org.opentripplanner.profile.Segment Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.opentripplanner.profile;
import com.beust.jcommander.internal.Lists;
import org.opentripplanner.model.Route;
import org.opentripplanner.index.model.RouteShort;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseMode;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* The equivalent of a ride in an API response. Information degenerates to Strings and ints here.
* TODO rename to TransitSegment
public class Segment {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Segment.class);
public static class SegmentPattern implements Comparable {
public String patternId;
public int fromIndex;
public int toIndex;
public int nTrips;
public SegmentPattern (PatternRide patternRide) {
this.patternId = patternRide.pattern.code;
this.fromIndex = patternRide.fromIndex;
this.toIndex = patternRide.toIndex;
this.nTrips = patternRide.stats.num; // this stats has time window applied
public int compareTo (SegmentPattern other) {
return other.nTrips - this.nTrips;
// Use FeedScopedId instead of String to get both since we are now multi-feed
public String from;
public String to;
public int walkTime;
public int walkDistance;
public Stats waitStats;
public TraverseMode mode;
public String fromName;
public String toName;
public Stats rideStats;
public List routes;
public List segmentPatterns = Lists.newArrayList();
public String startTime;
public String endTime;
public Segment (Ride ride) {
Route route = ride.patternRides.get(0).pattern.route;
from =;
to =;
fromName =;
toName =;
rideStats = ride.rideStats;
Set routes = Sets.newHashSet();
//" Ride fom {} to {}",,;
for (PatternRide patternRide : ride.patternRides) {
segmentPatterns.add(new SegmentPattern(patternRide));
//" pattern {} {} from {} to {}", patternRide.pattern.mode, patternRide.pattern.getCode(), patternRide.getFromStop(), patternRide.getToStop());
// Note that despite the fact that multiple patterns from different routes will appear in the same ride,
// in practice all the patterns within a ride will be from the same operator and mode because they all pass
// through the same stops.
mode = ride.patternRides.get(0).pattern.mode;
for (PatternRide pr : ride.patternRides) {
if (pr.pattern.mode != mode) LOG.warn("Segment contains patterns using more than one mode.");
walkTime = ride.accessStats.min; // FIXME this is assuming min=max for transfers, which they do for now...
walkDistance = ride.accessDist;
waitStats = ride.waitStats;
this.routes = RouteShort.list(routes);