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* @(#)
* Copyright (c) 1996-2010 by the original authors of JHotDraw and all its
* contributors. All rights reserved.
* You may not use, copy or modify this file, except in compliance with the
* license agreement you entered into with the copyright holders. For details
* see accompanying license terms.
package org.jhotdraw.draw;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jhotdraw.draw.event.FigureSelectionListener;
import org.jhotdraw.draw.handle.Handle;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.beans.*;
import javax.swing.*;
* A drawing view paints a {@link Drawing} on a {@code JComponent}.
* A drawing view can hold only one drawing at a time, but a drawing can be in
* multiple drawing views at the same time.
* To support editing, a drawing view needs to be added to a {@link DrawingEditor}.
* The current {@link org.jhotdraw.draw.tool.Tool} of the drawing editor
* receives mouse and key events from all drawing views of the drawing editor.
* {@code DrawingView} can paint the drawing with a scale factor. It supports
* conversion between view coordinates and drawing coordinates.
* DrawingView maintains a selection of the {@link Figure}s contained in the
* drawing. The selected figures can be the target of the current tool
* of the drawing editor.
* The painting process of {@code DrawingView} view usually involves the
* following steps:
Paint the background of the drawing view.
Invoke {@link Drawing#drawCanvas}.
Invoke {@link Constrainer#draw} if a constrainer is set.
Invoke {@link Drawing#draw}.
Invoke {@link org.jhotdraw.draw.handle.Handle#draw} on the handles
* of selected figures.
Invoke {@link org.jhotdraw.draw.tool.Tool#draw} if the drawing view
* is the active view of the {@code DrawingEditor}.
* Design Patterns
* The following interfaces define the contracts of a framework for structured
* drawing editors:
* Contract: {@link Drawing}, {@link Figure}, {@link DrawingView},
* {@link DrawingEditor}, {@link org.jhotdraw.draw.handle.Handle} and
* {@link org.jhotdraw.draw.tool.Tool}.
Chain of responsibility
* Mouse and keyboard events of the user occur on the drawing view, and are
* preprocessed by the {@code DragTracker} of a {@code SelectionTool}. In
* turn {@code org.jhotdraw.draw.selectiontool.DragTracker} invokes "track" methods on a {@code Handle} which in
* turn changes an aspect of a figure.
* Client: {@link org.jhotdraw.draw.tool.SelectionTool};
* Handler: {@link org.jhotdraw.draw.tool.DragTracker},
* {@link org.jhotdraw.draw.handle.Handle}.
* {@code DrawingEditor} acts as a mediator for coordinating drawing tools
* and drawing views:
* Mediator: {@link DrawingEditor};
* Colleagues: {@link DrawingView}, {@link org.jhotdraw.draw.tool.Tool}.
* The following classes implement together the Model-View-Controller design
* pattern:
* Model: {@link Drawing}; View: {@link DrawingView}; Controller:
* {@link DrawingEditor}.
* Selection changes of {@code DrawingView} are observed by user interface
* components which act on selected figures.
* Subject: {@link org.jhotdraw.draw.DrawingView};
* Observer: {@link org.jhotdraw.draw.event.FigureSelectionListener};
* Event: {@link org.jhotdraw.draw.event.FigureSelectionEvent}.
* State changes of figures can be observed by other objects. Specifically
* {@code CompositeFigure} observes area invalidations and remove requests
* of its child figures. {@code DrawingView} also observes area invalidations
* of its drawing object.
* Subject: {@link Figure}; Observer:
* {@link org.jhotdraw.draw.event.FigureListener};
* Event: {@link org.jhotdraw.draw.event.FigureEvent};
* Concrete Observer: {@link CompositeFigure}, {@link DrawingView}.
* State changes of handles can be observed by other objects. Specifically
* {@code DrawingView} observes area invalidations and remove requests of
* handles.
