org.ops4j.pax.web.service.PaxWebConstants Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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/* Copyright 2007 Alin Dreghiciu.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.ops4j.pax.web.service;
import java.net.JarURLConnection;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import org.ops4j.pax.web.service.whiteboard.ContextMapping;
import org.osgi.service.http.whiteboard.HttpWhiteboardConstants;
* Different constants used across Pax Web but not related to configuration that may be specified using
* {@code org.ops4j.pax.web} PID or system/bundle context properties. For configuration related constants, see
* {@link PaxWebConfig}.
* Constants names use the following prefixes:
* - {@code SERVICE_PROPERTY_} - for names of OSGi service registration properties
* - {@code INIT_PARAM_} - for legacy init parameters passed to {@link org.osgi.service.http.HttpService}
* registration methods that are handled in special way by Pax Web.
* - {@code CONTEXT_PARAM_} - for {@link ServletContext} attributes set by Pax Web.
* - {@code DEFAULT_} - for miscellaneous default values (default VHost, default name, default context,
* ...
* @author Alin Dreghiciu
* @since 0.3.0, December 27, 2007
public interface PaxWebConstants {
/** Service PID used for configuration. */
String PID = "org.ops4j.pax.web";
/** Actual OSGi Http Service will be registered under these {@code objectClass} names. */
/** Default name for context (e.g., {@link org.osgi.service.http.context.ServletContextHelper}) */
/** Name for default shared contexts - Pax Web specific */
/** Default name for virtual host */
/** Default (not overrideable) JSP servlet name */
/** The only supported JSP servlet class name */
String DEFAULT_JSP_SERVLET_CLASS = "org.ops4j.pax.web.jsp.JspServlet";
/** The only supported {@link javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer} class that configures JSP engine */
String DEFAULT_JSP_SCI_CLASS = "org.ops4j.pax.web.jsp.JasperInitializer";
* The only supported {@link javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer} class that configures WebSocket
* container for Jetty
String DEFAULT_WEBSOCKET_JETTY_SCI_CLASS = "org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.javax.server.config.JavaxWebSocketServletContainerInitializer";
* The only supported {@link javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer} class that configures WebSocket
* container for Tomcat
String DEFAULT_WEBSOCKET_TOMCAT_SCI_CLASS = "org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsSci";
* The only supported {@link javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer} class that configures WebSocket
* container for Undertow
String DEFAULT_WEBSOCKET_UNDERTOW_SCI_CLASS = "org.ops4j.pax.web.service.undertow.websocket.internal.WebSocketsInitializer";
* The only supported {@link javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer} for generic configuration of
* WebSocket container
String DEFAULT_WEBSOCKET_SCI_CLASS = "org.ops4j.pax.web.websocket.internal.PaxWebWebSocketsServletContainerInitializer";
/** Default {@link ServletContext#getContextPath() context path} */
/** Default session timeout */
/** Symbolic Name of pax-web-jsp bundle */
String DEFAULT_PAX_WEB_JSP_SYMBOLIC_NAME = "org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jsp";
/** Manifest header key for web application bundles according to 128.3.1 WAB Definition. */
String HEADER_CONTEXT_PATH = "Web-ContextPath";
* Pax Web specific manifest header of the WAB to specify matching virtual hosts for given context/WAB.
* To handle Jetty-specific {@code hosst@connector} syntax, a slash has to be used instead of at-sign.
String HEADER_VIRTUAL_HOSTS = "Web-VirtualHosts";
/** Pax Web specific manifest header of the WAB to specify matching connector names/ids for given context/WAB */
String HEADER_CONNECTORS = "Web-Connectors";
* Service registration property to mark services as internal, so they're not processed by Pax Web
* Whiteboard extender as normal Whiteboard services.
String SERVICE_PROPERTY_INTERNAL = "org.ops4j.pax.web.internal";
* Service registration property indication WebSocket registration. Named after
* {@link HttpWhiteboardConstants#HTTP_WHITEBOARD_LISTENER}
String SERVICE_PROPERTY_WEBSOCKET = "org.ops4j.pax.web.http.whiteboard.websocket";
/** Legacy service registration property indication WebSocket registration. */
* Pax Web specific service property used when registering:
* - {@link org.ops4j.pax.web.service.whiteboard.ServletContextHelperMapping}
* - {@link org.ops4j.pax.web.service.whiteboard.HttpContextMapping}
* - {@link org.osgi.service.http.context.ServletContextHelper}
* - {@link org.osgi.service.http.HttpContext}
* services to indicate virtual hosts with which this context should be associated (though for the two
* Pax Web specific mappings, {@link ContextMapping#getVirtualHosts()} takes precedence).
* The value should be String, array of Strings or Collection of Strings. When missing, context
* is assumed to be associated with all virtual hosts.
String SERVICE_PROPERTY_VIRTUAL_HOSTS_LEGACY = "httpContext.virtualhosts";
* Improved name for the service registration property to configure virtual hosts of the context
* ({@link org.osgi.service.http.context.ServletContextHelper}, {@link org.osgi.service.http.HttpContext}, etc.).
