org.osiam.client.OsiamConnector Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2013 tarent AG
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
* the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package org.osiam.client;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.List;
import org.osiam.client.exception.ConflictException; // NOSONAR : needed for Javadoc
import org.osiam.client.exception.ConnectionInitializationException; // NOSONAR : needed for Javadoc
import org.osiam.client.exception.ForbiddenException; // NOSONAR : needed for Javadoc
import org.osiam.client.exception.InvalidAttributeException;
import org.osiam.client.exception.NoResultException; // NOSONAR : needed for Javadoc
import org.osiam.client.exception.UnauthorizedException; // NOSONAR : needed for Javadoc
import org.osiam.client.oauth.AccessToken;
import org.osiam.client.oauth.Scope;
import org.osiam.client.query.Query;
import org.osiam.client.query.QueryBuilder;
import org.osiam.client.user.BasicUser;
import org.osiam.resources.scim.Group;
import org.osiam.resources.scim.SCIMSearchResult;
import org.osiam.resources.scim.UpdateGroup;
import org.osiam.resources.scim.UpdateUser;
import org.osiam.resources.scim.User;
* OsiamConnector provides access to the OAuth2 service used to authorize requests and all methods necessary to
* manipulate the {@link Group} and {@link User} resources registered in the given OSIAM installation. For the
* construction of an instance please use the {@link OsiamConnector.Builder}
public class OsiamConnector {// NOSONAR - Builder constructs instances of this class
private String clientId;
private String clientSecret;
private String genEndpoint;
private String authServiceEndpoint;
private String resourceServiceEndpoint;
private String clientRedirectUri;
private AuthService authService;
private OsiamUserService userService;
private OsiamGroupService groupService;
* The private constructor for the OsiamConnector. Please use the {@link OsiamConnector.Builder} to construct one.
* @param builder
* a valid Builder that holds all needed variables
private OsiamConnector(Builder builder) {
clientId = builder.clientId;
clientSecret = builder.clientSecret;
authServiceEndpoint = builder.authServiceEndpoint;
resourceServiceEndpoint = builder.resourceServiceEndpoint;
genEndpoint = builder.genEndpoint;
clientRedirectUri = builder.clientRedirectUri;
* @return a valid AuthService build out of the provided variables
private AuthService authService() {// NOSONAR - its ok if the Cyclomatic Complexity is > 10
if (authService == null) {
AuthService.Builder builder = new AuthService.Builder(getAuthServiceEndPoint());
if (clientId != null) {
builder = builder.setClientId(clientId);
if (clientSecret != null) {
builder = builder.setClientSecret(clientSecret);
if (clientRedirectUri != null) {
builder = builder.setClientRedirectUri(clientRedirectUri);
authService = builder.build();
return authService;
private String getAuthServiceEndPoint() {
if (!(authServiceEndpoint == null || authServiceEndpoint.isEmpty())) {
return authServiceEndpoint;
if (!(genEndpoint == null || genEndpoint.isEmpty())) {
StringBuilder endpoint = new StringBuilder(genEndpoint);
if (!genEndpoint.endsWith("/")) {
return endpoint.toString();
throw new InvalidAttributeException("No endpoint to the OSIAM server has been set");
private String getResourceServiceEndPoint() {
if (!(resourceServiceEndpoint == null || resourceServiceEndpoint.isEmpty())) {
return resourceServiceEndpoint;
if (!(genEndpoint == null || genEndpoint.isEmpty())) {
StringBuilder endpoint = new StringBuilder(genEndpoint);
if (!genEndpoint.endsWith("/")) {
return endpoint.toString();
throw new InvalidAttributeException("No endpoint to the OSIAM server has been set");
* @return a valid OsiamUserService build out of the provided variables
private OsiamUserService userService() {
if (userService == null) {
userService = new OsiamUserService.Builder(getResourceServiceEndPoint()).build();
return userService;
* @return a valid OsiamGroupService build out of the provided variables
private OsiamGroupService groupService() {
if (groupService == null) {
groupService = new OsiamGroupService.Builder(getResourceServiceEndPoint()).build();
return groupService;
* Retrieve a single User with the given id. If no user for the given id can be found a {@link NoResultException} is
* thrown.
