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import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.opensearch.common.lucene.ScorerAware;
import org.opensearch.common.util.BigArray;
import org.opensearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.opensearch.common.util.BitArray;
import org.opensearch.common.util.DoubleArray;
import org.opensearch.common.util.FloatArray;
import org.opensearch.common.util.LongArray;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;

 * Type specialized sort implementations designed for use in aggregations.
 * Aggregations have a couple of super interesting characteristics:
  • They can have many, many buckets so this implementation backs to * {@link BigArrays} so it doesn't need to allocate any objects per bucket * and the circuit breaker in {@linkplain BigArrays} will automatically * track memory usage and abort execution if it grows too large.
  • *
  • Its fairly common for a bucket to be collected but not returned so * these implementations delay as much work as possible until collection
  • *

* Every bucket is in one of two states: "gathering" or min/max "heap". While * "gathering" the next empty slot is stored in the "root" offset of the * bucket and collecting a value is just adding it in the next slot bumping * the tracking value at the root. So collecting values is {@code O(1)}. * Extracting the results in sorted order is {@code O(n * log n)} because, * well, sorting is {@code O(n * log n)}. When a bucket has collected * {@link #bucketSize} entries it is converted into a min "heap" in * {@code O(n)} time. Or into max heap, if {@link #order} is ascending. *


* Once a "heap", collecting a document is the heap-standard {@code O(log n)} * worst case. Critically, it is a very fast {@code O(1)} to check if a value * is competitive at all which, so long as buckets aren't hit in reverse * order, they mostly won't be. Extracting results in sorted order is still * {@code O(n * log n)}. *


* When we first collect a bucket we make sure that we've allocated enough * slots to hold all sort values for the entire bucket. In other words: the * storage is "dense" and we don't try to save space when storing partially * filled buckets. *


* We actually *oversize* the allocations * (like {@link BigArrays#overSize(long)}) to get amortized linear number * of allocations and to play well with our paged arrays. *

*/ public abstract class BucketedSort implements Releasable { /** * Callbacks for storing extra data along with competitive sorts. */ public interface ExtraData { /** * Swap the position of two bits of extra data. *

* Both parameters will have previously been loaded by * {@link Loader#loadFromDoc(long, int)} so the implementer shouldn't * need to grow the underlying storage to implement this. *

*/ void swap(long lhs, long rhs); /** * Prepare to load extra data from a leaf. */ Loader loader(LeafReaderContext ctx) throws IOException; @FunctionalInterface interface Loader { /** * Load extra data from a doc. *

* Implementers should grow their underlying * storage to fit the {@code index}. *

