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package org.openstreetmap.atlas.checks.base;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.openstreetmap.atlas.checks.flag.CheckFlag;
import org.openstreetmap.atlas.checks.maproulette.serializer.ChallengeDeserializer;
import org.openstreetmap.atlas.geography.Location;
import org.openstreetmap.atlas.geography.atlas.Atlas;
import org.openstreetmap.atlas.geography.atlas.items.AtlasEntity;
import org.openstreetmap.atlas.geography.atlas.items.AtlasObject;
import org.openstreetmap.atlas.tags.ManMadeTag;
import org.openstreetmap.atlas.tags.filters.TaggableFilter;
import org.openstreetmap.atlas.utilities.collections.Iterables;
import org.openstreetmap.atlas.utilities.collections.MultiIterable;
import org.openstreetmap.atlas.utilities.collections.OptionalIterable;
import org.openstreetmap.atlas.utilities.configuration.Configuration;
import org.openstreetmap.atlas.utilities.filters.AtlasEntityPolygonsFilter;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Abstract BaseCheck for an Integrity Check
* @author matthieun
* @author cuthbertm
* @author mgostintsev
* @param
* the type for the flagged identifiers
public abstract class BaseCheck implements Check, Serializable
public static final String PARAMETER_ACCEPT_PIERS = "accept.piers";
public static final String PARAMETER_BLACKLIST_COUNTRIES = "countries.blacklist";
public static final String PARAMETER_CHALLENGE = "challenge";
public static final String PARAMETER_FLAG = "flags";
public static final String PARAMETER_WHITELIST_COUNTRIES = "countries.whitelist";
public static final String PARAMETER_WHITELIST_TAGS = "tags.filter";
private static final Locale DEFAULT_LOCALE = Locale.ENGLISH;
private static final String PARAMETER_LOCALE_KEY = "locale";
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseCheck.class);
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4427673331949586822L;
private final boolean acceptPiers;
private final List blacklistCountries;
private final Challenge challenge;
private final List countries;
private final Map> flagLanguageMap;
// OSM Identifiers are used to keep track of flagged features
private final Set flaggedIdentifiers = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet();
private final Locale locale;
private final String name = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
// geo filter specific to this check
private final AtlasEntityPolygonsFilter checkPolygonFilter;
// geo filter for all checks
private final AtlasEntityPolygonsFilter globalPolygonFilter;
private TaggableFilter tagFilter = null;
* Default constructor
* @param configuration
* {@link Configuration} required to construct any Check
public BaseCheck(final Configuration configuration)
this.acceptPiers = configurationValue(configuration, PARAMETER_ACCEPT_PIERS, false);
this.countries = Collections.unmodifiableList(configurationValue(configuration,
this.blacklistCountries = Collections.unmodifiableList(configurationValue(configuration,
this.tagFilter = TaggableFilter
.forDefinition(configurationValue(configuration, PARAMETER_WHITELIST_TAGS, ""));
final Map challengeMap = configurationValue(configuration,
this.flagLanguageMap = configurationValue(configuration, PARAMETER_FLAG,
this.locale = configurationValue(configuration, PARAMETER_LOCALE_KEY,
DEFAULT_LOCALE.getLanguage(), Locale::new);
if (challengeMap.isEmpty())
this.challenge = new Challenge(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "", "", "",
ChallengeDifficulty.EASY, "");
final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().disableHtmlEscaping()
.registerTypeAdapter(Challenge.class, new ChallengeDeserializer()).create();
this.challenge = gson.fromJson(gson.toJson(challengeMap), Challenge.class);
this.globalPolygonFilter = AtlasEntityPolygonsFilter.forConfiguration(configuration);
this.checkPolygonFilter = AtlasEntityPolygonsFilter.forConfigurationValues(
configurationValue(configuration, AtlasEntityPolygonsFilter.INCLUDED_POLYGONS_KEY,
configurationValue(configuration, AtlasEntityPolygonsFilter.EXCLUDED_POLYGONS_KEY,
public Optional check(final AtlasObject object)
if (this.checkObjectFilter().test(object))
return this.flag(object);
catch (final Exception oops)
logger.error(String.format("%s failed on feature %s.", this.getCheckName(),
object.getIdentifier()), oops);
return Optional.empty();
public final Predicate checkObjectFilter()
return object -> this.validCheckForObject(object) && this.tagFilter.test(object)
&& (!(object instanceof AtlasEntity)
|| this.checkPolygonFilter.test((AtlasEntity) object)
&& this.globalPolygonFilter.test((AtlasEntity) object))
&& (this.acceptPier() || !ManMadeTag.isPier(object));
* Clears all flagged feature identifiers for this check. Primary purpose is to reset flagged
* features during testing. Be careful in using this for actual production checks.
