Download orekit JAR file with all dependencies
orekit from group org.orekit (version 11.2.1)
OREKIT (ORbits Extrapolation KIT) is a low level space dynamics library.
It provides basic elements (orbits, dates, attitude, frames ...) and
various algorithms to handle them (conversions, analytical and numerical
propagation, pointing ...).
Artifact orekit
Group org.orekit
Version 11.2.1
Last update 02. August 2022
Tags: algorithms conversions frames analytical level dates handle them orekit space numerical extrapolation dynamics library propagation provides various orbits elements pointing basic attitude
Organization CS GROUP
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 7
Dependencies hipparchus-core, hipparchus-geometry, hipparchus-ode, hipparchus-fitting, hipparchus-optim, hipparchus-filtering, hipparchus-stat,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.orekit
Version 11.2.1
Last update 02. August 2022
Tags: algorithms conversions frames analytical level dates handle them orekit space numerical extrapolation dynamics library propagation provides various orbits elements pointing basic attitude
Organization CS GROUP
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 7
Dependencies hipparchus-core, hipparchus-geometry, hipparchus-ode, hipparchus-fitting, hipparchus-optim, hipparchus-filtering, hipparchus-stat,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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