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org.owasp.esapi.codecs.LegacyHTMLEntityCodec Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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The Enterprise Security API (ESAPI) project is an OWASP project to create simple strong security controls for every web platform. Security controls are not simple to build. You can read about the hundreds of pitfalls for unwary developers on the OWASP website. By providing developers with a set of strong controls, we aim to eliminate some of the complexity of creating secure web applications. This can result in significant cost savings across the SDLC.

The newest version!
  * OWASP Enterprise Security API (ESAPI)
 * This file is part of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
 * Enterprise Security API (ESAPI) project. For details, please see
 * Copyright (c) 2007 - The OWASP Foundation
 * The ESAPI is published by OWASP under the BSD license. You should read and accept the
 * LICENSE before you use, modify, and/or redistribute this software.
 * @author Jeff Williams Aspect Security
 * @created 2007
package org.owasp.esapi.codecs;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;

 * This class is DEPRECATED.  It did not correctly handle encoding of non-BMP
 * unicode code points.  This class is provided solely for any fatal bugs
 * not accounted for in the new version and will be removed entirely in
 * a future release.
 * Implementation of the Codec interface for HTML entity encoding.
 * @author Jeff Williams (jeff.williams .at. Aspect Security
 * @since June 1, 2007
 * @see org.owasp.esapi.Encoder
public class LegacyHTMLEntityCodec extends AbstractCharacterCodec {

    private static final char REPLACEMENT_CHAR = '\ufffd';
    private static final String REPLACEMENT_HEX = "fffd";
    private static final String REPLACEMENT_STR = "" + REPLACEMENT_CHAR;
    private static final Map characterToEntityMap = mkCharacterToEntityMap();
    private static final Trie entityToCharacterTrie = mkEntityToCharacterTrie();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * Encodes a Character for safe use in an HTML entity field.
     * @param immune
    public String encodeCharacter( char[] immune, Character c ) {

        // check for immune characters
        if ( containsCharacter(c, immune ) ) {
            return ""+c;

        // check for alphanumeric characters
        String hex = super.getHexForNonAlphanumeric(c);
        if ( hex == null ) {
            return ""+c;

        // check for illegal characters
        if ( ( c <= 0x1f && c != '\t' && c != '\n' && c != '\r' ) || ( c >= 0x7f && c <= 0x9f ) )
            hex = REPLACEMENT_HEX;    // Let's entity encode this instead of returning it
            c = REPLACEMENT_CHAR;

        // check if there's a defined entity
        String entityName = characterToEntityMap.get(c);
        if (entityName != null) {
            return "&" + entityName + ";";

        // return the hex entity as suggested in the spec
        return "&#x" + hex + ";";

     * Returns the decoded version of the character starting at index, or
     * null if no decoding is possible.
     * Formats all are legal both with and without semi-colon, upper/lower case:
     *   &#dddd;
     *   &#xhhhh;
     *   &name;
    public Character decodeCharacter( PushbackString input ) {
        Character first =;
        if ( first == null ) {
            return null;

        // if this is not an encoded character, return null
        if (first != '&' ) {
            return null;

        // test for numeric encodings
        Character second =;
        if ( second == null ) {
            return null;

        if (second == '#' ) {
            // handle numbers
            Character c = getNumericEntity( input );
            if ( c != null ) return c;
        } else if ( Character.isLetter( second.charValue() ) ) {
            // handle entities
            input.pushback( second );
            Character c = getNamedEntity( input );
            if ( c != null ) return c;
        return null;

     * getNumericEntry checks input to see if it is a numeric entity
     * @param input
     *             The input to test for being a numeric entity
     * @return
     *             null if input is null, the character of input after decoding
    private Character getNumericEntity( PushbackString input ) {
        Character first = input.peek();
        if ( first == null ) return null;

        if (first == 'x' || first == 'X' ) {
            return parseHex( input );
        return parseNumber( input );

     * Parse a decimal number, such as those from JavaScript's String.fromCharCode(value)
     * @param input
     *             decimal encoded string, such as 65
     * @return
     *             character representation of this decimal value, e.g. A
     * @throws NumberFormatException
    private Character parseNumber( PushbackString input ) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        while( input.hasNext() ) {
            Character c = input.peek();

