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org.opentripplanner.routing.impl.StreetVertexIndex Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.opentripplanner.routing.impl;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString;
import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.HashGridSpatialIndex;
import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.SphericalDistanceLibrary;
import org.opentripplanner.common.model.P2;
import org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.linking.DisposableEdgeCollection;
import org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.linking.LinkingDirection;
import org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.linking.VertexLinker;
import org.opentripplanner.model.GenericLocation;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.api.request.StreetMode;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseMode;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseModeSet;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetEdge;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TemporaryFreeEdge;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TemporaryPartialStreetEdge;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Edge;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Graph;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Vertex;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.location.TemporaryStreetLocation;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.StreetVertex;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.TransitStopVertex;
import org.opentripplanner.transit.model.basic.I18NString;
import org.opentripplanner.transit.model.basic.LocalizedString;
import org.opentripplanner.transit.model.basic.NonLocalizedString;
import org.opentripplanner.transit.model.framework.FeedScopedId;
import org.opentripplanner.transit.service.StopModel;
import org.opentripplanner.util.geometry.GeometryUtils;
import org.opentripplanner.util.logging.ProgressTracker;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * Indexes all edges and transit vertices of the graph spatially. Has a variety of query methods
 * used during network linking and trip planning.

* Creates a TemporaryStreetLocation representing a location on a street that's not at an * intersection, based on input latitude and longitude. Instantiating this class is expensive, * because it creates a spatial index of all of the intersections in the graph. */ public class StreetVertexIndex { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StreetVertexIndex.class); private final StopModel stopModel; private final VertexLinker vertexLinker; private final Map transitStopVertices; /** * Contains only instances of {@link StreetEdge} */ private final HashGridSpatialIndex edgeTree; private final HashGridSpatialIndex verticesTree; /** * Should only be called by the graph. */ public StreetVertexIndex(Graph graph, StopModel stopModel) { this.stopModel = stopModel; this.edgeTree = new HashGridSpatialIndex<>(); this.verticesTree = new HashGridSpatialIndex<>(); this.vertexLinker = new VertexLinker(graph, stopModel); this.transitStopVertices = toImmutableMap(graph.getVerticesOfType(TransitStopVertex.class)); postSetup(graph.getVertices()); } /** * Creates a TemporaryStreetLocation on the given street (set of PlainStreetEdges). How far along * is controlled by the location parameter, which represents a distance along the edge between 0 * (the from vertex) and 1 (the to vertex). * * @param edges A collection of nearby edges, which represent one street. * @return the new TemporaryStreetLocation */ public static TemporaryStreetLocation createTemporaryStreetLocationForTest( String label, I18NString name, Iterable edges, Coordinate nearestPoint, boolean endVertex, DisposableEdgeCollection tempEdges ) { boolean wheelchairAccessible = false; TemporaryStreetLocation location = new TemporaryStreetLocation( label, nearestPoint, name, endVertex ); for (StreetEdge street : edges) { Vertex fromv = street.getFromVertex(); Vertex tov = street.getToVertex(); wheelchairAccessible |= street.isWheelchairAccessible(); /* forward edges and vertices */ Vertex edgeLocation; if (SphericalDistanceLibrary.distance(nearestPoint, fromv.getCoordinate()) < 1) { // no need to link to area edges caught on-end edgeLocation = fromv; if (endVertex) { tempEdges.addEdge(new TemporaryFreeEdge(edgeLocation, location)); } else { tempEdges.addEdge(new TemporaryFreeEdge(location, edgeLocation)); } } else if (SphericalDistanceLibrary.distance(nearestPoint, tov.getCoordinate()) < 1) { // no need to