public void clear()
public Iterable flags(final Atlas atlas)
return new OptionalIterable<>(Iterables
.translate(new MultiIterable<>(atlas.items(), atlas.relations()), this::check));
public List getBlacklistCountries()
return this.blacklistCountries;
public Challenge getChallenge()
return this.challenge;
public final String getCheckName()
public AtlasEntityPolygonsFilter getCheckPolygonFilter()
return this.checkPolygonFilter;
public AtlasEntityPolygonsFilter getGlobalPolygonFilter()
return this.globalPolygonFilter;
* Gets the whitelisted countries for this check. If an empty list is returned it safe to assume
* this check applies to all countries.
* @return a list of country ISO3 codes
public List getCountries()
return this.countries;
public Locale getLocale()
return this.locale;
* Uses the default of configured locale to grab the localized instruction format from the
* configuration. If the localized version does not contain the given index instruction then it
* will be grabbed from the FallBack Instructions. A {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException} will be
* thrown if the instruction index is out of the Fallback Instructions. The instruction format
* will then be formatted using the provided objects and returned.
* @param index
* The index of the desired instruction format.
* @param objects
* The objects to be used in constructing the instruction
* @return String of the localized instruction, or the {@link BaseCheck#DEFAULT_LOCALE} language
* instruction, or the fallback instruction. In that order if the previous isn't present
* in the configuration.
public final String getLocalizedInstruction(final int index, final Object... objects)
String instructionFormat;
instructionFormat = this.flagLanguageMap.containsKey(this.getLocale().getLanguage())
? this.flagLanguageMap.get(this.getLocale().getLanguage()).get(index)
: this.flagLanguageMap.containsKey(DEFAULT_LOCALE.getLanguage())
? this.flagLanguageMap.get(DEFAULT_LOCALE.getLanguage()).get(index)
: this.getFallbackInstructions().get(index);
catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException exception)
instructionFormat = this.getFallbackInstructions().get(index);
return this.formatInstruction(instructionFormat, objects);
public void logStatus()
* The country check will first check the country whitelist and if the country is contained in
* the whitelist it is allowed, after that the country is checked it against blacklist and if
* contained in the blacklist will not be allowed.
* @param country
* country ISO3 code to check
* @return {@code true} if valid check for country, otherwise {@code false}
public boolean validCheckForCountry(final String country)
// whitelist is valid if country list is empty or country within the country list. It always
// takes precedence over blacklist and blacklist is essentially ignored if whitelist is non
// empty
if (!this.getCountries().isEmpty())
return this.getCountries().contains(country);
return this.getBlacklistCountries().isEmpty()
|| !this.getBlacklistCountries().contains(country);
* If the check wants to accept piers as part of it's evaluation then it will need to override
* this function and return {@code true}. By default piers are skipped.
* @return {@code true} if we want to check pier edges, {@code false} if we want to skip them
protected boolean acceptPier()
return this.acceptPiers;
protected void clearFlaggedIdentifiers()
protected final String configurationKey(final Class type, final String key)
return formatKey(type.getSimpleName(), key);
* Configuration Keys in the Integrity Framework are based on the check simple classname.