            // if character is a digit then add it on and keep going
            if ( Character.isDigit( c.charValue() ) ) {
                sb.append( c );

            // if character is a semi-colon, eat it and quit
            } else if (c == ';' ) {

            // otherwise just quit
            } else {
        try {
            int i = Integer.parseInt(sb.toString());
            if (Character.isValidCodePoint(i)) {
                return (char) i;
        } catch( NumberFormatException e ) {
            // throw an exception for malformed entity?
            return null;

     * Parse a hex encoded entity
     * @param input
     *             Hex encoded input (such as 437ae;)
     * @return
     *             A single character from the string
     * @throws NumberFormatException
    private Character parseHex( PushbackString input ) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        while( input.hasNext() ) {
            Character c = input.peek();

            // if character is a hex digit then add it on and keep going
            if ( "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef".indexOf(c) != -1 ) {
                sb.append( c );

            // if character is a semi-colon, eat it and quit
            } else if (c == ';' ) {

            // otherwise just quit
            } else {
        try {
            int i = Integer.parseInt(sb.toString(), 16);
            if (Character.isValidCodePoint(i)) {
                return (char) i;
        } catch( NumberFormatException e ) {
            // throw an exception for malformed entity?
            return null;

     * Returns the decoded version of the character starting at index, or
     * null if no decoding is possible.
     * Formats all are legal both with and without semi-colon, upper/lower case:
     *   &aa;
     *   &aaa;
     *   &aaaa;
     *   &aaaaa;
     *   &aaaaaa;
     *   &aaaaaaa;
     * @param input
     *         A string containing a named entity like "
     * @return
     *         Returns the decoded version of the character starting at index, or null if no decoding is possible.
    private Character getNamedEntity( PushbackString input ) {
        StringBuilder possible = new StringBuilder();
        Map.Entry entry;
        int len;

        // kludge around PushbackString....
        len = Math.min(input.remainder().length(), entityToCharacterTrie.getMaxKeyLength());
        for(int i=0;i exactEntry = entityToCharacterTrie.getLongestMatch(possibleStringLowerCase);
                   if(exactEntry != null) entry = exactEntry;
                if(entry == null) return null; // no match, caller will reset input

        // fixup input
        input.reset();;    // read &
        len = entry.getKey().length();    // what matched's length
        for(int i=0;i mkCharacterToEntityMap()
        Map map = new HashMap(252);

