org.opentripplanner.api.common.RoutingResource Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.opentripplanner.api.common;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConstants;
import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory;
import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar;
import org.opentripplanner.api.parameter.QualifiedModeSet;
import org.opentripplanner.ext.dataoverlay.api.DataOverlayParameters;
import org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId;
import org.opentripplanner.model.plan.pagecursor.PageCursor;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.api.request.BannedStopSet;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.api.request.DebugRaptor;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.api.request.RoutingRequest;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.BicycleOptimizeType;
import org.opentripplanner.standalone.server.OTPServer;
import org.opentripplanner.standalone.server.Router;
import org.opentripplanner.util.OTPFeature;
import org.opentripplanner.util.ResourceBundleSingleton;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* This class defines all the JAX-RS query parameters for a path search as fields, allowing them to
* be inherited by other REST resource classes (the trip planner and the Analyst WMS or tile
* resource). They will be properly included in API docs generated by Enunciate. This implies that
* the concrete REST resource subclasses will be request-scoped rather than singleton-scoped.
* All defaults should be specified in the RoutingRequest, NOT as annotations on the query parameters.
* JSON router configuration can then overwrite those built-in defaults, and only the fields of the resulting prototype
* routing request for which query parameters are found are overwritten here. This establishes a priority chain:
* RoutingRequest field initializers, then JSON router config, then query parameters.
* @author abyrd
public abstract class RoutingResource {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RoutingResource.class);
/** The start location -- either latitude, longitude pair in degrees or a Vertex
* label. For example, 40.714476,-74.005966
* mtanyctsubway_A27_S
. */
protected String fromPlace;
/** The end location (see fromPlace for format). */
protected String toPlace;
* An ordered list of intermediate locations to be visited (see the fromPlace for format).
* Parameter can be specified multiple times.
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 - Regression. Not currently working in OTP2. Must be re-implemented
* - using raptor.
protected List intermediatePlaces;
/** The date that the trip should depart (or arrive, for requests where arriveBy is true). */
protected String date;
/** The time that the trip should depart (or arrive, for requests where arriveBy is true). */
protected String time;
* The length of the search-window in seconds. This parameter is optional.
* The search-window is defined as the duration between the earliest-departure-time(EDT) and
* the latest-departure-time(LDT). OTP will search for all itineraries in this departure
* window. If {@code arriveBy=true} the {@code dateTime} parameter is the latest-arrival-time, so OTP
* will dynamically calculate the EDT. Using a short search-window is faster than using a
* longer one, but the search duration is not linear. Using a \"too\" short search-window will
* waste resources server side, while using a search-window that is too long will be slow.
* OTP will dynamically calculate a reasonable value for the search-window, if not provided.
* The calculation comes with a significant overhead (10-20% extra). Whether you should use the
* dynamic calculated value or pass in a value depends on your use-case. For a travel planner
* in a small geographical area, with a dense network of public transportation, a fixed value
* between 40 minutes and 2 hours makes sense. To find the appropriate search-window, adjust it
* so that the number of itineraries on average is around the wanted {@code numItineraries}.
* Make sure you set the {@code numItineraries} to a high number while testing. For a country
* wide area like Norway, using the dynamic search-window is the best.
* When paginating, the search-window is calculated using the {@code numItineraries} in the original
* search together with statistics from the search for the last page. This behaviour is
* configured server side, and can not be overridden from the client.
* The search-window used is returned to the response metadata as {@code searchWindowUsed} for
* debugging purposes.
protected Integer searchWindow;
* Use the cursor to go to the next "page" of itineraries. Copy the cursor from the last
* response and keep the original request as is. This will enable you to search for itineraries
* in the next or previous time-window.
* This is an optional parameter.
public String pageCursor;
* Search for the best trip options within a time window. If {@code true} two itineraries are
* considered optimal if one is better on arrival time(earliest wins) and the other is better
* on departure time(latest wins).
