osgl.ut.TestBase Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package osgl.ut;
* #%L
* Java Unit Test Tool
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2017 OSGL (Open Source General Library)
* %%
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* #L%
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not;
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.internal.ArrayComparisonFailure;
import org.junit.internal.ExactComparisonCriteria;
import org.junit.internal.InexactComparisonCriteria;
import osgl.version.Version;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
* The `TestBase` provides simplified assertion methods.
public abstract class TestBase extends Assert {
public static final Version VERSION = Version.of(TestBase.class);
* Asserts that a condition is `true`. If it isn't then throws an
* {@link AssertionError} with the given message.
* @param condition
* condition to be checked
* @param message
* The error message. `null` Okay
* @param messageArgs
* the error message arguments
public static void yes(boolean condition, String message, Object ... messageArgs) {
assertTrue(fmt(message, messageArgs), condition);
* Alias of {@link #assertTrue(boolean)}.
* @param condition condition to be checked
public static void yes(boolean condition) {
* Alias of {@link #assertThat(Object, Matcher)}.
* @param actual
* the computed value being compared
* @param matcher
* an expression, built of {@link Matcher}s, specifying allowed values
* @param
* the static type accepted by the matcher (this can flag obvious
* compile-time problems such as `yes(1, is("a"))`
* @see org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers
* @see org.junit.matchers.JUnitMatchers
public static void yes(T actual, Matcher matcher) {
assertThat(actual, matcher);
* Require `actual` satisfied the condition specified by `matcher`. If not
* an {@link AssertionError} is thrown with the reason string and information
* about the matcher and failing value. Example:
* ```
* int n = 0;
* yes(n, is(not(1))) // passes
* yes(n, is(1), "Help! Integers don't work"); // fails:
* // failure message:
* // Help! Integers don't work
* // expected: is <1>
* // got value: <0>
* ```
* @param actual the computed value being compared
* @param matcher an expression, built of {@link Matcher}s, specifying allowed values
* @param message
* additional information about the error
* @param messageArgs
* message arguments
* @param
* the static type accepted by the matcher (this can flag obvious
* compile-time problems such as `yes(1, is("a"))`
* @see org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers
* @see org.junit.matchers.JUnitMatchers
public static void yes(T actual, Matcher matcher, String message, Object... messageArgs) {
if (!matcher.matches(actual)) {
assertThat(fmt(message, messageArgs), actual, matcher);
* Alias of {@link #assertFalse(boolean)}.
* @param condition condition to be checked
public static void no(boolean condition) {
* Asserts that a condition is `false`. If it isn't then throws an
* {@link AssertionError} with the given message.
* @param condition
* condition to be checked
* @param message
* The error message. `null` Okay
* @param messageArgs
* the error message arguments
public static void no(boolean condition, String message, Object... messageArgs) {
assertTrue(String.format(message, messageArgs), !condition);
* Require `actual` **NOT** satisfied the condition specified by `matcher`. Otherwise
* an {@link AssertionError} is thrown with the reason string and information
* about the matcher and failing value. Example:
* ```
* int n = 0;
* no(n, is(1)) // passes
* no(n, is(0)); // fails:
* // failure message:
* // expected: not is <0>
* // got value: <0>
* ```
* @param actual
* the computed value being compared
* @param matcher
* an expression, built of {@link Matcher}s, specifying disallowed values
* @param
* the static type accepted by the matcher (this can flag obvious
* compile-time problems such as `no(1, is("a"))`
* @see org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers
* @see org.junit.matchers.JUnitMatchers
public static void no(T actual, Matcher matcher) {
assertThat(actual, not(matcher));
* Require `actual` **NOT** satisfied the condition specified by `matcher`. Otherwise
* an {@link AssertionError} is thrown with the reason string and information
* about the matcher and failing value. Example:
* ```
* int n = 0;
* no(n, is(1)) // passes
* no(n, is(0), "Help! Integers don't work"); // fails:
* // failure message:
* // Help! Integers don't work
* // expected: not is <0>
* // got value: <0>
* ```
* @param actual the computed value being compared
* @param matcher an expression, built of {@link Matcher}s, specifying disallowed values
* @param message
* additional information about the error
* @param messageArgs
* message arguments
* @param
* the static type accepted by the matcher (this can flag obvious
* compile-time problems such as `no(1, is("a"))`
* @see org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers
* @see org.junit.matchers.JUnitMatchers
public static void no(T actual, Matcher matcher, String message, Object... messageArgs) {
if (matcher.matches(actual)) {
assertThat(fmt(message, messageArgs), actual, not(matcher));
* Fails a test with the given message.
