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org.opensearch.index.query.GeoShapeQueryBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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 * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
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package org.opensearch.index.query;

import org.opensearch.common.Nullable;
import org.opensearch.common.ParseField;
import org.opensearch.common.ParsingException;
import org.opensearch.common.geo.ShapeRelation;
import org.opensearch.common.geo.SpatialStrategy;
import org.opensearch.common.geo.parsers.ShapeParser;
import org.opensearch.common.logging.DeprecationLogger;
import org.opensearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder;
import org.opensearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser;
import org.opensearch.geometry.Geometry;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.GeoShapeQueryable;
import org.opensearch.index.mapper.MappedFieldType;

import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

 * Derived {@link AbstractGeometryQueryBuilder} that builds a lat, lon GeoShape Query. It
 * can be applied to any {@link MappedFieldType} that implements {@link GeoShapeQueryable}.
 * GeoJson and WKT shape definitions are supported
public class GeoShapeQueryBuilder extends AbstractGeometryQueryBuilder {
    public static final String NAME = "geo_shape";
    private static final DeprecationLogger deprecationLogger = DeprecationLogger.getLogger(GeoShapeQueryBuilder.class);

    protected static final ParseField STRATEGY_FIELD = new ParseField("strategy");

    private SpatialStrategy strategy;

     * Creates a new GeoShapeQueryBuilder whose Query will be against the given
     * field name using the given Shape
     * @param fieldName
     *            Name of the field that will be queried
     * @param shape
     *            Shape used in the Query
    public GeoShapeQueryBuilder(String fieldName, Geometry shape) {
        super(fieldName, shape);

     * Creates a new GeoShapeQueryBuilder whose Query will be against the given
     * field name using the given Shape
     * @param fieldName
     *            Name of the field that will be queried
     * @param shape
     *            Shape used in the Query
     * @deprecated use {@link #GeoShapeQueryBuilder(String, Geometry)} instead
    public GeoShapeQueryBuilder(String fieldName, ShapeBuilder shape) {
        super(fieldName, shape);

    public GeoShapeQueryBuilder(
        String fieldName,
        Supplier shapeSupplier,
        String indexedShapeId,
        @Nullable String indexedShapeType
    ) {
        super(fieldName, shapeSupplier, indexedShapeId, indexedShapeType);

     * Creates a new GeoShapeQueryBuilder whose Query will be against the given
     * field name and will use the Shape found with the given ID in the given
     * type
     * @param fieldName
     *            Name of the field that will be filtered
     * @param indexedShapeId
     *            ID of the indexed Shape that will be used in the Query
     * @param indexedShapeType
     *            Index type of the indexed Shapes
     * @deprecated use {@link #GeoShapeQueryBuilder(String, String)} instead
    public GeoShapeQueryBuilder(String fieldName, String indexedShapeId, String indexedShapeType) {
        super(fieldName, indexedShapeId, indexedShapeType);

     * Creates a new GeoShapeQueryBuilder whose Query will be against the given
     * field name and will use the Shape found with the given ID
     * @param fieldName
     *            Name of the field that will be filtered
     * @param indexedShapeId
     *            ID of the indexed Shape that will be used in the Query
    public GeoShapeQueryBuilder(String fieldName, String indexedShapeId) {
        super(fieldName, indexedShapeId);

    public GeoShapeQueryBuilder(StreamInput in) throws IOException {
        strategy = in.readOptionalWriteable(SpatialStrategy::readFromStream);

    protected void doWriteTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException {

    public String getWriteableName() {
        return NAME;

     * Sets the relation of query shape and indexed shape.
     * @param relation relation of the shapes
     * @return this
    public GeoShapeQueryBuilder relation(ShapeRelation relation) {
        if (relation == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Shape Relation defined");
        if (SpatialStrategy.TERM.equals(strategy) && relation != ShapeRelation.INTERSECTS) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "current strategy ["
                    + strategy.getStrategyName()
                    + "] only supports relation ["
                    + ShapeRelation.INTERSECTS.getRelationName()
                    + "] found relation ["
                    + relation.getRelationName()
                    + "]"
        this.relation = relation;
        return this;

