org.opentripplanner.netex.index.api.ReadOnlyHierarchicalVersionMapById Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.opentripplanner.netex.index.api;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.rutebanken.netex.model.VersionOfObjectRefStructure;
* A hierarchical read-only view on a multimap indexing a collections of {@link
* org.rutebanken.netex.model.EntityInVersionStructure} values by their {@code id}. This is used to
* lookup the correct version of the element for a given key.
* @param the value type
public interface ReadOnlyHierarchicalVersionMapById {
* Return the element with the latest version with the given {@code id}. Returns {@code null} if
* not element is found.
V lookupLastVersionById(String id);
* Find the entity based on given {@code} and {@code ref.version} number. If the {@code
* ref.version} number is empty, then the given {@code timestamp} is used to find the entity valid
* at that time. If no entities are valid at the given {@code timestamp}, then the first to become
* valid is chosen. If there is a tie with respect to the validity periods, then the version
* number for the entities are used.
* {@code null} if not element is found.
V lookup(VersionOfObjectRefStructure ref, LocalDateTime timestamp);
* List one entity for each key. To select an entity we first look at the validation period, then
* the version number. An entity is valid, if it has a validity period with a time equals to or
* after the given {@code timestamp}. No validation periods is treated as an open ended period;
* hence always valid.
Collection localListCurrentVersionEntities(LocalDateTime timestamp);
* Return {@code true} if the given {@code value.version} is larger or equals to all the maximum
* version of all elements in the collection.
* Note! This method do not check all values in the hierarchy, only the elements in the first
* collection found.
boolean isNewerOrSameVersionComparedWithExistingValues(V value);
* @return a collection of all keys in the local map, all values added to one of the parents are
* excluded from the collection.
* @deprecated This interface should have business methods to retrieve the correct entities based
* on desired version and validity version. NOT leaving this to the mapper. Fixing this is part
* of:
Collection localKeys();
* @return an empty collection if no element are found.
* @deprecated This interface should have business methods to retrieve the correct entities based
* on desired version and validity version. NOT leaving this to the mapper. Fixing this is part
* of:
* Lookup element, if not found delegate up to the parent.
* NB! elements of this class and its parents are NOT merged, the closest win.
Collection lookup(String key);