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org.osgl.xls.ExcelReader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.osgl.xls;
* #%L
* Java Excel Reader
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2017 OSGL (Open Source General Library)
* %%
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* #L%
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.DocumentFactoryHelper;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;
import org.osgl.$;
import org.osgl.Osgl;
import org.osgl.bootstrap.Version;
import org.osgl.exception.NotAppliedException;
import org.osgl.logging.LogManager;
import org.osgl.logging.Logger;
import org.osgl.util.*;
import java.util.*;
public class ExcelReader {
public static final Version VERSION = Version.of(ExcelReader.class);
public static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.get(ExcelReader.class);
private final boolean isXlsx;
private final $.Func0 inputStreamProvider;
private final $.Predicate sheetSelector;
private final int headerRow;
private final boolean ignoreEmptyRows;
private final TolerantLevel tolerantLevel;
private final $.Function headerTransformer;
private final Map headerMapping;
private final String terminator;
private ExcelReader(Builder builder) {
inputStreamProvider = $.notNull(builder.inputStreamProvider);
sheetSelector = builder.sheetSelector;
headerRow = builder.headerRow;
ignoreEmptyRows = builder.ignoreEmptyRows;
isXlsx = builder.isXlsx;
tolerantLevel = builder.tolerantLevel;
headerMapping = builder.headerMapping;
headerTransformer = builder.headerTransformer;
terminator = builder.terminator;
public List> read() {
return (List) read(Map.class);
public List read(Class extends TYPE> schema) {
final List dataList = new ArrayList<>();
long now = $.ms();
final Workbook wb = loadWorkbook();
long time = $.ms() - now;
LOGGER.trace("it takes %sms to load the workbook", time);
try {
Map setterMap = processSchemaMapping(schema);
if (setterMap.isEmpty() && tolerantLevel.isStrict()) {
throw new ExcelReadException("No schema mapping found in strict mode");
read(wb, dataList, setterMap, schema);
} finally {
return dataList;
private Map processSchemaMapping(Class extends TYPE> schema) {
Map schemaMapping = new HashMap<>();
final boolean schemaIsPojo = !Map.class.isAssignableFrom(schema);
if (schemaIsPojo) {
Map pojoSetters = JavaBeanUtil.setters(schema, headerMapping);
for (Map.Entry entry : headerMapping.entrySet()) {
String header = entry.getKey().trim().toLowerCase();
String field = entry.getValue();
PropertySetter setter = pojoSetters.get(field);
if (null != setter) {
schemaMapping.put(header, setter);
} else if (tolerantLevel.isTolerant()) {
field = headerTransformer.apply(header);
setter = pojoSetters.get(field);
if (null != setter) {
schemaMapping.put(header, setter);
} else {
for (Map.Entry entry : headerMapping.entrySet()) {
schemaMapping.put(entry.getKey(), new MapSetter(entry.getValue()));
return schemaMapping;
private void read(Workbook workbook, final List dataList, Map setterMap, Class extends TYPE> schema) {
for (Sheet sheet : workbook) {
if (!sheetSelector.test(sheet)) {
read(sheet, dataList, setterMap, schema);
private void read(Sheet sheet, final List dataList, Map setterMap, Class extends TYPE> schema) {
$.Var headerRowHolder = $.var(this.headerRow);
boolean schemaIsMap = Map.class.isAssignableFrom(schema);
Map columnIndex = buildColumnIndex(sheet, setterMap, schemaIsMap, headerRowHolder);
if (columnIndex.size() < setterMap.size()) {
if (columnIndex.isEmpty()) {
int startRow = headerRowHolder.get() + 1;
int maxRow = sheet.getLastRowNum() + 1;
for (int rowId = startRow; rowId < maxRow; ++rowId) {
Object entity = schemaIsMap ? new LinkedHashMap<>() : $.newInstance(schema);
Row row = sheet.getRow(rowId);
boolean isEmptyRow = true;
for (Map.Entry entry : columnIndex.entrySet()) {
try {
Cell cell = row.getCell(entry.getKey());
try {
Object value = readCellValue(cell);
if (null != value) {
if (null != terminator && terminator.equals(value)) {
isEmptyRow = false;
try {
entry.getValue().set(entity, value, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
tolerantLevel.errorSettingCellValueToPojo(e, cell, value, schema);
} catch (Exception e) {
tolerantLevel.onReadCellException(e, cell);
} catch (Exception e) {
tolerantLevel.onReadCellException(e, sheet, row, entry.getKey());
if (isEmptyRow && ignoreEmptyRows) {
TYPE data = $.cast(entity);
private Object readCellValue(Cell cell) {
return readCellValue(cell, cell.getCellTypeEnum());
private Object readCellValue(Cell cell, CellType type) {
switch (type) {