* @param id
* the id of the wanted user
* @param accessToken
* the OSIAM access token from for the current session
* @return the user with the given id
* @throws UnauthorizedException
* if the request could not be authorized.
* @throws NoResultException
* if no user with the given id can be found
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if the scope doesn't allow this request
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* if the connection to the given OSIAM service could not be initialized
public User getUser(String id, AccessToken accessToken) {
return userService().getUser(id, accessToken);
* Retrieve a list of the of all {@link User} resources saved in the OSIAM service. If you need to have all User but
* the number is very big, this method can be slow. In this case you can also use Query.Builder with no filter to
* split the number of User returned
* @param accessToken
* A valid AccessToken
* @return a list of all Users
* @throws UnauthorizedException
* if the request could not be authorized.
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if the scope doesn't allow this request
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* if the connection to the given OSIAM service could not be initialized
public List getAllUsers(AccessToken accessToken) {
return userService().getAllUsers(accessToken);
* Search for existing Users by the given {@link org.osiam.client.query.Query Query}.
* @param query
* containing the query to execute.
* @param accessToken
* the OSIAM access token from for the current session
* @return a SCIMSearchResult Containing a list of all found Users
* @throws UnauthorizedException
* if the request could not be authorized.
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if the scope doesn't allow this request
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* if the connection to the given OSIAM service could not be initialized
public SCIMSearchResult searchUsers(Query query, AccessToken accessToken) {
return userService().searchResources(query, accessToken);
* Retrieves the User who holds the given access token. Not to be used for the grant Client-Credentials If only the
* basic Data like the userName, Name, primary email address is needed use the methode getCurrentUserBasic(...)
* since it is more performant as this one
* @param accessToken
* the OSIAM access token from for the current session
* @return the actual logged in user
* @throws UnauthorizedException
* if the request could not be authorized.
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if the scope doesn't allow this request
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* if no connection to the given OSIAM services could be initialized
public User getCurrentUser(AccessToken accessToken) {
return userService().getCurrentUser(accessToken);
* Retrieves the basic User data as BasicUser Object from the User who holds the given access token. Not to be used
* for the grant Client-Credentials If only the basic Data like the userName, Name, primary email address is needed
* use this methode since it is more performant as the getCurrentUser(...) method
* @param accessToken
* the OSIAM access token from for the current session
* @return the actual logged in user
* @throws UnauthorizedException
* if the request could not be authorized.
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if the scope doesn't allow this request
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* if no connection to the given OSIAM services could be initialized
public BasicUser getCurrentUserBasic(AccessToken accessToken) {
return userService().getCurrentUserBasic(accessToken);
* Retrieve a single Group with the given id. If no group with the given id can be found a {@link NoResultException}
* is thrown.
* @param id
* the id of the wanted group
* @param accessToken
* the access token from OSIAM for the current session.
* @return the group with the given id.
* @throws UnauthorizedException
* if the request could not be authorized.
* @throws NoResultException
* if no user with the given id can be found
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if the scope doesn't allow this request
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* if the connection to the given OSIAM service could not be initialized
public Group getGroup(String id, AccessToken accessToken) {
return groupService().getGroup(id, accessToken);
* Retrieve a list of the of all {@link Group} resources saved in the OSIAM service. If you need to have all Group
* but the number is very big, this method can be slow. In this case you can also use Query.Builder with no filter
* to split the number of Groups returned
* @param accessToken
* the OSIAM access token for the current session
* @return a list of all groups
* @throws UnauthorizedException
* if the request could not be authorized.