     * Defines which spatial strategy will be used for building the geo shape
     * Query. When not set, the strategy that will be used will be the one that
     * is associated with the geo shape field in the mappings.
     * @param strategy
     *            The spatial strategy to use for building the geo shape Query
     * @return this
    public GeoShapeQueryBuilder strategy(SpatialStrategy strategy) {
        if (strategy != null && strategy == SpatialStrategy.TERM && relation != ShapeRelation.INTERSECTS) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "strategy ["
                    + strategy.getStrategyName()
                    + "] only supports relation ["
                    + ShapeRelation.INTERSECTS.getRelationName()
                    + "] found relation ["
                    + relation.getRelationName()
                    + "]"
        this.strategy = strategy;
        return this;

     * @return The spatial strategy to use for building the geo shape Query
    public SpatialStrategy strategy() {
        return strategy;

    public void doShapeQueryXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException {
        if (strategy != null) {
            builder.field(STRATEGY_FIELD.getPreferredName(), strategy.getStrategyName());

    protected GeoShapeQueryBuilder newShapeQueryBuilder(String fieldName, Geometry shape) {
        return new GeoShapeQueryBuilder(fieldName, shape);

    protected GeoShapeQueryBuilder newShapeQueryBuilder(
        String fieldName,
        Supplier shapeSupplier,
        String indexedShapeId,
        String indexedShapeType
    ) {
        return new GeoShapeQueryBuilder(fieldName, shapeSupplier, indexedShapeId, indexedShapeType);

    public Query buildShapeQuery(QueryShardContext context, MappedFieldType fieldType) {
        if ((fieldType instanceof GeoShapeQueryable) == false) {
            throw new QueryShardException(
                "Field [" + fieldName + "] is of unsupported type [" + fieldType.typeName() + "] for [" + NAME + "] query"
        final GeoShapeQueryable ft = (GeoShapeQueryable) fieldType;
        return new ConstantScoreQuery(ft.geoShapeQuery(shape, fieldName, strategy, relation, context));

    protected boolean doEquals(GeoShapeQueryBuilder other) {
        return super.doEquals((AbstractGeometryQueryBuilder) other) && Objects.equals(strategy, other.strategy);

    protected int doHashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(super.doHashCode(), strategy);

    protected GeoShapeQueryBuilder doRewrite(QueryRewriteContext queryRewriteContext) throws IOException {
        GeoShapeQueryBuilder builder = (GeoShapeQueryBuilder) super.doRewrite(queryRewriteContext);
        return builder;

    private static class ParsedGeoShapeQueryParams extends ParsedGeometryQueryParams {
        SpatialStrategy strategy;

        protected boolean parseXContentField(XContentParser parser) throws IOException {
            SpatialStrategy strategy;
            if (SHAPE_FIELD.match(parser.currentName(), parser.getDeprecationHandler())) {
                this.shape = ShapeParser.parse(parser);
                return true;
            } else if (STRATEGY_FIELD.match(parser.currentName(), parser.getDeprecationHandler())) {
                String strategyName = parser.text();
                strategy = SpatialStrategy.fromString(strategyName);
                if (strategy == null) {
                    throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Unknown strategy [" + strategyName + " ]");
                } else {
                    this.strategy = strategy;
                return true;
            return false;

    public static GeoShapeQueryBuilder fromXContent(XContentParser parser) throws IOException {
        ParsedGeoShapeQueryParams pgsqp = (ParsedGeoShapeQueryParams) AbstractGeometryQueryBuilder.parsedParamsFromXContent(
            new ParsedGeoShapeQueryParams()

        GeoShapeQueryBuilder builder;
        if (pgsqp.type != null) {
            deprecationLogger.deprecate("geo_share_query_with_types", TYPES_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE);

        if (pgsqp.shape != null) {
            builder = new GeoShapeQueryBuilder(pgsqp.fieldName, pgsqp.shape);
        } else {
            builder = new GeoShapeQueryBuilder(pgsqp.fieldName,, pgsqp.type);

        if (pgsqp.index != null) {

        if (pgsqp.shapePath != null) {

        if (pgsqp.shapeRouting != null) {

        if (pgsqp.relation != null) {

        if (pgsqp.strategy != null) {

        if (pgsqp.queryName != null) {

        return builder;

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