Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2014, The OpenURP Software.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
import org.beangle.commons.bean.Properties
import org.beangle.commons.collection.Collections
import org.openurp.base.model.Person
import org.openurp.base.service.AbstractBaseService
import org.openurp.base.std.model.{Graduate, Squad, Student, StudentState}
import org.openurp.base.std.service.StudentService
import{Contact, Home}
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.util
import scala.collection.mutable
object StudentManager {
private val propertyMap = new util.HashMap[String, String]
propertyMap.put("code", "学号")
propertyMap.put("name", "姓名")
propertyMap.put("phoneticName", "英文名")
propertyMap.put("gender", "性别")
propertyMap.put("grade", "年级")
propertyMap.put("department", "院系")
propertyMap.put("major", "专业")
propertyMap.put("direction", "方向")
propertyMap.put("majorDepart", "院系")
propertyMap.put("stdType", "学生类别")
propertyMap.put("duration", "学制")
propertyMap.put("status", "学籍状态")
propertyMap.put("inschool", "是否在校")
propertyMap.put("registed", "是否有学籍")
propertyMap.put("status", "学籍状态")
propertyMap.put("beginOn", "学籍生效日期")
propertyMap.put("campus", "校区")
propertyMap.put("endOn", "学籍失效日期")
propertyMap.put("squad", "所在行政班级")
propertyMap.put("studyType", "学习形式")
propertyMap.put("levelType", "教育形式")
propertyMap.put("remark", "备注")
propertyMap.put("formerName", "曾用名")
propertyMap.put("nation", "民族")
propertyMap.put("politicVisage", "政治面貌")
propertyMap.put("birthday", "出生日期")
propertyMap.put("idcard", "身份证")
propertyMap.put("idType", "证件类型")
propertyMap.put("ancestralAddr", "籍贯")
propertyMap.put("country", "国家地区")
propertyMap.put("maritalStatus", "婚姻状况")
propertyMap.put("joinOn", "入团(党)时间")
propertyMap.put("charactor", "特长爱好")
class StudentManager extends AbstractBaseService {
var studentService: StudentService = _
var studentInfoService: StudentInfoService = _
// def saveStudent(parameterObject: SaveLogForStudentParameter): Unit = {
// checkAndSaveLogForStudent(parameterObject, null, null)
// }
// def saveStudent(parameterObject: SaveLogForStudentParameter, journalOrig: StudentState, journalNew: StudentState): Unit = {
// checkAndSaveLogForStudent(parameterObject, journalOrig, journalNew)
// }
// 删除未生效学籍信息并记录
// def checkAndRemoveLogForStudentAlteration(stdAlterations: Iterable[StdAlteration], ip: String, user: User): Unit = {
// // val time = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis)
// val saveDatas = Collections.newBuffer[Entity[_]]
// stdAlterations.foreach(stdAlteration => {
// val log = new StudentLog
// log.`type` = StudentLog.STD_ALL_LOG
// log.operation = "已删除预定于" + stdAlteration.beginOn + "对学号为" + stdAlteration.std.code + "的未生效学籍异动[" + + "]"
// log.user = user
// log.time =
// log.student = stdAlteration.std
// log.ip = ip
// val log2 = new StudentLog
// log2.`type` = StudentLog.STD_PERSONAL_LOG
// log2.operation = "已删除预定于" + stdAlteration.beginOn + "对学号为" + stdAlteration.std.code + "的未生效学籍异动[" + + "]"
// log2.user = user
// log2.time =
// log2.student = stdAlteration.std
// log2.ip = ip
// saveDatas.+=(log)
// saveDatas.+=(log2)
// })
// entityDao.execute(Operation.saveOrUpdate(saveDatas).remove(stdAlterations))
// }
// def checkAndRollbackLogForStudent(parameterObject: SaveLogForStudentParameter): Unit = {
// checkAndRollbackLogForStudent(parameterObject, null, null)
// }
// 对学籍信息删除产生回滚日志
// def checkAndRollbackLogForStudent(parameterObject: SaveLogForStudentParameter, journalOrig: StudentState, journalNew: StudentState): collection.mutable.Buffer[StudentLog] = {
