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package org.ovirt.api.metamodel.analyzer;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.ovirt.api.metamodel.concepts.ArrayExpression;
import org.ovirt.api.metamodel.concepts.EnumType;
import org.ovirt.api.metamodel.concepts.Expression;
import org.ovirt.api.metamodel.concepts.ListType;
import org.ovirt.api.metamodel.concepts.MemberInvolvementTree;
import org.ovirt.api.metamodel.concepts.Name;
import org.ovirt.api.metamodel.concepts.NameParser;
import org.ovirt.api.metamodel.concepts.Parameter;
import org.ovirt.api.metamodel.concepts.PrimitiveType;
import org.ovirt.api.metamodel.concepts.StructType;
import org.ovirt.api.metamodel.concepts.Type;
public class InputDetailAnalyzer {
//In 'live documentation' certain words are keywords that are searched for.
//Theses words are defined here as constants.
private static final Name OPTIONAL = NameParser.parseUsingCase("Optional");
private static final Name MANDATORY = NameParser.parseUsingCase("Mandatory");
private static final Name COLLECTION = NameParser.parseUsingCase("Collection");
private static final Name OR = NameParser.parseUsingCase("Or");
* Analyze 'live documentation' code and make updates to the provided Parameters.
public void analyzeInput(String sourceCode, List parameters) {
ExpressionAnalyzer expressionAnalyzer = new ExpressionAnalyzer();
List expressions = expressionAnalyzer.analyzeExpressions(sourceCode);
for (Expression expression : expressions) {
assert expression instanceof MethodExpression;
analyzeExpression((MethodExpression)expression, parameters);
* Analyze a single 'live documentation' expression. Each expression represents an attribute.
* The attribute is added to the relevant Parameter.
private void analyzeExpression(MethodExpression expression, List parameters) {
if (expression.getMethod().equals(OR)) {
analyzeOrExpression(expression, parameters);
} else {
boolean mandatory = isMandatory(expression);
expression = getMethodExpression(removePrefix(expression));
analyzeExpression(expression, parameters, mandatory);
* Receives an expression which may be a MethodExpression or an ArrayExpression.
* In case it's a MethodExpression, returns is as is, casted. In case it's an
* array expression, discards the index of the array and returns the rest of
* the expression cased to MethodExpression.
private MethodExpression getMethodExpression(Expression expression) {
return expression instanceof ArrayExpression ?
: (MethodExpression)expression;
* Determine whether the current expression represents a mandatory
* (vs optional) attribute.
private boolean isMandatory(MethodExpression expression) {
return expression.getMethod().equals(MANDATORY) ? true : false;
* The purpose of this method is to remove 'mandatory' or 'optional'
* methods from the Expression, if they exist.
* For example, the output of this method for the expression:
* mandatory(disk().format()) would be disk().format(). The output
* for disk().format() would be disk().format() (unchanged)
private Expression removePrefix(MethodExpression expression) {
return expression.getMethod().equals(MANDATORY) || expression.getMethod().equals(OPTIONAL) ?
expression.getParameters().get(0) : expression;
* This method is expected to receive at input expressions of the form:
* disk().quota().id() - meaning chained, parameterless method invocations.
* The method finds the relevant Parameter among the provided ones and
* updates the correct MemberInvolvementTree in it with information obtained
* from the expression.
//when lines such as "disk().quota().id()" are made into MethodExpressions,
private MemberInvolvementTree analyzeExpression(MethodExpression expression, List parameters, boolean mandatory) {
//their elements (disk, quota, id) are reversed in order. A stack is used here
//to restore the original order.
Stack stack = new Stack<>();
stackExpressionElements(stack, expression);
//find the relevant parameter.
Parameter parameter = getParameter(stack.pop(), parameters);
//update the parameter.
return updateParameter(stack, mandatory, parameter);
* Stack elements of the provided expression to reverse their order.
* Collection elements are flagged with collection=true.
private void stackExpressionElements(Stack stack, MethodExpression expression) {
stackExpressionElements(stack, expression, false);
private void stackExpressionElements(Stack stack, MethodExpression expression, boolean nextElementIsACollection) {
if (expression.getMethod()!=null) {
if (expression.getTarget()!=null) {
if (expression.getTarget() instanceof MethodExpression) {
//call this method recursively; stack the next element.
stackExpressionElements(stack, (MethodExpression)expression.getTarget());
} else {
//stack a collection element.
stackCollectionExpression(stack, expression);
* This method inserts a collection element into the stack. A collection element is an array
* of the form: ...[COLLECTION]... The way that such an element is handled is:
* 1) The array index ([COLLECTION]) is discarded.
* 2) The stacking process continues for the rest of the expression.
