org.organicdesign.fp.Option Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2014-03-09 PlanBase Inc. & Glen Peterson
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package org.organicdesign.fp;
import org.organicdesign.fp.function.Function0;
import org.organicdesign.fp.function.Function1;
import java.util.Objects;
Indicates presence or absence of a value (null is a valid, present value) or end-of-stream.
This is NOT a type-safe null.
public interface Option { // extends UnmodSortedIterable {
/** Return the value wrapped in this Option. Only safe to call this on Some. */
T get();
/** If this is Some, return the value wrapped in this Option. Otherwise, return the given value. */
T getOrElse(T t);
/** Is this Some? */
boolean isSome();
/** Pass in a function to execute if its Some and another to execute if its None. */
U patMat(Function1 has, Function0 hasNot);
// ==================================================== Static ====================================================
/** None is a singleton and this is its only instance. */
Option NONE = new None();
/** Calling this instead of referring to NONE directly can make the type infrencer happy. */
static Option none() { return NONE; }
/** Public static factory method for contructing Options. */
static Option of(T t) {
if (NONE.equals(t)) {
return none();
return new Some<>(t);
/** Construct an option, but if t is null, make it None instead of Some. */
static Option someOrNullNoneOf(T t) {
if ( (t == null) || NONE.equals(t) ) {
return none();
return new Some<>(t);
/** Represents the absence of a value */
final class None implements Option {
/** Private constructor for singleton. */
private None() {}
@Override public T get() { throw new IllegalStateException("Called get on None"); }
@Override public T getOrElse(T t) { return t; }
@Override public boolean isSome() { return false; }
// @Override public UnmodSortedIterator iterator() {
// return UnmodSortedIterator.empty();
// }
@Override public U patMat(Function1 has, Function0 hasNot) { return hasNot.get(); }
/** Valid, but deprecated because it's usually an error to call this in client code. */
@Deprecated // Has no effect. Darn!
@Override public int hashCode() { return 0; }
/** Valid, but deprecated because it's usually an error to call this in client code. */
@Deprecated // Has no effect. Darn!
@Override public boolean equals(Object other) { return (this == other) || (other instanceof None); }
// Defend our singleton property in the face of deserialization. Not sure this is necessary, but probably
// won't hurt.
private Object readResolve() { return NONE; }
/** Represents the presence of a value, even if that value is null. */
class Some implements Option {
private final T item;
private Some(T t) { item = t; }
//public static Some of(T t) { return new Option(t); }
@Override public T get() { return item; }
@Override public T getOrElse(T t) { return item; }
@Override public boolean isSome() { return true; }
// @Override public UnmodSortedIterator iterator() {
// return new UnmodSortedIterator() {
// private boolean hasNext = true;
// @Override public boolean hasNext() { return hasNext; }
// @Override public T next() {
// if (hasNext) {
// hasNext = false;
// return item;
// }
// throw new NoSuchElementException();
// }
// };
// }
@Override public U patMat(Function1 has, Function0 hasNot) {
return has.apply(item);
/** Valid, but deprecated because it's usually an error to call this in client code. */
@Deprecated // Has no effect. Darn!
@Override public int hashCode() {
// We return Integer.MIN_VALUE for null to make it different from None which always returns zero.
return item == null ? Integer.MIN_VALUE : item.hashCode();
/** Valid, but deprecated because it's usually an error to call this in client code. */
@Deprecated // Has no effect. Darn!
@Override public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (this == other) { return true; }
if ( !(other instanceof Option) ) { return false; }
final Option that = (Option) other;
return that.isSome() && Objects.equals(this.item, that.get());