org.opentripplanner.model.base.ValueObjectToStringBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.opentripplanner.model.base;
import org.opentripplanner.transit.raptor.util.TimeUtils;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.function.Function;
* Use this to-string-builder to build value objects. A
* [ValueObject](http://wiki.c2.com/?ValueObject) is usually a small object/class with
* a few fields. We want the {@code toString()} to be small and easy to read. The
* text should be short and without class and field name prefixes.
* Examples:
* - Money: "5 kr", "USD 100"
* - Time: "2020-01-15", "3h3m5s", "14:23:59"
* - Coordinate: "(60.23451, 10.345678)"
* {@code ClassName{field1:value, field2:value, ..., NOT-SET:[fieldX, ...]}}
* Use the {@link #of()} factory method to create a instance of this class.
public class ValueObjectToStringBuilder {
private static final String FIELD_SEPARATOR = " ";
private static final DecimalFormatSymbols DECIMAL_SYMBOLS = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(
private final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
private DecimalFormat coordinateFormat;
private DecimalFormat integerFormat;
private DecimalFormat decimalFormat;
boolean skipSep = true;
/** Use factory method: {@link #of()}. */
private ValueObjectToStringBuilder() { }
* Create a new toString builder for a [ValueObject](http://wiki.c2.com/?ValueObject) type.
* The builder will NOT include metadata(class and field names) when building the string.
public static ValueObjectToStringBuilder of() {
return new ValueObjectToStringBuilder();
/* General purpose formatters */
public ValueObjectToStringBuilder addNum(Number num) {
return addIt(num, it -> formatNumber(num));
public ValueObjectToStringBuilder addNum(Number num, String unit) {
return addIt(num, it -> formatNumber(it) + unit);
public ValueObjectToStringBuilder addBool(Boolean value, String ifTrue, String ifFalse) {
return addIt(value, it -> it ? ifTrue : ifFalse);
public ValueObjectToStringBuilder addStr(String value) {
return addIt(value, it -> "'" + it + "'");
public ValueObjectToStringBuilder addEnum(Enum> value) {
return addIt(value, Enum::name);
public ValueObjectToStringBuilder addObj(Object obj) {
return addIt(obj, Object::toString);
* A text/labels to your string. No separator character is writen to the buffer
* before or after the label - hence you need to include white space in the label if you
* want it.
public ValueObjectToStringBuilder addLbl(String label) {
skipSep = true;
return this;
/* Special purpose formatters */
* Add a Coordinate location: (longitude, latitude). The coordinate is
* printed with a precision of 5 digits after the period. The precision level used
* in OTP is 7 digits, so 2 coordinates that appear to be equal (by toString) might not be
* exactly equals.
public ValueObjectToStringBuilder addCoordinate(Number lat, Number lon) {
return addIt("(" + formatCoordinate(lat) + ", " + formatCoordinate(lon) + ")");
* Add time in seconds since midnight. Format: HH:mm:ss.
public ValueObjectToStringBuilder addServiceTime(int secondsPastMidnight) {
// Use a NOT_SET value witch is unlikely to be used
return addServiceTime(secondsPastMidnight, -87_654_321);
* Add time in seconds since midnight. Format: HH:mm:ss. Ignore if not set.
public ValueObjectToStringBuilder addServiceTime(int secondsPastMidnight, int notSet) {
return addIt(TimeUtils.timeToStrLong(secondsPastMidnight, notSet));
* Add a duration to the string in format like '3h4m35s'. Each component (hours, minutes, and or
* seconds) is only added if they are not zero {@code 0}. This is the same format as the
* {@link Duration#toString()}, but without the 'PT' prefix.
public ValueObjectToStringBuilder addDuration(Integer durationSeconds) {
return addIt(durationSeconds, TimeUtils::durationToStr);
public String toString() {
return sb.toString();
/* private methods */
private ValueObjectToStringBuilder addIt(String value) {
return addIt(value, it -> it);
private ValueObjectToStringBuilder addIt(T value, Function mapToString) {
if (skipSep) { skipSep = false; }
else { sb.append(FIELD_SEPARATOR); }
sb.append(value == null ? "null" : mapToString.apply(value));
return this;
String formatCoordinate(Number value) {
if(coordinateFormat == null) {
coordinateFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.0####", DECIMAL_SYMBOLS);
// This need to be null-safe, because one of the coordinates in
// #addCoordinate(String name, Number lat, Number lon) could be null.
return value == null ? "null" : coordinateFormat.format(value);
String formatNumber(Number value) {
if (value == null) { return "null"; }
if(value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Long || value instanceof BigInteger) {
if(integerFormat == null) {
integerFormat = new DecimalFormat("#,##0", DECIMAL_SYMBOLS);
return integerFormat.format(value);
if(decimalFormat == null) {
decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.0##", DECIMAL_SYMBOLS);
return decimalFormat.format(value);