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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# JOnAS: Java(TM) Open Application Server
# Copyright (C) 1999-2011 Bull S.A.S.
# Contact: [email protected]
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $Id: 21248 2011-05-04 13:18:02Z benoitf $
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
###################### JOnAS Server configuration
# The current file is in the /conf directory. It can be copied and
# customized in JONAS_BASE/conf directory
# Name of the JOnAS server
# default value is "jonas" jonas
# Name of the JOnAS domain
# default value is "jonas" jonas
# Enable the Security context propagation (for jrmp) true
# Enable the Security manager
# default value is true (if not set)
# Setting this to false implies a collocated registry and setting in
# carol.jvm.rmi.local.registry=true false
# Enable csiv2
jonas.csiv2.propagation true
# Enable the Transaction context propagation
jonas.transaction.propagation true
# Set the name of log configuration file
jonas.log.configfile trace
# Set the work directory used by JOnAS (relative or absolute)
# A relative directory name will be prefixed by JONAS_BASE/
# An absolute path will be used directly
jonas.workdirectory work
# Set to true if the server is a master
jonas.master false
# Set to true in order to execute the JOnAS Server in development mode.
# WAR archive deployment case in development mode (for single or EAR packaged WARs):
# Each modified WAR archive will be unpacked in the working directory of the JOnAS Server
# in a different folder to avoid file locks. This is especially useful in a Windows environment.
jonas.development true
# Set the list of the services launched in the JOnAS Server.
# Possible services are: jtm,db,dbm,validation,resource,mail,cmi,ha,versioning,ejb2,ejb3,
# jaxrpc,jaxws,web,ear,depmonitor,discovery,resourcemonitor,smartclient,audit,cdi,jaxrs
# Notes:
# - registry, security and jmx services are always started
# - some services may start automatically if required (depending on the server configuration and deployed applications)
# See 'Configuring JOnAS services' in JOnAS documentation for more information
# jtm,db,validation,resource,ejb3,jsf,jaxws,web,ear,depmonitor
###################### JOnAS Admin Client configuration
# If JMX security is enabled, the JOnAS Admin Client requires its parameters
# To be passed using -username and -password arguments. These two parameters
# pass these arguments to the JOnAS Admin Client internally.
jonas.adminClient.username jonas
jonas.adminClient.password jonas
###################### JOnAS Registry service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the Registry service
jonas.service.registry.class org.ow2.jonas.registry.carol.CarolRegistryService
# Set the Registry launching mode
# If set to 'automatic', the registry is launched in the same JVM as Application Server,
# if it's not already started.
# If set to 'collocated', the registry is launched in the same JVM as Application Server
# If set to 'remote', the registry has to be launched before in a separate JVM
jonas.service.registry.mode collocated
###################### JOnAS JMX service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the JMX service