* In combination with {@code arriveBy} this parameter cover the following 3 use cases:
* -
* Traveler want to find thee best alternative within a time window. Set
* {@code timetableView=true} and {@code arriveBy=false}. This is the default, and if
* the intention of the traveler is unknown it gives the best result, because it includes
* the two next use-cases. Setting the {@code arriveBy=false}, covers the same use-case,
* but the input time is interpreted as latest-arrival-time, and not
* earliest-departure-time. This works great with paging, request next/previous time-window.
* -
* Traveler want to find the best alternative with departure after a specific time.
* For example: I am at the station now and want to get home as quickly as possible.
* Set {@code timetableView=false} and {@code arriveBy=false}. Do not support paging.
* -
* Traveler want to find the best alternative with arrival before specific time. For
* example going to a meeting. Do not support paging.
* Set {@code timetableView=false} and {@code arriveBy=true}.
* Default: true
public Boolean timetableView;
* Whether the trip should depart or arrive at the specified date and time.
* @see #timetableView for usage.
protected Boolean arriveBy;
* Whether the trip must be wheelchair accessible.
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 Regression. Not currently working in OTP2. This is not implemented
* in Raptor jet.
protected Boolean wheelchair;
* The maximum distance (in meters) the user is willing to walk. Defaults to unlimited.
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 Regression. Not currently working in OTP2. We might not implement the
* old functionality the same way, but we will try to map this parameter
* so it does work similar as before.
* @see
protected Double maxWalkDistance;
* The maximum time (in seconds) of pre-transit travel when using drive-to-transit (park and
* ride or kiss and ride). Defaults to unlimited.
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 - Regression. Not currently working in OTP2.
* @see
protected Integer maxPreTransitTime;
* A multiplier for how bad walking with a bike is, compared to being in transit for equal
* lengths of time. Defaults to 3.
protected Double bikeWalkingReluctance;
* A multiplier for how bad walking is, compared to being in transit for equal lengths of time.
* Defaults to 2. Empirically, values between 10 and 20 seem to correspond well to the concept
* of not wanting to walk too much without asking for totally ridiculous itineraries, but this
* observation should in no way be taken as scientific or definitive. Your mileage may vary.
protected Double walkReluctance;
protected Double bikeReluctance;
protected Double carReluctance;
* How much worse is waiting for a transit vehicle than being on a transit vehicle, as a
* multiplier. The default value treats wait and on-vehicle time as the same.
* It may be tempting to set this higher than walkReluctance (as studies often find this kind of
* preferences among riders) but the planner will take this literally and walk down a transit
* line to avoid waiting at a stop. This used to be set less than 1 (0.95) which would make
* waiting offboard preferable to waiting onboard in an interlined trip. That is also
* undesirable.
* If we only tried the shortest possible transfer at each stop to neighboring stop patterns,
* this problem could disappear.
protected Double waitReluctance;
/** How much less bad is waiting at the beginning of the trip (replaces waitReluctance) */
protected Double waitAtBeginningFactor;
/** The user's walking speed in meters/second. Defaults to approximately 3 MPH. */
protected Double walkSpeed;
/** The user's biking speed in meters/second. Defaults to approximately 11 MPH, or 9.5 for bikeshare. */
protected Double bikeSpeed;
/** The user's bike walking speed in meters/second. Defaults to approximately 3 MPH. */
protected Double bikeWalkingSpeed;
/** The time it takes the user to fetch their bike and park it again in seconds.
* Defaults to 0. */
protected Integer bikeSwitchTime;
/** The cost of the user fetching their bike and parking it again.
* Defaults to 0. */
protected Integer bikeSwitchCost;
/** For bike triangle routing, how much safety matters (range 0-1). */
protected Double triangleSafetyFactor;
/** For bike triangle routing, how much slope matters (range 0-1). */
protected Double triangleSlopeFactor;
/** For bike triangle routing, how much time matters (range 0-1). */
protected Double triangleTimeFactor;
* The set of characteristics that the user wants to optimize for. @See OptimizeType.
