org.cts.op.projection.ObliqueMercator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Coordinate Transformations Suite (abridged CTS) is a library developped to
* perform Coordinate Transformations using well known geodetic algorithms
* and parameter sets.
* Its main focus are simplicity, flexibility, interoperability, in this order.
* This library has been originally developed by Michaël Michaud under the JGeod
* name. It has been renamed CTS in 2009 and shared to the community from
* the Atelier SIG code repository.
* Since them, CTS is supported by the Atelier SIG team in collaboration with Michaël
* Michaud.
* The new CTS has been funded by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche
* (ANR) under contract ANR-08-VILL-0005-01 and the regional council
* "Région Pays de La Loire" under the projet SOGVILLE (Système d'Orbservation
* Géographique de la Ville).
* CTS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* CTS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* CTS. If not, see .
* For more information, please consult:
package org.cts.op.projection;
import java.util.Map;
import org.cts.CoordinateDimensionException;
import org.cts.Identifier;
import org.cts.datum.Ellipsoid;
import org.cts.op.CoordinateOperation;
import org.cts.op.NonInvertibleOperationException;
import org.cts.units.Measure;
import static java.lang.Math.abs;
import static java.lang.Math.asin;
import static java.lang.Math.atan;
import static java.lang.Math.cos;
import static java.lang.Math.exp;
import static java.lang.Math.log;
import static java.lang.Math.PI;
import static java.lang.Math.pow;
import static java.lang.Math.signum;
import static java.lang.Math.sin;
import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
import static java.lang.Math.tan;
* The Oblique Mercator Projection (OMERC).
* @author Jules Party
public class ObliqueMercator extends Projection {
* The Identifier used for all Oblique Mercator projections.
public static final Identifier OMERC =
new Identifier("EPSG", "9815", "Oblique Mercator", "OMERC");
protected final double latc, // latitude of the projection center
lonc, // longitude of the projection center
alphac, // azimuth of the initial line
gammac, // angle from the rectified grid to the skew (oblique) grid
kc, // scale factor on the initial line
FE, // false easting
FN, // false northing
B, //constant of the projection
A, //constant of the projection
H, //constant of the projection
gamma0, //constant of the projection
lambda0, //constant of the projection
uc; // center of the projection
protected final double[] invcoeff;
* Create a new Oblique Mercator Projection corresponding to the
* Ellipsoid
and the list of parameters given in argument and
* initialize common parameters FE, FN and other parameters useful for the
* projection.
* @param ellipsoid ellipsoid used to define the projection.
* @param parameters a map of useful parameters to define the projection.
public ObliqueMercator(final Ellipsoid ellipsoid,
final Map parameters) {
super(OMERC, ellipsoid, parameters);
lonc = getCentralMeridian();
latc = getLatitudeOfOrigin();
alphac = getAzimuth();
gammac = getRectifiedGridAngle();
FE = getFalseEasting();
FN = getFalseNorthing();
kc = getScaleFactor();
double e = ellipsoid.getEccentricity();
double e2 = ellipsoid.getSquareEccentricity();
double esin = e * sin(latc);
B = sqrt(1 + (e2 * pow(cos(latc), 4) / (1 - e2)));
A = ellipsoid.getSemiMajorAxis() * B * kc * sqrt(1 - e2) / (1 - esin * esin);
double t0 = tan((PI / 2 - latc) / 2) / pow((1 - esin) / (1 + esin), e / 2);
double D = B * sqrt((1 - e2) / (1 - esin * esin)) / cos(latc);
double F = (D < 1) ? D : D + sqrt(D * D - 1) * signum(latc);
H = F * pow(t0, B);
double G = (F - 1 / F) / 2;
gamma0 = asin(sin(alphac) / D);
lambda0 = lonc - asin(G * tan(gamma0)) / B;
uc = (D > 1) ? A / B * atan(sqrt(D * D - 1) / cos(alphac)) * signum(latc) : 0;
invcoeff = Mercator1SP.getInverseMercatorCoeff(ellipsoid);
* Return the
* Surface
type of this
* Projection
public Surface getSurface() {
return Projection.Surface.CYLINDRICAL;
* Return the
* Property
of this
* Projection
public Property getProperty() {
return Projection.Property.CONFORMAL;
* Return the
* Orientation
of this
* Projection
public Orientation getOrientation() {
return Projection.Orientation.TANGENT;
* Transform coord using the Oblique Mercator Projection. Input coord is
* supposed to be a geographic latitude / longitude coordinate in radians.
* Algorithm based on the OGP's Guidance Note Number 7 Part 2 :
* @param coord coordinate to transform
* @throws CoordinateDimensionException if coord
length is not
* compatible with this CoordinateOperation
public double[] transform(double[] coord) throws CoordinateDimensionException {
double e = ellipsoid.getEccentricity();
double esin = e * sin(coord[0]);
double t = tan((PI / 2 - coord[0]) / 2) / pow((1 - esin) / (1 + esin), e / 2);
double Q = H / pow(t, B);
double S = (Q - 1 / Q) / 2;
double T = (Q + 1 / Q) / 2;
double V = sin(B * (coord[1] - lambda0));
double U = (S * sin(gamma0) - V * cos(gamma0)) / T;
double v = A * log((1 - U) / (1 + U)) / 2 / B;
double u = A * atan((S * cos(gamma0) + V * sin(gamma0)) / cos(B * (coord[1] - lambda0))) / B - abs(uc) * signum(latc);
coord[0] = FE + v * cos(gammac) + u * sin(gammac);
coord[1] = FN + u * cos(gammac) - v * sin(gammac);
return coord;
* Creates the inverse operation for Oblique Mercator Projection. Input
* coord is supposed to be a projected easting / northing coordinate in
* meters. Algorithm based on the OGP's Guidance Note Number 7 Part 2 :
* @param coord coordinate to transform
public CoordinateOperation inverse() throws NonInvertibleOperationException {
return new ObliqueMercator(ellipsoid, parameters) {
public double[] transform(double[] coord) throws CoordinateDimensionException {
double v = (coord[0] - FE) * cos(gammac) - (coord[1] - FN) * sin(gammac);
double u = (coord[1] - FN) * cos(gammac) + (coord[0] - FE) * sin(gammac) + abs(uc) * signum(latc);
double Q = exp(-B * v / A);
double S = (Q - 1 / Q) / 2;
double T = (Q + 1 / Q) / 2;
double V = sin(B * u / A);
double U = (V * cos(gamma0) + S * sin(gamma0)) / T;
double t = pow(H / sqrt((1 + U) / (1 - U)), 1 / B);
double ki = 2 * (PI / 4 - atan(t));
double lat = ki;
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
lat += invcoeff[i] * sin(2 * i * ki);
coord[0] = lat;
coord[1] = lambda0 - atan((S * cos(gamma0) - V * sin(gamma0)) / cos(B * u / A)) / B;
return coord;