        map.put((char)34,    "quot");    /* quotation mark */
        map.put((char)38,    "amp");        /* ampersand */
        map.put((char)60,    "lt");        /* less-than sign */
        map.put((char)62,    "gt");        /* greater-than sign */
        map.put((char)160,    "nbsp");    /* no-break space */
        map.put((char)161,    "iexcl");    /* inverted exclamation mark */
        map.put((char)162,    "cent");    /* cent sign */
        map.put((char)163,    "pound");    /* pound sign */
        map.put((char)164,    "curren");    /* currency sign */
        map.put((char)165,    "yen");        /* yen sign */
        map.put((char)166,    "brvbar");    /* broken bar */
        map.put((char)167,    "sect");    /* section sign */
        map.put((char)168,    "uml");        /* diaeresis */
        map.put((char)169,    "copy");    /* copyright sign */
        map.put((char)170,    "ordf");    /* feminine ordinal indicator */
        map.put((char)171,    "laquo");    /* left-pointing double angle quotation mark */
        map.put((char)172,    "not");        /* not sign */
        map.put((char)173,    "shy");        /* soft hyphen */
        map.put((char)174,    "reg");        /* registered sign */
        map.put((char)175,    "macr");    /* macron */
        map.put((char)176,    "deg");        /* degree sign */
        map.put((char)177,    "plusmn");    /* plus-minus sign */
        map.put((char)178,    "sup2");    /* superscript two */
        map.put((char)179,    "sup3");    /* superscript three */
        map.put((char)180,    "acute");    /* acute accent */
        map.put((char)181,    "micro");    /* micro sign */
        map.put((char)182,    "para");    /* pilcrow sign */
        map.put((char)183,    "middot");    /* middle dot */
        map.put((char)184,    "cedil");    /* cedilla */
        map.put((char)185,    "sup1");    /* superscript one */
        map.put((char)186,    "ordm");    /* masculine ordinal indicator */
        map.put((char)187,    "raquo");    /* right-pointing double angle quotation mark */
        map.put((char)188,    "frac14");    /* vulgar fraction one quarter */
        map.put((char)189,    "frac12");    /* vulgar fraction one half */
        map.put((char)190,    "frac34");    /* vulgar fraction three quarters */
        map.put((char)191,    "iquest");    /* inverted question mark */
        map.put((char)192,    "Agrave");    /* Latin capital letter a with grave */
        map.put((char)193,    "Aacute");    /* Latin capital letter a with acute */
        map.put((char)194,    "Acirc");    /* Latin capital letter a with circumflex */
        map.put((char)195,    "Atilde");    /* Latin capital letter a with tilde */
        map.put((char)196,    "Auml");    /* Latin capital letter a with diaeresis */
        map.put((char)197,    "Aring");    /* Latin capital letter a with ring above */
        map.put((char)198,    "AElig");    /* Latin capital letter ae */
        map.put((char)199,    "Ccedil");    /* Latin capital letter c with cedilla */
        map.put((char)200,    "Egrave");    /* Latin capital letter e with grave */
        map.put((char)201,    "Eacute");    /* Latin capital letter e with acute */
        map.put((char)202,    "Ecirc");    /* Latin capital letter e with circumflex */
        map.put((char)203,    "Euml");    /* Latin capital letter e with diaeresis */
        map.put((char)204,    "Igrave");    /* Latin capital letter i with grave */
        map.put((char)205,    "Iacute");    /* Latin capital letter i with acute */
        map.put((char)206,    "Icirc");    /* Latin capital letter i with circumflex */
        map.put((char)207,    "Iuml");    /* Latin capital letter i with diaeresis */
        map.put((char)208,    "ETH");        /* Latin capital letter eth */
        map.put((char)209,    "Ntilde");    /* Latin capital letter n with tilde */
        map.put((char)210,    "Ograve");    /* Latin capital letter o with grave */
        map.put((char)211,    "Oacute");    /* Latin capital letter o with acute */
        map.put((char)212,    "Ocirc");    /* Latin capital letter o with circumflex */
        map.put((char)213,    "Otilde");    /* Latin capital letter o with tilde */
        map.put((char)214,    "Ouml");    /* Latin capital letter o with diaeresis */
        map.put((char)215,    "times");    /* multiplication sign */
        map.put((char)216,    "Oslash");    /* Latin capital letter o with stroke */
        map.put((char)217,    "Ugrave");    /* Latin capital letter u with grave */
        map.put((char)218,    "Uacute");    /* Latin capital letter u with acute */
        map.put((char)219,    "Ucirc");    /* Latin capital letter u with circumflex */
