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package org.organicdesign.fp.collections;
import org.organicdesign.fp.function.Fn1;
import org.organicdesign.fp.function.Fn2;
import org.organicdesign.fp.oneOf.Option;
import org.organicdesign.fp.oneOf.Or;
import org.organicdesign.fp.xform.Transformable;
import org.organicdesign.fp.xform.Xform;
import java.util.Iterator;
import static org.organicdesign.fp.FunctionUtils.stringify;
/** An unmodifiable Iterable, without any guarantee about order. */
public interface UnmodIterable extends Iterable, Transformable {
// ========================================== Static ==========================================
// /**
// Caution: this is a convenient optimization for immutable data structures and a nightmare
// waiting to happen to mutable ones. Don't go slapping this on immutable wrappers for mutable
// data. If all the underlying data is truly immutable, this allows you to compute the hashCode
// the first time it is needed, then return that same code without re-computing it again. It's
// the internal version of a memoizer. Also, use this only for decent sized collections. If you
// only have 2 or 3 fields, this isn't buying you anything.
// */
// static Lazy.Int lazyHashCode(UnmodIterable iter) {
// if (iter == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't have a null iterable."); }
// return Lazy.Int.of(() -> UnmodIterable.hashCode(iter));
// }
// /**
// Caution: this is a convenient optimization for immutable data structures and a nightmare
// waiting to happen to mutable ones. Don't go slapping this on immutable wrappers for mutable
// data structures. If all the underlying data is truly immutable, this allows you to compute a
// reasonable toString() the first time it is needed, then return that same String without
// re-computing it again. It's the internal version of a memoizer.
// */
// static LazyRef lazyToString(String name, UnmodIterable iter) {
// if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't have a null name."); }
// if (iter == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't have a null iterable."); }
// return LazyRef.of(() -> UnmodIterable.toString(name, iter));
// }
// /** Lets underlying compareTo method handle comparing nulls to non-null values. */
// static > int compareHelper(E e1, E e2) {
// if (e1 == e2) { return 0; }
// if (e1 == null) {
// //noinspection ConstantConditions
// return -e2.compareTo(e1);
// }
// return e1.compareTo(e2);
// }
// /** A default comparator for UnIterables comparable */
// static ,E extends UnmodIterable> Comparator
// iterableComparator() {
// return new Comparator() {
// @Override
// public int compare(E o1, E o2) {
// if (o1 == null) {
// if (o2 == null) {
// return 0;
// } else {
// //noinspection ConstantConditions
// return -compare(o2, o1);
// }
// }
// UnmodIterator as = o1.iterator();
// UnmodIterator bs = o2.iterator();
// while (as.hasNext() && bs.hasNext()) {
// int ret = compareHelper(,;
// if (ret != 0) {
// return ret;
// }
// }
// // If we run out of items in one, the longer one is considered greater, just like
// // ordering words in a dictionary.
// if (as.hasNext()) { return -1; }
// if (bs.hasNext()) { return 1; }
// // All items compare 0 and same number of items - these are sorted the same (and
// // probably equal)
// return 0;
// }
// };
// }
This is correct, but O(n). It also works regardless of the order of the items because
a + b = b + a, even when an overflow occurs.
static int hash(Iterable is) {
if (is == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't have a null iteratable."); }
// System.out.println("hashCode for: " + is);
int ret = 0;
for (Object t : is) {
if (t != null) {
// System.out.println("\tt: " + t + " hashCode: " + t.hashCode());
ret = ret + t.hashCode();
return ret;
/** Computes a reasonable to-string. */
static String toString(String name, Iterable iterable) {
if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't have a null name."); }
if (iterable == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't have a null iteratable.");
StringBuilder sB = new StringBuilder();
int i = 0;
Iterator iter = iterable.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
if (i > 0) { sB.append(","); }
// if (i > 4) { break; }
Object item =;
// if (iter.hasNext()) {
// sB.append("...");
// }
return sB.append(")").toString();
// ================================== Inherited from Iterable ==================================
A one-time use, mutable, not-thread-safe way to get each value of the underling collection in
turn. I experimented with various thread-safe alternatives, but the JVM is optimized around
iterators so this is the lowest common denominator of collection iteration, even though
iterators are inherently mutable.
@Override UnmodIterator iterator();
// =============================== Inherited from Transformable ===============================
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override default UnmodIterable concat(Iterable extends T> list) {
return Xform.of(this).concat(list);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override default UnmodIterable precat(Iterable extends T> list) {
return Xform.of(this).precat(list);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override default UnmodIterable drop(long n) {
return Xform.of(this).drop(n);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override default UnmodIterable dropWhile(Fn1 super T,Boolean> predicate) {
return Xform.of(this).dropWhile(predicate);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override default B fold(B ident, Fn2 super B,? super T,B> reducer) {
return Xform.of(this).fold(ident, reducer);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override default Or foldUntil(G accum,
Fn2 super G,? super T,B> terminator,
Fn2 super G,? super T,G> reducer) {
return Xform.of(this).foldUntil(accum, terminator, reducer);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override default UnmodIterable filter(Fn1 super T,Boolean> f) {
return Xform.of(this).filter(f);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override default UnmodIterable flatMap(Fn1 super T,Iterable> f) {
return Xform.of(this).flatMap(f);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override default UnmodIterable map(Fn1 super T, ? extends B> f) {
return Xform.of(this).map(f);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override default UnmodIterable take(long numItems) {
return Xform.of(this).take(numItems);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override default UnmodIterable takeWhile(Fn1 super T,Boolean> f) {
return Xform.of(this).takeWhile(f);
/** The first item in this iterable. */
@Override default Option head() {
Iterator iter = iterator();
return iter.hasNext() ? Option.some(
: Option.none();
// /**
// The rest of this sequnce (all the items after its head). This was originally called rest(),
// but when I renamed first() to head(), I renamed rest() to tail() so that it wouldn't mix
// metaphors.
// */
// @Deprecated
// default Transformable tail() {
// return Xform.of(this).drop(1);
// }