link to area edges caught on-end edgeLocation = tov; if (endVertex) { tempEdges.addEdge(new TemporaryFreeEdge(edgeLocation, location)); } else { tempEdges.addEdge(new TemporaryFreeEdge(location, edgeLocation)); } } else { // creates links from street head -> location -> street tail. createHalfLocationForTest(location, name, nearestPoint, street, endVertex, tempEdges); } } location.setWheelchairAccessible(wheelchairAccessible); return location; } public VertexLinker getVertexLinker() { return vertexLinker; } public TransitStopVertex findTransitStopVertices(FeedScopedId stopId) { return transitStopVertices.get(stopId); } /** * Returns the vertices intersecting with the specified envelope. */ public List getVerticesForEnvelope(Envelope envelope) { List vertices = verticesTree.query(envelope); // Here we assume vertices list modifiable vertices.removeIf(v -> !envelope.contains(new Coordinate(v.getLon(), v.getLat()))); return vertices; } /** * Return the edges whose geometry intersect with the specified envelope. Warning: edges w/o * geometry will not be indexed. */ public Collection getEdgesForEnvelope(Envelope envelope) { List edges = edgeTree.query(envelope); for (Iterator ie = edges.iterator(); ie.hasNext();) { Edge e =; if (e.getToVertex() == null || e.getFromVertex() == null) { ie.remove(); } else { Envelope eenv = edgeGeometryOrStraightLine(e).getEnvelopeInternal(); if (!envelope.intersects(eenv)) { ie.remove(); } } } return edges; } /** * Gets a set of vertices corresponding to the location provided. It first tries to match one of * the stop or station types by id, and if not successful it uses the coordinates if provided. * * @param endVertex: whether this is a start vertex (if it's false) or end vertex (if it's true) */ public Set getVerticesForLocation( GenericLocation location, StreetMode streetMode, boolean endVertex, Set tempEdges ) { // Differentiate between driving and non-driving, as driving is not available from transit stops TraverseMode nonTransitMode = getTraverseModeForLinker(streetMode, endVertex); if (nonTransitMode.isDriving()) { // Fetch coordinate from stop, if not given in request if (location.stopId != null && location.getCoordinate() == null) { var coordinate = stopModel.getCoordinateById(location.stopId); if (coordinate != null) { location = new GenericLocation( location.label, location.stopId, coordinate.latitude(), coordinate.longitude() ); } } } else { // Check if Stop/StopCollection is found by FeedScopeId if (location.stopId != null) { Set transitStopVertices = getStopVerticesById(location.stopId); if (transitStopVertices != null && !transitStopVertices.isEmpty()) { return transitStopVertices; } } } // Check if coordinate is provided and connect it to graph if (location.getCoordinate() != null) { return Set.of(createVertexFromLocation(location, streetMode, endVertex, tempEdges)); } return null; } @Override public String toString() { return ( getClass().getName() + " -- edgeTree: " + edgeTree.toString() + " -- verticesTree: " + verticesTree.toString() ); } /** * Finds the appropriate vertex for this location. * * @param endVertex: whether this is a start vertex (if it's false) or end vertex (if it's true) */ public Vertex getVertexForLocationForTest( GenericLocation location, StreetMode streetMode, boolean endVertex, Set tempEdges ) { // Check if coordinate is provided and connect it to graph Coordinate coordinate = location.getCoordinate(); if (coordinate != null) { //return getClosestVertex(loc, options, endVertex); return createVertexFromLocation(location, streetMode, endVertex, tempEdges); } return null; } /** * @param id Id of Stop, Station, MultiModalStation or GroupOfStations * @return The associated TransitStopVertex or all underlying TransitStopVertices */ private Set getStopVerticesById(FeedScopedId id) { return stopModel .findStopOrChildStops(id) .stream() .filter(RegularStop.class::isInstance) .map(RegularStop.class::cast) .map(it -> transitStopVertices.get(it.getId())) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } private static void createHalfLocationForTest( TemporaryStreetLocation base, I18NString name, Coordinate nearestPoint, StreetEdge street, boolean endVertex, DisposableEdgeCollection tempEdges ) { StreetVertex tov = (StreetVertex) street.getToVertex(); StreetVertex fromv = (StreetVertex) street.getFromVertex(); LineString geometry = street.getGeometry(); P2 geometries = getGeometry(street, nearestPoint); double totalGeomLength = geometry.getLength(); double lengthRatioIn = geometries.first.getLength() / totalGeomLength; double lengthIn = street.getDistanceMeters() * lengthRatioIn; double