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org.osgl.util.Str Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.osgl.util;

 * #%L
 * Java Tool
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 * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 OSGL (Open Source General Library)
 * %%
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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 * #L%

import org.osgl.$;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;

public class Str extends StrBase {

    public static final Str EMPTY_STR = new Str("");

    protected Class _impl() {
        return Str.class;

    protected Str _empty() {
        return EMPTY_STR;

    private String s;
    private Str(String s) {
        this.s = s;

    protected Str() {}

    public int length() {
        return s.length();

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return EMPTY_STR == this || null == s || s.isEmpty();

    public boolean isBlank() {
        return isEmpty() || "".equals(s.trim());

    public Str subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
        if (fromIndex == toIndex) {
            return EMPTY_STR;
        return of(s.substring(fromIndex, toIndex));

    public Str takeWhile($.Function predicate) {
        if ("".equals(s)) {
            return EMPTY_STR;
        return of(new FilteredIterator(iterator(), predicate, FilteredIterator.Type.WHILE));

    public Str dropWhile($.Function predicate) {
        if ("".equals(s)) {
            return EMPTY_STR;
        return of(new FilteredIterator(iterator(), $.F.negate(predicate), FilteredIterator.Type.UNTIL));

    public Str remove($.Function predicate) {
        if ("".equals(s)) {
            return EMPTY_STR;
        return of(new FilteredIterator(iterator(), $.F.negate(predicate), FilteredIterator.Type.ALL));

    public Str insert(int index, char character) throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException {
        int len = s.length();
        if (len < Math.abs(index)) {
            throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(index);
        if (index < 0) {
            index = len + index;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s.substring(0, index));
        sb.append(s.substring(index, size()));
        return of(sb);

    public Str insert(int index, Character character) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
        return insert_(index, (Object) character);

    public Str insert(int index, Character... ca) throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException {
        return insert_(index, Str.of(ca));

    public Str insert(int index, char... ca) throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException {
        return insert_(index, Str.of(ca));

    public Str insert(int index, StrBase str) throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException {
        return insert_(index, (Object) str);

    public Str insert(int index, String s) throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException {
        return insert_(index, (Object) s);

    private Str insert_(int index, Object o) throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException {
        int len = s.length();
        if (len < Math.abs(index)) {
            throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(index);
        if (index < 0) {
            index = len + index;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s.substring(0, index));
        sb.append(s.substring(index, size()));
        return of(sb);

    public Str reverse() {
        return of(new StringBuilder(s).reverse());

    public Str append(Collection collection) {
        int sz = s.length(), sz2 = collection.size();
        if (0 == sz2) {
            return this;
        if (0 == sz) {
            return of((Collection)collection);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sz + sz2).append(s);
        for (Character c: collection) {
        return of(sb);

    public Str append(C.List list) {
        int sz = s.length(), sz2 = list.size();
        if (0 == sz2) return this;
        if (0 == sz) return of(list);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sz + sz2).append(s);
        for (Character c : list) {
        return of(sb);

    public Str append(char... array) {
        int sz = s.length(), sz2 = array.length;
        if (0 == sz2) return this;
        if (0 == sz) return of(array);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sz + sz2).append(s);
        for (Character c : array) {
        return of(sb);

    public Str append(Character character) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s).append(character);
        return of(sb);

    public Str append(Str s) {
        if (s.isEmpty()) {
            return this;
        if (isEmpty()) {
            return s;
        return of(this.s.concat(s.s));

    public Str append(String s) {
        if ("".equals(s)) {
            return this;
        if (EMPTY_STR.equals(this)) {
            return of(s);
        return of(this.s.concat(s));

    public Str prepend(Collection collection) {
        int sz = s.length(), sz2 = collection.size();
        if (0 == sz2) return this;
        if (0 == sz) return of((Collection)collection);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sz + sz2);
        for (char c : collection) {
        return of(sb);

    public Str prepend(C.List list) {
        int sz = s.length(), sz2 = list.size();
        if (0 == sz2) return this;
        if (0 == sz) return of(list);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sz + sz2);
        for (char c : list) {
        return of(sb);

    public Str prepend(char... chars) {
        int sz = s.length(), sz2 = chars.length;
        if (0 == sz2) return this;
        if (0 == sz) return of(chars);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sz + sz2);
        for (char c : chars) {
        return of(sb);