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 this should be completely removed and done only with individual cost
* parameters
* Also: apparently OptimizeType only affects BICYCLE mode traversal of
* street segments. If this is the case it should be very well
* documented and carried over into the Enum name.
protected BicycleOptimizeType optimize;
* The set of modes that a user is willing to use, with qualifiers stating whether vehicles
* should be parked, rented, etc.
* The possible values of the comma-separated list are:
* - WALK
* - CAR
* - TRAM
* - RAIL
* - BUS
* For a more complete discussion of this parameter see
* Routing modes.
protected QualifiedModeSet modes;
* The minimum time, in seconds, between successive trips on different vehicles.
* This is designed to allow for imperfect schedule adherence. This is a minimum;
* transfers over longer distances might use a longer time.
* @deprecated TODO OTP2: Needs to be implemented
protected Integer minTransferTime;
/** The maximum number of possible itineraries to return. */
protected Integer numItineraries;
* The comma-separated list of preferred agencies.
* @deprecated TODO OTP2: Needs to be implemented
protected String preferredAgencies;
* The comma-separated list of unpreferred agencies.
* @deprecated TODO OTP2: Needs to be implemented
protected String unpreferredAgencies;
* The comma-separated list of banned agencies.
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 Regression. Not currently working in OTP2.
protected String bannedAgencies;
* Functions the same as banned agencies, except only the listed agencies are allowed.
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 Regression. Not currently working in OTP2.
protected String whiteListedAgencies;
* Whether intermediate stops -- those that the itinerary passes in a vehicle, but
* does not board or alight at -- should be returned in the response. For example,
* on a Q train trip from Prospect Park to DeKalb Avenue, whether 7th Avenue and
* Atlantic Avenue should be included.
protected Boolean showIntermediateStops;
* Prevents unnecessary transfers by adding a cost for boarding a vehicle. This is the cost that
* is used when boarding while walking.
protected Integer walkBoardCost;
* Prevents unnecessary transfers by adding a cost for boarding a vehicle. This is the cost that
* is used when boarding while cycling. This is usually higher that walkBoardCost.
protected Integer bikeBoardCost;
protected Boolean allowKeepingRentedBicycleAtDestination;
protected Double keepingRentedBicycleAtDestinationCost;
/** The vehicle rental networks which may be used. If empty all networks may be used. */
protected Set allowedVehicleRentalNetworks;
/** The vehicle rental networks which may not be used. If empty, no networks are banned. */
protected Set bannedVehicleRentalNetworks;
/** Time to park a bike */
protected Integer bikeParkTime;
/** Cost of parking a bike. */
protected Integer bikeParkCost;
/** Time to park a car */
protected Integer carParkTime = 60;
/** Cost of parking a car. */
protected Integer carParkCost = 120;
/** Tags which are required to use a vehicle parking. If empty, no tags are required. */
protected Set requiredVehicleParkingTags = Set.of();
/** Tags with which a vehicle parking will not be used. If empty, no tags are banned. */
protected Set bannedVehicleParkingTags = Set.of();
* The comma-separated list of banned routes. The format is agency_[routename][_routeid], so
* TriMet_100 (100 is route short name) or Trimet__42 (two underscores, 42 is the route
* internal ID).
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 Regression. Not currently working in OTP2.
protected String bannedRoutes;
* Functions the same as bannnedRoutes, except only the listed routes are allowed.
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 Regression. Not currently working in OTP2.
protected String whiteListedRoutes;
* The list of preferred routes. The format is agency_[routename][_routeid], so TriMet_100
* (100 is route short name) or Trimet__42 (two underscores, 42 is the route internal ID).
