org.opentripplanner.model.plan.Leg Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.opentripplanner.model.plan;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString;
import org.opentripplanner.common.model.P2;
import org.opentripplanner.model.BookingInfo;
import org.opentripplanner.model.PickDrop;
import org.opentripplanner.model.StreetNote;
import org.opentripplanner.model.plan.legreference.LegReference;
import org.opentripplanner.model.transfer.ConstrainedTransfer;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.alertpatch.TransitAlert;
import org.opentripplanner.transit.model.basic.Accessibility;
import org.opentripplanner.transit.model.basic.I18NString;
import org.opentripplanner.transit.model.framework.FeedScopedId;
import org.opentripplanner.transit.model.organization.Agency;
import org.opentripplanner.transit.model.organization.Operator;
import org.opentripplanner.transit.model.timetable.Trip;
* One leg of a trip -- that is, a temporally continuous piece of the journey that takes place on a
* particular vehicle or on the street using mainly a single mode
public interface Leg {
* Whether this leg is a transit leg or not.
* @return Boolean true if the leg is a transit leg
boolean isTransitLeg();
default boolean isScheduledTransitLeg() {
return false;
default ScheduledTransitLeg asScheduledTransitLeg() {
throw new ClassCastException();
* For transit legs, if the rider should stay on the vehicle as it changes route names. This is
* the same as a stay-seated transfer.
default Boolean isInterlinedWithPreviousLeg() {
return false;
/** The mode is walking. */
default boolean isWalkingLeg() {
return false;
* The mode is a street mode; Hence not a transit mode.
default boolean isStreetLeg() {
return false;
* The leg's duration in seconds
default Duration getDuration() {
return Duration.between(getStartTime(), getEndTime());
* Return {@code true} if to legs ride the same trip(same tripId) and at least part of the rides
* overlap. Two legs overlap is they have at least one segment(from one stop to the next) in
* common.
default boolean isPartiallySameTransitLeg(Leg other) {
// Assert both legs are transit legs
if (!isTransitLeg() || !other.isTransitLeg()) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
// Must be on the same service date
if (!getServiceDate().equals(other.getServiceDate())) {
return false;
// If NOT the same trip, return false
if (!getTrip().getId().equals(other.getTrip().getId())) {
return false;
// Return true if legs overlap
return (
getBoardStopPosInPattern() < other.getAlightStopPosInPattern() &&
getAlightStopPosInPattern() > other.getBoardStopPosInPattern()
* Check is this instance has the same type and mode as the given other.
boolean hasSameMode(Leg other);
* Return {@code true} if to legs are the same. The mode must match and the time must overlap.
* For transit the trip ID must match and board/alight position must overlap. (Two trips with
* different service-date can overlap in time, so we use boarding-/alight-position to verify).
default boolean isPartiallySameLeg(Leg other) {
if (!hasSameMode(other)) {
return false;
// Overlap in time
if (!overlapInTime(other)) {
return false;
// The mode is the same, so this and the other are both *street* or *transit* legs
if (isStreetLeg()) {
return true;
// Transit leg
else {
// If NOT the same trip, return false
if (!getTrip().getId().equals(other.getTrip().getId())) {
return false;
// Return true if legs overlap in space(have one common stop visit), this is necessary
// since the same trip id on two following service dates may overlap in time. For example,
// a trip may run in a loop for 48 hours, overlapping with the same trip id of the trip
// scheduled for the next service day. They both visit the same stops, with overlapping
// times, but the stop positions will be different.
return (
getBoardStopPosInPattern() < other.getAlightStopPosInPattern() &&
getAlightStopPosInPattern() > other.getBoardStopPosInPattern()
* Return true if this leg and the given {@code other} leg overlap in time. If the
* start-time equals the end-time this method returns false.
default boolean overlapInTime(Leg other) {
return (
// We convert to epoch seconds to ignore nanos (save CPU),
// in favor of using the methods isAfter(...) and isBefore(...)
getStartTime().toEpochSecond() < other.getEndTime().toEpochSecond() &&
other.getStartTime().toEpochSecond() < getEndTime().toEpochSecond()
* For transit legs, the route agency. For non-transit legs {@code null}.
default Agency getAgency() {
return null;
* For transit legs, the trip operator, fallback to route operator. For non-transit legs {@code
* null}.
* @see Trip#getOperator()
default Operator getOperator() {
return null;
* For transit legs, the route. For non-transit legs, null.
default Route getRoute() {
return null;
* For transit legs, the trip. For non-transit legs, null.
default Trip getTrip() {
return null;
default Accessibility getTripWheelchairAccessibility() {
return null;
* The date and time this leg begins.
ZonedDateTime getStartTime();
* The date and time this leg ends.
ZonedDateTime getEndTime();
* For transit leg, the offset from the scheduled departure-time of the boarding stop in this leg.
* "scheduled time of departure at boarding stop" = startTime - departureDelay Unit: seconds.
default int getDepartureDelay() {
return 0;
* For transit leg, the offset from the scheduled arrival-time of the alighting stop in this leg.