* @param key
* key part for a specific configuration item defined for this class
* @return complete key for lookup
protected final String configurationKey(final String key)
return formatKey(getCheckName(), key);
protected U configurationValue(final Configuration configuration, final String key,
final U defaultValue)
return configuration.get(configurationKey(key), defaultValue).value();
protected V configurationValue(final Configuration configuration, final String key,
final U defaultValue, final Function transform)
return configuration.get(configurationKey(key), defaultValue, transform).value();
protected CheckFlag createFlag(final AtlasObject object, final String instruction)
return new CheckFlag(this.getTaskIdentifier(object), Collections.singleton(object),
protected CheckFlag createFlag(final AtlasObject object, final String instruction,
final List points)
return new CheckFlag(this.getTaskIdentifier(object), Collections.singleton(object),
Collections.singletonList(instruction), points);
protected CheckFlag createFlag(final Set objects, final String instruction)
return new CheckFlag(this.getTaskIdentifier(objects), objects,
protected CheckFlag createFlag(final Set objects, final String instruction,
final List points)
return new CheckFlag(this.getTaskIdentifier(objects), objects,
Collections.singletonList(instruction), points);
protected CheckFlag createFlag(final Set objects, final List instructions,
final List points)
return new CheckFlag(this.getTaskIdentifier(objects), objects, instructions, points);
protected CheckFlag createFlag(final Set objects, final List instructions)
return new CheckFlag(this.getTaskIdentifier(objects), objects, instructions);
protected CheckFlag createFlag(final AtlasObject object, final List instructions)
return new CheckFlag(this.getTaskIdentifier(object), Collections.singleton(object),
protected CheckFlag createFlag(final AtlasObject object, final List instructions,
final List points)
return new CheckFlag(this.getTaskIdentifier(object), Collections.singleton(object),
instructions, points);
protected abstract Optional flag(AtlasObject object);
* Method to implement for inheriting checks to return the default set of instruction formats
* that will be the last resort in {@link BaseCheck#getLocalizedInstruction(int, Object[])}
* @return The set of instructions to fall back to if configuration results in none.
protected List getFallbackInstructions()
return Collections.emptyList();
protected Set getFlaggedIdentifiers()
return this.flaggedIdentifiers;
protected String getTaskIdentifier(final AtlasObject object)
return new TaskIdentifier(object).toString();
* The task identifier is ordered to maintain identifier uniqueness.
* @param objects
* set of {@link AtlasObject}s comprising this task
* @return a unique string identifier for this task, made from the sorted object identifiers
protected String getTaskIdentifier(final Set objects)
return new TaskIdentifier(objects).toString();
* Similar to {@link BaseCheck#getUniqueOSMIdentifier(AtlasObject)} except instead of using the
* OSM identifier we use the Atlas identifier
* @param object
* {@link AtlasObject} to generate unique identifier for
* @return unique object identifier among different types
protected String getUniqueObjectIdentifier(final AtlasObject object)
if (object instanceof AtlasEntity)
return String.format("%s%s", ((AtlasEntity) object).getType().toShortString(),
return String.format("%s%s", object.getClass().getSimpleName(), object.getIdentifier());
* Generates a unique identifier given an {@link AtlasObject}. OSM/Atlas objects with different
* types can share the identifier (way 12345 - node 12345). This method makes sure we generate a
* truly unique identifier, based on the OSM identifier, among different types for an
* {@link AtlasObject}. If the AtlasObject is an instanceof AtlasEntity then it will simply use
* the type for the first part of the identifier, otherwise it will use the simple class name.
* @param object
* {@link AtlasObject} to generate unique identifier for
* @return unique object identifier among different types
protected String getUniqueOSMIdentifier(final AtlasObject object)
if (object instanceof AtlasEntity)
return String.format("%s%s", ((AtlasEntity) object).getType().toShortString(),
return String.format("%s%s", object.getClass().getSimpleName(), object.getIdentifier());
protected final boolean isFlagged(final T identifier)
return this.flaggedIdentifiers.contains(identifier);
protected final void markAsFlagged(final T identifier)
* Utility method to concisely construct a instruction from a {@link MessageFormat} style string
* and a varying number of objects.
* @param format
* A string embedded with {@link MessageFormat} styled formats.
* @param objects
* The objects to be printed used the embedded formats.
* @return The fully formatted Instruction.
private String formatInstruction(final String format, final Object... objects)
if (objects == null || objects.length == 0)
return format;
return new MessageFormat(format).format(objects);
private String formatKey(final String name, final String key)
return String.format("%s.%s", name, key);