main.PackageManager.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Part of the OSS Review Toolkit (ORT), a suite to automate software compliance checks.
* Copyright (C) 2017 The ORT Project Authors (see )
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* License-Filename: LICENSE
package org.ossreviewtoolkit.analyzer
import java.io.File
import java.nio.file.FileSystems
import java.nio.file.Path
import kotlin.io.path.invariantSeparatorsPathString
import kotlin.time.measureTime
import org.apache.logging.log4j.kotlin.logger
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.downloader.VcsHost
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.downloader.VersionControlSystem
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.DependencyGraph
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.Identifier
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.Project
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.ProjectAnalyzerResult
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.VcsInfo
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.VcsType
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.config.AnalyzerConfiguration
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.config.Excludes
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.config.PackageManagerConfiguration
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.config.RepositoryConfiguration
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.createAndLogIssue
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.common.Options
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.common.VCS_DIRECTORIES
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.common.collectMessages
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.common.isSymbolicLink
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.ort.ORT_CONFIG_FILENAME
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.ort.normalizeVcsUrl
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.ort.showStackTrace
typealias ManagedProjectFiles = Map>
typealias ProjectResults = Map>
* A class representing a package manager that handles software dependencies. The package manager is referred to by its
* [managerName]. The analysis of any projects and their dependencies starts in the [analysisRoot] directory using the
* given general [analyzerConfig]. Per-repository configuration is passed in [repoConfig].
abstract class PackageManager(
val managerName: String,
val analysisRoot: File,
val analyzerConfig: AnalyzerConfiguration,
val repoConfig: RepositoryConfiguration
) {
companion object {
// Ignore intermediate build system directories.
// Ignore resources in a standard Maven / Gradle project layout.
// Ignore virtual environments in Python.
* Recursively search the [directory] for files managed by any of the [packageManagers]. The search is performed
* depth-first so that root project files are found before any subproject files for a specific manager. Path
* excludes defined by the given [excludes] are taken into account; the corresponding directories are skipped.
fun findManagedFiles(
directory: File,
packageManagers: Collection = PackageManagerFactory.ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT,
excludes: Excludes = Excludes.EMPTY
): ManagedProjectFiles {
require(directory.isDirectory) {
"The provided path is not a directory: ${directory.absolutePath}"
logger.debug { "Searching for managed files using the following excludes: $excludes" }
val result = mutableMapOf>()
val rootPath = directory.toPath()
val distinctPackageManagers = packageManagers.distinct()
directory.walk().onEnter { dir ->
val dirAsPath = dir.toPath()
when {
IGNORED_DIRECTORY_MATCHERS.any { it.matches(dirAsPath) } -> {
logger.info { "Not analyzing directory '$dir' as it is hard-coded to be ignored." }
excludes.isPathExcluded(rootPath, dirAsPath) -> {
logger.info { "Not analyzing directory '$dir' as it is excluded." }
dir.isSymbolicLink() -> {
logger.info { "Not following symbolic link to directory '$dir'." }
else -> true
}.filter { it.isDirectory }.forEach { dir ->
val filesInCurrentDir = dir.walk().maxDepth(1).filterTo(mutableListOf()) {
it.isFile && !excludes.isPathExcluded(rootPath, it.toPath())
distinctPackageManagers.forEach { manager ->
// Create a list of lists of matching files per glob.
val matchesPerGlob = manager.matchersForDefinitionFiles.mapNotNull { glob ->
// Create a list of files in the current directory that match the current glob.
val filesMatchingGlob = filesInCurrentDir.filter { glob.matches(it.toPath()) }
filesMatchingGlob.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }
if (matchesPerGlob.isNotEmpty()) {
// Only consider all matches for the first glob that has matches. This is because globs
// are defined in order of priority, and multiple globs may just be alternative ways to
// detect the exact same project.