    public Str prepend(Character character) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append(character).append(s);
        return of(sb);

    public Str prepend(Str s) {
        if (EMPTY_STR.equals(s)) {
            return this;
        if (EMPTY_STR.equals(this)) {
            return s;
        return of(s.s.concat(this.s));

    public Str prepend(String s) {
        if ("".equals(s)) {
            return this;
        if (EMPTY_STR.equals(this)) {
            return of(s);
        return of(s.concat(this.s));

    public char charAt(int index) {
        return s.charAt(index);

    public Str subSequence(int start, int end) {
        return subList(start, end);

    public Str times(int n) {
        return of(S.times(s, n));

    public Str padLeft(char c, int times) {
        char[] ca = new char[times];
        $.fill(c, ca);
        return prepend(ca);

    public Str lpad(char c, int times) {
        return padLeft(c, times);

    public Str padLeft(int times) {
        return padLeft(' ', times);

    public Str lpad(int times) {
        return padLeft(times);

    public Str padRight(char c, int times) {
        char[] ca = new char[times];
        $.fill(c, ca);
        return append(ca);

    public Str rpad(char c, int times) {
        return padRight(c, times);

    public Str padRight(int times) {
        return padRight(' ', times);

    public Str rpad(int times) {
        return padRight(times);

    public int compareTo(Str o) {
        return s.compareTo(o.s);

    public String toString() {
        return s;

    public FastStr toFastStr() {
        return FastStr.unsafeOf(s);

    public int hashCode() {
        return s.hashCode();

    // --- String utilities ---

    public void getChars(int srcBegin, int srcEnd, char dst[], int dstBegin) {
        s.getChars(srcBegin, srcEnd, dst, dstBegin);

    public byte[] getBytes() {
        return s.getBytes();

    public byte[] getBytes(String charsetName) {
        if (null == charsetName) {
            return s.getBytes();
        try {
            return s.getBytes(charsetName);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw E.encodingException(e);

    public byte[] getBytes(Charset charset) {
        return null == charset ? s.getBytes() : s.getBytes(charset);

    public byte[] getBytesAscII() {
        if (isEmpty()) return new byte[0];
        return s.getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII);

    public byte[] getBytesUTF8() {
        return s.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));

    public boolean contentEquals(CharSequence x) {
        return s.contentEquals(x);

    public boolean contentEquals(Str x) {
        if (null == x) {
            return false;
        return x.s.equals(s);

    public boolean equalsIgnoreCase(CharSequence x) {
        return null != x && s.equalsIgnoreCase(x.toString());

    public int compareTo(CharSequence x) {
        return s.compareTo(x.toString());

    public int compareToIgnoreCase(Str x) {
        return s.compareToIgnoreCase(x.s);

    public int compareToIgnoreCase(CharSequence x) {
        return s.compareToIgnoreCase(x.toString());

    public boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int toffset,
                                 Str other, int ooffset, int len) {
        return s.regionMatches(ignoreCase, toffset, other.s, ooffset, len);

    public boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int toffset,
                                 CharSequence other, int ooffset, int len) {
        return s.regionMatches(ignoreCase, toffset, other.toString(), ooffset, len);

    public boolean startsWith(Str prefix, int toffset) {
        return s.startsWith(prefix.s, toffset);

    public boolean startsWith(CharSequence prefix, int toffset) {
        return s.startsWith(prefix.toString(), toffset);

    private boolean endsWith(String suffix, int offset) {
        int prefixSz = suffix.length();
        if (0 == prefixSz) {
            return true;
        int matchStart = length() - offset;
        if (matchStart < prefixSz) {
            return false;
        String matchStr = s.substring(0, matchStart);
        return matchStr.endsWith(suffix);

    public boolean endsWith(CharSequence suffix, int offset) {
        return endsWith(suffix.toString(), offset);

    public boolean endsWith(Str suffix, int toffset) {
        return endsWith(suffix.toString(), toffset);

    public int indexOf(int ch, int fromIndex) {
        return s.indexOf(ch, fromIndex);

    public int lastIndexOf(int ch, int fromIndex) {
        return s.lastIndexOf(ch, fromIndex);

    public int indexOf(CharSequence str, int fromIndex) {
        return s.indexOf(str.toString(), fromIndex);

