org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.DirectionUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.opentripplanner.common.geometry;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.MultiLineString;
public class DirectionUtils {
public static DirectionUtils instance;
private DirectionUtils() {
* Returns the approximate azimuth from coordinate A to B in decimal degrees clockwise from North,
* in the range (-180° to +180°). The computation is exact for small delta between A and B.
public static synchronized double getAzimuth(Coordinate a, Coordinate b) {
double cosLat = FastMath.cos(FastMath.toRadians((a.y + b.y) / 2.0));
double dY = (b.y - a.y); // in degrees, we do not care about the units
double dX = (b.x - a.x) * cosLat; // same
if (Math.abs(dX) < 1e-10 && Math.abs(dY) < 1e-10)
return 180;
double az = FastMath.toDegrees(FastMath.atan2(dX, dY));
return az;
* Computes the angle of the last segment of a LineString or MultiLineString in radians clockwise from North
* in the range (-PI, PI).
* @param geometry a LineString or a MultiLineString
public static synchronized double getLastAngle(Geometry geometry) {
LineString line;
if (geometry instanceof MultiLineString) {
line = (LineString) geometry.getGeometryN(geometry.getNumGeometries() - 1);
} else {
assert geometry instanceof LineString;
line = (LineString) geometry;
int numPoints = line.getNumPoints();
Coordinate coord0 = line.getCoordinateN(numPoints - 2);
Coordinate coord1 = line.getCoordinateN(numPoints - 1);
int i = numPoints - 3;
int minDistance = 10; // Meters
while (SphericalDistanceLibrary.fastDistance(coord0, coord1) < minDistance && i >= 0) {
coord0 = line.getCoordinateN(i--);
double az = getAzimuth(coord0, coord1);
return az * Math.PI / 180;
* Computes the angle of the first segment of a LineString or MultiLineString in radians clockwise from North
* in the range (-PI, PI).
* @param geometry a LineString or a MultiLineString
public static synchronized double getFirstAngle(Geometry geometry) {
LineString line;
if (geometry instanceof MultiLineString) {
line = (LineString) geometry.getGeometryN(0);
} else {
assert geometry instanceof LineString;
line = (LineString) geometry;
Coordinate coord0 = line.getCoordinateN(0);
Coordinate coord1 = line.getCoordinateN(1);
int i = 2;
int minDistance = 10; // Meters
while (SphericalDistanceLibrary.fastDistance(coord0, coord1) < minDistance
&& i < line.getNumPoints()) {
coord1 = line.getCoordinateN(i++);
double az = getAzimuth(coord0, coord1);
return az * Math.PI / 180;