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/* This file is based on code copied from project OneBusAway, see the LICENSE file for further information. */
package org.opentripplanner.model;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry;
import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.GeometryUtils;
* A place where actual boarding/departing happens. It can be a bus stop on one side of a road or a
* platform at a train station. Equivalent to GTFS stop location 0 or NeTEx quay.
public final class Stop extends StationElement implements StopLocation {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
private final Collection fareZones;
* Platform identifier for a platform/stop belonging to a station. This should be just the
* platform identifier (eg. "G" or "3").
private final String platformCode;
* URL to a web page containing information about this particular stop.
private final String url;
private final TimeZone timeZone;
* Used for describing the type of transportation used at the stop. This can be used eg. for
* deciding how to render a stop when it is used by multiple routes with different vehicle types.
private final TransitMode vehicleType;
private final String netexSubmode;
private HashSet boardingAreas;
public Stop(
FeedScopedId id,
String name,
String code,
String description,
WgsCoordinate coordinate,
WheelChairBoarding wheelchairBoarding,
StopLevel level,
String platformCode,
Collection fareZones,
String url,
TimeZone timeZone,
TransitMode vehicleType,
String netexSubmode
) {
super(id, name, code, description, coordinate, wheelchairBoarding, level);
this.platformCode = platformCode;
this.fareZones = fareZones;
this.url = url;
this.timeZone = timeZone;
this.vehicleType = vehicleType;
this.netexSubmode = netexSubmode;
/** @see #stopForTest(String, double, double, Station) */
public static Stop stopForTest(String idAndName, double lat, double lon) {
return stopForTest(idAndName, lat, lon, null);
* Create a minimal Stop object for unit-test use, where the test only care about id, name and
* coordinate. The feedId is static set to "F"
public static Stop stopForTest(String idAndName, double lat, double lon, Station parent) {
var stop = new Stop(
new FeedScopedId("F", idAndName),
new WgsCoordinate(lat, lon),
return stop;
public void addBoardingArea(BoardingArea boardingArea) {
if (boardingAreas == null) {
boardingAreas = new HashSet<>();
public String toString() {
return "";
public String getPlatformCode() {
return platformCode;
public String getUrl() {
return url;
public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
return timeZone;
public TransitMode getVehicleType() {
return vehicleType;
public Collection getBoardingAreas() {
return boardingAreas != null ? boardingAreas : Collections.emptySet();
* Get the transfer cost priority for Stop. This will fetch the value from the parent
* [if parent exist] or return the default value.
public StopTransferPriority getPriority() {
return isPartOfStation() ? getParentStation().getPriority() : StopTransferPriority.ALLOWED;
public Collection getFareZones() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(fareZones);
public Geometry getGeometry() {
return GeometryUtils.getGeometryFactory().createPoint(getCoordinate().asJtsCoordinate());
public String getVehicleSubmode() {
return netexSubmode;