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 Needs to be implemented
protected String preferredRoutes;
* The list of unpreferred routes. The format is agency_[routename][_routeid], so TriMet_100
* (100 is route short name) or Trimet__42 (two underscores, 42 is the route internal ID).
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 Needs to be implemented
protected String unpreferredRoutes;
* Penalty added for using every route that is not preferred if user set any route as
* preferred, i.e. number of seconds that we are willing to wait for preferred route.
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 Needs to be implemented
protected Integer otherThanPreferredRoutesPenalty;
* The comma-separated list of banned trips. The format is agency_trip[:stop*], so:
* TriMet_24601 or TriMet_24601:0:1:2:17:18:19
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 Regression. Not currently working in OTP2.
protected String bannedTrips;
* A comma-separated list of banned stops. A stop is banned by ignoring its
* pre-board and pre-alight edges. This means the stop will be reachable via the
* street network. Also, it is still possible to travel through the stop. Just
* boarding and alighting is prohibited.
* The format is agencyId_stopId, so: TriMet_2107
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 This no longer works in OTP2, see issue #2843.
protected String bannedStops;
* A comma-separated list of banned stops. A stop is banned by ignoring its
* pre-board and pre-alight edges. This means the stop will be reachable via the
* street network. It is not possible to travel through the stop.
* For example, this parameter can be used when a train station is destroyed, such
* that no trains can drive through the station anymore.
* The format is agencyId_stopId, so: TriMet_2107
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 This no longer works in OTP2, see issue #2843.
protected String bannedStopsHard;
* An additional penalty added to boardings after the first. The value is in OTP's
* internal weight units, which are roughly equivalent to seconds. Set this to a high
* value to discourage transfers. Of course, transfers that save significant
* time or walking will still be taken.
protected Integer transferPenalty;
* An additional penalty added to boardings after the first when the transfer is not
* preferred. Preferred transfers also include timed transfers. The value is in OTP's
* internal weight units, which are roughly equivalent to seconds. Set this to a high
* value to discourage transfers that are not preferred. Of course, transfers that save
* significant time or walking will still be taken.
* When no preferred or timed transfer is defined, this value is ignored.
* TODO OTP2 This JavaDoc needs clarification. What is a "preferred" Transfer, the GTFS
* specification do not have "preferred Transfers". The GTFS spec transfer
* type 0 is _Recommended transfer point_ - is this what is meant?
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 Regression. Not currently working in OTP2. We might not implement the
* old functionality the same way, but we will try to map this parameter
* so it does work similar as before.
protected Integer nonpreferredTransferPenalty;
* The maximum number of transfers (that is, one plus the maximum number of boardings)
* that a trip will be allowed.
* Consider using the {@link #transferPenalty} instead of this parameter.
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 Regression. A maxTransfers should be set in the router config, not
* here. Instead the client should be able to pass in a parameter for
* the max number of additional/extra transfers relative to the best
* trip (with the fewest possible transfers) within constraint of the
* other search parameters.
* This might be to complicated to explain to the customer, so we
* might stick to the old limit, but that have side-effects that you
* might not find any trips on a day where a critical part of the
* trip is not available, because of some real-time disruption.
* @see
protected Integer maxTransfers;
* If true, goal direction is turned off and a full path tree is built (specify only once)
* @Deprecated - This is not supported in OTP2 any more.
protected Boolean batch;
* A transit stop required to be the first stop in the search (AgencyId_StopId)
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 Is this in use, what is is used for. It seems to overlap with
* the fromPlace parameter. Is is used for onBoard routing only?
protected String startTransitStopId;
* A transit trip acting as a starting "state" for depart-onboard routing (AgencyId_TripId)
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 Regression. Not currently working in OTP2. We might not implement the
* old functionality the same way, but we will try to map this parameter
* so it does work similar as before.
protected String startTransitTripId;
* When subtracting initial wait time, do not subtract more than this value, to prevent overly
* optimistic trips. Reasoning is that it is reasonable to delay a trip start 15 minutes to
* make a better trip, but that it is not reasonable to delay a trip start 15 hours; if that
* is to be done, the time needs to be included in the trip time. This number depends on the
* transit system; for transit systems where trips are planned around the vehicles, this number
* can be much higher. For instance, it's perfectly reasonable to delay one's trip 12 hours if
* one is taking a cross-country Amtrak train from Emeryville to Chicago. Has no effect in
* stock OTP, only in Analyst.
