org.ow2.petals.microkernel.api.configuration.ContainerConfiguration Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2007-2012 EBM WebSourcing, 2012-2016 Linagora
* This program/library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program/library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program/library; If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
* for the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
package org.ow2.petals.microkernel.api.configuration;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import org.ow2.petals.clientserverapi.topology.TopologyService.ContainerPropertyDefaultValues;
import org.ow2.petals.clientserverapi.topology.TopologyService.ContainerPropertyName;
import org.ow2.petals.clientserverapi.topology.TopologyService.ContainerPropertyValues;
import org.ow2.petals.microkernel.api.communication.topology.TopologyService;
import org.ow2.petals.microkernel.api.jbi.management.recovery.SystemRecoveryService;
import org.ow2.petals.microkernel.api.jbi.messaging.RouterService;
import org.ow2.petals.microkernel.api.transport.FastRemoteTransportService;
* This class holds the overall configuration of a PEtALS container.
* It stores both the local topology information and the global server properties information.
* The configuration service retrieves the configuration when it is started and creates an instance of this class.
* @author Adrien Louis - EBM WebSourcing
* @author Roland Naudin - EBM WebSourcing
* @author Christophe Hamerling - EBM WebSourcing
* @since Petals 2.0
public final class ContainerConfiguration {
* Container state enumeration.
public enum ContainerState {
* Started or reachable state
* Stopped or unreachable state
* Unknown state
* Default value of the timeout for processing the installation and deployment tasks.
// ********** Global ************//
* The location of the local configuration
private URL serverPropertiesUrl;
* Container name.
private String name;
* Container description
private String description;
* Host of the container.
private String host;
* State of the container.
private ContainerState state = ContainerState.UNKNOWN;
* Data root path
private String dataRootPath;
* Repository directory path.
private String repositoryDirectoryPath;
* The work directory where temporary things are stored
private String workDirectoryPath;
* Exchange validation.
* If true
, used by the Address resolver to know if a component
* is agree to receive a exchange from a consumer.
private boolean exchangeValidation;
* The timeout for processing the installation and deployment tasks.
* Flag indicating if the JBI classLoaders must be isolated from the
* container ClassLoader.
private boolean isolateJBIClassLoaders = true;
// ************ Admin **************//
* Login to connect to the node.
private String user;
* Password to connect to the node.
private String password;
* Port of the RMI adaptor for JMX.
private int jmxRMIConnectorPort;
// ***** Router *****//
* Router Quality of Service. {@see RouterService}
private String routerQOS = RouterService.DEFAULT_POLICY;
* Router Strategy. {@see EndpointResolverModule}
private String routerStrategy = RouterService.DEFAULT_PLATFORM_STRATEGY;
* Number of attempt to send a message
private short routerSendAttempt = RouterService.DEFAULT_SEND_ATTEMPTS;
* Delay between each send attempt
private int routerSendDelay = RouterService.DEFAULT_SEND_DELAY;
* Delay to wait before to force to end pending exchanges when stopping the router.
private long routerStopTrafficDelay = RouterService.DEFAULT_STOP_TRAFFIC_DELAY;
* Delay to wait before to force to end pending exchanges when pausing the messaging sub-system.
private long routerPauseTrafficDelay = RouterService.DEFAULT_PAUSE_TRAFFIC_DELAY;
// ***** Topology *****//
* The topology pass-phrase
private String topologyPassPhrase = null;
* Max wait time to get a lock for the topology in the registry
private int topologyLocksMaxWaitTime = TopologyService.DEFAULT_TOPOLOGY_LOCKS_MAX_WAIT_TIME;
* Waiting time before to start the timer task associated to the topology pinger
private long topologyPingerStartDelay = TopologyService.DEFAULT_TOPOLOGY_PINGER_START_DELAY;
* Delay between two runs of the topology pinger
private long topologyPingerPeriodDelay = TopologyService.DEFAULT_TOPOLOGY_PINGER_PERIOD_DELAY;
// ***** Transporter *****//
* Port of the TCP communication.
private int tcpPort = 0;
* The interface(s) on which connection and data are received by receivers of the TCP transporter
private String tcpListen = FastRemoteTransportService.DEFAULT_RECEIVER_LISTENING_ITF;
* The SSL key password
private String sslKeyPassword;
* Max size of the transporter queues. Default value: 10000
private int transporterQueueMaxSize = RouterService.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE;
* Offering timeout of component transporter queues, in milliseconds.