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if the scope doesn't allow this request
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* if the connection to the given OSIAM service could not be initialized
public List getAllGroups(AccessToken accessToken) {
return groupService().getAllGroups(accessToken);
* Search for existing groups by a given {@link org.osiam.client.query.Query Query}. For more detailed information
* about the possible logical operators and usable fields please have a look into the wiki.
* @param query
* containing the needed search where statement
* @param accessToken
* the OSIAM access token from for the current session
* @return a SCIMSearchResult containing a list of all found Groups
* @throws UnauthorizedException
* if the request could not be authorized.
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if the scope doesn't allow this request
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* if the connection to the given OSIAM service could not be initialized
* @see https://github.com/osiam/connector4java/wiki/Working-with-groups#search-for-groups
public SCIMSearchResult searchGroups(Query query, AccessToken accessToken) {
return groupService().searchGroups(query, accessToken);
* Provides a new and refreshed access token by getting the refresh token from the given access token.
* @param accessToken
* the access token to be refreshed
* @param scopes
* an optional parameter if the scope of the token should be changed. Otherwise the scopes of the old
* token are used.
* @return the new access token with the refreshed lifetime
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* in case the accessToken has an empty refresh token
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* if the connection to the given OSIAM service could not be initialized
* @throws UnauthorizedException
* if the request could not be authorized.
public AccessToken refreshAccessToken(AccessToken accessToken, Scope... scopes) {
return authService.refreshAccessToken(accessToken, scopes);
* provides the needed URI which is needed to reconnect the User to the OSIAM server to login. A detailed example
* how to use this method, can be seen in our wiki in gitHub
* @param scopes
* the wanted scopes for the user who want's to log in with the oauth workflow
* @return the needed redirect Uri
* @see https://github.com/osiam/connector4java/wiki/Login-and-getting-an-access-token#grant-authorization-code
public URI getAuthorizationUri(Scope... scopes) {
return authService().getAuthorizationUri(scopes);
* Provide an {@link AccessToken} for the {@link GrantType} CLIENT_CREDENTIALS.
* @param scopes
* the wanted Scopes of the {@link AccessToken}
* @return an valid {@link AccessToken}
public AccessToken retrieveAccessToken(Scope... scopes) {
return authService().retrieveAccessToken(scopes);
* Provide an {@link AccessToken} for the {@link GrantType} RESOURCE_OWNER_PASSWORD_CREDENTIALS.
* @param userName
* the userName of the actual User
* @param password
* the password of the actual User
* @param scopes
* the wanted Scopes of the {@link AccessToken}
* @return an valid {@link AccessToken}
public AccessToken retrieveAccessToken(String userName, String password, Scope... scopes) {
return authService().retrieveAccessToken(userName, password, scopes);
* Provide an {@link AccessToken} for the {@link GrantType} AUTHORIZATION_CODE (oauth2 login).
* @param authCode
* authentication code retrieved from the OSIAM Server by using the oauth2 login flow. For more
* information please look at the wiki at github
* @return a valid AccessToken
* @throws ConflictException
* in case the given authCode could not be exchanged against a access token
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* If the Service is unable to connect to the configured OAuth2 service.
* @see https://github.com/osiam/connector4java/wiki/Login-and-getting-an-access-token#grant-authorization-code
public AccessToken retrieveAccessToken(String authCode) {
return authService().retrieveAccessToken(authCode);
* saves the given {@link User} to the OSIAM DB.
* @param user
* user to be saved
* @param accessToken
* the OSIAM access token from for the current session
* @return the same user Object like the given but with filled metadata and a new valid id
* @throws UnauthorizedException
* if the request could not be authorized.
* @throws ConflictException
* if the User could not be created
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if the scope doesn't allow this request
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* if the connection to the given OSIAM service could not be initialized
public User createUser(User user, AccessToken accessToken) {
return userService().createUser(user, accessToken);
* saves the given {@link Group} to the OSIAM DB.
