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String viewObject = request.getParameter("viewObject");
viewObject = (viewObject == null || viewObject.equals(""))?"xava_view":viewObject;
org.openxava.view.View view = (org.openxava.view.View) context.get(request, viewObject);
String propertyPrefix = request.getParameter("propertyPrefix");
String representsSection = request.getParameter("representsSection");
boolean isSection = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(representsSection);
propertyPrefix = (propertyPrefix == null || "null".equals(propertyPrefix))?"":propertyPrefix;
boolean onlySections = view.hasSections() && view.getMetaMembers().isEmpty();
if (!onlySections) { // IF Not Only Sections
Iterator it = view.getMetaMembers().iterator();
String sfirst = request.getParameter("first");
boolean first = !"false".equals(sfirst);
while (it.hasNext()) { // WHILE hasNext
MetaMember m = (MetaMember);
int frameWidth = view.isVariousMembersInSameLine(m)?50:100;
if (m instanceof MetaProperty) { // IF MetaProperty
MetaProperty p = (MetaProperty) m;
if (!PropertiesSeparator.INSTANCE.equals(m)) { // IF Not Properties Separator
boolean hasFrame = WebEditors.hasFrame(p, view.getViewName());
String propertyKey= Ids.decorate(
propertyPrefix + p.getName());
request.setAttribute(propertyKey, p);
String urlEditor = "editor.jsp" // in this way because websphere 6 has problems with jsp:param
+ "?propertyKey=" + propertyKey
+ "&first=" + first
+ "&hasFrame=" + hasFrame;
boolean withFrame = hasFrame &&
(!view.isSection() || view.getMetaMembers().size() > 1);
if (withFrame) { // IF MetaPropertt With Frame
String labelKey = Ids.decorate(
"label_" + propertyPrefix + p.getName());
String label = view.getLabelFor(p);
<%=style.getFrameHeaderStartDecoration(frameWidth) %>
<%=style.getFrameTitleStartDecoration() %>
<%=style.getFrameTitleEndDecoration() %>
String frameId = Ids.decorate(request, "frame_" + view.getPropertyPrefix() + p.getName());
String frameActionsURL = "frameActions.jsp?frameId=" + frameId +
"&closed=" + view.isFrameClosed(frameId);
<%@ include file="propertyActionsExt.jsp"%>
<%=style.getFrameHeaderEndDecoration() %>
<%=style.getFrameContentStartDecoration(frameId + "content", view.isFrameClosed(frameId))%>
} // END MetaProperty With Frame
else if (hasFrame) {
if (withFrame) { // IF MetaProperty With Frame
<%=style.getFrameContentEndDecoration() %>
} // END IF MetaProperty With Frame
else if (hasFrame) {
first = false;
} // END IF Not Properties Separator
else { // IF Properties Separator
if (!it.hasNext()) break;
first = true;
} // END IF Properties Separator
} // END IF MetaProperty
else { // IF Not MetaProperty
if (m instanceof MetaReference) { // IF MetaReference
MetaReference ref = (MetaReference) m;
String referenceKey = Ids.decorate(
propertyPrefix + ref.getName());
request.setAttribute(referenceKey, ref);
if (view.displayReferenceWithNoFrameEditor(ref)) { // IF Display Reference Without Frame
String urlReferenceEditor = "reference.jsp" // in this way because websphere 6 has problems with jsp:param
+ "?referenceKey=" + referenceKey
+ "&first=" + first
+ "&frame=false&composite=false&onlyEditor=false";
first = false;
} // END IF Display MetaReference Without Frame
else { // IF Display MeteReference With Frame
String viewName = viewObject + "_" + ref.getName();
View subview = view.getSubview(ref.getName());
context.put(request, viewName, subview);
String propertyInReferencePrefix = propertyPrefix + ref.getName() + ".";
boolean withFrame = subview.displayWithFrame();
boolean firstForSubdetail = first || withFrame;
if (withFrame) { // IF MetaReference With Frame
String labelKey = Ids.decorate(
"label_" + propertyPrefix + ref.getName());
String label = view.getLabelFor(ref);