if (DateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell)) {
return cell.getDateCellValue();
double n = cell.getNumericCellValue();
CellStyle style = cell.getCellStyle();
String format = style.getDataFormatString();
if (format.indexOf('.') < 0) {
return (long) n;
return n;
return readCellValue(cell, cell.getCachedFormulaResultTypeEnum());
return cell.getBooleanCellValue();
case ERROR:
return tolerantLevel.readErrorCell(cell);
case BLANK:
return null;
case STRING:
return cell.getStringCellValue();
return tolerantLevel.readUnknownCellType(cell);
private Map buildColumnIndex(Sheet sheet, Map setterMap, boolean schemaIsMap, $.Var headerRowHolder) {
int startRow = sheet.getFirstRowNum();
int maxRow = sheet.getLastRowNum();
int headerRow = this.headerRow;
if (headerRow < startRow || headerRow >= maxRow) {
headerRow = startRow;
if (tolerantLevel.isStrict()) {
return buildColumnIndex(sheet.getRow(headerRow), setterMap, schemaIsMap);
Map index =;
for (int rowId = headerRow; rowId < maxRow; ++rowId) {
index = buildColumnIndex(sheet.getRow(rowId), setterMap, schemaIsMap);
if (!index.isEmpty()) {
return index;
return index;
private Map buildColumnIndex(Row row, Map setterMap, boolean schemaIsMap) {
Map retVal = new HashMap<>();
for (Cell cell : row) {
try {
String header = cell.getStringCellValue();
if (S.blank(header)) {
header = header.trim();
PropertySetter setter = null;
String translated = headerMapping.get(header.toLowerCase());
if (null != translated) {
setter = setterMap.get(translated);
if (null == setter) {
String key = headerTransformer.apply(header);
setter = setterMap.get(key);
if (null != setter) {
retVal.put(cell.getColumnIndex(), setter);
} else if (tolerantLevel.isAggressiveReading() && schemaIsMap) {
retVal.put(cell.getColumnIndex(), new MapSetter(headerTransformer.apply(header)));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.debug(e, "error reading cell value:" + cell);
return retVal;
private Workbook loadWorkbook() {
InputStream is = inputStreamProvider.apply();
try {
return isXlsx ? new XSSFWorkbook(is) : new HSSFWorkbook(is);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw E.ioException(e);
public enum TolerantLevel {
public boolean isStrict() {
return STRICT == this;
public boolean isTolerant() {
return TOLERANT != this;
public boolean isAggressiveReading() {
return AGGRESSIVE_READ == this;
public void headerRowOutOfScope(Sheet sheet) {
String message = S.fmt("caption row out of scope in sheet[%s] !", sheet.getSheetName());
if (isStrict()) {
throw new ExcelReadException(message);
LOGGER.warn(message + " will probe for caption row");
public void columnIndexMapNotFullyBuilt(Sheet sheet) {
String message = S.fmt("column index not fully built on sheet: " + sheet.getSheetName());
if (isStrict()) {
throw new ExcelReadException(message);
public void onReadCellException(Exception e, Sheet sheet, Row row, int cellIndex) {
String errorMessage = S.fmt("Error reading cell value: %s-%s@[%s]", cellIndex, row.getRowNum(), sheet.getSheetName());
if (isStrict()) {
throw new ExcelReadException(e, errorMessage);
LOGGER.warn(e, errorMessage);
public void onReadCellException(Exception e, Cell cell) {
String errorMessage = S.fmt("Error reading cell value: %s@[%s]", cell.getAddress(), cell.getSheet().getSheetName());
if (isStrict()) {
throw new ExcelReadException(e, errorMessage);
LOGGER.warn(e, errorMessage);
public Object readErrorCell(Cell cell) {
if (isStrict()) {
throw new ExcelReadException("Error cell value encountered: %s@[%s]", cell.getAddress(), cell.getRow().getSheet().getSheetName());
return null;
public Object readUnknownCellType(Cell cell) {
if (isStrict()) {
throw new ExcelReadException("Unknown cell type encountered: %s@[%s]", cell.getAddress(), cell.getRow().getSheet().getSheetName());
return null;
public void errorSettingCellValueToPojo(Exception e, Cell cell, Object value, Class> schema) {
String errorMessage = S.fmt("failed to set cell value[%s] to POJO[%s]: %s@[%s]", value, schema, cell.getAddress(), cell.getRow().getSheet().getSheetName());
if (isStrict()) {
throw new ExcelReadException(e, errorMessage);
LOGGER.warn(e, errorMessage);
* A quick API for reading an excel file and return a {@link List list} of {@link Map maps}
* where each map corresponding to an excel sheet row
* @param file the excel source file
* @return the map list as described above
public static List> read(File file) {
return builder().file(file).build().read();
* A quick API for reading an excel file and return a {@link List list} of {@link Map maps}
* where each map corresponding to an excel sheet row.