* See http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/jetty-9/index.html#configuring-virtual-hosts
String SERVICE_PROPERTY_VIRTUAL_HOSTS = "org.ops4j.pax.web.http.whiteboard.virtualhosts";
* Pax Web specific service property used when registering:
* - {@link org.ops4j.pax.web.service.whiteboard.ServletContextHelperMapping}
* - {@link org.ops4j.pax.web.service.whiteboard.HttpContextMapping}
* - {@link org.osgi.service.http.context.ServletContextHelper}
* - {@link org.osgi.service.http.HttpContext}
* services to indicate connector ids through which this context should be associated (though for the two
* Pax Web specific mappings, {@link ContextMapping#getConnectors()} takes precedence).
* The value should be String, array of Strings or Collection of Strings. When missing, context
* is assumed to be accessible through all connectors.
String SERVICE_PROPERTY_CONNECTORS_LEGACY = "httpContext.connectors";
* Improved name for the service registration property to configure connectors of the context
* ({@link org.osgi.service.http.context.ServletContextHelper}, {@link org.osgi.service.http.HttpContext}, etc.).
* See http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/jetty-9/index.html#configuring-virtual-hosts
String SERVICE_PROPERTY_CONNECTORS = "org.ops4j.pax.web.http.whiteboard.connectors";
* Legacy service property for context ID.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.osgi.service.http.whiteboard.HttpWhiteboardConstants#HTTP_WHITEBOARD_CONTEXT_NAME}
* Legacy property name for a legacy "shared" flag for {@link org.osgi.service.http.HttpContext} services.
* @deprecated User {@link org.osgi.service.http.context.ServletContextHelper} services which are "shared"
* by default
* Legacy context path.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.osgi.service.http.whiteboard.HttpWhiteboardConstants#HTTP_WHITEBOARD_CONTEXT_PATH}
/** The legacy registration property for the alias to be used by a servlet/resource registration. */
/** The legacy registration property for the url patterns to be used by a filter registration. */
/** The legacy registration property for the servlet names to be used by a filter registration. */
/** Legacy registration property for {@code } configuration */
String SERVICE_PROPERTY_ASYNC_SUPPORTED = "async-supported";
/** Legacy registration property for {@code } configuration */
String SERVICE_PROPERTY_LOAD_ON_STARTUP = "load-on-startup";
* The registration property for filtering init parameters. All init parameters starting with something different
* then the init-prefix will be ignored and not added to the init params of the servlet/filter/context.
String SERVICE_PROPERTY_INIT_PREFIX = "init-prefix";
* The default init-prefix.
* @deprecated {@code servlet.init./filter.init./context.init.} should be used instead - see
* {@link HttpWhiteboardConstants}.
* Init parameter that can be used to specify servlet name.
* {@link WebContainer} provides registration methods, where servlet name can be specified directly. Also
* according to Http Service and Whiteboard Service specifications, servlet name defaults to FQCN of the servlet.
String INIT_PARAM_SERVLET_NAME = "servlet-name";
* Init parameter that can be used to specify filter name.
* {@link WebContainer} provides registration methods, where filter name can be specified directly. Also
* according to Http Service and Whiteboard Service specifications, filter name defaults to FQCN of the servlet.
String INIT_PARAM_FILTER_NAME = "filter-name";
* Filter init param name for specifying a filter-mapping dispatch behaviour Must be a comma delimited string of:
* - {@link javax.servlet.DispatcherType#REQUEST}
* - {@link javax.servlet.DispatcherType#FORWARD}
* - {@link javax.servlet.DispatcherType#INCLUDE}
* - {@link javax.servlet.DispatcherType#ERROR}
* - {@link javax.servlet.DispatcherType#ASYNC}
* values are not case sensitive.
String INIT_PARAM_FILTER_MAPPING_DISPATCHER = "filter-mapping-dispatcher";
* Servlet context attribute containing the bundle context of the bundle registering the http context
* according to 128.6.1 "Bundle Context Access" chapter of OSGi CMPN 128 "Web Applications Specification"
String CONTEXT_PARAM_BUNDLE_CONTEXT = "osgi-bundlecontext";
/** For legacy Spring-DM support, {@link org.osgi.framework.BundleContext} should be available under this param */
String CONTEXT_PARAM_SPRING_BUNDLE_CONTEXT = "org.springframework.osgi.web.org.osgi.framework.BundleContext";
According to "11.1.3 Application Configuration Parameters" of JSF 2.3 specification,
* {@code javax.faces.FACELETS_LIBRARIES} is a list of resource names relative to context root. This is not
* supposed to find resources in embedded JARs, but there's no other easy way to let MyFaces find such taglib
* resources in Pax Web.
* Normally, {@code org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.util.Classpath#_searchResource()} assumes that the
* URL is {@link JarURLConnection} when doing recursive search and does a special GAE check. Nothing that could
* help us provide nice OSGi-aware discovery mechanism. That's why this context parameter will provide special
* {@link java.util.Map} that can be used when searching for FACELET resources.
// --- 3 properties defined in 128.3.4 "Publishing the Servlet Context" (and one Pax Web specific)
/** Symbolic name of the WAB bundle or bundle registering OSGi servlet context */
String SERVICE_PROPERTY_WEB_SYMBOLIC_NAME = "osgi.web.symbolicname";
/** Version of the WAB bundle or bundle registering OSGi servlet context */
String SERVICE_PROPERTY_WEB_VERSION = "osgi.web.version";
/** Context path of the WAB bundle or bundle registering OSGi servlet context */
/** Context name of the WAB bundle or bundle registering OSGi servlet context (Pax Web addition) */