* Default value : 2500ms
private long transporterQueueOfferingTimeout = RouterService.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_QUEUE_OFFERING_TIMEOUT;
* Number of message that can be received via TCP at the same time
private int tcpReceivers = FastRemoteTransportService.DEFAULT_RECEIVERS;
* Keep alive time, in milliseconds, before to stop unused TCP receivers
private long tcpReceiversKeepAlive = FastRemoteTransportService.DEFAULT_RECEIVER_EVICTABLE_DELAY;
* Number of message that can be send via TCP at the same time, per
* component
private int tcpSenders = FastRemoteTransportService.DEFAULT_SENDERS;
* TCP Connection timeout
private long tcpConnectionTimeout = FastRemoteTransportService.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT;
* TCP send timeout
private long tcpSendTimeout = FastRemoteTransportService.DEFAULT_SEND_TIMEOUT;
* The delay before running the 'sender' eviction thread
private long tcpSenderEvictorDelay = FastRemoteTransportService.DEFAULT_SEND_EVICTOR_DELAY;
* The delay before an idle 'sender' is set evictable
private long tcpSenderEvictableDelay = FastRemoteTransportService.DEFAULT_SEND_EVICTABLE_DELAY;
// ***** Security *****//
* The SSL Keystore file
private String sslKeystore;
* The SSL Keystore password
private String sslKeystorePassword;
* The SSL Truststore file
private String sslTruststore;
* The SSL Truststore password
private String sslTruststorePassword;
// ***** System recovery *****//
* The core size of the system recovery thread pool
private int recoveryCorePoolSize = SystemRecoveryService.DEFAULT_THREADPOOL_CORESIZE;
* The keep alive time of the system recovery thread pool, in second
private long recoveryKeepAliveTime = SystemRecoveryService.DEFAULT_THREADPOOL_KEEPALIVETIME;
* The additional configuration in the server local configuration (ie. the
* content of 'server.properties
' or equivalent) defined by the
* user. Get all the 'user.*
' key/value pairs.
private Map userConfiguration;
* The additional configuration in the server local configuration (ie. the
* content of 'server.properties
' or equivalent) that is
* present but a priori not used.
private Map extraConfiguration;
* Default constructor
public ContainerConfiguration() {
* Creates a {@link ContainerConfiguration} from a {@link Map}
public ContainerConfiguration(final Map containerConfigurationMap) {
this.name = containerConfigurationMap.get(ContainerPropertyName.CONF_CONTAINER_NAME);
this.description = containerConfigurationMap.get(ContainerPropertyName.CONF_CONTAINER_DESCRIPTION);
this.host = containerConfigurationMap.get(ContainerPropertyName.CONF_HOST);
this.user = containerConfigurationMap.get(ContainerPropertyName.CONF_USER);
this.password = containerConfigurationMap.get(ContainerPropertyName.CONF_PWD);
final String jmxRMIConnectorPort = containerConfigurationMap.get(ContainerPropertyName.CONF_JMX_RMI_PORT);
this.jmxRMIConnectorPort = ContainerPropertyDefaultValues.CONF_JMX_RMI_PORT.equals(jmxRMIConnectorPort) ? 0
: Integer.parseInt(jmxRMIConnectorPort);
final String tcpPort = containerConfigurationMap.get(ContainerPropertyName.CONF_TRANSPORT_TCP_PORT);
this.tcpPort = ContainerPropertyDefaultValues.CONF_TRANSPORT_TCP_PORT.equals(tcpPort) ? 0 : Integer
final String stateStr = containerConfigurationMap.get(ContainerPropertyName.CONF_STATE);
if (ContainerPropertyValues.STATE_REACHABLE.equals(stateStr)) {
this.state = ContainerState.REACHABLE;
} else if (ContainerPropertyValues.STATE_UNREACHABLE.equals(stateStr)) {
this.state = ContainerState.UNREACHABLE;
} else {
this.state = ContainerState.UNKNOWN;
* @return the description
public String getDescription() {
return this.description;
* @return the host
public String getHost() {
return this.host;
* @return the jmxRMIConnectorPort
public int getJmxRMIConnectorPort() {
return this.jmxRMIConnectorPort;
* @return the name
public String getName() {
return this.name;
* @return the password
public String getPassword() {
return this.password;
* @return the repositoryDirectoryPath
public String getRepositoryDirectoryPath() {
return this.repositoryDirectoryPath;
* @return the routerQOS
public String getRouterQOS() {
return this.routerQOS;
* @return the routerSendAttempt
public short getRouterSendAttempt() {
return this.routerSendAttempt;
* @return the routerSendDelay
public int getRouterSendDelay() {
return this.routerSendDelay;
* @return the routerStopTrafficDelay
public long getRouterStopTrafficDelay() {
return this.routerStopTrafficDelay;
* @return the routerPauseTrafficDelay
public long getRouterPauseTrafficDelay() {
return this.routerPauseTrafficDelay;
* @return the routerStrategy
public String getRouterStrategy() {
return this.routerStrategy;
* @return the sslKeyPassword
public String getSSLKeyPassword() {
return this.sslKeyPassword;
* @return the sslKeystore
public String getSSLKeystore() {
return this.sslKeystore;
* @return the sslKeystorePassword
public String getSSLKeystorePassword() {
return this.sslKeystorePassword;
* @return the sslTruststore
public String getSSLTruststore() {
return this.sslTruststore;
* @return the sslTruststorePassword
public String getSSLTruststorePassword() {
return this.sslTruststorePassword;
* @return the state
public ContainerState getState() {
return this.state;
* @return the timeout for processing the installation and deployment tasks.