// That is, at the example of a PIP project, if a directory contains all three files
// "requirements-py2.txt", "requirements-py3.txt" and "setup.py", only consider the
// former two as they match the glob with the highest priority, but ignore "setup.py".
result.getOrPut(manager) { mutableListOf() } += matchesPerGlob.first()
return result
* Enrich a [package's VCS information][vcsFromPackage] with information deduced from the package's VCS URL or a
* [list of fallback URLs][fallbackUrls] (the first element that is recognized as a VCS URL is used).
fun processPackageVcs(vcsFromPackage: VcsInfo, vararg fallbackUrls: String): VcsInfo {
val normalizedVcsFromPackage = vcsFromPackage.normalize()
val fallbackVcs = fallbackUrls.mapTo(mutableListOf(VcsHost.parseUrl(normalizedVcsFromPackage.url))) {
}.find {
// Ignore fallback VCS information that changes a known type, or where the VCS type is unknown.
if (normalizedVcsFromPackage.type != VcsType.UNKNOWN) {
it.type == normalizedVcsFromPackage.type
} else {
it.type != VcsType.UNKNOWN
if (fallbackVcs != null) {
// Enrich (not overwrite) the normalized VCS information from the package...
val mergedVcs = normalizedVcsFromPackage.merge(fallbackVcs)
if (mergedVcs != normalizedVcsFromPackage) {
// ... but if indeed metadata was enriched, overwrite the URL with the one from the fallback VCS
// information to ensure we get the correct base URL if additional VCS information (like a revision
// or path) has been split from the original URL.
return mergedVcs.copy(url = fallbackVcs.url)
return normalizedVcsFromPackage
* Enrich VCS information determined from the [project's directory][projectDir] with VCS information determined
* from the [project's metadata][vcsFromProject], if any, and from a [list of fallback URLs][fallbackUrls] (the
* first element that is recognized as a VCS URL is used).
fun processProjectVcs(
projectDir: File,
vcsFromProject: VcsInfo = VcsInfo.EMPTY,
vararg fallbackUrls: String
): VcsInfo {
val vcsFromWorkingTree = VersionControlSystem.getPathInfo(projectDir).normalize()
return vcsFromWorkingTree.merge(processPackageVcs(vcsFromProject, *fallbackUrls))
* Return an [Excludes] instance to be applied during analysis based on the given [repositoryConfiguration].
* If this [AnalyzerConfiguration] has the [AnalyzerConfiguration.skipExcluded] flag set to true, the
* excludes configured in [repositoryConfiguration] are actually applied. Otherwise, return an empty [Excludes]
* object. This means that all dependencies are collected, and excludes are applied later on the report level.
internal fun AnalyzerConfiguration.excludes(repositoryConfiguration: RepositoryConfiguration): Excludes =
repositoryConfiguration.excludes.takeIf { skipExcluded } ?: Excludes.EMPTY
* Check whether the given [path] interpreted relatively against [root] is matched by a path exclude in this
* [Excludes] object.
private fun Excludes.isPathExcluded(root: Path, path: Path): Boolean =
* Get a fallback project name from the [definitionFile] path relative to the [analysisRoot]. This function
* should be used if the project name cannot be determined from the project's metadata.
fun getFallbackProjectName(analysisRoot: File, definitionFile: File) =
* The [Options] from the [PackageManagerConfiguration] for this [package manager][managerName].
protected val options: Options = analyzerConfig.getPackageManagerConfiguration(managerName)?.options.orEmpty()
* The [Excludes] to take into account during analysis. The [Excludes] from the [RepositoryConfiguration] are
* taken into account only if this is enabled in the [AnalyzerConfiguration].
val excludes by lazy { analyzerConfig.excludes(repoConfig) }
* Optional mapping of found [definitionFiles] before dependency resolution.
open fun mapDefinitionFiles(definitionFiles: List): List = definitionFiles
* Return if this package manager must run before or after certain other package managers. This can manually be
* configured by the user in [PackageManagerConfiguration.mustRunAfter], but in some cases it is possible to
* determine such dependencies automatically.
open fun findPackageManagerDependencies(
managedFiles: Map>
): PackageManagerDependencyResult =
PackageManagerDependencyResult(mustRunBefore = emptySet(), mustRunAfter = emptySet())
* Optional step to run before dependency resolution, like checking for prerequisites.
protected open fun beforeResolution(definitionFiles: List) {}
* Optional step to run after dependency resolution, like cleaning up temporary files.
protected open fun afterResolution(definitionFiles: List) {}
* Generate the final result to be returned by this package manager. This function is called at the very end of the
* execution of this package manager (after [afterResolution]) with the [projectResults] created for the single
* definition files that have been processed. It can be overridden by subclasses to add additional data to the
* result. This base implementation produces a result that contains only the passed in map with project results.