jonas.service.jmx.class org.ow2.jonas.jmx.internal.JOnASJMXService
# Set to true if the JMXRemote interface should require the client to provide
# authentication information. That information is provided when establishing
# the JMX connection, using the JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS key.
# Note that if you enable JMX security for a server, all clients (including
# any administration tool such as the domain master) connecting to this
# instance via JMX must provide a valid user name and password.
jonas.service.jmx.secured false
# If jonas.service.jmx.secured is set to true, defines the authentication
# method and the method's parameter. For example, to use file-based
# authentication using the conf/jmx.passwords file, define:
# jonas.service.jmx.authentication.method jmx.remote.x.password.file
# jonas.service.jmx.authentication.parameter conf/jmx.passwords
# You are free to use the authentication provider you wish.
jonas.service.jmx.authentication.method jmx.remote.x.password.file
jonas.service.jmx.authentication.parameter conf/jmx.passwords
# You may for example choose to use JAAS LoginModule for authentication.
# In this case define the used configuration in the JAAS configuration file
# using the jonas.service.jmx.authentication.parameter:
# jonas.service.jmx.authentication.method jmx.remote.x.login.config
# jonas.service.jmx.authentication.parameter jaas-jmx
# If jonas.service.jmx.secured is set to true, defines the authorization
# method and the method's parameter. For example, to use file-based
# authorization using the conf/jmx.access file, define:
# jonas.service.jmx.authorization.method jmx.remote.x.access.file
# jonas.service.jmx.authorization.parameter conf/jmx.access
# You are free to use the authorization provider you wish.
jonas.service.jmx.authorization.method jmx.remote.x.access.file
jonas.service.jmx.authorization.parameter conf/jmx.access
# You may for example choose to use role-based authorization manager
# configured using conf/jmx.rolebased.access file. In this case, define:
# jonas.service.jmx.authorization.method jmx.remote.x.access.rolebased.file
# jonas.service.jmx.authorization.parameter conf/jmx.rolebased.access
###################### JOnAS WorkCleaner service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the wc service
jonas.service.wc.class org.ow2.jonas.workcleaner.internal.JOnASWorkCleanerService
# Set the clean period in seconds
jonas.service.wc.period 300
###################### JOnAS CDI service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the cdi service
jonas.service.cdi.class org.ow2.jonas.cdi.weld.internal.DefaultWeldService
###################### JOnAS JAX-RS service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the jaxrs service
jonas.service.jaxrs.class org.ow2.jonas.jaxrs.jersey.internal.JerseyService
###################### JOnAS WorkManager service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the wm service
jonas.service.wm.class org.ow2.jonas.workmanager.internal.JOnASWorkManagerService
# Set the size of the worker thread pool
jonas.service.wm.minworkthreads 3
# Set the maximun size of the worker thread pool
jonas.service.wm.maxworkthreads 80
# Set the max # of seconds that a thread will wait for work
# This is used to shrink the worker thread pool back to minimum
jonas.service.wm.threadwaittimeout 60
###################### JOnAS EJB 2 Container service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the ejb2 service
jonas.service.ejb2.class org.ow2.jonas.ejb2.internal.JOnASEJBService
# Set the XML deployment descriptors parsing mode (with or without validation)
jonas.service.ejb2.parsingwithvalidation true
# If enabled, the GenIC tool will be called if :
# - JOnAS version of the ejb-jar is not the same version than the running JOnAS instance
# - Stubs/Skels stored in the ejb-jar are not the same than the JOnAS current protocols.
# By default, this is enabled true
# Arguments for the auto GenIC (-invokecmd, -verbose, etc.) -invokecmd
# Note: these two settings can be overriden by the EJB descriptor.
# If EJB monitoring is enabled, statistics about method call times will be
# collected. This is a very lightweight measurement and should not have much
# impact on performance.
jonas.service.ejb2.monitoringEnabled true
# If EJB monitoring is enabled, this value indicates after how many
# milliseconds spent executing an EJB method a warning message should be
# displayed. If 0, no warning will ever be displayed.
jonas.service.ejb2.warningThreshold 20000
###################### JOnAS EJB 3 container service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the EJB 3 service.
jonas.service.ejb3.class org.ow2.jonas.ejb.easybeans.EasyBeansService
# Set the JPA provider: hibernate,eclipselink,openjpa,eclipselink2,hibernate3.5,openjpa2
# Note that some JPA providers are not embedded in the JOnAS package,
# and, if needed, are automatically downloaded from a maven repository.
# So, if you change this default value, and if you use a proxy,
# do not forget to set the 'http_proxy' environment variable.
jonas.service.ejb3.jpa.provider hibernate3.5
###################### JOnAS Versioning service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the versioning service.
jonas.service.versioning.class org.ow2.jonas.versioning.internal.VersioningServiceImpl
# Content types to filter. Set this list to empty for the versioning
# service not to filter any content in Web responses.
jonas.service.versioning.filteredContentTypes text/html, \
application/javascript, \
text/javascript, \
text/css, \
###################### JOnAS Web container service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the web container service.
jonas.service.web.class org.ow2.jonas.web.tomcat7.Tomcat7Service
#jonas.service.web.class org.ow2.jonas.web.tomcat6.Tomcat6Service
#jonas.service.web.class org.ow2.jonas.web.jetty6.Jetty6Service
#jonas.service.web.class org.ow2.jonas.web.jetty8.Jetty8Service
# Set the XML deployment descriptors parsing mode for the WEB container
# service (with or without validation).
jonas.service.web.parsingwithvalidation true
# If true, the onDemand feature is enabled. A proxy is listening on the http port and will make actions like starting or deploying applications.
