org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.internal.containers.ActionContainer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.internal.containers;
import java.lang.Boolean;
import java.lang.String;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.List;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Action;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Certificate;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Cluster;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.DataCenter;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Disk;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Fault;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.GlusterBrick;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.GlusterVolumeProfileDetails;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.GracePeriod;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Host;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.HostNic;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.HostNicVirtualFunctionsConfiguration;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.IscsiDetails;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Job;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.LogicalUnit;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.NetworkAttachment;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.NetworkLabel;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Option;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.PowerManagement;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.ProxyTicket;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Snapshot;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Ssh;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.StorageDomain;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Template;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Ticket;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Vm;
public class ActionContainer extends IdentifiedContainer implements Action {
private Boolean async;
private List bricks;
private List certificates;
private Boolean checkConnectivity;
private Boolean clone_;
private Cluster cluster;
private Boolean collapseSnapshots;
private BigInteger connectivityTimeout;
private DataCenter dataCenter;
private Boolean deployHostedEngine;
private GlusterVolumeProfileDetails details;
private Boolean discardSnapshots;
private Disk disk;
private List disks;
private Boolean exclusive;
private Boolean exclussive;
private Fault fault;
private String fenceType;
private Boolean filter;
private Boolean fixLayout;
private Boolean force;
private GracePeriod gracePeriod;
private Host host;
private String image;
private Boolean importAsTemplate;
private Boolean isAttached;
private IscsiDetails iscsi;
private List iscsiTargets;
private Job job;
private List logicalUnits;
private Boolean maintenanceEnabled;
private List modifiedBonds;
private List modifiedLabels;
private List modifiedNetworkAttachments;
private Option option;
private Boolean pause;
private PowerManagement powerManagement;
private ProxyTicket proxyTicket;
private String reason;
private List removedBonds;
private List removedLabels;
private List removedNetworkAttachments;
private String resolutionType;
private Boolean restoreMemory;
private String rootPassword;
private Snapshot snapshot;
private Ssh ssh;
private String status;
private Boolean stopGlusterService;
private StorageDomain storageDomain;
private List storageDomains;
private Boolean succeeded;
private List synchronizedNetworkAttachments;
private Template template;
private Ticket ticket;
private Boolean undeployHostedEngine;
private Boolean useCloudInit;
private Boolean useSysprep;
private HostNicVirtualFunctionsConfiguration virtualFunctionsConfiguration;
private Vm vm;
public boolean async() {
return async;
public void async(boolean newAsync) {
async = Boolean.valueOf(newAsync);
public void async(Boolean newAsync) {
async = newAsync;
public boolean asyncPresent() {
return async != null;
public List bricks() {
return makeUnmodifiableList(bricks);
public void bricks(List newBricks) {
bricks = makeArrayList(newBricks);
public boolean bricksPresent() {
return bricks != null && !bricks.isEmpty();
public List certificates() {
return makeUnmodifiableList(certificates);
public void certificates(List newCertificates) {
certificates = makeArrayList(newCertificates);
public boolean certificatesPresent() {
return certificates != null && !certificates.isEmpty();
public boolean checkConnectivity() {
return checkConnectivity;
public void checkConnectivity(boolean newCheckConnectivity) {
checkConnectivity = Boolean.valueOf(newCheckConnectivity);