protected open fun createPackageManagerResult(projectResults: ProjectResults) = PackageManagerResult(projectResults)
* Return a tree of resolved dependencies (not necessarily declared dependencies, in case conflicts were resolved)
* for all [definitionFiles] which were found by searching the [analysisRoot] directory. By convention, the
* [definitionFiles] must be absolute. The given [labels] are parameters to the overall analysis of the project and
* to further stages. They are not interpreted by ORT, but can be used to configure behavior of custom package
* manager implementations.
open fun resolveDependencies(definitionFiles: List, labels: Map): PackageManagerResult {
definitionFiles.forEach { definitionFile ->
requireNotNull(definitionFile.relativeToOrNull(analysisRoot)) {
"'$definitionFile' must be an absolute path below '$analysisRoot'."
val result = mutableMapOf>()
definitionFiles.forEach { definitionFile ->
val relativePath = definitionFile.relativeTo(analysisRoot).invariantSeparatorsPath.ifEmpty { "." }
logger.info { "Using $managerName to resolve dependencies for path '$relativePath'..." }
val duration = measureTime {
runCatching {
result[definitionFile] = resolveDependencies(definitionFile, labels)
}.onFailure {
val id = Identifier.EMPTY.copy(type = managerName, name = relativePath)
val projectWithIssues = Project.EMPTY.copy(
id = id,
definitionFilePath = VersionControlSystem.getPathInfo(definitionFile).path,
vcsProcessed = processProjectVcs(definitionFile.parentFile),
scopeDependencies = null,
scopeNames = emptySet()
val issues = listOf(
source = managerName,
message = "$managerName failed to resolve dependencies for path '$relativePath': " +
result[definitionFile] = listOf(ProjectAnalyzerResult(projectWithIssues, emptySet(), issues))
logger.info { "$managerName resolved dependencies for path '$relativePath' in $duration." }
return createPackageManagerResult(result).addDependencyGraphIfMissing()
* Resolve dependencies for a single absolute [definitionFile] and return a list of [ProjectAnalyzerResult]s, with
* one result for each project found in the definition file. The given [labels] are parameters to the overall
* analysis of the project and to further stages. They are not interpreted by ORT, but can be used to configure
* behavior of custom package manager implementations.
abstract fun resolveDependencies(definitionFile: File, labels: Map): List
protected fun requireLockfile(workingDir: File, condition: () -> Boolean) {
require(analyzerConfig.allowDynamicVersions || condition()) {
val relativePathString = workingDir.relativeTo(analysisRoot).invariantSeparatorsPath
.takeUnless { it.isEmpty() } ?: "."
"No lockfile found in '$relativePathString'. This potentially results in unstable versions of " +
"dependencies. To support this, enable the 'allowDynamicVersions' option in '$ORT_CONFIG_FILENAME'."
* Remove all packages from the contained [ProjectAnalyzerResult]s which are also projects.
protected fun ProjectResults.filterProjectPackages(): ProjectResults {
val projectIds = flatMapTo(mutableSetOf()) { (_, projectResult) -> projectResult.map { it.project.id } }
return mapValues { entry ->
entry.value.map { projectResult ->
val projectReferences = projectResult.packages.filterTo(mutableSetOf()) { it.id in projectIds }
projectResult.takeIf { projectReferences.isEmpty() }
?: projectResult.copy(packages = projectResult.packages - projectReferences)
.also {
logger.info { "Removing ${projectReferences.size} packages that are projects." }
logger.debug { projectReferences.joinToString { it.id.toCoordinates() } }
* Parse a string with metadata about an [author] to extract the author name. Many package managers support
* such author information in string form that contain additional properties like an email address or a
* homepage. These additional properties are typically separated from the author name by specific [delimiters],
* e.g. the email address is often surrounded by angle brackets. This function assumes that the author name is the
* first portion in the given [author] string before one of the given [delimiters] is found.
fun parseAuthorString(author: String?, vararg delimiters: Char = charArrayOf('<')): String? =
author?.split(*delimiters, limit = 2)?.firstOrNull()?.trim()?.ifEmpty { null }
private fun PackageManagerResult.addDependencyGraphIfMissing(): PackageManagerResult {
// If the condition is true, then [CompatibilityDependencyNavigator] constructs a [DependencyGraphNavigator].
// That construction throws an exception if there is no dependency graph available.
val isGraphRequired = projectResults.values.flatten().any { it.project.scopeNames != null }
return if (isGraphRequired && dependencyGraph == null) {
copy(dependencyGraph = DependencyGraph())
} else {
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