKey()));
public History clone() {
return new History(events);
* Returns the number of recorded events
public int size() {
return events.size();
public String toString() {
return "History{" + "events=" + events + ", nextId=" + nextId + '}';
* Checks whether the provided history is linearizable with respect to the given sequential specification
* @param spec the sequential specification of the datatype
* @param history the history of events to check for linearizability
* @param missingResponseGenerator used to complete the history with missing responses
* @return true iff the history is linearizable w.r.t. the given spec
public boolean isLinearizable(SequentialSpec spec, History history, Function missingResponseGenerator) {
return isLinearizable(spec, history, missingResponseGenerator, () -> false);
* Checks whether the provided history is linearizable with respect to the given sequential specification
* @param spec the sequential specification of the datatype
* @param history the history of events to check for linearizability
* @param missingResponseGenerator used to complete the history with missing responses
* @param terminateEarly a condition upon which to terminate early
* @return true iff the history is linearizable w.r.t. the given spec
public boolean isLinearizable(
SequentialSpec spec,
History history,
Function missingResponseGenerator,
BooleanSupplier terminateEarly
) {
history = history.clone(); // clone history before completing it
history.complete(missingResponseGenerator); // complete history
final Collection> partitions = spec.partition(history.copyEvents());
return -> isLinearizable(spec, h, terminateEarly));
private boolean isLinearizable(SequentialSpec spec, List history, BooleanSupplier terminateEarly) {
logger.debug("Checking history of size: {}: {}", history.size(), history);
Object state = spec.initialState(); // the current state of the datatype
final FixedBitSet linearized = new FixedBitSet(history.size() / 2); // the linearized prefix of the history
final Cache cache = new Cache(); // cache of explored pairs
final Deque> calls = new LinkedList<>(); // path we're currently exploring
final Entry headEntry = createLinkedEntries(history);
Entry entry =; // current entry
while ( != null) {
if (terminateEarly.getAsBoolean()) {
return false;
if (entry.match != null) {
final Optional maybeNextState = spec.nextState(state, entry.event.value, entry.match.event.value);
boolean shouldExploreNextState = false;
if (maybeNextState.isPresent()) {
// check if we have already explored this linearization
final FixedBitSet updatedLinearized = linearized.clone();
shouldExploreNextState = cache.add(maybeNextState.get(), updatedLinearized);
if (shouldExploreNextState) {
calls.push(new Tuple<>(entry, state));
state = maybeNextState.get();
entry =;
} else {
entry =;
} else {
if (calls.isEmpty()) {
return false;
final Tuple top = calls.pop();
entry = top.v1();
state = top.v2();
entry =;
return true;
* Convenience method for {@link #isLinearizable(SequentialSpec, History, Function)} that requires the history to be complete
public boolean isLinearizable(SequentialSpec spec, History history) {
return isLinearizable(spec, history, o -> { throw new IllegalArgumentException("history is not complete"); });
* Return a visual representation of the history
public static String visualize(SequentialSpec spec, History history, Function missingResponseGenerator) {
history = history.clone();
final Collection> partitions = spec.partition(history.copyEvents());
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
partitions.forEach(new Consumer>() {
int index = 0;
public void accept(List events) {
builder.append("Partition ").append(index++).append("\n");
return builder.toString();
private static String visualizePartition(List events) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
Entry entry = createLinkedEntries(events).next;
Map, Integer> eventToPosition = new HashMap<>();
for (Event event : events) {
eventToPosition.put(Tuple.tuple(event.type,, eventToPosition.size());
while (entry != null) {
if (entry.match != null) {
builder.append(visualizeEntry(entry, eventToPosition)).append("\n");
entry =;
return builder.toString();
private static String visualizeEntry(Entry entry, Map, Integer> eventToPosition) {
String input = String.valueOf(entry.event.value);
String output = String.valueOf(entry.match.event.value);
int id =;
int beginIndex = eventToPosition.get(Tuple.tuple(EventType.INVOCATION, id));
int endIndex = eventToPosition.get(Tuple.tuple(EventType.RESPONSE, id));
input = input.substring(0, Math.min(beginIndex + 25, input.length()));
return Strings.padStart(input, beginIndex + 25, ' ')
+ " "
+ Strings.padStart("", endIndex - beginIndex, 'X')
+ " "
+ output
+ " ("
+ ")";
* Creates the internal linked data structure used by the linearizability checker.