# The web container instance is started on another port number (that can be specified) but all access are proxified.
# It means that the web container will be started only when a connection is done on the http port.
# The .war file is also loaded upon request.
# This feature cannot be enabled in production mode.
jonas.service.web.ondemand.enabled true
# The redirect port number is used to specify the port number of the http web container.
# The proxy will listen on the http web container port and redirect all requests on this redirect port
# 0 means that a random port is used.
jonas.service.web.ondemand.redirectPort 0
###################### JOnAS JAX-RPC service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the jaxrpc service.
# Set the XML deployment descriptors parsing mode for the jaxrpc service (with or without validation).
jonas.service.jaxrpc.parsingwithvalidation true
# Set the Generator to use with wsgen
jonas.service.jaxrpc.wsgen.generator.factory org.ow2.jonas.generators.wsgen.generator.ews.EWSGeneratorFactory
# Set the prefix that will be used to compute URL endpoints for web services
# Example of prefix:
# Set automatic WsGen mode on/off
# If set to 'true', WsGen will automatically be applied to all deployed archives (EjbJars, Webapps, Applications) true
###################### JOnAS WSDL Publisher service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the WSDL Publisher service.
# Set the WSDL Publishers list for WSDL publication
# A minimum of 1 WSDLPublisher is required !
# This property is set with a coma-separated list of WSDLPublisher properties
# file names (without the '.properties' suffix).
# Ex: file1,uddi (while the properties file names are
# and
jonas.service.wsdl-publisher.publishers file1
###################### JOnAS JAX-WS 2.x service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the jaxws service
# Note: The jaxws service implementation based on Apache CXF is currently
# the only implementation that pass Java EE TCK.
# Note: The jaxws service implementation based on Apache Axis2 is still
# at experimental stage (missing features, not currently TCK tested)
# Use it at your own risks
###################### JOnAS EAR service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the ear service.
jonas.service.ear.class org.ow2.jonas.ear.internal.JOnASEARService
# Set the XML deployment descriptors parsing mode for the EAR service
# (with or without validation).
jonas.service.ear.parsingwithvalidation true
# Generate stubs for all EJBs that may be accessed from the application
# In almost all cases, this is not required to be enabled as stubs can be found.
jonas.service.ear.genstub false
# Create a child classloader when deploying EJB3 of the EAR
jonas.service.ear.useEJB3ChildClassloader false
###################### JOnAS DBM Database service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the dbm service
jonas.service.dbm.class org.ow2.jonas.dbm.internal.JOnASDataBaseManagerService
# Set the jonas DataSources. This enables the JOnAS server to load
# the data dources, to load related jdbc drivers, and to register the data
# sources into JNDI.
# This property is set with a coma-separated list of Datasource properties
# file names (without the '.properties' suffix).
# Ex: Oracle1,InstantDB1 (while the Datasources properties file names are
# and
jonas.service.dbm.datasources HSQL1
###################### JOnAS Mail service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the mail service
jonas.service.mail.class org.ow2.jonas.mail.internal.JOnASMailService
# Set the jonas mail factories.
# This property is set with a coma-separated list of MailFactory properties
# file names (without the '.properties' suffix).
# Ex: MailSession1,MailMimePartDS1 (while the properties file names are
# and
###################### JOnAS JTM Transaction service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the jtm service