public void checkConnectivity(Boolean newCheckConnectivity) {
checkConnectivity = newCheckConnectivity;
public boolean checkConnectivityPresent() {
return checkConnectivity != null;
public boolean clone_() {
return clone_;
public void clone_(boolean newClone) {
clone_ = Boolean.valueOf(newClone);
public void clone_(Boolean newClone) {
clone_ = newClone;
public boolean clone_Present() {
return clone_ != null;
public Cluster cluster() {
return cluster;
public void cluster(Cluster newCluster) {
cluster = newCluster;
public boolean clusterPresent() {
return cluster != null;
public boolean collapseSnapshots() {
return collapseSnapshots;
public void collapseSnapshots(boolean newCollapseSnapshots) {
collapseSnapshots = Boolean.valueOf(newCollapseSnapshots);
public void collapseSnapshots(Boolean newCollapseSnapshots) {
collapseSnapshots = newCollapseSnapshots;
public boolean collapseSnapshotsPresent() {
return collapseSnapshots != null;
public BigInteger connectivityTimeout() {
return connectivityTimeout;
public void connectivityTimeout(BigInteger newConnectivityTimeout) {
connectivityTimeout = newConnectivityTimeout;
public boolean connectivityTimeoutPresent() {
return connectivityTimeout != null;
public DataCenter dataCenter() {
return dataCenter;
public void dataCenter(DataCenter newDataCenter) {
dataCenter = newDataCenter;
public boolean dataCenterPresent() {
return dataCenter != null;
public boolean deployHostedEngine() {
return deployHostedEngine;
public void deployHostedEngine(boolean newDeployHostedEngine) {
deployHostedEngine = Boolean.valueOf(newDeployHostedEngine);
public void deployHostedEngine(Boolean newDeployHostedEngine) {
deployHostedEngine = newDeployHostedEngine;
public boolean deployHostedEnginePresent() {
return deployHostedEngine != null;
public GlusterVolumeProfileDetails details() {
return details;
public void details(GlusterVolumeProfileDetails newDetails) {
details = newDetails;
public boolean detailsPresent() {
return details != null;
public boolean discardSnapshots() {
return discardSnapshots;
public void discardSnapshots(boolean newDiscardSnapshots) {
discardSnapshots = Boolean.valueOf(newDiscardSnapshots);
public void discardSnapshots(Boolean newDiscardSnapshots) {
discardSnapshots = newDiscardSnapshots;
public boolean discardSnapshotsPresent() {
return discardSnapshots != null;
public Disk disk() {
return disk;
public void disk(Disk newDisk) {
disk = newDisk;
public boolean diskPresent() {
return disk != null;
public List disks() {
return makeUnmodifiableList(disks);
public void disks(List newDisks) {
disks = makeArrayList(newDisks);
public boolean disksPresent() {
return disks != null && !disks.isEmpty();
public boolean exclusive() {
return exclusive;
public void exclusive(boolean newExclusive) {
exclusive = Boolean.valueOf(newExclusive);
public void exclusive(Boolean newExclusive) {
exclusive = newExclusive;
public boolean exclusivePresent() {
return exclusive != null;
public boolean exclussive() {
return exclussive;
public void exclussive(boolean newExclussive) {
exclussive = Boolean.valueOf(newExclussive);
public void exclussive(Boolean newExclussive) {
exclussive = newExclussive;
public boolean exclussivePresent() {
return exclussive != null;
public Fault fault() {
return fault;
public void fault(Fault newFault) {
fault = newFault;
public boolean faultPresent() {
return fault != null;
public String fenceType() {
return fenceType;
public void fenceType(String newFenceType) {
fenceType = newFenceType;
public boolean fenceTypePresent() {
return fenceType != null;
public boolean filter() {
return filter;
public void filter(boolean newFilter) {
filter = Boolean.valueOf(newFilter);
public void filter(Boolean newFilter) {
filter = newFilter;
public boolean filterPresent() {
return filter != null;
public boolean fixLayout() {
return fixLayout;
public void fixLayout(boolean newFixLayout) {
fixLayout = Boolean.valueOf(newFixLayout);
public void fixLayout(Boolean newFixLayout) {
fixLayout = newFixLayout;
public boolean fixLayoutPresent() {
return fixLayout != null;
public boolean force() {
return force;
public void force(boolean newForce) {
force = Boolean.valueOf(newForce);
public void force(Boolean newForce) {
force = newForce;
public boolean forcePresent() {
return force != null;
public GracePeriod gracePeriod() {
return gracePeriod;
public void gracePeriod(GracePeriod newGracePeriod) {
gracePeriod = newGracePeriod;
public boolean gracePeriodPresent() {
return gracePeriod != null;
public Host host() {
return host;
public void host(Host newHost) {
host = newHost;
public boolean hostPresent() {
return host != null;
public String image() {
return image;
public void image(String newImage) {