        map.put((char)220,    "Uuml");    /* Latin capital letter u with diaeresis */
        map.put((char)221,    "Yacute");    /* Latin capital letter y with acute */
        map.put((char)222,    "THORN");    /* Latin capital letter thorn */
        map.put((char)223,    "szlig");    /* Latin small letter sharp sXCOMMAX German Eszett */
        map.put((char)224,    "agrave");    /* Latin small letter a with grave */
        map.put((char)225,    "aacute");    /* Latin small letter a with acute */
        map.put((char)226,    "acirc");    /* Latin small letter a with circumflex */
        map.put((char)227,    "atilde");    /* Latin small letter a with tilde */
        map.put((char)228,    "auml");    /* Latin small letter a with diaeresis */
        map.put((char)229,    "aring");    /* Latin small letter a with ring above */
        map.put((char)230,    "aelig");    /* Latin lowercase ligature ae */
        map.put((char)231,    "ccedil");    /* Latin small letter c with cedilla */
        map.put((char)232,    "egrave");    /* Latin small letter e with grave */
        map.put((char)233,    "eacute");    /* Latin small letter e with acute */
        map.put((char)234,    "ecirc");    /* Latin small letter e with circumflex */
        map.put((char)235,    "euml");    /* Latin small letter e with diaeresis */
        map.put((char)236,    "igrave");    /* Latin small letter i with grave */
        map.put((char)237,    "iacute");    /* Latin small letter i with acute */
        map.put((char)238,    "icirc");    /* Latin small letter i with circumflex */
        map.put((char)239,    "iuml");    /* Latin small letter i with diaeresis */
        map.put((char)240,    "eth");        /* Latin small letter eth */
        map.put((char)241,    "ntilde");    /* Latin small letter n with tilde */
        map.put((char)242,    "ograve");    /* Latin small letter o with grave */
        map.put((char)243,    "oacute");    /* Latin small letter o with acute */
        map.put((char)244,    "ocirc");    /* Latin small letter o with circumflex */
        map.put((char)245,    "otilde");    /* Latin small letter o with tilde */
        map.put((char)246,    "ouml");    /* Latin small letter o with diaeresis */
        map.put((char)247,    "divide");    /* division sign */
        map.put((char)248,    "oslash");    /* Latin small letter o with stroke */
        map.put((char)249,    "ugrave");    /* Latin small letter u with grave */
        map.put((char)250,    "uacute");    /* Latin small letter u with acute */
        map.put((char)251,    "ucirc");    /* Latin small letter u with circumflex */
        map.put((char)252,    "uuml");    /* Latin small letter u with diaeresis */
        map.put((char)253,    "yacute");    /* Latin small letter y with acute */
        map.put((char)254,    "thorn");    /* Latin small letter thorn */
        map.put((char)255,    "yuml");    /* Latin small letter y with diaeresis */
        map.put((char)338,    "OElig");    /* Latin capital ligature oe */
        map.put((char)339,    "oelig");    /* Latin small ligature oe */
        map.put((char)352,    "Scaron");    /* Latin capital letter s with caron */
        map.put((char)353,    "scaron");    /* Latin small letter s with caron */
        map.put((char)376,    "Yuml");    /* Latin capital letter y with diaeresis */
        map.put((char)402,    "fnof");    /* Latin small letter f with hook */
        map.put((char)710,    "circ");    /* modifier letter circumflex accent */
        map.put((char)732,    "tilde");    /* small tilde */
        map.put((char)913,    "Alpha");    /* Greek capital letter alpha */
        map.put((char)914,    "Beta");    /* Greek capital letter beta */
        map.put((char)915,    "Gamma");    /* Greek capital letter gamma */
        map.put((char)916,    "Delta");    /* Greek capital letter delta */
        map.put((char)917,    "Epsilon");    /* Greek capital letter epsilon */
        map.put((char)918,    "Zeta");    /* Greek capital letter zeta */
        map.put((char)919,    "Eta");        /* Greek capital letter eta */
        map.put((char)920,    "Theta");    /* Greek capital letter theta */
        map.put((char)921,    "Iota");    /* Greek capital letter iota */
        map.put((char)922,    "Kappa");    /* Greek capital letter kappa */
        map.put((char)923,    "Lambda");    /* Greek capital letter lambda */
        map.put((char)924,    "Mu");        /* Greek capital letter mu */
        map.put((char)925,    "Nu");        /* Greek capital letter nu */
        map.put((char)926,    "Xi");        /* Greek capital letter xi */
