org.pageseeder.flint.lucene.query.Predicate Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015 Allette Systems (Australia)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.pageseeder.flint.lucene.query;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.MultiFieldQueryParser;
import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.ParseException;
import org.pageseeder.flint.lucene.util.Beta;
import org.pageseeder.xmlwriter.XMLWritable;
import org.pageseeder.xmlwriter.XMLWriter;
* A simple parameter to represent a Lucene predicate produced by a query parser.
* The predicate is similar to the {@link Question} except that it can be used for
* more powerful search; it is however more difficult to produce similar predicates.
It acts on one or multiple fields, each field can have a different boost level.
Use the factory methods to create new predicate.
* @author Christophe Lauret (Weborganic)
* @version 16 August 2010
public final class Predicate implements SearchParameter, XMLWritable {
* The lucene predicate entered by the user.
private final String _predicate;
* The field names mapped to their boost value.
private final Map _fields;
* The computed query.
private Query _query = null;
// Constructors
// ==============================================================================================
* Creates a new question.
* This is a low level API constructor; to ensure that this class works well, ensure that the
* fields cannot be modified externally and that field names do not include empty strings.
* @param fields The fields to search mapped to their respective boost.
* @param predicate The text before parsing.
* @throws NullPointerException If either argument is null
Predicate(Map fields, String predicate) throws NullPointerException {
if (fields == null) throw new NullPointerException("fields");
if (predicate == null) throw new NullPointerException("predicate");
this._fields = fields;
this._predicate = predicate;
// Methods
// ==============================================================================================
* Returns the list of fields this question applies to.
* @return the list of fields this question applies to.
public Collection fields() {
return this._fields.keySet();
* Returns the underlying predicate string.
* @return the underlying predicate string.
public String predicate() {
return this._predicate;
* Returns the boost value for the specified field.
* @param field the name of the field.
* @return the corresponding boost value.
public float getBoost(String field) {
Float boost = this._fields.get(field);
return boost != null ? boost : 1.0f;
* A question is empty if either the predicate or the fields are empty.
* @return true
if either the predicate or the fields are empty;
* false
if the predicate has a value and there is at least one field.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return this._predicate.isEmpty() || this._fields.isEmpty();
* Computes the query for this question.
* This only needs to be done once.
* @param analyzer The analyser used by the underlying index.
* @throws ParseException If the question could not be parsed properly.
private void compute(Analyzer analyzer) throws ParseException {
String[] fields = this._fields.keySet().toArray(new String[]{});
MultiFieldQueryParser parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(fields, analyzer);
this._query = parser.parse(this._predicate);
* Computes the query for this question using the {@link StandardAnalyzer}.
This method ignores any Lucene specific syntax by removing it from the input string.
* @throws ParseException If the question could not be parsed properly.
private void compute() throws ParseException {
compute(new StandardAnalyzer());
* Returns this object as Lucene query instance.
* @see #isEmpty()
* @return this object as a Lucene query instance, or null
if this query is empty.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the query has not been computed before - should not happen if using factory
* methods.
public Query toQuery() throws IllegalStateException {
// Return null if empty
if (isEmpty()) return null;
// Query was not computed
if (this._query == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Query has not been computed - call compute(Analyzer)");
return this._query;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void toXML(XMLWriter xml) throws IOException {
xml.openElement("predicate", true);
// indicate whether this search term is empty
xml.attribute("is-empty", Boolean.toString(isEmpty()));
if (this._query != null) {
xml.attribute("query", this._query.toString());
// details of the question
for (Entry field : this._fields.entrySet()) {
Float boost = field.getValue();
xml.attribute("boost", boost != null? boost.toString() : "1.0");
xml.element("text", this._predicate);
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString() {
return this._predicate + " in " + this._fields.entrySet();
// Factory methods
// ==============================================================================================
* A factory method to create a new predicate and compute it using the Lucene {@link MultiFieldQueryParser}.
* @param field The default field for the predicate.
* @param predicate The predicate to parse
* @param analyzer The analyser to use when parsing the predicate.
* @return a new predicate.
* @throws ParseException if the predicate could not be parsed.
public static Predicate newPredicate(String field, String predicate, Analyzer analyzer) throws ParseException {
Map fields = Collections.singletonMap(field, 1.0f);
Predicate q = new Predicate(fields, predicate);
return q;
* A factory method to create a new predicate and compute it using the Lucene {@link MultiFieldQueryParser}.
* @param fields The list of default fields for the predicate.
* @param predicate The predicate to parse
* @param analyzer The analyser to use when parsing the predicate.
* @return a new predicate.
* @throws ParseException if the predicate could not be parsed.
public static Predicate newPredicate(List fields, String predicate, Analyzer analyzer) throws ParseException {
List names = Fields.filterNames(fields);
Map map = Fields.asBoostMap(names);
Predicate q = new Predicate(map, predicate);
return q;
* A factory method to create a new question and compute it using the Lucene {@link MultiFieldQueryParser}.
* @param fields The list of fields for the question.
* @param predicate The predicate to parse
* @param analyzer The analyser to use when parsing the predicate.
* @return a new predicate.
* @throws ParseException if the predicate could not be parsed.
public static Predicate newPredicate(Map fields, String predicate, Analyzer analyzer)
throws ParseException {
Predicate q = new Predicate(fields, predicate);
return q;
* A factory method to create a new question and compute it using the Lucene {@link MultiFieldQueryParser}
* and the {@link StandardAnalyzer}.
* @param fields The list of fields for the question.
* @param predicate The predicate to parse
* @return a new predicate.
* @throws ParseException if the predicate could not be parsed.
public static Predicate newPredicate(List fields, String predicate) throws ParseException {
List names = Fields.filterNames(fields);
Map map = Fields.asBoostMap(names);
Predicate q = new Predicate(map, predicate);
return q;
* A factory method to create a new question and compute it using the Lucene {@link MultiFieldQueryParser}
* and the {@link StandardAnalyzer}.
* @param fields The list of fields for the question.
* @param predicate The predicate to parse
* @return a new predicate.
* @throws ParseException if the predicate could not be parsed.
public static Predicate newPredicate(Map fields, String predicate) throws ParseException {
Predicate q = new Predicate(fields, predicate);
return q;