* A value of 0 means that initial wait time will not be subtracted out (will be clamped to 0).
* A value of -1 (the default) means that clamping is disabled, so any amount of initial wait
* time will be subtracted out.
* @deprecated This parameter is not in use any more.
protected Long clampInitialWait;
* If true, this trip will be reverse-optimized on the fly. Otherwise, reverse-optimization
* will occur once a trip has been chosen (in Analyst, it will not be done at all).
* @deprecated This parameter is not in use any more after the transit search switched from
* AStar to Raptor.
protected Boolean reverseOptimizeOnTheFly;
* The number of seconds to add before boarding a transit leg. It is recommended to use the
* {@code boardTimes} in the {@code router-config.json} to set this for each mode.
* Unit is seconds. Default value is 0.
private Integer boardSlack;
* The number of seconds to add after alighting a transit leg. It is recommended to use the
* {@code alightTimes} in the {@code router-config.json} to set this for each mode.
* Unit is seconds. Default value is 0.
private Integer alightSlack;
private String locale;
* If true, realtime updates are ignored during this search.
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 Regression. Not currently working in OTP2.
protected Boolean ignoreRealtimeUpdates;
* If true, the remaining weight heuristic is disabled. Currently only implemented for the long
* distance path service.
protected Boolean disableRemainingWeightHeuristic;
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 This is not useful as a search parameter, but could be used as a
* post search filter to reduce number of itineraries down to an
* acceptable number, but there are probably better ways to do that.
* @see
private Double maxHours;
* @deprecated see {@link #maxHours}
* @see
private Boolean useRequestedDateTimeInMaxHours;
private Boolean disableAlertFiltering;
private Boolean debugItineraryFilter;
* If true, the Graph's ellipsoidToGeoidDifference is applied to all elevations returned by this query.
private Boolean geoidElevation;
* Set the method of sorting itineraries in the response. Right now, the only supported value is "duration";
* otherwise it uses default sorting. More sorting methods may be added in the future.
* @deprecated TODO OTP2 Regression. Not currently working in OTP2 at the moment.
private String pathComparator;
private Boolean useVehicleParkingAvailabilityInformation;
private String debugRaptorStops;
private String debugRaptorPath;
* somewhat ugly bug fix: the graphService is only needed here for fetching per-graph time zones.
* this should ideally be done when setting the routing context, but at present departure/
* arrival time is stored in the request as an epoch time with the TZ already resolved, and other
* code depends on this behavior. (AMB)
* Alternatively, we could eliminate the separate RoutingRequest objects and just resolve
* vertices and timezones here right away, but just ignore them in semantic equality checks.
protected OTPServer otpServer;
* Range/sanity check the query parameter fields and build a Request object from them.
* @throws ParameterException when there is a problem interpreting a query parameter
* @param queryParameters incoming request parameters
protected RoutingRequest buildRequest(MultivaluedMap queryParameters) throws ParameterException {
Router router = otpServer.getRouter();
RoutingRequest request = router.defaultRoutingRequest.clone();
// The routing request should already contain defaults, which are set when it is initialized or in the JSON
// router configuration and cloned. We check whether each parameter was supplied before overwriting the default.
if (fromPlace != null)
request.from = LocationStringParser.fromOldStyleString(fromPlace);
if (toPlace != null) = LocationStringParser.fromOldStyleString(toPlace);
//FIXME: move into setter method on routing request
TimeZone tz;
tz = router.graph.getTimeZone();
if (date == null && time != null) { // Time was provided but not date
LOG.debug("parsing ISO datetime {}", time);
try {
// If the time query param doesn't specify a timezone, use the graph's default. See issue #1373.