public long getTaskTimeout() {
return this.taskTimeout;
* @return the tcpConnectionTimeout
public long getTCPConnectionTimeout() {
return this.tcpConnectionTimeout;
* @return the tcpPort
public int getTCPPort() {
return this.tcpPort;
public String getTCPListen() {
return this.tcpListen;
* @return the tcpReceivers
public int getTCPReceivers() {
return this.tcpReceivers;
* @return the tcpReceiversKeepAlive
public long getTCPReceiversKeepAlive() {
return this.tcpReceiversKeepAlive;
* @return the tcpSenderEvictableDelay
public long getTCPSenderEvictableDelay() {
return this.tcpSenderEvictableDelay;
* @return the tcpSenderEvictorDelay
public long getTCPSenderEvictorDelay() {
return this.tcpSenderEvictorDelay;
* @return the tcpSenders
public int getTCPSenders() {
return this.tcpSenders;
* @return the tcpSendTimeout
public long getTCPSendTimeout() {
return this.tcpSendTimeout;
public String getTopologyPassPhrase() {
return this.topologyPassPhrase;
* @return The topology lock max wait time, in seconds
public int getTopologyLocksMaxWaitTime() {
return this.topologyLocksMaxWaitTime;
* @return The waiting time before to start the timer task associated to the topology pinger.
public long getTopologyPingerStartDelay() {
return this.topologyPingerStartDelay;
* @return The delay between two runs of the topology pinger.
public long getTopologyPingerPeriodDelay() {
return this.topologyPingerPeriodDelay;
* @return the user
public String getUser() {
return this.user;
* @return the userConfiguration
public Map getUserConfiguration() {
return this.userConfiguration;
* @return The extra properties. A properties is an extra property if not
* directly used by the micro-kernel but by an extension or by an
* dedicated Fractal component implementation. The {@link Map}
* returned is never null
, can be empty.