// val before = parameterObject.before
// val now =
// val ip = parameterObject.ip
// val loginUser = parameterObject.loginUser
// val changedDatas = doCheckDifference(before, now)
// if (journalOrig != null && journalNew != null) {
// changedDatas.addAll(doCheckForJournal(journalOrig, journalNew))
// }
// val saveDatas = Collections.newBuffer[StudentLog]
// if (changedDatas.size < 1) {
// saveDatas.+=(addGeneralLog(new StudentLogParameter(StudentLog.STD_ALL_LOG, "已对学号为" + now.user.code + "学生的学籍异动进行一次回滚,学籍信息不发生变化", ip, now, loginUser)))
// saveDatas.+=(addGeneralLog(new StudentLogParameter(StudentLog.STD_PERSONAL_LOG, "已对学号为" + now.user.code + "学生的学籍异动进行一次回滚,学籍信息不发生变化", ip, now, loginUser)))
// }
// else {
// saveDatas.+=(addGeneralLog(new StudentLogParameter(StudentLog.STD_PERSONAL_LOG, genRollbackChangedString(changedDatas), ip, now, loginUser)))
// saveDatas.+=(addGeneralLog(new StudentLogParameter(StudentLog.STD_ALL_LOG, "已对学号为" + now.user.code + "学生的学籍信息进行一次回滚", ip, now, loginUser)))
// }
// saveDatas
// }
private def genRollbackChangedString(datas: Iterable[ChangedPropertyData]): String = {
val buffer = new StringBuffer
datas.foreach(data => {
buffer.append("字段[" + convertProName( + "]已回滚,回滚前:" + data.oldValue + ",回滚后:" + data.value + "。
// 比较两个学生未生效学籍信息差别并记录
// @throws[Exception]
// def checkAndSaveLogForStudentAlteration(parameterObject: SaveLogForStudentParameter): Unit = {
// val before = parameterObject.before
// val now =
// val ip = parameterObject.ip
// val loginUser = parameterObject.loginUser
// val date =
// if (null == before) {
// entityDao.saveOrUpdate(addGeneralLog(new StudentLogParameter(0, "将在" + date + "新增一条学号为" + now.user.code + "的学籍信息", ip, now, loginUser)))
// return
// }
// val changedDatas = doCheckDifference(before, now)
// if (changedDatas.size < 1) {
// entityDao.saveOrUpdate(addGeneralLog(new StudentLogParameter(0, "将在" + date + "对学号" + now.user.code + "做学籍变动,学籍信息不发生变化", ip, before, loginUser)))
// entityDao.saveOrUpdate(addGeneralLog(new StudentLogParameter(1, "将在" + date + "对学号" + now.user.code + "做学籍变动,学籍信息不发生变化", ip, before, loginUser)))
// return
// }
// val saveDatas = Collections.newBuffer[Entity[_]]
// saveDatas.+=(addGeneralLog(new StudentLogParameter(1, genWillChangeString(changedDatas, date), ip, before, loginUser)))
// saveDatas.+=(addGeneralLog(new StudentLogParameter(0, "将在" + date + "修改一条学号为" + before.user.code + "的学籍信息", ip, before, loginUser)))
// PropertyUtils.copyProperties(now, before)
// entityDao.saveOrUpdate(saveDatas)
// }
def genWillChangeString(datas: Iterable[ChangedPropertyData], date: LocalDate): String = {
val buffer = new StringBuffer
datas.foreach(data => {
buffer.append("字段[" + convertProName( + "]将在" + date + "被修改,修改前:" + data.oldValue + ",修改后:" + data.value + "。
// def doCheckForJournal(journalOrig: StudentState, journalNew: StudentState): collection.mutable.Buffer[ChangedPropertyData] = {
// val changedPropertyDatas = Collections.newBuffer[ChangedPropertyData]
// if (!(journalOrig.status == journalNew.status)) {
// changedPropertyDatas.+=(new ChangedPropertyData("status",,
// }
// if (journalOrig.inschool != journalNew.inschool) {
// changedPropertyDatas.+=(new ChangedPropertyData("inschool", if (journalOrig.inschool) "是" else "否", if (journalNew.inschool) "是" else "否"))
// }
// changedPropertyDatas
// }
// 比较两个学生学籍信息差别并记录
// private def checkAndSaveLogForStudent(parameterObject: SaveLogForStudentParameter, journalOrig: StudentState, journalNew: StudentState): Unit = {