lengthOut = street.getDistanceMeters() * (1 - lengthRatioIn); if (endVertex) { TemporaryPartialStreetEdge temporaryPartialStreetEdge = new TemporaryPartialStreetEdge( street, fromv, base, geometries.first, name, lengthIn ); temporaryPartialStreetEdge.setMotorVehicleNoThruTraffic(street.isMotorVehicleNoThruTraffic()); temporaryPartialStreetEdge.setBicycleNoThruTraffic(street.isBicycleNoThruTraffic()); temporaryPartialStreetEdge.setWalkNoThruTraffic(street.isWalkNoThruTraffic()); temporaryPartialStreetEdge.setStreetClass(street.getStreetClass()); tempEdges.addEdge(temporaryPartialStreetEdge); } else { TemporaryPartialStreetEdge temporaryPartialStreetEdge = new TemporaryPartialStreetEdge( street, base, tov, geometries.second, name, lengthOut ); temporaryPartialStreetEdge.setStreetClass(street.getStreetClass()); temporaryPartialStreetEdge.setMotorVehicleNoThruTraffic(street.isMotorVehicleNoThruTraffic()); temporaryPartialStreetEdge.setBicycleNoThruTraffic(street.isBicycleNoThruTraffic()); temporaryPartialStreetEdge.setWalkNoThruTraffic(street.isWalkNoThruTraffic()); tempEdges.addEdge(temporaryPartialStreetEdge); } } private static P2 getGeometry(StreetEdge e, Coordinate nearestPoint) { LineString geometry = e.getGeometry(); return GeometryUtils.splitGeometryAtPoint(geometry, nearestPoint); } private static LineString edgeGeometryOrStraightLine(Edge e) { LineString geometry = e.getGeometry(); if (geometry == null) { Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[] { e.getFromVertex().getCoordinate(), e.getToVertex().getCoordinate(), }; geometry = GeometryUtils.getGeometryFactory().createLineString(coordinates); } return geometry; } private Vertex createVertexFromLocation( GenericLocation location, StreetMode streetMode, boolean endVertex, Set tempEdges ) { if (endVertex) { LOG.debug("Finding end vertex for {}", location); } else { LOG.debug("Finding start vertex for {}", location); } I18NString name; if (location.label == null || location.label.isEmpty()) { if (endVertex) { name = new LocalizedString("destination"); } else { name = new LocalizedString("origin"); } } else { name = new NonLocalizedString(location.label); } TemporaryStreetLocation temporaryStreetLocation = new TemporaryStreetLocation( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), location.getCoordinate(), name, endVertex ); TraverseMode nonTransitMode = getTraverseModeForLinker(streetMode, endVertex); tempEdges.add( vertexLinker.linkVertexForRequest( temporaryStreetLocation, new TraverseModeSet(nonTransitMode), endVertex ? LinkingDirection.OUTGOING : LinkingDirection.INCOMING, endVertex ? (vertex, streetVertex) -> List.of(new TemporaryFreeEdge(streetVertex, (TemporaryStreetLocation) vertex)) : (vertex, streetVertex) -> List.of(new TemporaryFreeEdge((TemporaryStreetLocation) vertex, streetVertex)) ) ); if ( temporaryStreetLocation.getIncoming().isEmpty() && temporaryStreetLocation.getOutgoing().isEmpty() ) { LOG.warn("Couldn't link {}", location); } temporaryStreetLocation.setWheelchairAccessible(true); return temporaryStreetLocation; } private TraverseMode getTraverseModeForLinker(StreetMode streetMode, boolean endVertex) { TraverseMode nonTransitMode = TraverseMode.WALK; // for park and ride we will start in car mode and walk to the end vertex boolean parkAndRideDepart = streetMode == StreetMode.CAR_TO_PARK && !endVertex; boolean onlyCarAvailable = streetMode == StreetMode.CAR; if (onlyCarAvailable || parkAndRideDepart) { nonTransitMode = TraverseMode.CAR; } return nonTransitMode; } private void postSetup(Collection vertices) { var progress = ProgressTracker.track("Index street vertex", 1000, vertices.size());; for (Vertex gv : vertices) { /* * We add all edges with geometry, skipping transit, filtering them out after. We do not * index transit edges as we do not need them and some GTFS do not have shape data, so * long straight lines between 2 faraway stations will wreck performance on a hash grid * spatial index. * * If one need to store transit edges in the index, we could improve the hash grid * rasterizing splitting long segments. */ for (Edge e : gv.getOutgoing()) { LineString geometry = edgeGeometryOrStraightLine(e); edgeTree.insert(geometry, e); } Envelope env = new Envelope(gv.getCoordinate()); verticesTree.insert(env, gv); //noinspection Convert2MethodRef progress.step(m ->; }; } private static Map toImmutableMap( Collection vertices ) { var map = new HashMap(); for (TransitStopVertex it : vertices) { map.put(it.getStop().getId(), it); } return Map.copyOf(map); } }

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