* @param group
* group to be saved
* @param accessToken
* the OSIAM access token from for the current session
* @return the same group Object like the given but with filled metadata and a new valid id
* @throws UnauthorizedException
* if the request could not be authorized.
* @throws ConflictException
* if the Group could not be created
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if the scope doesn't allow this request
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* if the connection to the given OSIAM service could not be initialized
public Group createGroup(Group group, AccessToken accessToken) {
return groupService().createGroup(group, accessToken);
* delete the given {@link Group} at the OSIAM DB.
* @param id
* id of the Group to be deleted
* @param accessToken
* the OSIAM access token from for the current session
* @throws UnauthorizedException
* if the request could not be authorized.
* @throws NoResultException
* if no group with the given id can be found
* @throws ConflictException
* if the Group could not be deleted
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if the scope doesn't allow this request
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* if the connection to the given OSIAM service could not be initialized
public void deleteGroup(String id, AccessToken accessToken) {
groupService().deleteGroup(id, accessToken);
* delete the given {@link User} at the OSIAM DB.
* @param id
* id of the User to be delete
* @param accessToken
* the OSIAM access token from for the current session
* @throws UnauthorizedException
* if the request could not be authorized.
* @throws NoResultException
* if no user with the given id can be found
* @throws ConflictException
* if the User could not be deleted
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if the scope doesn't allow this request
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* if the connection to the given OSIAM service could not be initialized
public void deleteUser(String id, AccessToken accessToken) {
userService().deleteUser(id, accessToken);
* update the user of the given id with the values given in the User Object. For more detailed information how to
* set new field, update Fields or to delete Fields please look in the wiki
* @param id
* if of the User to be updated
* @param updateUser
* all Fields that need to be updated
* @param accessToken
* the OSIAM access token from for the current session
* @return the updated User Object with all new Fields
* @see https://github.com/osiam/connector4java/wiki/Working-with-user
* @throws UnauthorizedException
* if the request could not be authorized.
* @throws ConflictException
* if the User could not be updated
* @throws NoResultException
* if no user with the given id can be found
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if the scope doesn't allow this request
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* if the connection to the given OSIAM service could not be initialized
public User updateUser(String id, UpdateUser updateUser, AccessToken accessToken) {
return userService().updateUser(id, updateUser, accessToken);
* replaces the {@link User} with the given id with the given {@link User}
* @param id
* The id of the User to be replaced
* @param user
* The {@link User} who will repleace the old {@link User}
* @param accessToken
* the OSIAM access token from for the current session
* @return the replaced User
* @throws InvalidAttributeException
* in case the id or the User is null or empty
* @throws UnauthorizedException
* if the request could not be authorized.
* @throws ConflictException
* if the User could not be replaced
* @throws NoResultException
* if no user with the given id can be found
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if the scope doesn't allow this request
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* if the connection to the given OSIAM service could not be initialized
public User replaceUser(String id, User user, AccessToken accessToken) {
return userService().replaceUser(id, user, accessToken);
* update the group of the given id with the values given in the Group Object. For more detailed information how to
* set new field. Update Fields or to delete Fields please look in the wiki
* @param id
* id of the Group to be updated
* @param updateGroup
* all Fields that need to be updated
* @param accessToken
* the OSIAM access token from for the current session
* @return the updated group Object
* @see https://github.com/osiam/connector4java/wiki/Working-with-groups
* @throws UnauthorizedException
* if the request could not be authorized.
* @throws ConflictException
* if the Group could not be updated
* @throws NoResultException
* if no group with the given id can be found
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if the scope doesn't allow this request
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* if the connection to the given OSIAM service could not be initialized
public Group updateGroup(String id, UpdateGroup updateGroup, AccessToken accessToken) {
return groupService().updateGroup(id, updateGroup, accessToken);
* replaces the {@link Group} with the given id with the given {@link Group}
* @param id
* The id of the Group to be replaced
* @param user
* The {@link Group} who will repleace the old {@link Group}
* @param accessToken
* the OSIAM access token from for the current session
* @return the replaced User
* @throws InvalidAttributeException
* in case the id or the Group is null or empty
* @throws UnauthorizedException
* if the request could not be authorized.