* @param message
* the failure message
* @param args
* the failure message arguments
* @see AssertionError
public static void fail(String message, Object ... args) {
fail(fmt(message, args));
* Asserts that two objects (including arrays) are equal.
* If they are not, an {@link AssertionError} is thrown with
* the given message. If`expected` and `actual` are `null`,
* they are considered equal.
* @param expected
* expected value, could be any object including array
* @param actual
* actual value
* @param message
* the failure message. `null` Okay
* @param messageArgs
* the failure message arguments
public static void eq(Object expected, Object actual, String message, Object ... messageArgs) {
if (null == expected) {
isNull(actual, message, messageArgs);
Class> expectedClass = expected.getClass();
String userMessage = fmt(message, messageArgs);
if (expectedClass.isArray()) {
Class> actualClass = actual.getClass();
if (!expectedClass.equals(actualClass)) {
if (null == message || "".equals(message.trim())) {
fail("arrays type differed\nExpected: %s\nActual : %s",
expectedClass.getName(), actualClass.getName());
} else {
fail("%s: arrays type differed\nExpected: %s\nActual : %s",
userMessage, expectedClass.getName(), actualClass.getName());
new ExactComparisonCriteria().arrayEquals(fmt(message, messageArgs), expected, actual);
} else {
assertEquals(fmt(message, messageArgs), expected, actual);
* Asserts that two objects (including arrays) are equal.
* If they are not, an {@link AssertionError} is thrown with
* the given message. If`expected` and `actual` are `null`,
* they are considered equal.
* @param expected
* expected value, could be any object including array
* @param actual
* actual value
public static void eq(Object expected, Object actual) {
if (null == expected) {
Class> expectedClass = expected.getClass();
if (expectedClass.isArray()) {
Class> actualClass = actual.getClass();
if (!expectedClass.equals(actualClass)) {
fail("arrays type differed\nExpected: %s\nActual : %s", expectedClass.getName(), actualClass.getName());
new ExactComparisonCriteria().arrayEquals(null, expected, actual);
} else {
assertEquals(null, expected, actual);
* Asserts that two double arrays are equal. If they are not, an
* {@link AssertionError} is thrown with the given message.
* @param expecteds
* double array with expected values.
* @param actuals
* double array with actual values
* @param delta
* the maximum delta between `expected` and `actual`
* for which both numbers are still considered equal.
* @param message
* the identifying message for the {@link AssertionError} (`null` okay)
* @param messageArgs
* the failure message arguments
public static void eq(double[] expecteds, double[] actuals, double delta,
String message, Object ... messageArgs) throws ArrayComparisonFailure {
new InexactComparisonCriteria(delta).arrayEquals(fmt(message, messageArgs), expecteds, actuals);
* Alias of {@link #assertArrayEquals(double[], double[], double)}.
* @param expecteds
* double array with expected values.
* @param actuals
* double array with actual values
* @param delta
* the maximum delta between `expected` and `actual`
* for which both numbers are still considered equal.
public static void eq(double[] expecteds, double[] actuals, double delta) throws ArrayComparisonFailure {
assertArrayEquals(expecteds, actuals, delta);
* Asserts that two float arrays are equal. If they are not, an
* {@link AssertionError} is thrown with the given message.
* @param expecteds
* double array with expected values.
* @param actuals
* double array with actual values
* @param delta
* the maximum delta between `expected` and `actual`
* for which both numbers are still considered equal.
* @param message
* the identifying message for the {@link AssertionError} (`null` okay)
* @param messageArgs
* the failure message arguments
public static void eq(float[] expecteds, float[] actuals, float delta,
String message, Object ... messageArgs) throws ArrayComparisonFailure {
new InexactComparisonCriteria(delta).arrayEquals(fmt(message, messageArgs), expecteds, actuals);
* Asserts that two float arrays are equal. If they are not, an
* {@link AssertionError} is thrown with the given message.