* Subject: {@link Handle};
* Observer: {@link org.jhotdraw.draw.event.HandleListener};
* Event: {@link org.jhotdraw.draw.event.HandleEvent};
* Concrete Observer: {@link DrawingView}.
* Editing can be constrained by a constrainer which is associated to a
* drawing view.
* Context: {@link DrawingView}; Strategy: {@link Constrainer}.
* @author Werner Randelshofer
* @version $Id: 717 2010-11-21 12:30:57Z rawcoder $
public interface DrawingView {
* This constant is used to identify the drawing property of the DrawingView.
public final static String DRAWING_PROPERTY = "drawing";
* This constant is used to identify the cursor property of the DrawingView.
public final static String CURSOR_PROPERTY = "cursor";
* This constant is used to identify the constrainer property of the DrawingView.
public final static String CONSTRAINER_PROPERTY = "constrainer";
* This constant is used to identify the visible constrainer property of the DrawingView.
public final static String VISIBLE_CONSTRAINER_PROPERTY = "visibleConstrainer";
* This constant is used to identify the invisible constrainer property of the DrawingView.
public final static String INVISIBLE_CONSTRAINER_PROPERTY = "invisibleConstrainer";
* This constant is used to identify the constrainer visible property of the DrawingView.
public final static String CONSTRAINER_VISIBLE_PROPERTY = "constrainerVisible";
* This constant is used to identify the scale factor property of the DrawingView.
public final static String SCALE_FACTOR_PROPERTY = "scaleFactor";
* This constant is used to identify the handle detail level property of the DrawingView.
public final static String HANDLE_DETAIL_LEVEL_PROPERTY = "handleDetailLevel";
* This constant is used to identify the enabled property of the DrawingView.
public final static String ENABLED_PROPERTY = "enabled";
* This constant is used to identify the activeHandle property of the DrawingView.
public final static String ACTIVE_HANDLE_PROPERTY = "activeHandle";
* Gets the drawing.
* This is a bound property.
public Drawing getDrawing();
* Sets and installs another drawing in the view.
* This is a bound property.
public void setDrawing(@Nullable Drawing d);
* Sets the cursor of the DrawingView.
* This is a bound property.
public void setCursor(@Nullable Cursor c);
* Test whether a given figure is selected.
public boolean isFigureSelected(Figure checkFigure);
* Adds a figure to the current selection.
public void addToSelection(Figure figure);
* Adds a collection of figures to the current selection.
public void addToSelection(Collection figures);
* Removes a figure from the selection.
public void removeFromSelection(Figure figure);
* If a figure isn't selected it is added to the selection.
* Otherwise it is removed from the selection.
public void toggleSelection(Figure figure);
* Clears the current selection.
public void clearSelection();
* Selects all figures.
public void selectAll();
* Gets the selected figures. Returns an empty set, if no figures are selected.
public Set getSelectedFigures();
* Gets the number of selected figures.
public int getSelectionCount();
* Finds a handle at the given coordinates.
* @return A handle, null if no handle is found.
public Handle findHandle(Point p);
* Gets compatible handles.
* @return A collection containing the handle and all compatible handles.
public Collection getCompatibleHandles(Handle handle);
* Sets the active handle.
public void setActiveHandle(@Nullable Handle newValue);
* Gets the active handle.
public Handle getActiveHandle();
* Finds a figure at the given point.
* @return A figure, null if no figure is found.
public Figure findFigure(Point p);
* Returns all figures that lie within or intersect the specified
* bounds. The figures are returned in Z-order from back to front.
public Collection findFigures(Rectangle r);
* Returns all figures that lie within the specified
* bounds. The figures are returned in Z-order from back to front.
public Collection findFiguresWithin(Rectangle r);
* Informs the view that it has been added to the specified editor.
* The view must draw the tool of the editor, if getActiveView() of the
* editor returns the view.
public void addNotify(DrawingEditor editor);
* Informs the view that it has been removed from the specified editor.