public Map getExtraConfiguration() {
return this.extraConfiguration;
* @return the workDirectoryPath
public String getWorkDirectoryPath() {
return this.workDirectoryPath;
* @return the exchangeValidation
public boolean isExchangeValidation() {
return this.exchangeValidation;
* @return the isolateJBIClassLoaders
public boolean isIsolateJBIClassLoaders() {
return this.isolateJBIClassLoaders;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder toStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
toStringBuilder.append("Container ").append(this.getName()).append(" on ")
if (this.getDescription() != null) {
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\tDescription :\n\t\t\t ").append(this.getDescription());
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - RepositoryDirectory: ").append(
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - WorkDirectory: ").append(
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - ExchangeValidation: ").append(
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - RouterQOS: ").append(this.getRouterQOS());
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - RouterStrategy: ").append(this.getRouterStrategy());
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - RouterSendDelay: ").append(this.getRouterSendDelay());
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - RouterSendAttempt: ").append(this.getRouterSendAttempt());
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - RouterStopTrafficDelay: ").append(this.getRouterStopTrafficDelay());
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - RouterPauseTrafficDelay: ").append(this.getRouterPauseTrafficDelay());
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - TaskTimeout: ").append(this.getTaskTimeout());
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - IsolateClassLoaders: ").append(
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - User: ").append(
(this.getUser() != null) ? this.getUser() : "none");
if (this.getPassword() != null) {
StringBuilder hiddenPassword = new StringBuilder(this.getPassword().length());
while (hiddenPassword.length() < this.getPassword().length()) {
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - Password: ").append(hiddenPassword);
} else {
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - Password: none");
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - JMXRMIConnectionPort:").append(
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - TCPPort: ").append(
(this.getTCPPort() != 0) ? this.getTCPPort() : "none");
if (this.getTCPPort() != 0) {
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - TCPListen:").append(this.getTCPListen());
if (this.getSSLKeyPassword() != null) {
StringBuilder hiddenPassword = new StringBuilder(this.getSSLKeyPassword().length());
while (hiddenPassword.length() < this.getSSLKeyPassword().length()) {
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - sslKeyPassword: ").append(hiddenPassword);
} else {
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - sslKeyPassword: none");
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - Keystore: ").append(
(this.getSSLKeystore() != null) ? this.getSSLKeystore() : "none");
if (this.getSSLKeystorePassword() != null) {
StringBuilder hiddenPassword = new StringBuilder(this.getSSLKeystorePassword().length());
while (hiddenPassword.length() < this.getSSLKeystorePassword().length()) {
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - KeystorePassword: ").append(hiddenPassword);
} else {
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - KeystorePassword: none");
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - Truststore: ").append(
(this.getSSLTruststore() != null) ? this.getSSLTruststore() : "none");
if (this.getSSLTruststorePassword() != null) {
StringBuilder hiddenPassword = new StringBuilder(this.getSSLTruststorePassword().length());
while (hiddenPassword.length() < this.getSSLTruststorePassword().length()) {
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - TruststorePassword: ").append(hiddenPassword);
} else {
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - TruststorePassword: none");
if (this.getTCPPort() != 0) {
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - TCPReceivers: ").append(this.getTCPReceivers());
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - TCPReceiversKeepAlive: ").append(this.getTCPReceiversKeepAlive());
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - TCPSenders: ").append(this.getTCPSenders());
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - TCPConnectionTimeout: ").append(
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - TCPSendTimeout: ").append(this.getTCPSendTimeout());
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - TCPSenderEvictorDelay: ").append(
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - TCPSenderEvictableDelay: ").append(
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - TopologyLockMaxWaitTime: ")