* @param expecteds
* double array with expected values.
* @param actuals
* double array with actual values
* @param delta
* the maximum delta between `expected` and `actual`
* for which both numbers are still considered equal.
public static void eq(float[] expecteds, float[] actuals, float delta) throws ArrayComparisonFailure {
assertArrayEquals(expecteds, actuals, delta);
* Asserts that two doubles or floats are equal to within a positive delta.
* If they are not, an {@link AssertionError} is thrown with the given
* message. If the expected value is infinity then the delta value is
* ignored. NaNs are considered equal:
* `eq(Double.NaN, Double.NaN, *)` passes
* @param expected
* expected value
* @param actual
* the value to check against `expected`
* @param delta
* the maximum delta between `expected` and
* `actual` for which both numbers are still
* considered equal.
* @param message
* the failure message for the {@link AssertionError} (`null` okay)
* @param messageArgs
* the failure message arguments
public static void eq(double expected, double actual, double delta, String message, Object... messageArgs) {
assertEquals(fmt(message, messageArgs), expected, actual, delta);
* Asserts that two doubles or floats are equal to within a positive delta.
* If they are not, an {@link AssertionError} is thrown with the given
* message. If the expected value is infinity then the delta value is
* ignored. NaNs are considered equal:
* `eq(Double.NaN, Double.NaN, *)` passes
* @param expected
* expected value
* @param actual
* the value to check against `expected`
* @param delta
* the maximum delta between `expected` and
* `actual` for which both numbers are still
* considered equal.
public static void eq(double expected, double actual, double delta) {
assertEquals(null, expected, actual, delta);
* Asserts that two objects (including arrays) are not equal.
* If they are, an {@link AssertionError} is thrown with the
* given message. If `unexpected` and `actual` are `null`,
* they are considered equal.
* @param unexpected
* unexpected value, could be any object including array
* @param actual
* actual value
* @param message
* the failure message. `null` Okay
* @param messageArgs
* the failure message arguments
public static void ne(Object unexpected, Object actual, String message, Object ... messageArgs) {
if (null == unexpected) {
notNull(actual, message, messageArgs);
Class> unexpectedClass = unexpected.getClass();
String userMessage = fmt(message, messageArgs);
if (unexpectedClass.isArray()) {
if (null == actual || !actual.getClass().isArray()) {
arrayNotEquals(userMessage, unexpected, actual);
} else {
assertNotEquals(userMessage, unexpected, actual);
* Asserts that two objects (including arrays) are not equal.
* If they are, an {@link AssertionError} is thrown with the
* given message. If `unexpected` and `actual` are `null`,
* they are considered equal.
* @param unexpected
* unexpected value, could be any object including array
* @param actual
* actual value
public static void ne(Object unexpected, Object actual) {
if (null == unexpected) {
Class> unexpectedClass = unexpected.getClass();
if (unexpectedClass.isArray()) {
if (null == actual || !actual.getClass().isArray()) {
arrayNotEquals(null, unexpected, actual);
} else {
assertNotEquals(null, unexpected, actual);
* Asserts that two double arrays are not equal. If they are, an
* {@link AssertionError} is thrown with the given message.
* @param unexpecteds
* unexpected double array
* @param actuals
* actual double array
* @param delta
* the maximum delta between `expected` and `actual`
* for which both numbers are still considered equal.
* @param message
* the identifying message for the {@link AssertionError} (`null` okay)
* @param messageArgs
* the failure message arguments
public static void ne(double[] unexpecteds, double[] actuals, double delta,
String message, Object ... messageArgs) throws AssertionError {
arrayNotEquals(fmt(message, messageArgs), unexpecteds, actuals, delta);
* Asserts that two double arrays are not equal. If they are, an
* {@link AssertionError} is thrown.
* @param unexpecteds
* unexpected double array
* @param actuals
* actual double array
* @param delta
* the maximum delta between `expected` and `actual`
* for which both numbers are still considered equal.
public static void ne(double[] unexpecteds, double[] actuals, double delta) throws AssertionError {
arrayNotEquals(null, unexpecteds, actuals, delta);
* Asserts that two float arrays are not equal. If they are, an
* {@link AssertionError} is thrown with the given message.