* @throws ConflictException
* if the Group could not be replaced
* @throws NoResultException
* if no Group with the given id can be found
* @throws ForbiddenException
* if the scope doesn't allow this request
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* if the connection to the given OSIAM service could not be initialized
public Group replaceGroup(String id, Group group, AccessToken accessToken) {
return groupService().updateGroup(id, group, accessToken);
* validates if the given token in the AccessToken is valid and not expired.
* @param tokenToValidate
* The AccessToken to be validated
* @return The validated AccessToken if the AccessToken is valid
* @throws UnauthorizedException
* if the tokenToValidate is not valid
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* if the connection to the given OSIAM service could not be initialized
public AccessToken validateAccessToken(AccessToken tokenToValidate) {
return authService().validateAccessToken(tokenToValidate);
* Revokes the given access token if it is valid.
* @param tokenToRevoke
* the {@link AccessToken} to be revoked
public void revokeAccessToken(AccessToken tokenToRevoke) {
* Revokes all access tokens of the user with the given ID.
* @param id the user ID
* @param accessToken the access token used to access the service
public void revokeAllAccessTokens(String id, AccessToken accessToken) {
authService().revokeAllAccessTokens(id, accessToken);
* Creates a new {@link QueryBuilder}.
public QueryBuilder createQueryBuilder() {
return new QueryBuilder();
* Creates a new {@link QueryBuilder} and copies the values of the given
* {@link Query}.
public QueryBuilder createQueryBuilder(Query original) {
return new QueryBuilder(original);
* The Builder class is used to construct instances of the {@link OsiamConnector}.
public static class Builder {
private String clientId;
private String clientSecret;
private String genEndpoint;
private String authServiceEndpoint;
private String resourceServiceEndpoint;
private String clientRedirectUri;
* use the given basic endpoint for communication with the OAuth2-Service for authentication and the SCIM2
* resource server. The schema will be /osiam-auth-server and /osiam-resource-server. This
* method can be used if the authentification and the resource server are at the same location and have the
* standard names.
* @param endpoint
* The endpoint to use for communication
* @return The builder itself
public Builder setEndpoint(String endpoint) {
genEndpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* use the given endpoint for communication with the OAuth2-Service for authentication
* @param endpoint
* The AuthService endpoint to use for communication
* @return The builder itself
public Builder setAuthServerEndpoint(String endpoint) {
authServiceEndpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* use the given endpoint for communication with the SCIM2 resource server.
* @param endpoint
* The resource service endpoint to use
* @return The builder itself
public Builder setResourceServerEndpoint(String endpoint) {
resourceServiceEndpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* Add a ClientId to the OAuth2 request
* @param clientId
* The client-Id
* @return The builder itself
public Builder setClientId(String clientId) {
this.clientId = clientId;
return this;
* Add a clientSecret to the OAuth2 request
* @param clientSecret
* The client secret
* @return The builder itself
public Builder setClientSecret(String clientSecret) {
this.clientSecret = clientSecret;
return this;
* Add a Client redirect URI to the OAuth2 request
* @param clientRedirectUri
* the clientRedirectUri which is known to the OSIAM server
* @return The builder itself
public Builder setClientRedirectUri(String clientRedirectUri) {
this.clientRedirectUri = clientRedirectUri;
return this;
* Construct the {@link OsiamConnector} with the parameters passed to this builder.
* @return An OsiamConnector configured accordingly.
* @throws ConnectionInitializationException
* If either the provided client credentials (clientId/clientSecret) or, if the requested grant type
* is 'password', the user credentials (userName/password) are incomplete.
public OsiamConnector build() {
return new OsiamConnector(this);
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