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - TopologyPingerStartDelay: ").append(this.getTopologyPingerStartDelay());
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - TopologyPingerPeriodDelay: ").append(this.getTopologyPingerPeriodDelay());
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - State: ").append(this.getState().name());
if (this.getUserConfiguration() != null) {
StringBuilder userBuffer = new StringBuilder();
Iterator iter = this.getUserConfiguration().keySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String key = iter.next();
toStringBuilder.append("\n\t\t\t - User properties: ").append(userBuffer.toString());
return toStringBuilder.toString();
* @param description
* the description to set
public void setDescription(final String description) {
this.description = description;
* @param exchangeValidation
* the exchangeValidation to set
public void setExchangeValidation(final boolean exchangeValidation) {
this.exchangeValidation = exchangeValidation;
* @param host
* the host to set
public void setHost(final String host) {
this.host = host;
* @param isolateJBIClassLoaders
* the isolateJBIClassLoaders to set
public void setIsolateJBIClassLoaders(final boolean isolateJBIClassLoaders) {
this.isolateJBIClassLoaders = isolateJBIClassLoaders;
* @param jmxRMIConnectorPort
* the jmxRMIConnectorPort to set
public void setJmxRMIConnectorPort(final int jmxRMIConnectorPort) {
this.jmxRMIConnectorPort = jmxRMIConnectorPort;
* @param name
* the name to set
public void setName(final String name) {
this.name = name;
* @param password
* the password to set
public void setPassword(final String password) {
this.password = password;
* @param repositoryDirectoryPath
* the repositoryDirectoryPath to set
public void setRepositoryDirectoryPath(final String repositoryDirectoryPath) {
this.repositoryDirectoryPath = repositoryDirectoryPath;
* @param routerQOS
* the routerQOS to set
public void setRouterQOS(final String routerQOS) {
this.routerQOS = routerQOS;
* @param routerSendAttempt
* the routerSendAttempt to set
public void setRouterSendAttempt(final short routerSendAttempt) {
this.routerSendAttempt = routerSendAttempt;
* @param routerSendDelay
* the routerSendDelay to set
public void setRouterSendDelay(final int routerSendDelay) {
this.routerSendDelay = routerSendDelay;
* @param routerStopTrafficDelay
* the routerStopTrafficDelay to set
public void setRouterStopTrafficDelay(final long routerStopTrafficDelay) {
this.routerStopTrafficDelay = routerStopTrafficDelay;
* @param routerPauseTrafficDelay
* the routerPauseTrafficDelay to set
public void setRouterPauseTrafficDelay(final long routerPauseTrafficDelay) {
this.routerPauseTrafficDelay = routerPauseTrafficDelay;
* @param routerStrategy
* the routerStrategy to set
public void setRouterStrategy(final String routerStrategy) {
this.routerStrategy = routerStrategy;
* @param sslKeyPassword
* the sslKeyPassword to set
public void setSSLKeyPassword(final String sslKeyPassword) {
this.sslKeyPassword = sslKeyPassword;
* @param sslKeystore
* the sslKeystore to set
public void setSSLKeystore(final String sslKeystore) {
this.sslKeystore = sslKeystore;
* @param sslKeystorePassword
* the sslKeystorePassword to set
public void setSSLKeystorePassword(final String sslKeystorePassword) {
this.sslKeystorePassword = sslKeystorePassword;
* @param sslTruststore
* the sslTruststore to set
public void setSSLTruststore(final String sslTruststore) {
this.sslTruststore = sslTruststore;
* @param sslTruststorePassword
* the sslTruststorePassword to set
public void setSSLTruststorePassword(final String sslTruststorePassword) {
this.sslTruststorePassword = sslTruststorePassword;
* @param state
* the state to set
public void setState(final ContainerState state) {
this.state = state;
* @param taskTimeout
* the timeout for processing the installation and deployment tasks.
public void setTaskTimeout(final long taskTimeout) {
this.taskTimeout = taskTimeout;
* @param tcpConnectionTimeout
* the tcpConnectionTimeout to set
public void setTCPConnectionTimeout(final long tcpConnectionTimeout) {
this.tcpConnectionTimeout = tcpConnectionTimeout;
* @param tcpPort
* the tcpPort to set
public void setTCPPort(final int tcpPort) {
this.tcpPort = tcpPort;
public void setTCPListen(final String tcpListen) {
this.tcpListen = tcpListen;
* @param tcpReceivers
* the tcpReceivers to set
public void setTCPReceivers(final int tcpReceivers) {
this.tcpReceivers = tcpReceivers;
* @param tcpReceiversKeepAlive
* the tcpReceiversKeepAlive to set
public void setTCPReceiversKeepAlive(final long tcpReceiversKeepAlive) {
this.tcpReceiversKeepAlive = tcpReceiversKeepAlive;
* @param tcpSenderEvictableDelay
* the tcpSenderEvictableDelay to set
public void setTCPSenderEvictableDelay(final long tcpSenderEvictableDelay) {
this.tcpSenderEvictableDelay = tcpSenderEvictableDelay;
* @param tcpSenderEvictorDelay
* the tcpSenderEvictorDelay to set
public void setTCPSenderEvictorDelay(final long tcpSenderEvictorDelay) {