* "scheduled time of arrival at alighting stop" = endTime - arrivalDelay Unit: seconds.
default int getArrivalDelay() {
return 0;
* Whether there is real-time data about this Leg
default boolean getRealTime() {
return false;
* Whether this Leg describes a flexible trip. The reason we need this is that FlexTrip does not
* inherit from Trip, so that the information that the Trip is flexible would be lost when
* creating this object.
default boolean isFlexibleTrip() {
return false;
* Is this a frequency-based trip with non-strict departure times?
default Boolean getNonExactFrequency() {
return null;
* The best estimate of the time between two arriving vehicles. This is particularly important for
* non-strict frequency trips, but could become important for real-time trips, strict frequency
* trips, and scheduled trips with empirical headways.
default Integer getHeadway() {
return null;
* The distance traveled while traversing the leg in meters.
double getDistanceMeters();
* The GTFS pathway id
default FeedScopedId getPathwayId() {
return null;
* Get the timezone offset in milliseconds.
default int getAgencyTimeZoneOffset() {
return getStartTime().getOffset().getTotalSeconds() * MILLIS_TO_SECONDS;
* For transit legs, the type of the route. Non transit -1 When 0-7: 0 Tram, 1 Subway, 2 Train, 3
* Bus, 4 Ferry, 5 Cable Car, 6 Gondola, 7 Funicular When equal or highter than 100, it is coded
* using the Hierarchical Vehicle Type (HVT) codes from the European TPEG standard Also see
default Integer getRouteType() {
return null;
* For transit legs, the headsign of the bus or train being used. For non-transit legs, null.
default I18NString getHeadsign() {
return null;
* For transit legs, the service date of the trip. For non-transit legs, null.
* The trip service date should be used to identify the correct trip schedule and can not be
* trusted to display the date for any departures or arrivals. For example, the first departure
* for a given trip may happen at service date March 25th and service time 25:00, which in local
* time would be Mach 26th 01:00.
default LocalDate getServiceDate() {
return null;
* For transit leg, the route's branding URL (if one exists). For non-transit legs, null.
default String getRouteBrandingUrl() {
return null;
* The Place where the leg originates.
Place getFrom();
* The Place where the leg begins.
Place getTo();
* For transit legs, intermediate stops between the Place where the leg originates and the Place
* where the leg ends. For non-transit legs, {@code null}.
default List getIntermediateStops() {
return null;
* The leg's geometry.
LineString getLegGeometry();
* The leg's elevation profile.
default List> getRoundedLegElevation() {
return null;
* How much elevation is gained, in total, over the course of the leg, in meters. See
* elevationLost.
default Double getElevationGained() {
return null;
* How much elevation is lost, in total, over the course of the leg, in meters. As an example, a
* trip that went from the top of Mount Everest straight down to sea level, then back up K2, then
* back down again would have an elevationLost of Everest + K2.
default Double getElevationLost() {
return null;
* A series of turn by turn instructions used for walking, biking and driving.
default List getWalkSteps() {
return List.of();
default Set getStreetNotes() {
return null;
default Set getTransitAlerts() {
return Set.of();
default PickDrop getBoardRule() {
return null;
default PickDrop getAlightRule() {
return null;
default BookingInfo getDropOffBookingInfo() {
return null;
default BookingInfo getPickupBookingInfo() {
return null;
default ConstrainedTransfer getTransferFromPrevLeg() {
return null;
default ConstrainedTransfer getTransferToNextLeg() {
return null;
default Integer getBoardStopPosInPattern() {
return null;
default Integer getAlightStopPosInPattern() {
return null;
default Integer getBoardingGtfsStopSequence() {
return null;
default Integer getAlightGtfsStopSequence() {
return null;
* Is this leg walking with a bike?
default Boolean getWalkingBike() {
return null;
* A sandbox feature for calculating a numeric score between 0 and 1 which indicates
* how accessible the itinerary is as a whole. This is not a very scientific method but just
* a rough guidance that expresses certainty or uncertainty about the accessibility.
* The intended audience for this score are frontend developers wanting to show a simple UI
* rather than having to iterate over all the stops and trips.
* Note: the information to calculate this score are all available to the frontend, however
* calculating them on the backend makes life a little easier and changes are automatically
* applied to all frontends.
default Float accessibilityScore() {
return null;
default Boolean getRentedVehicle() {
return null;
default String getVehicleRentalNetwork() {
return null;
* If a generalized cost is used in the routing algorithm, this should be the "delta" cost
* computed by the algorithm for the section this leg account for. This is relevant for anyone who
* want to debug a search and tuning the system. The unit should be equivalent to the cost of "one
* second of transit".
* -1 indicate that the cost is not set/computed.
int getGeneralizedCost();
default LegReference getLegReference() {
return null;
default void addAlert(TransitAlert alert) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
default Leg withTimeShift(Duration duration) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
default Set getFareZones() {
var intermediate = getIntermediateStops()
.flatMap(stopArrival ->;
var start = getFareZones(this.getFrom());
var end = getFareZones(this.getTo());
return Stream.of(intermediate, start, end).flatMap(s -> s).collect(Collectors.toSet());
private static Stream getFareZones(Place place) {
if (place.stop == null) {
return Stream.empty();
} else {
return place.stop.getFareZones().stream();