    public int indexOf(Str str, int fromIndex) {
        return s.indexOf(str.s, fromIndex);

    public int lastIndexOf(CharSequence str, int fromIndex) {
        return s.lastIndexOf(str.toString(), fromIndex);

    public int lastIndexOf(Str str, int fromIndex) {
        return s.lastIndexOf(str.s, fromIndex);

    public String substring(int beginIndex) {
        return s.substring(beginIndex);

    public String substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) {
        return s.substring(beginIndex, endIndex);

    public Str replace(char oldChar, char newChar) {
        String s1 = s.replace(oldChar, newChar);
        if (s1 == s) {
            return this;
        return of(s1);

    public boolean matches(String regex) {
        return s.matches(regex);

    public boolean contains(CharSequence s) {
        return this.s.contains(s);

    public Str replaceFirst(String regex, String replacement) {
        return of(s.replaceFirst(regex, replacement));

    public Str replaceAll(String regex, String replacement) {
        return of(s.replaceAll(regex, replacement));

    public Str replace(CharSequence target, CharSequence replacement) {
        return of(s.replace(target, replacement));

    public C.List split(String regex, int limit) {
        String[] sa = s.split(regex, limit);
        int len = sa.length;
        Str[] ssa = new Str[len];
        for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
            ssa[i] = of(sa[i]);
        return C.listOf(ssa);

    public Str toLowerCase(Locale locale) {
        return of(s.toLowerCase(locale));

    public Str toUpperCase(Locale locale) {
        return of(s.toUpperCase(locale));

    public Str trim() {
        return of(s.trim());

    public char[] charArray() {
        return s.toCharArray();

    public String intern() {
        return s.intern();

    // -- extensions
    public Str afterFirst(Str s) {
        return afterFirst(s.s);

    public Str afterLast(Str s) {
        return afterLast(s.s);

    public Str beforeLast(Str s) {
        return beforeLast(s.s);

    public Str afterFirst(String s) {
        return of(S.afterFirst(this.s, s));

    public Str afterLast(String s) {
        return of(S.afterLast(this.s, s));

    public Str afterFirst(char c) {
        return afterFirst(String.valueOf(c));

    public Str afterLast(char c) {
        return afterLast(String.valueOf(c));

    public Str beforeFirst(Str s) {
        return of(S.beforeFirst(this.s, s.s));

    public Str beforeFirst(String s) {
        return of(S.beforeFirst(this.s, s));

    public Str beforeLast(String s) {
        return of(S.beforeLast(this.s, s));

    public Str strip(String prefix, String suffix) {
        return of(S.strip(s, prefix, suffix));

    public Str beforeFirst(char c) {
        return beforeFirst(String.valueOf(c));

    public Str beforeLast(char c) {
        return beforeLast(String.valueOf(c));

    public Str urlEncode() {
        return of(S.urlEncode(s));

    public Str decodeBASE64() {
        return of(S.decodeBASE64(s));

    public Str encodeBASE64() {
        return of(S.encodeBASE64(s));

    public Str capFirst() {
        return of(S.capFirst(s));

    public int count(String search, boolean overlap) {
        return S.count(s, search, overlap);

    public int count(Str search, boolean overlap) {
        return S.count(s, search.s, overlap);

    // --- factory methods

    public static Str of(String s) {
        if (S.empty(s)) return EMPTY_STR;
        return new Str(s);

    public static Str of(Character ... chars) {
        if (chars.length == 0) return EMPTY_STR;
        char[] ca = $.asPrimitive(chars);
        return new Str(new String(ca));

    public static Str of(char ... ca) {
        if (ca.length == 0) return EMPTY_STR;
        return new Str(new String(ca));

    public static Str of(StringBuilder sb) {
        if (sb.length() == 0) return EMPTY_STR;
        return new Str(sb.toString());

    public static Str of(Iterable itr) {
        if (itr instanceof Str) {
            return (Str)itr;
        if (itr instanceof Collection) {
            return of((Collection) itr);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (Character c : itr) {
        return of(sb);

    public static Str of(Collection col) {
        if (col instanceof Str) {
            return (Str)col;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(col.size());
        sb.append(col.toArray(new Character[]{}));
        return of(sb);

    public static Str of(Iterator itr) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
        return of(sb);


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