# Set the Transaction Manager launching mode.
# If set to 'true', TM is remote: TM must be already launched in an other JVM.
# If set to 'false', TM is local: TM is going to run into the same JVM
# than the jonas Server.
jonas.service.jtm.remote false
# Set the default transaction timeout, in seconds.
jonas.service.jtm.timeout 60
###################### JOnAS SECURITY service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the security service
# Realm used for CsiV2 authentication memrlm_1
# Realm used for Web Service authentication memrlm_1
# Registration of realm resources into JNDI
# Disable by default so configuration is not available with clients false
# Enable security context check on Remote Login Module false
# Path to the keystore file /tmp/keystore
# Pass used for the keystore file keystorepass
# Alias (stored in the keystore) FB
###################### JOnAS J2CA resource service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the J2CA resource service
jonas.service.resource.class org.ow2.jonas.resource.internal.JOnASResourceService
###################### JOnAS DB service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the db service (h2 or hsqldb for example)
jonas.service.db.class org.ow2.jonas.db.h2.H2DBServiceImpl
#jonas.service.db.class org.ow2.jonas.db.hsqldb.HsqlDBServiceImpl
jonas.service.db.port 9001
jonas.service.db.dbname db_jonas
jonas.service.db.users jonas:jonas
# Multiple users
#jonas.service.db.users jonas:jonas,login:password
###################### JOnAS Discovery service
# Set the name of the implementation class and initialization parameters
# Uncomment this to set Multicast implementation
##################### Properties for multicast impl.
# For a master server, configure the client source port with this property
# A multicast greeting message is sent out when discovery service is started.
# The starting server listens at the port jonas.service.discovery.greeting.port
# (default 9899) for a response for jonas.service.discovery.greeting.timeout miliseconds
# (default 1000 ms). If a pre-existing server has the same server name as this one,
# this server's discovery service will be terminated.
# Uncomment these two lines for multicast discovery
##################### properties for JGroups impl.
jonas.service.discovery.jgroups.conf= jgroups-discovery.xml = JGroupsDiscovery
#Reconnection timeout for JGroups Channel, if it's closed on request.
jonas.service.discovery.reconnection.timeout = 5000
###################### JOnAS CMI service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the CMI service.
jonas.service.cmi.class org.ow2.jonas.cmi.internal.CmiServiceImpl
###################### JOnAS HA service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the HA service.
jonas.service.ha.class org.ow2.jonas.ha.internal.HaServiceImpl
# Set the JGroups configuration file name
jonas.service.ha.jgroups.conf jgroups-ha.xml
# Set the JGroups group name
jonas.service.ha.jgroups.groupname jonas-rep
# Set the SFSB backup info timeout. The info stored in the backup node is removed when the timer expires.
jonas.service.ha.gc.period 600
# Set the datasource for the tx table
jonas.service.ha.datasource jdbc_1
# Reconnection timeout for JGroups Channel, if it's closed on request.
jonas.service.ha.reconnection.timeout 5000
###################### JOnAS Deployment Monitor
# Set the name of the implementation class of the depmonitor service
jonas.service.depmonitor.class org.ow2.jonas.deployablemonitor.DeployableMonitorService
# Set the execution mode (three possible values):
# - inherit: inherit of the value of the "jonas.development" property
# - true : development mode
# - false : production mode
jonas.service.depmonitor.development inherit
# List (comma separated) of exclusion patterns (based on names, not directories)
jonas.service.depmonitor.exclusions README
# Monitor interval in milliseconds
jonas.service.depmonitor.monitorInterval 5000
###################### JOnAS Resource Monitor
# Set the name of the implementation class of the resource monitor service
jonas.service.resourcemonitor.class org.ow2.jonas.resourcemonitor.internal.JOnASResourceMonitorService
# duration in milliseconds
jonas.service.resourcemonitor.monitorInterval 30000
###################### JOnAS/EasyBeans Smartclient service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the smartclient service.
jonas.service.smartclient.class org.ow2.jonas.smartclient.internal.SmartclientServiceImpl
# port number the Smartclient service listens on
jonas.service.smartclient.port 2503
###################### JOnAS Audit service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the audit service.
jonas.service.audit.class org.ow2.jonas.audit.internal.JOnASAuditServiceImpl
###################### JOnAS Validation service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the validation service.
jonas.service.validation.class org.ow2.jonas.validation.hibernate.JOnASHibernateValidationServiceImpl
###################### JOnAS JSF service configuration
# Set the name of the implementation class of the validation service.
jonas.service.jsf.class org.ow2.jonas.jsf.mojarra20.Mojarra20ServiceImpl
#jonas.service.jsf.class org.ow2.jonas.jsf.myfaces20.MyFaces20ServiceImpl
#jonas.service.jsf.class org.ow2.jonas.jsf.mojarra12.Mojarra12ServiceImpl
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