DatatypeFactory df = javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory.newInstance();
XMLGregorianCalendar xmlGregCal = df.newXMLGregorianCalendar(time);
GregorianCalendar gregCal = xmlGregCal.toGregorianCalendar();
if (xmlGregCal.getTimezone() == DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED) {
} catch (DatatypeConfigurationException e) {
request.setDateTime(date, time, tz);
} else {
request.setDateTime(date, time, tz);
if(searchWindow != null) {
request.searchWindow = Duration.ofSeconds(searchWindow);
if(pageCursor != null) {
request.pageCursor = PageCursor.decode(pageCursor);
if(timetableView != null) {
request.timetableView = timetableView;
if (wheelchair != null)
if (numItineraries != null)
if (bikeReluctance != null)
if (bikeWalkingReluctance != null)
if (carReluctance != null)
if (walkReluctance != null)
if (waitReluctance != null)
if (waitAtBeginningFactor != null)
if (walkSpeed != null)
request.walkSpeed = walkSpeed;
if (bikeSpeed != null)
request.bikeSpeed = bikeSpeed;
if (bikeWalkingSpeed != null)
request.bikeWalkingSpeed = bikeWalkingSpeed;
if (bikeSwitchTime != null)
request.bikeSwitchTime = bikeSwitchTime;
if (bikeSwitchCost != null)
request.bikeSwitchCost = bikeSwitchCost;
if (allowKeepingRentedBicycleAtDestination != null)
request.allowKeepingRentedVehicleAtDestination = allowKeepingRentedBicycleAtDestination;
if (keepingRentedBicycleAtDestinationCost != null)
request.keepingRentedVehicleAtDestinationCost = keepingRentedBicycleAtDestinationCost;
if (allowedVehicleRentalNetworks != null)
request.allowedVehicleRentalNetworks = allowedVehicleRentalNetworks;
if (bannedVehicleRentalNetworks != null)
request.bannedVehicleRentalNetworks = bannedVehicleRentalNetworks;
if (bikeParkCost != null)
request.bikeParkCost = bikeParkCost;
if (bikeParkTime != null)
request.bikeParkTime = bikeParkTime;
if (carParkCost != null)
request.carParkCost = carParkCost;
if (carParkTime != null)
request.carParkTime = carParkTime;
if (bannedVehicleParkingTags != null)
request.bannedVehicleParkingTags = bannedVehicleParkingTags;
if (requiredVehicleParkingTags != null)
request.requiredVehicleParkingTags = requiredVehicleParkingTags;
if (optimize != null) {
// Optimize types are basically combined presets of routing parameters, except for triangle
if (optimize == BicycleOptimizeType.TRIANGLE) {
request.setTriangleNormalized(triangleSafetyFactor, triangleSlopeFactor, triangleTimeFactor);
if (arriveBy != null) {
if (showIntermediateStops != null) {
request.showIntermediateStops = showIntermediateStops;
if (intermediatePlaces != null) {
if (preferredRoutes != null) {
if (otherThanPreferredRoutesPenalty != null) {
if (preferredAgencies != null) {
if (unpreferredRoutes != null) {
if (unpreferredAgencies != null) {
if (walkBoardCost != null) {
if (bikeBoardCost != null) {
if (bannedRoutes != null) {
if (whiteListedRoutes != null) {
if (bannedAgencies != null) {
if (whiteListedAgencies != null) {
HashMap bannedTripMap = makeBannedTripMap(bannedTrips);
if (bannedTripMap != null) {
request.bannedTrips = bannedTripMap;
// The "Least transfers" optimization is accomplished via an increased transfer penalty.