* A `headerMapping` {@link Map map} is provided to allow developer to translate
* the header string into map key, e.g. `姓名` to `name`
* @param file the excel source file
* @param headerMapping a string-string map that defines caption to map key transform
* @return the map list as described above
public static List> read(File file, Map headerMapping) {
return builder().file(file).headerMapping(headerMapping).build().read();
* A quick API for reading an excel file and return a {@link List list} of POJO object
* instances where the type is specified by `schema` parameter, where each pojo
* instance is corresponding to an excel sheet row
* @param file the excel source file
* @param schema specify the POJO object type
* @return the pojo object list as described above
public static List read(File file, Class schema) {
return builder().file(file).build().read(schema);
* A quick API for reading an excel file and return a {@link List list} of POJO object
* instances where the type is specified by `schema` parameter, where each pojo
* instance is corresponding to an excel sheet row
* A `headerMapping` {@link Map map} is provided to allow developer to translate
* the header string into map key, e.g. `姓名` to `name`
* @param file the excel source file
* @param schema specify the POJO object type
* @param headerMapping a string-string map that defines header to map key transform
* @return the pojo object list as described above
public static List read(File file, Class schema, Map headerMapping) {
return builder().file(file).headerMapping(headerMapping).build().read(schema);
* A quick API for reading an excel inputStream and return a {@link List list} of {@link Map maps}
* where each map corresponding to an excel sheet row
* @param inputStream the excel source inputStream
* @return the map list as described above
public static List> read(InputStream inputStream) {
return builder().inputStream(inputStream).build().read();
* A quick API for reading an excel inputStream and return a {@link List list} of {@link Map maps}
* where each map corresponding to an excel sheet row.
* A `headerMapping` {@link Map map} is provided to allow developer to translate
* the header string into map key, e.g. `姓名` to `name`
* @param inputStream the excel source inputStream
* @param headerMapping a string-string map that defines header to map key transform
* @return the map list as described above
public static List> read(InputStream inputStream, Map headerMapping) {
return builder().inputStream(inputStream).headerMapping(headerMapping).build().read();
* A quick API for reading an excel inputStream and return a {@link List list} of POJO object
* instances where the type is specified by `schema` parameter, where each pojo
* instance is corresponding to an excel sheet row
* @param inputStream the excel source inputStream
* @param schema specify the POJO object type
* @return the pojo object list as described above
public static List read(InputStream inputStream, Class schema) {
return builder().inputStream(inputStream).build().read(schema);
* A quick API for reading an excel inputStream and return a {@link List list} of POJO object
* instances where the type is specified by `schema` parameter, where each pojo
* instance is corresponding to an excel sheet row
* A `headerMapping` {@link Map map} is provided to allow developer to translate
* the header string into map key, e.g. `姓名` to `name`
* @param inputStream the excel source inputStream
* @param schema specify the POJO object type
* @param headerMapping a string-string map that defines caption to map key transform
* @return the pojo object list as described above
public static List read(InputStream inputStream, Class schema, Map headerMapping) {
return builder().inputStream(inputStream).headerMapping(headerMapping).build().read(schema);
* A quick API for reading an excel sobj and return a {@link List list} of {@link Map maps}
* where each map corresponding to an excel sheet row
* @param sobj the excel source sobj
* @return the map list as described above
public static List> read(ISObject sobj) {
return builder().sobject(sobj).build().read();
* A quick API for reading an excel sobj and return a {@link List list} of {@link Map maps}
* where each map corresponding to an excel sheet row.