        map.put((char)927,    "Omicron");    /* Greek capital letter omicron */
        map.put((char)928,    "Pi");        /* Greek capital letter pi */
        map.put((char)929,    "Rho");        /* Greek capital letter rho */
        map.put((char)931,    "Sigma");    /* Greek capital letter sigma */
        map.put((char)932,    "Tau");        /* Greek capital letter tau */
        map.put((char)933,    "Upsilon");    /* Greek capital letter upsilon */
        map.put((char)934,    "Phi");        /* Greek capital letter phi */
        map.put((char)935,    "Chi");        /* Greek capital letter chi */
        map.put((char)936,    "Psi");        /* Greek capital letter psi */
        map.put((char)937,    "Omega");    /* Greek capital letter omega */
        map.put((char)945,    "alpha");    /* Greek small letter alpha */
        map.put((char)946,    "beta");    /* Greek small letter beta */
        map.put((char)947,    "gamma");    /* Greek small letter gamma */
        map.put((char)948,    "delta");    /* Greek small letter delta */
        map.put((char)949,    "epsilon");    /* Greek small letter epsilon */
        map.put((char)950,    "zeta");    /* Greek small letter zeta */
        map.put((char)951,    "eta");        /* Greek small letter eta */
        map.put((char)952,    "theta");    /* Greek small letter theta */
        map.put((char)953,    "iota");    /* Greek small letter iota */
        map.put((char)954,    "kappa");    /* Greek small letter kappa */
        map.put((char)955,    "lambda");    /* Greek small letter lambda */
        map.put((char)956,    "mu");        /* Greek small letter mu */
        map.put((char)957,    "nu");        /* Greek small letter nu */
        map.put((char)958,    "xi");        /* Greek small letter xi */
        map.put((char)959,    "omicron");    /* Greek small letter omicron */
        map.put((char)960,    "pi");        /* Greek small letter pi */
        map.put((char)961,    "rho");        /* Greek small letter rho */
        map.put((char)962,    "sigmaf");    /* Greek small letter final sigma */
        map.put((char)963,    "sigma");    /* Greek small letter sigma */
        map.put((char)964,    "tau");        /* Greek small letter tau */
        map.put((char)965,    "upsilon");    /* Greek small letter upsilon */
        map.put((char)966,    "phi");        /* Greek small letter phi */
        map.put((char)967,    "chi");        /* Greek small letter chi */
        map.put((char)968,    "psi");        /* Greek small letter psi */
        map.put((char)969,    "omega");    /* Greek small letter omega */
        map.put((char)977,    "thetasym");    /* Greek theta symbol */
        map.put((char)978,    "upsih");    /* Greek upsilon with hook symbol */
        map.put((char)982,    "piv");        /* Greek pi symbol */
        map.put((char)8194,    "ensp");    /* en space */
        map.put((char)8195,    "emsp");    /* em space */
        map.put((char)8201,    "thinsp");    /* thin space */
        map.put((char)8204,    "zwnj");    /* zero width non-joiner */
        map.put((char)8205,    "zwj");        /* zero width joiner */
        map.put((char)8206,    "lrm");        /* left-to-right mark */
        map.put((char)8207,    "rlm");        /* right-to-left mark */
        map.put((char)8211,    "ndash");    /* en dash */
        map.put((char)8212,    "mdash");    /* em dash */
        map.put((char)8216,    "lsquo");    /* left single quotation mark */
        map.put((char)8217,    "rsquo");    /* right single quotation mark */
        map.put((char)8218,    "sbquo");    /* single low-9 quotation mark */
        map.put((char)8220,    "ldquo");    /* left double quotation mark */
        map.put((char)8221,    "rdquo");    /* right double quotation mark */
        map.put((char)8222,    "bdquo");    /* double low-9 quotation mark */
        map.put((char)8224,    "dagger");    /* dagger */
        map.put((char)8225,    "Dagger");    /* double dagger */
        map.put((char)8226,    "bull");    /* bullet */
        map.put((char)8230,    "hellip");    /* horizontal ellipsis */
        map.put((char)8240,    "permil");    /* per mille sign */
        map.put((char)8242,    "prime");    /* prime */
        map.put((char)8243,    "Prime");    /* double prime */
        map.put((char)8249,    "lsaquo");    /* single left-pointing angle quotation mark */
        map.put((char)8250,    "rsaquo");    /* single right-pointing angle quotation mark */
        map.put((char)8254,    "oline");    /* overline */
        map.put((char)8260,    "frasl");    /* fraction slash */
        map.put((char)8364,    "euro");    /* euro sign */
        map.put((char)8465,    "image");    /* black-letter capital i */