image = newImage;
public boolean imagePresent() {
return image != null;
public boolean importAsTemplate() {
return importAsTemplate;
public void importAsTemplate(boolean newImportAsTemplate) {
importAsTemplate = Boolean.valueOf(newImportAsTemplate);
public void importAsTemplate(Boolean newImportAsTemplate) {
importAsTemplate = newImportAsTemplate;
public boolean importAsTemplatePresent() {
return importAsTemplate != null;
public boolean isAttached() {
return isAttached;
public void isAttached(boolean newIsAttached) {
isAttached = Boolean.valueOf(newIsAttached);
public void isAttached(Boolean newIsAttached) {
isAttached = newIsAttached;
public boolean isAttachedPresent() {
return isAttached != null;
public IscsiDetails iscsi() {
return iscsi;
public void iscsi(IscsiDetails newIscsi) {
iscsi = newIscsi;
public boolean iscsiPresent() {
return iscsi != null;
public List iscsiTargets() {
return makeUnmodifiableList(iscsiTargets);
public void iscsiTargets(List newIscsiTargets) {
iscsiTargets = makeArrayList(newIscsiTargets);
public boolean iscsiTargetsPresent() {
return iscsiTargets != null && !iscsiTargets.isEmpty();
public Job job() {
return job;
public void job(Job newJob) {
job = newJob;
public boolean jobPresent() {
return job != null;
public List logicalUnits() {
return makeUnmodifiableList(logicalUnits);
public void logicalUnits(List newLogicalUnits) {
logicalUnits = makeArrayList(newLogicalUnits);
public boolean logicalUnitsPresent() {
return logicalUnits != null && !logicalUnits.isEmpty();
public boolean maintenanceEnabled() {
return maintenanceEnabled;
public void maintenanceEnabled(boolean newMaintenanceEnabled) {
maintenanceEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(newMaintenanceEnabled);
public void maintenanceEnabled(Boolean newMaintenanceEnabled) {
maintenanceEnabled = newMaintenanceEnabled;
public boolean maintenanceEnabledPresent() {
return maintenanceEnabled != null;
public List modifiedBonds() {
return makeUnmodifiableList(modifiedBonds);
public void modifiedBonds(List newModifiedBonds) {
modifiedBonds = makeArrayList(newModifiedBonds);
public boolean modifiedBondsPresent() {
return modifiedBonds != null && !modifiedBonds.isEmpty();
public List modifiedLabels() {
return makeUnmodifiableList(modifiedLabels);
public void modifiedLabels(List newModifiedLabels) {
modifiedLabels = makeArrayList(newModifiedLabels);
public boolean modifiedLabelsPresent() {
return modifiedLabels != null && !modifiedLabels.isEmpty();
public List modifiedNetworkAttachments() {
return makeUnmodifiableList(modifiedNetworkAttachments);
public void modifiedNetworkAttachments(List newModifiedNetworkAttachments) {
modifiedNetworkAttachments = makeArrayList(newModifiedNetworkAttachments);
public boolean modifiedNetworkAttachmentsPresent() {
return modifiedNetworkAttachments != null && !modifiedNetworkAttachments.isEmpty();
public Option option() {
return option;
public void option(Option newOption) {
option = newOption;
public boolean optionPresent() {
return option != null;
public boolean pause() {
return pause;
public void pause(boolean newPause) {
pause = Boolean.valueOf(newPause);
public void pause(Boolean newPause) {
pause = newPause;
public boolean pausePresent() {
return pause != null;
public PowerManagement powerManagement() {
return powerManagement;
public void powerManagement(PowerManagement newPowerManagement) {
powerManagement = newPowerManagement;
public boolean powerManagementPresent() {
return powerManagement != null;
public ProxyTicket proxyTicket() {
return proxyTicket;
public void proxyTicket(ProxyTicket newProxyTicket) {
proxyTicket = newProxyTicket;
public boolean proxyTicketPresent() {
return proxyTicket != null;
public String reason() {
return reason;
public void reason(String newReason) {
reason = newReason;
public boolean reasonPresent() {
return reason != null;
public List removedBonds() {
return makeUnmodifiableList(removedBonds);
public void removedBonds(List newRemovedBonds) {
removedBonds = makeArrayList(newRemovedBonds);
public boolean removedBondsPresent() {
return removedBonds != null && !removedBonds.isEmpty();
public List removedLabels() {
return makeUnmodifiableList(removedLabels);
public void removedLabels(List newRemovedLabels) {
removedLabels = makeArrayList(newRemovedLabels);
public boolean removedLabelsPresent() {
return removedLabels != null && !removedLabels.isEmpty();
public List removedNetworkAttachments() {
return makeUnmodifiableList(removedNetworkAttachments);
public void removedNetworkAttachments(List newRemovedNetworkAttachments) {
removedNetworkAttachments = makeArrayList(newRemovedNetworkAttachments);
public boolean removedNetworkAttachmentsPresent() {