* @param unexpecteds
* unexpected double array
* @param actuals
* actual double array
* @param delta
* the maximum delta between `expected` and `actual`
* for which both numbers are still considered equal.
* @param message
* the identifying message for the {@link AssertionError} (`null` okay)
* @param messageArgs
* the failure message arguments
public static void ne(float[] unexpecteds, float[] actuals, float delta,
String message, Object ... messageArgs) throws AssertionError {
arrayNotEquals(fmt(message, messageArgs), unexpecteds, actuals, delta);
* Asserts that two float arrays are not equal. If they are, an
* {@link AssertionError} is thrown.
* @param unexpecteds
* unexpected double array
* @param actuals
* actual double array
* @param delta
* the maximum delta between `expected` and `actual`
* for which both numbers are still considered equal.
public static void ne(float[] unexpecteds, float[] actuals, float delta) throws AssertionError {
arrayNotEquals(null, unexpecteds, actuals, delta);
* Asserts that two doubles or floats are **not** equal to within a positive delta.
* If they are, an {@link AssertionError} is thrown with the given message.
* If the expected value is infinity then the delta value is ignored.
* NaNs are considered equal:
* `ne(Double.NaN, Double.NaN, *)` fails
* @param unexpected
* expected value
* @param actual
* the value to check against `expected`
* @param delta
* the maximum delta between `expected` and
* `actual` for which both numbers are still
* considered equal.
* @param message
* the failure message for the {@link AssertionError} (`null` okay)
* @param messageArgs
* the failure message arguments
public static void ne(double unexpected, double actual, double delta, String message, Object... messageArgs) {
assertNotEquals(fmt(message, messageArgs), unexpected, actual, delta);
* Asserts that two doubles or floats are **not** equal to within a positive delta.
* If they are, an {@link AssertionError} is thrown with the given message.
* If the expected value is infinity then the delta value is ignored.
* NaNs are considered equal:
* `ne(Double.NaN, Double.NaN, *)` fails
* @param unexpected
* expected value
* @param actual
* the value to check against `expected`
* @param delta
* the maximum delta between `expected` and
* `actual` for which both numbers are still
* considered equal.
public static void ne(double unexpected, double actual, double delta) {
assertNotEquals(null, unexpected, actual, delta);
* Asserts that an object isn't null. If it is an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown with the given message.
* @param object
* Object to check or `null`
* @param message
* the identifying message for the {@link AssertionError} (`null` okay)
* @param messageArgs
* the message arguments
public static void notNull(Object object, String message, Object... messageArgs) {
yes(object != null, message, messageArgs);
* Alias of {@link #assertNotNull(Object)}.
* @param object Object to check or `null`
public static void notNull(Object object) {
assertNotNull(null, object);
* Asserts that an object is null. If it is not, an {@link AssertionError}
* is thrown with the given message.
* @param object
* Object to check or `null`
* @param message
* Failure message
* @param messageArgs
* Failure message arguments
public static void isNull(Object object, String message, Object... messageArgs) {
assertTrue(fmt(message, messageArgs), object == null);
* Alias of {@link #assertNull(Object)}.
public static void isNull(Object object) {
assertNull(null, object);
* Asserts that a string isn't empty. If it is an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown with the given message.
* A string is said to be empty when either one of the following cases is true:
* * it is `null`
* * it is an empty string `""`
* @param str
* a string to be checked
* @param message
* the identifying message for the {@link AssertionError} (`null` okay)
* @param messageArgs
* the message arguments
public static void notEmpty(String str, String message, Object... messageArgs) {
yes(null != str && !"".equals(str), message, messageArgs);
* Asserts that a string isn't empty. If it is an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown.
* A string is said to be empty when either one of the following cases is true:
* * it is `null`
* * it is an empty string `""`
* @param str
* a string to be checked
public static void notEmpty(String str) {
assertTrue(null != str && !"".equals(str));
* Asserts that a collection isn't empty. If it is an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown with the given message.
* @param col
* a collection to be checked
* @param message
* the identifying message for the {@link AssertionError} (`null` okay)
* @param messageArgs
* the message arguments
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the collection specified is `null`
public static void notEmpty(Collection> col, String message, Object ... messageArgs) {
no(col.isEmpty(), message, messageArgs);
* Asserts that a collection isn't empty. If it is an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown.
