org.pantsbuild.zinc.Settings.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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The SBT incremental compiler for nailgun
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2012 Typesafe, Inc.
package org.pantsbuild.zinc
import java.util.{ List => JList }
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import sbt.util.{Level, Logger}
import sbt.util.Logger.{m2o, o2m}
import xsbti.Maybe
import xsbti.compile.{
import xsbti.compile.IncOptionsUtil.defaultIncOptions
* All parsed command-line options.
case class Settings(
help: Boolean = false,
version: Boolean = false,
consoleLog: ConsoleOptions = ConsoleOptions(),
captureLog: Option[File] = None,
sources: Seq[File] = Seq.empty,
classpath: Seq[File] = Seq.empty,
classesDirectory: File = new File("."),
scala: ScalaLocation = ScalaLocation(),
scalacOptions: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
javaHome: Option[File] = None,
forkJava: Boolean = false,
_zincCacheDir: Option[File] = None,
javaOnly: Boolean = false,
javacOptions: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
compileOrder: CompileOrder = CompileOrder.Mixed,
sbt: SbtJars = SbtJars(),
incOptions: IncOptions = IncOptions(),
analysis: AnalysisOptions = AnalysisOptions(),
properties: Seq[String] = Seq.empty
) {
def zincCacheDir: File = _zincCacheDir.getOrElse {
throw new RuntimeException(s"The ${Settings.ZincCacheDirName} option is required.")
/** Due to the limit of 22 elements in a case class, options must get broken down into sub-groups.
* TODO: further break options into sensible subgroups. */
case class ConsoleOptions(
logLevel: Level.Value = Level.Info,
color: Boolean = true,
logPhases: Boolean = false,
printProgress: Boolean = false,
heartbeatSecs: Int = 0,
fileFilters: Seq[Regex] = Seq.empty,
msgFilters: Seq[Regex] = Seq.empty
* Alternative ways to locate the scala jars.
case class ScalaLocation(
home: Option[File] = None,
path: Seq[File] = Seq.empty,
compiler: Option[File] = None,
library: Option[File] = None,
extra: Seq[File] = Seq.empty
object ScalaLocation {
* Java API for creating ScalaLocation.
def create(
home: File,
path: JList[File],
compiler: File,
library: File,
extra: JList[File]): ScalaLocation =
* Java API for creating ScalaLocation with scala home.
def fromHome(home: File) = ScalaLocation(home = Option(home))
* Java API for creating ScalaLocation with scala path.
def fromPath(path: JList[File]) = ScalaLocation(path = path.asScala)
* Locating the sbt jars needed for zinc compile.
case class SbtJars(
compilerBridgeSrc: Option[File] = None,
compilerInterface: Option[File] = None
* Wrapper around incremental compiler options.
case class IncOptions(
transitiveStep: Int = defaultIncOptions.transitiveStep,
recompileAllFraction: Double = defaultIncOptions.recompileAllFraction,
relationsDebug: Boolean = defaultIncOptions.relationsDebug,
apiDebug: Boolean = defaultIncOptions.apiDebug,
apiDiffContextSize: Int = defaultIncOptions.apiDiffContextSize,
apiDumpDirectory: Option[File] = m2o(defaultIncOptions.apiDumpDirectory),
transactional: Boolean = false,
useZincFileManager: Boolean = true,
backup: Option[File] = None,
recompileOnMacroDef: Option[Boolean] = m2o(defaultIncOptions.recompileOnMacroDef).map(_.booleanValue)
) {
def options(log: Logger): xsbti.compile.IncOptions = {
new xsbti.compile.IncOptions(
true, // nameHashing
false, // storeApis, apis is stored separately after 1.0.0
false, // antStyle
Map.empty.asJava, // extra
def defaultApiDumpDirectory =
def classfileManager(log: Logger): Maybe[ClassfileManagerType] =
if (transactional && backup.isDefined)
Maybe.just(new TransactionalManagerType(backup.get, log))
* Configuration for sbt analysis and analysis output options.
case class AnalysisOptions(
cache: Option[File] = None,
cacheMap: Map[File, File] = Map.empty
object Settings {
val ZincCacheDirName = "-zinc-cache-dir"
* All available command-line options.