// val before = parameterObject.before
// val now =
// val ip = parameterObject.ip
// val loginUser = parameterObject.loginUser
// if (null == before) {
// entityDao.saveOrUpdate(addGeneralLog(new StudentLogParameter(0, "新增了一条学号为" + now.user.code + "的学籍信息", ip, now, loginUser)))
// return
// }
// val saveDatas = Collections.newBuffer[Entity[_]]
// val changedDatas = doCheckDifference(before, now)
// if (journalOrig != null && journalNew != null) {
// changedDatas.addAll(doCheckForJournal(journalOrig, journalNew))
// saveDatas.+=(journalOrig)
// saveDatas.+=(journalNew)
// }
// if (changedDatas.size < 1) {
// val log: StudentLog = addGeneralLog(new StudentLogParameter(0, "对学号" + now.user.code + "的学生进行了一次学籍变动,学籍信息不发生变化", ip, now, loginUser))
// entityDao.saveOrUpdate(log)
// return
// }
// saveDatas.+=(
// saveDatas.+=(addGeneralLog(new StudentLogParameter(1, genChangedString(changedDatas), ip, now, loginUser)))
// saveDatas.+=(addGeneralLog(new StudentLogParameter(0, "修改了一条学号为" + now.user.code + "的学籍信息", ip, now, loginUser)))
// entityDao.saveOrUpdate(saveDatas)
// }
// 比较两个学生基本信息差别并记录
// def checkAndSaveLogForBasic(std: Student, before: Person, now: Person, ip: String, loginUser: User): Unit = {
// if (null == before) {
// addGeneralLog(new StudentLogParameter(0, "新增了学号为" + std.code + "的基本信息", ip, std, loginUser))
// return
// }
// val changedDatas = doCheckDifference(before, now)
// if (changedDatas.size < 1) {
// return
// }
// val saveDatas = Collections.newBuffer[Entity[_]]
// saveDatas.+=(addGeneralLog(new StudentLogParameter(1, genChangedString(changedDatas), ip, std, loginUser)))
// saveDatas.+=(addGeneralLog(new StudentLogParameter(0, "修改了一条学号为" + std.code + "的基本信息", ip, std, loginUser)))
// entityDao.saveOrUpdate(saveDatas)
// }
* 对两个object 进行比较
// def doCheckDifference(before: Object, now: Object): collection.mutable.Buffer[ChangedPropertyData] = {
// val changedDatas = Collections.newBuffer[ChangedPropertyData]
// val propertyDescriptors = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(before.getClass)
// for (i <- 0 until propertyDescriptors.length) {
// val descriptor = propertyDescriptors(i)
// val declaringClass = descriptor.getPropertyType
// // if(declaringClass == classOf[Long]) {
// // continue //todo: continue is not supported
// //
// // }
// if (declaringClass != classOf[Long]) {
// var beforeName = ""
// var afterName = ""
// if (isSimpleClass(declaringClass)) {
// if (classOf[LocalDate].isAssignableFrom(declaringClass)) {
// try {
// val beforeDate = PropertyUtils.getProperty(before, descriptor.getName).asInstanceOf[LocalDate]
// val afterDate = PropertyUtils.getProperty(now, descriptor.getName).asInstanceOf[LocalDate]
// val sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
// beforeName = sdf.format(beforeDate)
// afterName = sdf.format(afterDate)
// } catch {
// case e: Exception =>
// }
// }
// else {
// beforeName = getProperty(before, descriptor.getName)
// afterName = getProperty(now, descriptor.getName)
// }
// }
// else { // get name and compare
// beforeName = getProperty(before, descriptor.getName + ".name")
// val nowObj = getPropertyObj(now, descriptor)
// initialize(nowObj)
// afterName = getProperty(nowObj, "name")
// }
// if (!(beforeName == afterName)) {
// val data: ChangedPropertyData = new ChangedPropertyData(descriptor.getName, beforeName, afterName)
// changedDatas.+=:(data)
// }
// }
// }
// changedDatas
// }