* The view must not draw the tool from the editor anymore.
public void removeNotify(DrawingEditor editor);
* Gets the drawing editor associated to the DrawingView.
* This is a bound property.
public DrawingEditor getEditor();
* Add a listener for selection changes in this DrawingView.
* @param fsl jhotdraw.framework.FigureSelectionListener
public void addFigureSelectionListener(FigureSelectionListener fsl);
* Remove a listener for selection changes in this DrawingView.
* @param fsl jhotdraw.framework.FigureSelectionListener
public void removeFigureSelectionListener(FigureSelectionListener fsl);
/** This is a convenience method for invoking
* {@code getComponent().requestFocus()}. */
public void requestFocus();
* Converts drawing coordinates to view coordinates.
public Point drawingToView(Point2D.Double p);
* Converts view coordinates to drawing coordinates.
public Point2D.Double viewToDrawing(Point p);
* Converts drawing coordinates to view coordinates.
public Rectangle drawingToView(Rectangle2D.Double p);
* Converts view coordinates to drawing coordinates.
public Rectangle2D.Double viewToDrawing(Rectangle p);
* Gets the current constrainer of this view.
* If isConstrainerVisible is true, this method returns getVisibleConstrainer,
* otherwise it returns getInvisibleConstrainer.
* This is a bound property.
@Nullable public Constrainer getConstrainer();
* Sets the editor's constrainer for this view, for use, when the
* visible constrainer is turned on.
* This is a bound property.
public void setVisibleConstrainer(@Nullable Constrainer constrainer);
* Gets the editor's constrainer for this view, for use, when the
* visible constrainer is turned on.
* This is a bound property.
@Nullable public Constrainer getVisibleConstrainer();
* Sets the editor's constrainer for this view, for use, when the
* visible constrainer is turned off.
* This is a bound property.
public void setInvisibleConstrainer(Constrainer constrainer);
* Gets the editor's constrainer for this view, for use, when the
* visible constrainer is turned off.
* This is a bound property.
public Constrainer getInvisibleConstrainer();
* Changes between a visible Constrainer and an invisible Constrainer.
* This is a bound property.
public void setConstrainerVisible(boolean newValue);
* Returns true, if the visible Constrainer is in use, returns false,
* if the invisible Constrainer is in use.
* This is a bound property.
public boolean isConstrainerVisible();
* Returns the JComponent of the drawing view.
public JComponent getComponent();
* Gets an transform which can be used to convert
* drawing coordinates to view coordinates.
public AffineTransform getDrawingToViewTransform();
* Gets the scale factor of the drawing view.
* This is a bound property.
public double getScaleFactor();
* Sets the scale factor of the drawing view.
* This is a bound property.
public void setScaleFactor(double newValue);
* The detail level of the handles.
* This is a bound property.
public void setHandleDetailLevel(int newValue);
* Returns the detail level of the handles.
* This is a bound property.
public int getHandleDetailLevel();
* Sets the enabled state of the drawing view.
* This is a bound property.
public void setEnabled(boolean newValue);
* Gets the enabled state of the drawing view.
* This is a bound property.
public boolean isEnabled();
/** Repaints the handles of the view. */
public void repaintHandles();
* Adds a property change listener to the drawing view.
* @param listener
public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener);
* Removes a property change listener to the drawing view.
* @param listener
public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener);
* Adds a mouse listener to the drawing view.
* @param l the listener.
public void addMouseListener(MouseListener l);
* Removes a mouse listener to the drawing view.
* @param l the listener.
public void removeMouseListener(MouseListener l);
* Adds a key listener to the drawing view.
* @param l the listener.
public void addKeyListener(KeyListener l);
* Removes a key listener to the drawing view.
* @param l the listener.
public void removeKeyListener(KeyListener l);
* Adds a mouse motion listener to the drawing view.
* @param l the listener.
public void addMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener l);
* Removes a mouse motion listener to the drawing view.
* @param l the listener.
public void removeMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener l);