// See comment on RoutingRequest.transferPentalty.
if (transferPenalty != null) { request.transferCost = transferPenalty; }
if (optimize == BicycleOptimizeType.TRANSFERS) {
optimize = BicycleOptimizeType.QUICK;
request.transferCost += 1800;
if (optimize != null) {
/* Temporary code to get bike/car parking and renting working. */
if (modes != null && !modes.qModes.isEmpty()) {
request.modes = modes.getRequestModes();
if (request.vehicleRental && bikeSpeed == null) {
//slower bike speed for bike sharing, based on empirical evidence from DC.
request.bikeSpeed = 4.3;
if (boardSlack != null)
request.boardSlack = boardSlack;
if (alightSlack != null)
request.alightSlack = alightSlack;
if (minTransferTime != null) {
int alightAndBoardSlack = request.boardSlack + request.alightSlack;
if (alightAndBoardSlack > minTransferTime) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Invalid parameters: 'minTransferTime' must be greater than or equal to board slack plus alight slack"
request.transferSlack = minTransferTime - alightAndBoardSlack;
if (nonpreferredTransferPenalty != null)
request.nonpreferredTransferCost = nonpreferredTransferPenalty;
if (maxTransfers != null)
request.maxTransfers = maxTransfers;
request.useVehicleRentalAvailabilityInformation = request.isTripPlannedForNow();
if (startTransitStopId != null && !startTransitStopId.isEmpty())
request.startingTransitStopId = FeedScopedId.parseId(startTransitStopId);
if (startTransitTripId != null && !startTransitTripId.isEmpty())
request.startingTransitTripId = FeedScopedId.parseId(startTransitTripId);
if (ignoreRealtimeUpdates != null)
request.ignoreRealtimeUpdates = ignoreRealtimeUpdates;
if (disableRemainingWeightHeuristic != null)
request.disableRemainingWeightHeuristic = disableRemainingWeightHeuristic;
if (disableAlertFiltering != null)
request.disableAlertFiltering = disableAlertFiltering;
if (geoidElevation != null)
request.geoidElevation = geoidElevation;
if (pathComparator != null)
request.pathComparator = pathComparator;
if(debugItineraryFilter != null ) {
request.itineraryFilters.debug = debugItineraryFilter;
if(debugRaptorPath != null || debugRaptorStops != null) {
request.raptorDebuging = new DebugRaptor()
if (useVehicleParkingAvailabilityInformation != null) {
request.useVehicleParkingAvailabilityInformation = useVehicleParkingAvailabilityInformation;
//getLocale function returns defaultLocale if locale is null
request.locale = ResourceBundleSingleton.INSTANCE.getLocale(locale);
if (OTPFeature.DataOverlay.isOn()) {
var queryDataOverlayParameters = DataOverlayParameters.parseQueryParams(queryParameters);
if (!queryDataOverlayParameters.isEmpty()) {
request.dataOverlay = queryDataOverlayParameters;
return request;
* Take a string in the format agency:id or agency:id:1:2:3:4.
* TODO Improve Javadoc. What does this even mean? Why are there so many colons and numbers?
* Convert to a Map from trip --> set of int.
public HashMap makeBannedTripMap(String banned) {
if (banned == null) {
return null;
HashMap bannedTripMap = new HashMap();
String[] tripStrings = banned.split(",");
for (String tripString : tripStrings) {
// TODO this apparently allows banning stops within a trip with integers. Why?
String[] parts = tripString.split(":");
if (parts.length < 2) continue; // throw exception?
String agencyIdString = parts[0];
String tripIdString = parts[1];
FeedScopedId tripId = new FeedScopedId(agencyIdString, tripIdString);
BannedStopSet bannedStops;
if (parts.length == 2) {
bannedStops = BannedStopSet.ALL;
} else {
bannedStops = new BannedStopSet();
for (int i = 2; i < parts.length; ++i) {
bannedTripMap.put(tripId, bannedStops);
return bannedTripMap;