org.openurp.edu.program.model.Program.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2014, The OpenURP Software.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package org.openurp.edu.program.model
import org.beangle.commons.collection.Collections
import org.beangle.data.model.LongId
import org.beangle.data.model.pojo.{DateRange, Named, Remark, Updated}
import org.openurp.base.edu.model.{Course, Direction, Major}
import org.openurp.base.model.{AuditStatus, Campus, Department, EduLevelBased}
import org.openurp.base.std.model.Grade
import org.openurp.code.edu.model.*
import org.openurp.code.std.model.StdType
import java.time.Instant
import scala.collection.mutable
* 专业培养方案
* @author chaostone
class Program extends LongId, Updated, Named, Cloneable, DateRange, EduLevelBased, Remark {
/** 年级 */
var grade: Grade = _
/** 部门 */
var department: Department = _
/** 专业 */
var major: Major = _
/** 专业方向 */
var direction: Option[Direction] = None
/** 学生类别 */
var stdTypes: mutable.Set[StdType] = Collections.newSet[StdType]
/** 学制 */
var duration: Float = _
/** 学习形式 */
var studyType: Option[StudyType] = None
/** 要求学分 */
var credits: Float = _
/** 起始学期 */
var startTerm: Short = _
/** 结束学期 */
var endTerm: Short = _
/** 学期对应校区 */
var termCampuses = Collections.newBuffer[TermCampus]
/** 多出学分可以冲抵的课程类别 */
var offsetType: Option[CourseType] = None
/** 毕业授予学位 */
var degree: Option[Degree] = None
/** 学位绩点 */
var degreeGpa: Option[Float] = None
/** 学位课程 */
var degreeCourses = Collections.newSet[Course]
/** 学位审核要求的证书 */
var degreeCertificates = Collections.newSet[Certificate]
/** 分类标签 */
var labels: mutable.Buffer[ProgramCourseLabel] = Collections.newBuffer[ProgramCourseLabel]
/** 先修课程 */
var prerequisites: mutable.Buffer[ProgramPrerequisite] = Collections.newBuffer[ProgramPrerequisite]
/** 审核状态 */
var status: AuditStatus = AuditStatus.Draft
/** 审核意见 */
var opinions: Option[String] = None
def this(p: Program) = {
this.name = p.name
this.beginOn = p.beginOn
this.endOn = p.endOn
this.grade = p.grade
this.eduType = p.eduType
this.level = p.level
this.department = p.department
this.major = p.major
this.direction = p.direction
this.duration = p.duration
this.studyType = p.studyType
this.credits = p.credits
this.startTerm = p.startTerm
this.endTerm = p.endTerm
this.offsetType = p.offsetType
this.degree = p.degree
this.degreeGpa = p.degreeGpa
p.labels foreach { l =>
this.labels.addOne(new ProgramCourseLabel(this, l.course, l.tag))
p.prerequisites foreach { p =>
this.prerequisites.addOne(new ProgramPrerequisite(this, p.course, p.prerequisite))
this.remark = p.remark
this.updatedAt = Instant.now
def campuses: Set[Campus] = {
def terms: Short = (endTerm - startTerm + 1).asInstanceOf[Short]
def courseTags: Map[Course, Set[ProgramCourseTag]] = {
labels.groupBy(x => x.course).map(x => (x._1, x._2.map(_.tag).toSet))
def disciplineCode: String = {
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