return removedNetworkAttachments != null && !removedNetworkAttachments.isEmpty();
public String resolutionType() {
return resolutionType;
public void resolutionType(String newResolutionType) {
resolutionType = newResolutionType;
public boolean resolutionTypePresent() {
return resolutionType != null;
public boolean restoreMemory() {
return restoreMemory;
public void restoreMemory(boolean newRestoreMemory) {
restoreMemory = Boolean.valueOf(newRestoreMemory);
public void restoreMemory(Boolean newRestoreMemory) {
restoreMemory = newRestoreMemory;
public boolean restoreMemoryPresent() {
return restoreMemory != null;
public String rootPassword() {
return rootPassword;
public void rootPassword(String newRootPassword) {
rootPassword = newRootPassword;
public boolean rootPasswordPresent() {
return rootPassword != null;
public Snapshot snapshot() {
return snapshot;
public void snapshot(Snapshot newSnapshot) {
snapshot = newSnapshot;
public boolean snapshotPresent() {
return snapshot != null;
public Ssh ssh() {
return ssh;
public void ssh(Ssh newSsh) {
ssh = newSsh;
public boolean sshPresent() {
return ssh != null;
public String status() {
return status;
public void status(String newStatus) {
status = newStatus;
public boolean statusPresent() {
return status != null;
public boolean stopGlusterService() {
return stopGlusterService;
public void stopGlusterService(boolean newStopGlusterService) {
stopGlusterService = Boolean.valueOf(newStopGlusterService);
public void stopGlusterService(Boolean newStopGlusterService) {
stopGlusterService = newStopGlusterService;
public boolean stopGlusterServicePresent() {
return stopGlusterService != null;
public StorageDomain storageDomain() {
return storageDomain;
public void storageDomain(StorageDomain newStorageDomain) {
storageDomain = newStorageDomain;
public boolean storageDomainPresent() {
return storageDomain != null;
public List storageDomains() {
return makeUnmodifiableList(storageDomains);
public void storageDomains(List newStorageDomains) {
storageDomains = makeArrayList(newStorageDomains);
public boolean storageDomainsPresent() {
return storageDomains != null && !storageDomains.isEmpty();
public boolean succeeded() {
return succeeded;
public void succeeded(boolean newSucceeded) {
succeeded = Boolean.valueOf(newSucceeded);
public void succeeded(Boolean newSucceeded) {
succeeded = newSucceeded;
public boolean succeededPresent() {
return succeeded != null;
public List synchronizedNetworkAttachments() {
return makeUnmodifiableList(synchronizedNetworkAttachments);
public void synchronizedNetworkAttachments(List newSynchronizedNetworkAttachments) {
synchronizedNetworkAttachments = makeArrayList(newSynchronizedNetworkAttachments);
public boolean synchronizedNetworkAttachmentsPresent() {
return synchronizedNetworkAttachments != null && !synchronizedNetworkAttachments.isEmpty();
public Template template() {
return template;
public void template(Template newTemplate) {
template = newTemplate;
public boolean templatePresent() {
return template != null;
public Ticket ticket() {
return ticket;
public void ticket(Ticket newTicket) {
ticket = newTicket;
public boolean ticketPresent() {
return ticket != null;
public boolean undeployHostedEngine() {
return undeployHostedEngine;
public void undeployHostedEngine(boolean newUndeployHostedEngine) {
undeployHostedEngine = Boolean.valueOf(newUndeployHostedEngine);
public void undeployHostedEngine(Boolean newUndeployHostedEngine) {
undeployHostedEngine = newUndeployHostedEngine;
public boolean undeployHostedEnginePresent() {
return undeployHostedEngine != null;
public boolean useCloudInit() {
return useCloudInit;
public void useCloudInit(boolean newUseCloudInit) {
useCloudInit = Boolean.valueOf(newUseCloudInit);
public void useCloudInit(Boolean newUseCloudInit) {
useCloudInit = newUseCloudInit;
public boolean useCloudInitPresent() {
return useCloudInit != null;
public boolean useSysprep() {
return useSysprep;
public void useSysprep(boolean newUseSysprep) {
useSysprep = Boolean.valueOf(newUseSysprep);
public void useSysprep(Boolean newUseSysprep) {
useSysprep = newUseSysprep;
public boolean useSysprepPresent() {
return useSysprep != null;
public HostNicVirtualFunctionsConfiguration virtualFunctionsConfiguration() {
return virtualFunctionsConfiguration;
public void virtualFunctionsConfiguration(HostNicVirtualFunctionsConfiguration newVirtualFunctionsConfiguration) {
virtualFunctionsConfiguration = newVirtualFunctionsConfiguration;
public boolean virtualFunctionsConfigurationPresent() {
return virtualFunctionsConfiguration != null;
public Vm vm() {
return vm;
public void vm(Vm newVm) {
vm = newVm;
public boolean vmPresent() {
return vm != null;