this.tcpSenderEvictorDelay = tcpSenderEvictorDelay;
* @param tcpSenders
* the tcpSenders to set
public void setTCPSenders(final int tcpSenders) {
this.tcpSenders = tcpSenders;
* @param tcpSendTimeout
* the tcpSendTimeout to set
public void setTCPSendTimeout(final long tcpSendTimeout) {
this.tcpSendTimeout = tcpSendTimeout;
* @param topologyPassPhrase
public void setTopologyPassPhrase(final String topologyPassPhrase) {
this.topologyPassPhrase = topologyPassPhrase;
* Set the topology lock max wait time
* @param topologyLocksMaxWaitTime
* The topology lock max wait time to set
public void setTopologyLocksMaxWaitTime(final int topologyLocksMaxWaitTime) {
this.topologyLocksMaxWaitTime = topologyLocksMaxWaitTime;
* Set the waiting time before to start the timer task associated to the topology pinger
* @param topologyPingerStartDelay
* The wait time to set
public void setTopologyPingerStartDelay(final long topologyPingerStartDelay) {
this.topologyPingerStartDelay = topologyPingerStartDelay;
* Set the delay between two runs of the topology pinger
* @param topologyPingerPeriodDelay
* The delay between two runs
public void setTopologyPingerPeriodDelay(final long topologyPingerPeriodDelay) {
this.topologyPingerPeriodDelay = topologyPingerPeriodDelay;
* @param user
* the user to set
public void setUser(final String user) {
this.user = user;
* @param userConfiguration
* the userConfiguration to set
public void setUserConfiguration(final Map userConfiguration) {
this.userConfiguration = userConfiguration;
* @param extraConfiguration
* the extraConfiguration to set
public void setExtraConfiguration(final Map extraConfiguration) {
this.extraConfiguration = extraConfiguration;
* @param workDirectoryPath
* the workDirectoryPath to set
public void setWorkDirectoryPath(final String workDirectoryPath) {
this.workDirectoryPath = workDirectoryPath;
public int getRecoveryCorePoolSize() {
return recoveryCorePoolSize;
public void setRecoveryCorePoolSize(final int recoveryCorePoolSize) {
this.recoveryCorePoolSize = recoveryCorePoolSize;
public long getRecoveryKeepAliveTime() {
return recoveryKeepAliveTime;
public void setRecoveryKeepAliveTime(final long recoveryKeepAliveTime) {
this.recoveryKeepAliveTime = recoveryKeepAliveTime;
* @return the transporterQueueMaxSize
public int getTransporterQueueMaxSize() {
return transporterQueueMaxSize;
* @param transporterQueueMaxSize
* the transporterQueueMaxSize to set
public void setTransporterQueueMaxSize(final int transporterQueueMaxSize) {
this.transporterQueueMaxSize = transporterQueueMaxSize;
* @return the transporterQueueOfferingTimeout
public long getTransporterQueueOfferingTimeout() {
return transporterQueueOfferingTimeout;
* @param transporterQueueOfferingTimeout
* the transporterQueueOfferingTimeout to set
public void setTransporterQueueOfferingTimeout(final long transporterQueueOfferingTimeout) {
this.transporterQueueOfferingTimeout = transporterQueueOfferingTimeout;
* @return the serverPropertiesUrl
public URL getServerPropertiesUrl() {
return this.serverPropertiesUrl;
* @param serverPropertiesUrl
* the serverPropertiesUrl to set
public void setServerPropertiesUrl(final URL serverPropertiesUrl) {
this.serverPropertiesUrl = serverPropertiesUrl;
* @return the dataRootPath
public String getDataRootPath() {
return this.dataRootPath;
* @param dataRootPath
* the dataRootPath to set
public void setDataRootPath(final String dataRootPath) {
this.dataRootPath = dataRootPath;
* Convert the container configuration into a key/value map form.
* @param isSecurityOk
* if true
, sensible information are returned. Otherwise, sensible information are skipped.
* @return The container configuration as key/value map form.
public Map toMap(final boolean isSecurityOk) {
final Map containerMap = new HashMap<>();
containerMap.put(ContainerPropertyName.CONF_CONTAINER_NAME, this.getName());
if (this.getDescription() != null) {
containerMap.put(ContainerPropertyName.CONF_CONTAINER_DESCRIPTION, this.getDescription());
containerMap.put(ContainerPropertyName.CONF_HOST, this.getHost());
if (isSecurityOk) {
containerMap.put(ContainerPropertyName.CONF_USER, this.getUser());
containerMap.put(ContainerPropertyName.CONF_PWD, this.getPassword());
if (this.getJmxRMIConnectorPort() != 0) {
containerMap.put(ContainerPropertyName.CONF_JMX_RMI_PORT, Integer.toString(this.getJmxRMIConnectorPort()));
} else {
containerMap.put(ContainerPropertyName.CONF_JMX_RMI_PORT, ContainerPropertyDefaultValues.CONF_JMX_RMI_PORT);
if (this.getTCPPort() != 0) {
containerMap.put(ContainerPropertyName.CONF_TRANSPORT_TCP_PORT, Integer.toString(this.getTCPPort()));
} else {
if (ContainerConfiguration.ContainerState.REACHABLE.equals(this.getState())) {
containerMap.put(ContainerPropertyName.CONF_STATE, ContainerPropertyValues.STATE_REACHABLE);
} else {
containerMap.put(ContainerPropertyName.CONF_STATE, ContainerPropertyValues.STATE_UNREACHABLE);
return containerMap;
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