* A `headerMapping` {@link Map map} is provided to allow developer to translate
* the caption string into map key, e.g. `姓名` to `name`
* @param sobj the excel source sobj
* @param headerMapping a string-string map that defines caption to map key transform
* @return the map list as described above
public static List> read(ISObject sobj, Map headerMapping) {
return builder().sobject(sobj).headerMapping(headerMapping).build().read();
* A quick API for reading an excel sobj and return a {@link List list} of POJO object
* instances where the type is specified by `schema` parameter, where each pojo
* instance is corresponding to an excel sheet row
* @param sobj the excel source sobj
* @param schema specify the POJO object type
* @return the pojo object list as described above
public static List read(ISObject sobj, Class schema) {
return builder().sobject(sobj).build().read(schema);
* A quick API for reading an excel sobj and return a {@link List list} of POJO object
* instances where the type is specified by `schema` parameter, where each pojo
* instance is corresponding to an excel sheet row
* A `headerMapping` {@link Map map} is provided to allow developer to translate
* the caption string into map key, e.g. `姓名` to `name`
* @param sobj the excel source sobj
* @param schema specify the POJO object type
* @param headerMapping a string-string map that defines caption to map key transform
* @return the pojo object list as described above
public static List read(ISObject sobj, Class schema, Map headerMapping) {
return builder().sobject(sobj).headerMapping(headerMapping).build().read(schema);
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static Builder builder(Map headerMapping) {
return new Builder().headerMapping(headerMapping);
public static Builder builder(TolerantLevel tolerantLevel) {
return new Builder(tolerantLevel);
public static Builder builder($.Function captionToSchemaTransformer) {
return new Builder(captionToSchemaTransformer);
public static Builder builder($.Function captionToSchemaTransformer, TolerantLevel tolerantLevel) {
return new Builder(captionToSchemaTransformer, tolerantLevel);
private static PushbackInputStream pushbackInputStream(InputStream is) {
return new PushbackInputStream(is, 100);
public static class Builder {
public class HeaderMapper {
private String caption;
private HeaderMapper(String caption) {
E.illegalArgumentIf(S.blank(caption), "caption cannot be null or blank");
this.caption = caption.trim().toLowerCase();
public Builder to(String property) {
E.illegalArgumentIf(S.blank(property), "property cannot be null or blank");
Builder builder = Builder.this;
builder.headerMapping.put(caption, property);
return builder;
private $.Func0 inputStreamProvider;
private $.Predicate sheetSelector = SheetSelector.ALL;
// map table header caption to object schema
private Map headerMapping = new HashMap<>();
private boolean isXlsx = false;
private int headerRow = 0;
private boolean ignoreEmptyRows = true;
private $.Function headerTransformer = HeaderTransformStrategy.TO_JAVA_NAME;
private TolerantLevel tolerantLevel = TolerantLevel.AGGRESSIVE_READ;
private String terminator;
public Builder() {
public Builder(TolerantLevel tolerantLevel) {
this.tolerantLevel = $.notNull(tolerantLevel);
public Builder($.Function headerTransformer) {
this.headerTransformer = $.notNull(headerTransformer);
public Builder($.Function headerTransformer, TolerantLevel tolerantLevel) {
this.headerTransformer = $.notNull(headerTransformer);
this.tolerantLevel = $.notNull(tolerantLevel);
public Builder file(final String path) {
Boolean isXlsx = null;
if (path.endsWith(".xlsx")) {
isXlsx = true;
} else if (path.endsWith(".xls")) {
isXlsx = false;
if (null == isXlsx) {
return inputStream(pushbackInputStream( File(path))));
this.isXlsx = isXlsx;
inputStreamProvider = new $.F0() {
public InputStream apply() throws NotAppliedException, Osgl.Break {
return new BufferedInputStream( File(path)));
return this;