* (Note: the information that an element is a collection will be available later
* by examining the element-type, that's why [COLLECTION] can be safely discarded).
private void stackCollectionExpression(Stack stack, MethodExpression expression) {
if (expression.getTarget() instanceof ArrayExpression) {
ArrayExpression arrayExpression = (ArrayExpression)expression.getTarget();
if (!(arrayExpression.getIndex() instanceof FieldExpression)
|| !((FieldExpression)arrayExpression.getIndex()).getField().equals(COLLECTION)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The only valid array expression in live documentation is [COLLECTION]");
else { //A valid collection expression
stackExpressionElements(stack, (MethodExpression)arrayExpression.getArray(), true);
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't handle " + expression.getClass().getSimpleName()
+ " in this context; only MethodExpression or ArrayExpression");
private MemberInvolvementTree updateParameter(Stack stack, boolean mandatory, Parameter parameter) {
//handle the special case of a single-element expression, e.g: "fenceType()".
//Such expressions are only expected to appear in the live documentation of
//Actions, and they represent primitive (integer, boolean, String) or enum types.
//These types don't have a member-involvement-tree associated with them in the
//Parameter object, and whether or not they are mandatory is expressed by the
//Parameter.mandatory attribute.
if (stack.isEmpty()) {
assert parameter.getType() instanceof PrimitiveType || parameter.getType() instanceof EnumType;
return null;
} else {
//find the member-involvement-tree which should be updated.
MemberInvolvementTree currentNode = getMemberTree(parameter, stack.pop());
if (currentNode.getType()==null) {
currentNode.setType(getType(parameter.getType(), currentNode.getName()));
while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
Name name = stack.pop();
MemberInvolvementTree nextNode = currentNode.getNode(name);
if (nextNode==null) {
nextNode = new MemberInvolvementTree(name, currentNode);
if (nextNode.getType()==null) {
nextNode.setType(getType(currentNode.getType(), nextNode.getName()));
currentNode = nextNode;
//stack has been emptied so this is a leaf. Set 'mandatory' (true/false).
return currentNode;
private Parameter getParameter(Name name, List parameters) {
for (Parameter parameter : parameters) {
if (parameter.getName().equals(name)) {
return parameter;
throw new IllegalStateException("A parameter by name " + name + " was expected to be found.");
* Find the member-involvement-tree with the provided name and return it.
* If no such tree exist, create it and add it to the Parameter object,
* then return it.
private MemberInvolvementTree getMemberTree(Parameter parameter, Name name) {
for (MemberInvolvementTree tree : parameter.getMemberInvolvementTrees()) {
if (tree.getName().equals(name)) {
return tree;
//if none found, create a new one, add it to the Parameter and return it
MemberInvolvementTree tree = new MemberInvolvementTree(name);
return tree;
private Type getType(Type type, Name name) {
//all nodes except for leaves in MemberInvovlementTree are assumed
//to be a StructType or ListType (for collections)
if (type instanceof StructType) {
return ((StructType)type).getMember(name).get().getType();
else if (type instanceof ListType) {
ListType listType = (ListType)type;
//use the element-type of the list
StructType structType = (StructType)listType.getElementType();
return structType.getMember(name).get().getType();
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected StructType or ListType element");
* Analyzes a live documentation expression which includes an 'or' operator.
* Known limitations: 1) Only binary 'or' supported (or(a,b,c) not supported).
* 2) no current way to express 'or' relationship between a primitive parameter
* (e.g: fenceType()) and a complex parameter (e.g: host().address()). This is
* because primitive parameters are not expressed using member-involvement-trees,
* and the current method of expression 'or' is by using member-involvement-trees.
private void analyzeOrExpression(MethodExpression expression, List parameters) {
List expressions = expression.getParameters();
assert (expressions.size()==2); //binary 'or'.
assert (expressions.get(0) instanceof MethodExpression); //expected to start with: "mandatory|optional(...)
assert (expressions.get(1) instanceof MethodExpression); //expected to start with: "mandatory|optional(...)
boolean mandatory = isMandatory((MethodExpression)expressions.get(0));
//if one is mandatory, the other is also expected to be, and vice-versa.
assert mandatory==isMandatory((MethodExpression)expressions.get(1));
MethodExpression expression1 = getMethodExpression(removePrefix((MethodExpression)expressions.get(0)));
MethodExpression expression2 = getMethodExpression(removePrefix((MethodExpression)expressions.get(1)));
MemberInvolvementTree tree1 = analyzeExpression(expression1, parameters, mandatory);
MemberInvolvementTree tree2 = analyzeExpression(expression2, parameters, mandatory);
//Make the two leaves which have an 'or' relationship between them 'point' to each other.
assert (!tree2.hasChildren());
removeTree(tree2, parameters, expression2);
* Removes the provided node from either the tree it exists in, or,
* if this node is a root - from the parent parameter.
private void removeTree(MemberInvolvementTree tree, List parameters, MethodExpression expression) {
if (tree.hasParent()) {
} else {
//to restore the original order.
Stack stack = new Stack<>();
stackExpressionElements(stack, expression);
//find the relevant parameter.
Parameter parameter = getParameter(stack.pop(), parameters);