def genChangedString(datas: Iterable[ChangedPropertyData]): String = {
val buffer = new StringBuffer
datas.foreach(data => {
buffer.append("字段[" + convertProName( + "]已修改,修改前:" + data.oldValue + ",修改后:" + data.value + "。
// def genChangedString(alteration: StdAlteration): String = {
// val buffer = new StringBuffer
// alteration.items.foreach(item => {
// buffer.append("字段[" + item.meta.comments + "]已修改,修改前:" + item.oldtext + ",修改后:" + item.newtext + "。
// })
// buffer.toString
// }
// def initialize(nowObj: Object): Unit = {
// if (nowObj == null) {
// return
// }
// Hibernate.initialize(nowObj)
// try if (PropertyUtils.getProperty(nowObj, "id") != null && PropertyUtils.getProperty(nowObj, "name") == null) {
// val obj: Any = entityDao.get(nowObj.getClass.asInstanceOf[Class[Entity[Serializable]]], PropertyUtils.getProperty(nowObj, "id").asInstanceOf[Serializable])
// PropertyUtils.copyProperties(nowObj, obj)
// }
// catch {
// case e: Exception =>
// }
// }
def getProperty(obj: Object, property: String): String = {
try Properties.get[Any](obj, property).toString
catch {
case e: Exception => ""
def isSimpleClass(declaringClass: Class[_]): Boolean = {
declaringClass == classOf[String] || declaringClass.isPrimitive || declaringClass == classOf[Float] || declaringClass == classOf[Boolean] || classOf[LocalDate].isAssignableFrom(declaringClass)
* 添加学籍日志
* @param parameterObject
// def addGeneralLog(parameterObject: StudentLogParameter): StudentLog = {
// val time: Timestamp = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis)
// val log: StudentLog = new StudentLog
// log.`type` = parameterObject.`type`
// log.operation = parameterObject.operation
// log.user = parameterObject.loginUser
// log.time =
// log.student = parameterObject.s
// log.ip = parameterObject.ip
// log
// }
def convertProName(properties: String): String = {
val it = StudentManager.propertyMap.entrySet.iterator
while (it.hasNext) {
val entry =
val key = entry.getKey
if (properties == key) {
* 获取所有行政班级
def getAdminClass: Seq[Squad] = {
val builder = OqlBuilder.from(classOf[Squad], "squad").where("squad.beginOn <= :now and (squad.endOn is null or squad.endOn >= :now)","")
val rs =
if (rs.nonEmpty) {
} else {
@deprecated def saveStudentsInfo(student: Student, basic: Person, contact: Contact): Unit = {
def saveStudentsInfo(student: Student, stdBasic: Person, contact: Contact, home: Home, journal: StudentState): Unit = {
val entities = Collections.newBuffer[AnyRef]
if (stdBasic != null) {
if (student != null) {
if (contact != null) {
if (home != null) {
if (journal != null) {
def getStudentDatasById(stdId: Long): mutable.Map[String, Any] = {
val params = Collections.newMap[String, Any]
val date =
if (0L != stdId) {
val student = entityDao.get(classOf[Student], stdId)
params.put("student", student)
val active = student.registed && date.isAfter(student.beginOn) && date.isBefore(student.endOn)
params.put("active", active)
params.put("inSchool", student.state.get.inschool)
params.put("person", student.person)
val contacts = studentInfoService.getStudentInfo(classOf[Contact], student)
if (!contacts.isEmpty) {
params.put("contact", contacts(0))
val graduates = studentInfoService.getStudentInfo(classOf[Graduate], student)
if (!graduates.isEmpty) {
params.put("graduate", graduates(0))
params.put("stdStatus", student.state.get.status)
val homes = studentInfoService.getStudentInfo(classOf[Home], student)
if (!homes.isEmpty) {
params.put("home", homes(0))
val journalQuery = OqlBuilder.from(classOf[StudentState], "journal")