* @param col
* a collection to be checked
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the collection specified is `null`
public static void notEmpty(Collection> col) {
* Asserts that a map isn't empty. If it is an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown with the given message.
* @param map
* a map to be checked
* @param message
* the identifying message for the {@link AssertionError} (`null` okay)
* @param messageArgs
* the message arguments
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the collection specified is `null`
public static void notEmpty(Map, ?> map, String message, Object ... messageArgs) {
no(map.isEmpty(), message, messageArgs);
* Asserts that a map isn't empty. If it is an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown.
* @param map
* a map to be checked
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the collection specified is `null`
public static void notEmpty(Map, ?> map) {
* Asserts that an array isn't empty. If it is an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown with the given message.
* @param array
* an array to be checked
* @param message
* the identifying message for the {@link AssertionError} (`null` okay)
* @param messageArgs
* the message arguments
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the array specified is `null`
public static void notEmpty(T[] array, String message, Object... messageArgs) {
yes(array.length > 0, message, messageArgs);
* Asserts that an array isn't empty. If it is an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown.
* @param array
* an array to be checked
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the array specified is `null`
public static void notEmpty(T[] array) {
assertTrue(array.length > 0);
* Asserts that a string is empty. If it isn't an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown with the given message.
* A string is said to be empty when either one of the following cases is true:
* * it is `null`
* * it is an empty string `""`
* @param str
* a string to be checked
* @param message
* the identifying message for the {@link AssertionError} (`null` okay)
* @param messageArgs
* the message arguments
public static void isEmpty(String str, String message, Object... messageArgs) {
yes(null == str || "".equals(str), message, messageArgs);
* Asserts that a string is empty. If it isn't an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown.
* A string is said to be empty when either one of the following cases is true:
* * it is `null`
* * it is an empty string `""`
* @param str
* a string to be checked
public static void isEmpty(String str) {
assertTrue(null == str || "".equals(str));
* Asserts that a collection is empty. If it is not an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown with the given message.
* @param col
* a collection to be checked
* @param message
* the identifying message for the {@link AssertionError} (`null` okay)
* @param messageArgs
* the message arguments
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the collection specified is `null`
public static void isEmpty(Collection> col, String message, Object... messageArgs) {
yes(col.isEmpty(), message, messageArgs);
* Asserts that a collection is empty. If it is not an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown.
* @param col
* a collection to be checked
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the collection specified is `null`
public static void isEmpty(Collection> col) {
* Asserts that a map is empty. If it is not an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown with the given message.
* @param map
* a map to be checked
* @param message
* the identifying message for the {@link AssertionError} (`null` okay)
* @param messageArgs
* the message arguments
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the collection specified is `null`
public static void isEmpty(Map, ?> map, String message, Object... messageArgs) {
yes(map.isEmpty(), message, messageArgs);
* Asserts that a Map is empty. If it is not an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown.
* @param map
* a collection to be checked
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the collection specified is `null`
public static void isEmpty(Map, ?> map) {
* Asserts that an array is empty. If it is not an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown with the given message.
* @param array
* an array to be checked
* @param message
* the identifying message for the {@link AssertionError} (`null` okay)
* @param messageArgs
* the message arguments
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the array specified is `null`
public static void isEmpty(T[] array, String message, Object... messageArgs) {
yes(array.length == 0, message, messageArgs);
* Asserts that an array is empty. If it is not an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown.
* @param array
* an array to be checked
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the array specified is `null`
public static void isEmpty(T[] array) {
assertTrue(array.length == 0);
* Asserts that a string isn't blank. If it is an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown with the given message.
* A string is said to be blank when either one of the following cases is true:
* * it is `null`
* * it is an empty string `""`
* * it is a string with only space characters including tab `'\t'` and backspace `'\b'`
* @param str
* a string to be checked
* @param message
* the identifying message for the {@link AssertionError} (`null` okay)
* @param messageArgs
* the message arguments
public static void notBlank(String str, String message, Object... messageArgs) {
yes(null != str && !"".equals(str.trim()), message, messageArgs);
* Asserts that a string isn't blank. If it is an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown.