* Generates contiguous internal ids for the events so that they can be efficiently recorded in bit sets.
private static Entry createLinkedEntries(List history) {
if (history.size() % 2 != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mismatch between number of invocations and responses");
// first, create entries and link response events to invocation events
final Map matches = new HashMap<>(); // map from event id to matching response entry
final Entry[] entries = new Entry[history.size()];
int nextInternalId = (history.size() / 2) - 1;
for (int i = history.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final Event elem = history.get(i);
if (elem.type == EventType.RESPONSE) {
final Entry entry = entries[i] = new Entry(elem, null, nextInternalId--);
final Entry prev = matches.put(, entry);
if (prev != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("duplicate response with id " +;
} else {
final Entry matchingResponse = matches.get(;
if (matchingResponse == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("no matching response found for " + elem);
entries[i] = new Entry(elem, matchingResponse,;
// sanity check
if (nextInternalId != -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("id mismatch");
// now link entries together in history order, and add a sentinel node at the beginning
Entry first = new Entry(null, null, -1);
Entry lastEntry = first;
for (Entry entry : entries) { = entry;
entry.prev = lastEntry;
lastEntry = entry;
return first;
public enum EventType {
public static class Event {
public final EventType type;
public final Object value;
public final int id;
public Event(EventType type, Object value, int id) {
this.type = type;
this.value = value; = id;
public String toString() {
return "Event{" + "type=" + type + ", value=" + value + ", id=" + id + '}';
static class Entry {
final Event event;
final Entry match; // null if current entry is a response, non-null if it's an invocation
final int id; // internal id, distinct from
Entry prev;
Entry next;
Entry(Event event, Entry match, int id) {
this.event = event;
this.match = match; = id;
// removes this entry from the surrounding structures
void lift() { = next;
next.prev = prev; =;
if ( != null) { = match.prev;
// reinserts this entry into the surrounding structures
void unlift() { = match;
if ( != null) { = match;
} = this;
next.prev = this;
* A cache optimized for small bit-counts (less than 64) and small number of unique permutations of state objects.
* Each combination of states is kept once only, building on the
* assumption that the number of permutations is small compared to the
* number of bits permutations. For those histories that are difficult to check
* we will have many bits combinations that use the same state permutations.
* The smallMap optimization allows us to avoid object overheads for bit-sets up to 64 bit large.
* Comparing set of (bits, state) to smallMap:
* (bits, state) : 24 (tuple) + 24 (FixedBitSet) + 24 (bits) + 5 (hash buckets) + 24 (hashmap node).
* smallMap bits to {state} : 10 (bits) + 5 (hash buckets) + avg-size of unique permutations.
* The avg-size of the unique permutations part is very small compared to the
* sometimes large number of bits combinations (which are the cases where
* we run into trouble).
* set of (bits, state) totals 101 bytes compared to smallMap bits to { state }
* which totals 15 bytes, ie. a 6x improvement in memory usage.
private static class Cache {
private final Map> largeMap = new HashMap<>();
private final Map> smallMap = new HashMap<>();
private final Map internalizeStateMap = new HashMap<>();
private final Map, Set> statePermutations = new HashMap<>();
* Add state, bits combination
* @return true if added, false if already registered.
public boolean add(Object state, FixedBitSet bitSet) {
return addInternal(internalizeStateMap.computeIfAbsent(state, k -> state), bitSet);
private boolean addInternal(Object state, FixedBitSet bitSet) {
long[] bits = bitSet.getBits();
if (bits.length == 1) return addSmall(state, bits[0]);
else return addLarge(state, bitSet);
private boolean addSmall(Object state, long bits) {
Set states = smallMap.get(bits);
if (states == null) {
states = Set.of(state);
} else {
Set oldStates = states;
if (oldStates.contains(state)) return false;
states = new HashSet<>(oldStates.size() + 1);
// Get a unique set object per state permutation. We assume that the number of permutations of states are small.
// We thus avoid the overhead of the set data structure.
states = statePermutations.computeIfAbsent(states, k -> k);
smallMap.put(bits, states);
return true;
private boolean addLarge(Object state, FixedBitSet bitSet) {
return largeMap.computeIfAbsent(state, k -> new HashSet<>()).add(bitSet);