<%=style.getFrameHeaderStartDecoration(frameWidth) %>
<%=style.getFrameTitleStartDecoration() %>
<% if (!ref.isAggregate()) { %>
<% } %>
<%=style.getFrameTitleEndDecoration() %>
String frameId = Ids.decorate(request, "frame_" + view.getPropertyPrefix() + ref.getName());
String frameActionsURL = "frameActions.jsp?frameId=" + frameId +
"&closed=" + view.isFrameClosed(frameId);
<%@ include file="referenceFrameHeaderExt.jsp"%>
<%=style.getFrameHeaderEndDecoration() %>
<%=style.getFrameContentStartDecoration(frameId + "content", view.isFrameClosed(frameId)) %>
} // END IF MetaReference With Frame
String urlReferenceEditor = null;
if (view.displayReferenceWithNotCompositeEditor(ref)) { // IF Display Reference Without Composite Editor
urlReferenceEditor = "reference.jsp" // in this way because websphere 6 has problems with jsp:param
+ "?referenceKey=" + referenceKey
+ "&onlyEditor=true&frame=true&composite=false"
+ "&first=" + first;
} // END IF Display Reference Without Composite Editor
else { // IF Display Reference With Composite Editor
urlReferenceEditor = "reference.jsp" // in this way because websphere 6 has problems with jsp:param
+ "?referenceKey=" + referenceKey
+ "&onlyEditor=true&frame=true&composite=true"
+ "&refViewObject=" + viewName
+ "&propertyPrefix=" + propertyInReferencePrefix
+ "&first=" + firstForSubdetail;
} // END IF Display Reference With Composite Editor
if (withFrame) { // IF MetaReference With Frame
<%=style.getFrameContentEndDecoration() %>
} // END IF MetaReference With Frame
} // END Display MetaReference With Frame
first = false;
} else if (m instanceof MetaCollection) { // IF MetaCollection
MetaCollection collection = (MetaCollection) m;
boolean withFrame = !view.isSection() || view.getMetaMembers().size() > 1;
boolean variousCollectionInLine = view.isVariousCollectionsInSameLine((MetaMember) m);
if (withFrame) { // IF MetaCollection With Frame
<%=collection.getLabel(request) %>
String frameId = Ids.decorate(request, "frame_" + view.getPropertyPrefix() + collection.getName());
String colletionHeaderId = frameId + "header";
String frameActionsURL = "frameActions.jsp?frameId=" + frameId +
"&closed=" + view.isFrameClosed(frameId);
<%@ include file="collectionFrameHeaderExt.jsp"%>
<%=style.getFrameContentStartDecoration(frameId + "content", view.isFrameClosed(frameId))%>
} // END IF MetaCollection With Frame
String collectionPrefix = propertyPrefix == null?collection.getName() + ".":propertyPrefix + collection.getName() + ".";
if (withFrame) { // IF MetaCollection With Frame
} // END IF MetaCollection With Frame
} else if (m instanceof MetaGroup) { // IF MetaGroup
MetaGroup group = (MetaGroup) m;
String viewName = viewObject + "_" + group.getName();
View subview = view.getGroupView(group.getName());
context.put(request, viewName, subview);
if (view.isFlowLayout() && view.isVariousMembersInSameLine(group)) frameWidth = 50;
<% if (view.isFlowLayout() && view.isVariousMembersInSameLine(group) && view.isFirstInLine(group)) { %>
<% } %>
<% String labelId = Ids.decorate(request, "label_" + view.getPropertyPrefix() + group.getName());
String labelGroup = org.openxava.util.Is.empty(subview.getTitle()) ? group.getLabel(request) : subview.getTitle();%>
String frameId = Ids.decorate(request, "frame_group_" + view.getPropertyPrefix() + group.getName());
String frameActionsURL = "frameActions.jsp?frameId=" + frameId +
"&closed=" + view.isFrameClosed(frameId);
<%=style.getFrameContentStartDecoration(frameId + "content", view.isFrameClosed(frameId)) %>
<% if (view.isFlowLayout()) { %>
<% } %>
<% if (view.isFlowLayout()) { %>
<% } %>
<%=style.getFrameContentEndDecoration() %>
} // END IF MetaGroup
} // END IF Not MetaProperty
} // END While hasNext
} // END if (!onlySections) {
if (view.hasSections()) { // IF Has Sections