        map.put((char)8472,    "weierp");    /* script capital pXCOMMAX Weierstrass p */
        map.put((char)8476,    "real");    /* black-letter capital r */
        map.put((char)8482,    "trade");    /* trademark sign */
        map.put((char)8501,    "alefsym");    /* alef symbol */
        map.put((char)8592,    "larr");    /* leftwards arrow */
        map.put((char)8593,    "uarr");    /* upwards arrow */
        map.put((char)8594,    "rarr");    /* rightwards arrow */
        map.put((char)8595,    "darr");    /* downwards arrow */
        map.put((char)8596,    "harr");    /* left right arrow */
        map.put((char)8629,    "crarr");    /* downwards arrow with corner leftwards */
        map.put((char)8656,    "lArr");    /* leftwards double arrow */
        map.put((char)8657,    "uArr");    /* upwards double arrow */
        map.put((char)8658,    "rArr");    /* rightwards double arrow */
        map.put((char)8659,    "dArr");    /* downwards double arrow */
        map.put((char)8660,    "hArr");    /* left right double arrow */
        map.put((char)8704,    "forall");    /* for all */
        map.put((char)8706,    "part");    /* partial differential */
        map.put((char)8707,    "exist");    /* there exists */
        map.put((char)8709,    "empty");    /* empty set */
        map.put((char)8711,    "nabla");    /* nabla */
        map.put((char)8712,    "isin");    /* element of */
        map.put((char)8713,    "notin");    /* not an element of */
        map.put((char)8715,    "ni");        /* contains as member */
        map.put((char)8719,    "prod");    /* n-ary product */
        map.put((char)8721,    "sum");        /* n-ary summation */
        map.put((char)8722,    "minus");    /* minus sign */
        map.put((char)8727,    "lowast");    /* asterisk operator */
        map.put((char)8730,    "radic");    /* square root */
        map.put((char)8733,    "prop");    /* proportional to */
        map.put((char)8734,    "infin");    /* infinity */
        map.put((char)8736,    "ang");        /* angle */
        map.put((char)8743,    "and");        /* logical and */
        map.put((char)8744,    "or");        /* logical or */
        map.put((char)8745,    "cap");        /* intersection */
        map.put((char)8746,    "cup");        /* union */
        map.put((char)8747,    "int");        /* integral */
        map.put((char)8756,    "there4");    /* therefore */
        map.put((char)8764,    "sim");        /* tilde operator */
        map.put((char)8773,    "cong");    /* congruent to */
        map.put((char)8776,    "asymp");    /* almost equal to */
        map.put((char)8800,    "ne");        /* not equal to */
        map.put((char)8801,    "equiv");    /* identical toXCOMMAX equivalent to */
        map.put((char)8804,    "le");        /* less-than or equal to */
        map.put((char)8805,    "ge");        /* greater-than or equal to */
        map.put((char)8834,    "sub");        /* subset of */
        map.put((char)8835,    "sup");        /* superset of */
        map.put((char)8836,    "nsub");    /* not a subset of */
        map.put((char)8838,    "sube");    /* subset of or equal to */
        map.put((char)8839,    "supe");    /* superset of or equal to */
        map.put((char)8853,    "oplus");    /* circled plus */
        map.put((char)8855,    "otimes");    /* circled times */
        map.put((char)8869,    "perp");    /* up tack */
        map.put((char)8901,    "sdot");    /* dot operator */
        map.put((char)8968,    "lceil");    /* left ceiling */
        map.put((char)8969,    "rceil");    /* right ceiling */
        map.put((char)8970,    "lfloor");    /* left floor */
        map.put((char)8971,    "rfloor");    /* right floor */
        map.put((char)9001,    "lang");    /* left-pointing angle bracket */
        map.put((char)9002,    "rang");    /* right-pointing angle bracket */
        map.put((char)9674,    "loz");        /* lozenge */
        map.put((char)9824,    "spades");    /* black spade suit */
        map.put((char)9827,    "clubs");    /* black club suit */
        map.put((char)9829,    "hearts");    /* black heart suit */
        map.put((char)9830,    "diams");    /* black diamond suit */

        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);

     * Build a unmodifiable Trie from entitiy Name to Character
     * @return Unmodifiable trie.
    private static synchronized Trie mkEntityToCharacterTrie()
        Trie trie = new HashTrie();

        for(Map.Entry entry : characterToEntityMap.entrySet())
        return Trie.Util.unmodifiable(trie);

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