* A string is said to be blank when either one of the following cases is true:
* * it is `null`
* * it is an empty string `""`
* * it is a string with only space characters including tab `'\t'` and backspace `'\b'`
* @param str
* a string to be checked
public static void notBlank(String str) {
assertTrue(null != str && !"".equals(str.trim()));
* Asserts that a string is blank. If it isn't an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown with the given message.
* A string is said to be blank when either one of the following cases is true:
* * it is `null`
* * it is an empty string `""`
* * it is a string with only space characters including tab `'\t'` and backspace `'\b'`
* @param str
* a string to be checked
* @param message
* the identifying message for the {@link AssertionError} (`null` okay)
* @param messageArgs
* the message arguments
public static void isBlank(String str, String message, Object... messageArgs) {
yes(null == str || "".equals(str.trim()), message, messageArgs);
* Asserts that a string is blank. If it isn't an {@link AssertionError} is
* thrown.
* A string is said to be blank when either one of the following cases is true:
* * it is `null`
* * it is an empty string `""`
* * it is a string with only space characters including tab `'\t'` and backspace `'\b'`
* @param str
* a string to be checked
public static void isBlank(String str) {
assertTrue(null == str || "".equals(str.trim()));
* Asserts that two objects refer to the same object. If they are not, an
* {@link AssertionError} is thrown with the given message.
* @param expected
* the expected object
* @param actual
* the object to compare to `expected`
* @param message
* Failure message
* @param messageArgs
* the failure message arguments
public static void same(Object expected, Object actual, String message, Object... messageArgs) {
assertSame(fmt(message, messageArgs) + ",", expected, actual);
* Alias of {@link #assertSame(Object, Object)}.
* @param expected
* the expected object
* @param actual
* the object to compare to `expected`
public static void same(Object expected, Object actual) {
assertSame(null, expected, actual);
* Asserts that two objects do not refer to the same object. If they do
* refer to the same object, an {@link AssertionError} is thrown with the
* given message.
* @param unexpected
* the object you don't expect
* @param actual
* the object to compare to `unexpected`
* @param message
* the failure message
* @param messageArgs
* the failure message arguments
public static void notSame(Object unexpected, Object actual, String message, Object... messageArgs) {
assertNotSame(fmt(message, messageArgs) + ",", unexpected, actual);
* Alias of {@link #assertNotSame(Object, Object)}.
* @param unexpected
* the object you don't expect
* @param actual
* the object to compare to `unexpected`
public static void notSame(Object unexpected, Object actual) {
assertNotSame(null, unexpected, actual);
* Format a message with message arguments using {@link String#format(String, Object...)}.
* @param message
* the message, `null` okay
* @param messageArgs
* the message arguments
* @return
* empty string `""` if `messsage` is `null` or
* result of {@link String#format(String, Object...)}
private static String fmt(String message, Object... messageArgs) {
if (null == message) {
return "";
return String.format(message, messageArgs);
private static void arrayNotEquals(String message, Object expecteds, Object actuals)
throws ArrayComparisonFailure {
if (expecteds == actuals
|| Arrays.deepEquals(new Object[] {expecteds}, new Object[] {actuals})) {
// The reflection-based loop below is potentially very slow, especially for primitive
// arrays. The deepEquals check allows us to circumvent it in the usual case where
// the arrays are exactly equal.
private static void arrayNotEquals(String message, Object expecteds, Object actuals, Object delta) {
if (expecteds == actuals
|| Arrays.deepEquals(new Object[] {expecteds}, new Object[] {actuals})) {
// The reflection-based loop below is potentially very slow, especially for primitive
// arrays. The deepEquals check allows us to circumvent it in the usual case where
// the arrays are exactly equal.
int expectedLen = Array.getLength(expecteds);
int actualLen = Array.getLength(actuals);
if (expectedLen != actualLen) {
for (int i = 0; i < expectedLen; ++i) {
if (delta instanceof Double) {
Double expectedElement = (Double)Array.get(expecteds, i);
Double actualElement = (Double) Array.get(actuals, i);
if ((Math.abs(expectedElement - actualElement) > (Double) delta)) {
} else {
Float expectedElement = (Float)Array.get(expecteds, i);
Float actualElement = (Float) Array.get(actuals, i);
if ((Math.abs(expectedElement - actualElement) > (Float) delta)) {
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