*/ void loadFromDoc(long index, int doc) throws IOException; } } /** * An implementation of {@linkplain ExtraData} that does nothing. */ public static final ExtraData NOOP_EXTRA_DATA = new ExtraData() { @Override public void swap(long lhs, long rhs) {} @Override public Loader loader(LeafReaderContext ctx) throws IOException { return (index, doc) -> {}; } }; protected final BigArrays bigArrays; private final SortOrder order; private final DocValueFormat format; private final int bucketSize; private final ExtraData extra; /** * {@code true} if the bucket is in heap mode, {@code false} if * it is still gathering. */ private final BitArray heapMode; protected BucketedSort(BigArrays bigArrays, SortOrder order, DocValueFormat format, int bucketSize, ExtraData extra) { this.bigArrays = bigArrays; this.order = order; this.format = format; this.bucketSize = bucketSize; this.extra = extra; heapMode = new BitArray(1, bigArrays); } /** * The order of the sort. */ public final SortOrder getOrder() { return order; } /** * The format to use when presenting the values. */ public final DocValueFormat getFormat() { return format; } /** * The number of values to store per bucket. */ public int getBucketSize() { return bucketSize; } /** * Used with {@link BucketedSort#getValues(long, ResultBuilder)} to * build results from the sorting operation. */ @FunctionalInterface public interface ResultBuilder { T build(long index, SortValue sortValue); } /** * Get the values for a bucket if it has been collected. If it hasn't * then returns an empty list. * @param builder builds results. See {@link ExtraData} for how to store * data along side the sort for this to extract. */ public final > List getValues(long bucket, ResultBuilder builder) { long rootIndex = bucket * bucketSize; if (rootIndex >= values().size()) { // We've never seen this bucket. return emptyList(); } long start = inHeapMode(bucket) ? rootIndex : (rootIndex + getNextGatherOffset(rootIndex) + 1); long end = rootIndex + bucketSize; List result = new ArrayList<>(bucketSize); for (long index = start; index < end; index++) { result.add(, getValue(index))); } // TODO we usually have a heap here so we could use that to build the results sorted. result.sort(order.wrap(Comparator.naturalOrder())); return result; } /** * Get the values for a bucket if it has been collected. If it hasn't * then returns an empty array. */ public final List getValues(long bucket) { return getValues(bucket, (i, sv) -> sv); } /** * Is this bucket a min heap {@code true} or in gathering mode {@code false}? */ private boolean inHeapMode(long bucket) { return heapMode.get(bucket); } /** * Get the {@linkplain Leaf} implementation that'll do that actual collecting. * @throws IOException most implementations need to perform IO to prepare for each leaf */ public abstract Leaf forLeaf(LeafReaderContext ctx) throws IOException; /** * Does this sort need scores? Most don't, but sorting on {@code _score} does. */ public abstract boolean needsScores(); /** * The {@linkplain BigArray} backing this sort. */ protected abstract BigArray values(); /** * Grow the {@linkplain BigArray} backing this sort to account for new buckets. * This will only be called if the array is too small. */ protected abstract void growValues(long minSize); /** * Get the next index that should be "gathered" for a bucket rooted * at {@code rootIndex}. */ protected abstract int getNextGatherOffset(long rootIndex); /** * Set the next index that should be "gathered" for a bucket rooted * at {@code rootIndex}. */ protected abstract void setNextGatherOffset(long rootIndex, int offset); /** * Get the value at an index. */ protected abstract SortValue getValue(long index); /** * {@code true} if the entry at index {@code lhs} is "better" than * the entry at {@code rhs}. "Better" in this means "lower" for * {@link SortOrder#ASC} and "higher" for {@link SortOrder#DESC}. */ protected abstract boolean betterThan(long lhs, long rhs); /** * Swap the data at two indices. */ protected abstract void swap(long lhs, long rhs); /** * Return a fairly human readable representation of the array backing the sort. *

* This is intentionally not a {@link #toString()} implementation because it'll * be quite slow. *

*/ protected final String debugFormat() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (long index = 0; index < values().size(); index++) { if (index % bucketSize == 0) { b.append('\n').append(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%20d", index / bucketSize)).append(": "); } b.append(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%20s", getValue(index))).append(' '); } return b.toString(); } /** * Initialize the gather offsets after setting up values. Subclasses * should call this once, after setting up their {@link #values()}. */ protected final void initGatherOffsets() { setNextGatherOffsets(0); } /** * Allocate storage for more buckets and store the "next gather offset" * for those new buckets. */ private void grow(long minSize) { long oldMax = values().size() - 1; growValues(minSize); // Set the next gather offsets for all newly allocated buckets. setNextGatherOffsets(oldMax - (oldMax % getBucketSize()) + getBucketSize()); } /** * Maintain the "next gather offsets" for newly allocated buckets. */ private void setNextGatherOffsets(long startingAt) { int nextOffset = getBucketSize() - 1; for (long bucketRoot = startingAt; bucketRoot < values().size(); bucketRoot += getBucketSize()) { setNextGatherOffset(bucketRoot, nextOffset); } } /** * Heapify a bucket who's entries are in random order. *

* This works by validating the heap property on each node, iterating * "upwards", pushing any out of order parents "down". Check out the * wikipedia * entry on binary heaps for more about this. *


* While this *looks* like it could easily be {@code O(n * log n)}, it is * a fairly well studied algorithm attributed to Floyd. There's * been a bunch of work that puts this at {@code O(n)}, close to 1.88n worst * case. *