public Builder file(final File file) {
Boolean isXlsx = null;
String path = file.getPath();
if (path.endsWith(".xlsx")) {
isXlsx = true;
} else if (path.endsWith(".xls")) {
isXlsx = false;
if (null == isXlsx) {
return inputStream(pushbackInputStream(;
this.isXlsx = isXlsx;
inputStreamProvider = new $.F0() {
public InputStream apply() throws NotAppliedException, Osgl.Break {
return new BufferedInputStream(;
return this;
public Builder sobject(final ISObject sobj) {
Boolean isXlsx = null;
String s = sobj.getAttribute(ISObject.ATTR_FILE_NAME);
if (S.notBlank(s)) {
if (s.endsWith(".xlsx")) {
isXlsx = true;
} else if (s.endsWith(".xls")) {
isXlsx = false;
if (null == isXlsx) {
s = sobj.getAttribute(ISObject.ATTR_CONTENT_TYPE);
if (S.notBlank(s)) {
if (s.startsWith("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml")) {
isXlsx = true;
} else if ("application/".equals(s)) {
isXlsx = false;
if (null == isXlsx) {
return inputStream(pushbackInputStream(sobj.asInputStream()));
this.isXlsx = isXlsx;
return sobject(sobj, isXlsx);
public Builder sobject(final ISObject sobj, boolean isXlsx) {
this.isXlsx = isXlsx;
inputStreamProvider = new $.F0() {
public InputStream apply() throws NotAppliedException, Osgl.Break {
return sobj.asInputStream();
return this;
public Builder classResource(final String url) {
Boolean xlsx = null;
if (url.endsWith(".xlsx")) {
xlsx = true;
} else if (url.endsWith(".xls")) {
xlsx = false;
if (null == xlsx) {
return inputStream(;
return classResource(url, xlsx);
public Builder classResource(final String url, boolean isXlsx) {
this.isXlsx = isXlsx;
inputStreamProvider = new $.F0() {
public InputStream apply() throws NotAppliedException, Osgl.Break {
return this;
public Builder inputStream(final InputStream is) {
InputStream probeStream = pushbackInputStream(is);
try {
return inputStream(probeStream, DocumentFactoryHelper.hasOOXMLHeader(probeStream));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw E.ioException(e);
public Builder inputStream(final InputStream is, boolean isXlsx) {
this.isXlsx = isXlsx;
inputStreamProvider = new $.F0() {
public InputStream apply() throws NotAppliedException, Osgl.Break {
return is;
return this;
public Builder terminator(String terminator) {
this.terminator = terminator;
return this;
public Builder sheetSelector($.Predicate sheetPredicate) {
sheetSelector = $.notNull(sheetPredicate);
return this;
public Builder sheets(String... names) {
return sheetSelector(SheetSelector.byName(names));
public Builder excludeSheets(String... names) {
return sheetSelector(SheetSelector.excludeByName(names));
public Builder sheets(int... indexes) {
return sheetSelector(SheetSelector.byPosition(indexes));
public Builder excludeSheets(int... indexes) {
return sheetSelector(SheetSelector.excludeByPosition(indexes));
public Builder headerRow(int rowIndex) {
E.illegalArgumentIf(rowIndex < 0, "start row must not be negative");
headerRow = rowIndex;
return this;
public Builder ignoreEmptyRows() {
ignoreEmptyRows = true;
return this;
public Builder ignoreEmptyRows(boolean ignore) {
ignoreEmptyRows = ignore;
return this;
public Builder readEmptyRows() {
ignoreEmptyRows = false;
return this;
public HeaderMapper map(String header) {
return new HeaderMapper(header);
public Builder headerMapping(Map mapping) {
E.illegalArgumentIf(mapping.isEmpty(), "empty header mapping found");
headerMapping = $.cast($.notNull(mapping));
return this;
public Builder readColumns(String... headers) {
return readColumns(C.listOf(headers));
public Builder readColumns(Collection headers) {
E.illegalArgumentIf(headers.isEmpty(), "empty read column caption collection found");
headerMapping = new HashMap<>();
for (String header : headers) {
headerMapping.put(header, headerTransformer.apply(header));
tolerantLevel = TolerantLevel.TOLERANT;
return this;
* Return an {@link ExcelReader} instance from this builder
* @return the `ExcelReader` built from this builder
public ExcelReader build() {
return new ExcelReader(this);