journalQuery.where("journal.std = :std", student).orderBy("journal.beginOn desc").orderBy("journal.endOn desc")
val journals =
params.put("journals", journals)
// def stateDateCheck(student: Student, state: StudentState): Boolean = {
// stateDateCheck(student,, state.beginOn, state.endOn)
// }
// def stateDateCheck(student: Student, stateId: Long, beginOn: LocalDate, endOn: LocalDate): Boolean = {
// var isOk = true
// val sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd")
// val beginValue = sdf.format(beginOn).toInt
// var isContinuity = false
// student.states.foreach(state => {
// if (null != stateId && null != && stateId.longValue == {
// continue //todo: continue is not supported
// }
// if (null == endOn && null == state.getEndOn) {
// isOk = false
// break //todo: break is not supported
// }
// if (null == endOn && null != state.getEndOn) {
// val hisEndValue: Int = sdf.format(state.getEndOn).toInt
// if (beginValue < hisEndValue) {
// isOk = false
// break //todo: break is not supported
// }
// else {
// if (beginValue == sdf.format(DateUtils.addDays(state.getEndOn, 1)).toInt) {
// isContinuity = true
// }
// continue //todo: continue is not supported
// }
// }
// val endValue: Int = sdf.format(endOn).toInt
// val hisBeginValue: Int = sdf.format(state.getBeginOn).toInt
// if (null != endOn && null == state.getEndOn) {
// if (endValue > hisBeginValue) {
// isOk = false
// break //todo: break is not supported
// }
// else {
// if (sdf.format(DateUtils.addDays(state.getBeginOn, -(1))).toInt == endValue) {
// isContinuity = true
// }
// continue //todo: continue is not supported
// }
// }
// if (beginValue < sdf.format(state.getEndOn).toInt && endValue > sdf.format(state.getBeginOn).toInt) {
// isOk = false
// break //todo: break is not supported
// }
// else {
// if (sdf.format(DateUtils.addDays(state.getBeginOn, -(1))).toInt == endValue || beginValue == sdf.format(DateUtils.addDays(state.getEndOn, 1)).toInt) {
// isContinuity = true
// }
// }
// })
// if (!isContinuity) {
// isOk = false
// }
// isOk
// }
// def findJournal(student: Student, state: StudentState): StudentState = {
// if (null == state || null == state.beginOn || null == state.endOn) {
// return null
// }
// findJournal(student, state.beginOn, state.endOn)
// }
// def findJournal(student: Student, beginOn: LocalDate, endOn: LocalDate): StudentState = {
// if (null == student || null == beginOn || null == endOn || student.states.isEmpty) {
// return null
// }
// val sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd")
// val beginValue = sdf.format(beginOn).toInt
// val endValue = sdf.format(endOn).toInt
// val targetStates = Collections.newBuffer[StudentState]
// targetStates.addAll(student.states)
// // Collections.sort(targetStates, new Comparator[StudentState]() {
// // def compare(j1: StudentState, j2: StudentState): Int = {
// // return j1.getBeginOn.compareTo(j2.getBeginOn)
// // }
// // })
// for (targetState <- student.states) {
// // if (0 == endValue && null == targetState.endOn) {
// // continue //todo: continue is not supported
// //
// // }
// if (0 != endValue || null != targetState.endOn) {
// val targetBeginValue: Int = sdf.format(targetState.beginOn).toInt
// val targetEndValue: Int = sdf.format(targetState.endOn).toInt
// if (beginValue >= targetBeginValue && beginValue <= targetEndValue && targetBeginValue <= endValue && endValue <= targetEndValue) {
// return targetState
// }
// }
// }
// null
// }
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