org.opentripplanner.util.time.TimeUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.opentripplanner.util.time;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Time utility methods. See the unit test for examples on how to use this class.
public class TimeUtils {
* This constant is used to represent a service time, which is not set.
* This typically is used in the requestWhen an integer is used to represent a service time in seconds
public static final int NOT_SET = -1_000_000;
private static final Pattern DAYS_SUFFIX = Pattern.compile("([-+])(\\d+)d");
/** This is a utility class. Do not instantiate this class. It should have only static methods. */
private TimeUtils() { }
public static int hms2time(int hour, int minute, int second) {
return second + 60 * (minute + (60 * hour));
public static int hm2time(int hour, int minute) {
return hms2time(hour, minute, 0);
* Parse a time into seconds past midnight.
* Format accepted for time: HH, HH:MM and HH:MM:SS
* In addition a day offset is allowed: (+|-)DDd. Examples:
* 00:00:00 => 01:00:00
* 1 => 01:00:00
* 1:2 => 01:02:00
* 1:2:3 => 01:02:03
* 13:59:59 => 13:59:59
* // Additional days (plus and minus)
* 1+1d => 01:00:00+1d
* 11:02:03-2d => 11:02:03-3d
* // Negative values are supported
* -10:20 => -01:02:00
* -13:59:59 => -13:59:59
* -11:02:03-2d => -(11:02:03-3d) ==> 12:57:57+2d
public static int time(String hhmmss) {
int days = 0;
String[] tokens;
boolean negative = hhmmss.startsWith("-");
if(negative) { hhmmss = hhmmss.substring(1); }
Matcher m = DAYS_SUFFIX.matcher(hhmmss);
if (m.find()) {
days = Integer.parseInt(;
if("-".equals( { days = -days; }
tokens = hhmmss.substring(0, m.start()).split(":");
else {
tokens = hhmmss.split(":");
if(tokens.length > 3 || tokens.length < 1) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Parse error, not a valid time (HH|HH:MM|HH:MM:SS): '" + hhmmss + "'"
int hh = Integer.parseInt(tokens[0]);
if(hh > 23) {
days += hh/24;
hh = hh % 24;
int mm = tokens.length>1 ? Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]) : 0;
int ss = tokens.length==3 ? Integer.parseInt(tokens[2]) : 0;
int seconds = LocalTime.of(hh, mm, ss).toSecondOfDay() + days * DateConstants.ONE_DAY_SECONDS;
return negative ? -seconds : seconds;
public static int parseHHMM(String hhmm, int defaultValue) {
String[] tokens = hhmm.split(":");
if(tokens.length != 2) {
return defaultValue;
int hh = Integer.parseInt(tokens[0]);
int mm = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]);
return hm2time(hh, mm);
* Parse a string of times like "00:20 01:20 05:57:30" into an array of local times.
* This can be very helpful when specifying a schedule using a sting instead of using a
* int array with seconds past midnight.
public static int[] times(@Nonnull String input) {
return"[ ,;]+"))
public static String timeToStrCompact(int time) {
return RelativeTime.ofSeconds(time).toCompactStr();
public static String timeToStrCompact(int time, int notSetValue) {
return time == notSetValue ? "" : RelativeTime.ofSeconds(time).toCompactStr();
public static String timeToStrCompact(Calendar time) {
return time == null ? "" : RelativeTime.from(time).toCompactStr();
public static String timeToStrLong(int time) {
return RelativeTime.ofSeconds(time).toLongStr();
public static String timeToStrLong(int time, int notSetValue) {
return time == notSetValue ? "" : RelativeTime.ofSeconds(time).toLongStr();
public static String timeToStrLong(Calendar time) {
return RelativeTime.from(time).toLongStr();
public static Calendar midnightOf(Calendar time) {
final Calendar midnight = (Calendar) time.clone();
midnight.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0);
midnight.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
midnight.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
midnight.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
return midnight;
* This method take a date, a time in seconds and a zoneId and create a {@link ZonedDateTime}.
* This method follow the GTFS specification for time: "The time is measured from
* 'noon minus 12h' of the service day (effectively midnight except for days on which
* daylight savings time changes occur." See
* Note! The itinerary uses the old Java Calendar, but we would like to migrate to the new java.time
* library; Hence this method is already changed. To convert into the legacy Calendar use
* {@link GregorianCalendar#from(ZonedDateTime)} method.
* @param date the "service" date
* @param seconds number of seconds since noon minus 12 hours (midnight).
public static ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime(LocalDate date, int seconds, ZoneId zoneId) {
return RelativeTime.ofSeconds(seconds).toZonedDateTime(date, zoneId);