* * @param rootIndex the index the start of the bucket */ private void heapify(long rootIndex) { int maxParent = bucketSize / 2 - 1; for (int parent = maxParent; parent >= 0; parent--) { downHeap(rootIndex, parent); } } /** * Correct the heap invariant of a parent and its children. This * runs in {@code O(log n)} time. * @param rootIndex index of the start of the bucket * @param parent Index within the bucket of the parent to check. * For example, 0 is the "root". */ private void downHeap(long rootIndex, int parent) { while (true) { long parentIndex = rootIndex + parent; int worst = parent; long worstIndex = parentIndex; int leftChild = parent * 2 + 1; long leftIndex = rootIndex + leftChild; if (leftChild < bucketSize) { if (betterThan(worstIndex, leftIndex)) { worst = leftChild; worstIndex = leftIndex; } int rightChild = leftChild + 1; long rightIndex = rootIndex + rightChild; if (rightChild < bucketSize && betterThan(worstIndex, rightIndex)) { worst = rightChild; worstIndex = rightIndex; } } if (worst == parent) { break; } swap(worstIndex, parentIndex); extra.swap(worstIndex, parentIndex); parent = worst; } } @Override public final void close() { Releasables.close(values(), heapMode); } /** * Performs the actual collection against a {@linkplain LeafReaderContext}. */ public abstract class Leaf implements ScorerAware { private final LeafReaderContext ctx; private ExtraData.Loader loader = null; protected Leaf(LeafReaderContext ctx) { this.ctx = ctx; } /** * Collect this doc, returning {@code true} if it is competitive. */ public final void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException { if (false == advanceExact(doc)) { return; } long rootIndex = bucket * bucketSize; if (inHeapMode(bucket)) { if (docBetterThan(rootIndex)) { // TODO a "bottom up" insert would save a couple of comparisons. Worth it? setIndexToDocValue(rootIndex); loader().loadFromDoc(rootIndex, doc); downHeap(rootIndex, 0); } return; } // Gathering mode long requiredSize = rootIndex + bucketSize; if (values().size() < requiredSize) { grow(requiredSize); } int next = getNextGatherOffset(rootIndex); assert 0 <= next && next < bucketSize : "Expected next to be in the range of valid buckets [0 <= " + next + " < " + bucketSize + "]"; long index = next + rootIndex; setIndexToDocValue(index); loader().loadFromDoc(index, doc); if (next == 0) { heapMode.set(bucket); heapify(rootIndex); } else { setNextGatherOffset(rootIndex, next - 1); } return; } /** * Read the sort value from {@code doc} and return {@code true} * if there is a value for that document. Otherwise return * {@code false} and the sort will skip that document. */ protected abstract boolean advanceExact(int doc) throws IOException; /** * Set the value at the index to the value of the document to which * we just advanced. */ protected abstract void setIndexToDocValue(long index); /** * {@code true} if the sort value for the doc is "better" than the * entry at {@code index}. "Better" in means is "lower" for * {@link SortOrder#ASC} and "higher" for {@link SortOrder#DESC}. */ protected abstract boolean docBetterThan(long index); /** * Get the extra data loader, building it if we haven't yet built one for this leaf. */ private ExtraData.Loader loader() throws IOException { if (loader == null) { loader = extra.loader(ctx); } return loader; } } /** * Superclass for implementations of {@linkplain BucketedSort} for {@code double} keys. */ public abstract static class ForDoubles extends BucketedSort { private DoubleArray values = bigArrays.newDoubleArray(getBucketSize(), false); public ForDoubles(BigArrays bigArrays, SortOrder sortOrder, DocValueFormat format, int bucketSize, ExtraData extra) { super(bigArrays, sortOrder, format, bucketSize, extra); initGatherOffsets(); } @Override public boolean needsScores() { return false; } @Override protected final BigArray values() { return values; } @Override protected final void growValues(long minSize) { values = bigArrays.grow(values, minSize); } @Override protected final int getNextGatherOffset(long rootIndex) { // This cast is safe because all ints fit accurately into a double. return (int) values.get(rootIndex); } @Override protected final void setNextGatherOffset(long rootIndex, int offset) { values.set(rootIndex, offset); } @Override protected final SortValue getValue(long index) { return SortValue.from(values.get(index)); } @Override protected final boolean betterThan(long lhs, long rhs) { return getOrder().reverseMul() *, values.get(rhs)) < 0; } @Override protected final void swap(long lhs, long rhs) { double tmp = values.get(lhs); values.set(lhs, values.get(rhs)); values.set(rhs, tmp); } protected abstract class Leaf extends BucketedSort.Leaf { protected Leaf(LeafReaderContext ctx) { super(ctx); } /** * Return the value for of this sort for the document to which * we just {@link #advanceExact(int) moved}. This should be fast * because it is called twice per competitive hit when in heap * mode, once for {@link #docBetterThan(long)} and once * for {@link #setIndexToDocValue(long)}. */ protected abstract double docValue(); @Override public final void setScorer(Scorable scorer) {} @Override protected final void setIndexToDocValue(long index) { values.set(index, docValue()); } @Override protected final boolean docBetterThan(long index) { return getOrder().reverseMul() *, values.get(index)) < 0; } } } /** * Superclass for implementations of {@linkplain BucketedSort} for {@code float} keys. */ public abstract static class ForFloats extends BucketedSort { /** * The maximum size of buckets this can store. This is because we * store the next offset to write to in a float and floats only have * {@code 23} bits of mantissa so they can't accurate store values * higher than {@code 2 ^ 24}. */ public static final int MAX_BUCKET_SIZE = (int) Math.pow(2, 24); private FloatArray values = bigArrays.newFloatArray(1, false); public ForFloats(BigArrays bigArrays, SortOrder sortOrder, DocValueFormat format, int bucketSize, ExtraData extra) { super(bigArrays, sortOrder, format, bucketSize, extra); if (bucketSize > MAX_BUCKET_SIZE) { close(); throw new IllegalArgumentException("bucket size must be less than [2^24] but was [" + bucketSize + "]"); } initGatherOffsets(); } @Override protected final BigArray values() { return values; } @Override protected final void growValues(long minSize) { values = bigArrays.grow(values, minSize); } @Override protected final int getNextGatherOffset(long rootIndex) { /* * This cast will not lose precision because we make sure never * to write values here that float can't store precisely. */ return (int) values.get(rootIndex); } @Override protected final void setNextGatherOffset(long rootIndex, int offset) { values.set(rootIndex, offset); } @Override protected final SortValue getValue(long index) { return SortValue.from(values.get(index)); } @Override protected final boolean betterThan(long lhs, long rhs) { return getOrder().reverseMul() *, values.get(rhs)) < 0; } @Override protected final void swap(long lhs, long rhs) { float tmp = values.get(lhs); values.set(lhs, values.get(rhs)); values.set(rhs, tmp); } protected abstract class Leaf extends BucketedSort.Leaf { protected Leaf(LeafReaderContext ctx) { super(ctx); } /** * Return the value for of this sort for the document to which * we just {@link #advanceExact(int) moved}. This should be fast * because it is called twice per competitive hit when in heap * mode, once for {@link #docBetterThan(long)} and once * for {@link #setIndexToDocValue(long)}. */ protected abstract float docValue(); @Override protected final void setIndexToDocValue(long index) { values.set(index, docValue()); } @Override protected final boolean docBetterThan(long index) { return getOrder().reverseMul() *, values.get(index)) < 0; } } } /** * Superclass for implementations of {@linkplain BucketedSort} for {@code long} keys. */ public abstract static class ForLongs extends BucketedSort { private LongArray values = bigArrays.newLongArray(1, false); public ForLongs(BigArrays bigArrays, SortOrder sortOrder, DocValueFormat format, int bucketSize, ExtraData extra) { super(bigArrays, sortOrder, format, bucketSize, extra); initGatherOffsets(); } @Override public final boolean needsScores() { return false; } @Override protected final BigArray values() { return values; } @Override protected final void growValues(long minSize) { values = bigArrays.grow(values, minSize); } @Override protected final int getNextGatherOffset(long rootIndex) { return (int) values.get(rootIndex); } @Override protected final void setNextGatherOffset(long rootIndex, int offset) { values.set(rootIndex, offset); } @Override protected final SortValue getValue(long index) { return SortValue.from(values.get(index)); } @Override protected final boolean betterThan(long lhs, long rhs) { return getOrder().reverseMul() *, values.get(rhs)) < 0; } @Override protected final void swap(long lhs, long rhs) { long tmp = values.get(lhs); values.set(lhs, values.get(rhs)); values.set(rhs, tmp); } protected abstract class Leaf extends BucketedSort.Leaf { protected Leaf(LeafReaderContext ctx) { super(ctx); } /** * Return the value for of this sort for the document to which * we just {@link #advanceExact(int) moved}. This should be fast * because it is called twice per competitive hit when in heap * mode, once for {@link #docBetterThan(long)} and once * for {@link #setIndexToDocValue(long)}. */ protected abstract long docValue(); @Override public final void setScorer(Scorable scorer) {} @Override protected final void setIndexToDocValue(long index) { values.set(index, docValue()); } @Override protected final boolean docBetterThan(long index) { return getOrder().reverseMul() *, values.get(index)) < 0; } } } }

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