val options = Seq(
header("Output options:"),
boolean( ("-help", "-h"), "Print this usage message", (s: Settings) => s.copy(help = true)),
boolean( "-version", "Print version", (s: Settings) => s.copy(version = true)),
header("Logging Options:"),
boolean( "-debug", "Set log level for stdout to debug",
(s: Settings) => s.copy(consoleLog = s.consoleLog.copy(logLevel = Level.Debug))),
string( "-log-level", "level", "Set log level for stdout (debug|info|warn|error)",
(s: Settings, l: String) => s.copy(consoleLog = s.consoleLog.copy(logLevel = Level.withName(l)))),
boolean( "-no-color", "No color in logging to stdout",
(s: Settings) => s.copy(consoleLog = s.consoleLog.copy(color = false))),
boolean( "-log-phases", "Log phases of compilation for each file to stdout",
(s: Settings) => s.copy(consoleLog = s.consoleLog.copy(logPhases = true))),
boolean( "-print-progress", "Periodically print compilation progress to stdout",
(s: Settings) => s.copy(consoleLog = s.consoleLog.copy(printProgress = true))),
int( "-heartbeat", "interval (sec)", "Print '.' to stdout every n seconds while compiling",
(s: Settings, b: Int) => s.copy(consoleLog = s.consoleLog.copy(heartbeatSecs = b))),
string( "-msg-filter", "regex", "Filter warning messages matching the given regex",
(s: Settings, re: String) => s.copy(consoleLog = s.consoleLog.copy(msgFilters = s.consoleLog.msgFilters :+ re.r))),
string( "-file-filter", "regex", "Filter warning messages from filenames matching the given regex",
(s: Settings, re: String) => s.copy(consoleLog = s.consoleLog.copy(fileFilters = s.consoleLog.fileFilters :+ re.r))),
file( "-capture-log", "file", "Captures all logging (unfiltered) to the given file",
(s: Settings, f: File) => s.copy(captureLog = Some(f))),
header("Compile options:"),
path( ("-classpath", "-cp"), "path", "Specify the classpath", (s: Settings, cp: Seq[File]) => s.copy(classpath = cp)),
file( "-d", "directory", "Destination for compiled classes", (s: Settings, f: File) => s.copy(classesDirectory = f)),
header("Scala options:"),
file( "-scala-home", "directory", "Scala home directory (for locating jars)", (s: Settings, f: File) => s.copy(scala = s.scala.copy(home = Some(f)))),
path( "-scala-path", "path", "Specify all Scala jars directly", (s: Settings, sp: Seq[File]) => s.copy(scala = s.scala.copy(path = sp))),
file( "-scala-compiler", "file", "Specify Scala compiler jar directly" , (s: Settings, f: File) => s.copy(scala = s.scala.copy(compiler = Some(f)))),
file( "-scala-library", "file", "Specify Scala library jar directly" , (s: Settings, f: File) => s.copy(scala = s.scala.copy(library = Some(f)))),
path( "-scala-extra", "path", "Specify extra Scala jars directly", (s: Settings, e: Seq[File]) => s.copy(scala = s.scala.copy(extra = e))),
prefix( "-S", "", "Pass option to scalac", (s: Settings, o: String) => s.copy(scalacOptions = s.scalacOptions :+ o)),
header("Java options:"),
file( "-java-home", "directory", "Select javac home directory (and fork)", (s: Settings, f: File) => s.copy(javaHome = Some(f))),
boolean( "-fork-java", "Run java compiler in separate process", (s: Settings) => s.copy(forkJava = true)),
string( "-compile-order", "order", "Compile order for Scala and Java sources", (s: Settings, o: String) => s.copy(compileOrder = compileOrder(o))),
boolean( "-java-only", "Don't add scala library to classpath", (s: Settings) => s.copy(javaOnly = true)),
prefix( "-C", "", "Pass option to javac", (s: Settings, o: String) => s.copy(javacOptions = s.javacOptions :+ o)),
header("sbt options:"),
file( "-compiler-bridge", "file", "Specify compiler bridge sources jar", (s: Settings, f: File) => s.copy(sbt = s.sbt.copy(compilerBridgeSrc = Some(f)))),
file( "-compiler-interface", "file", "Specify compiler interface jar", (s: Settings, f: File) => s.copy(sbt = s.sbt.copy(compilerInterface = Some(f)))),
file( ZincCacheDirName, "file", "A cache directory for compiler interfaces", (s: Settings, f: File) => s.copy(_zincCacheDir = Some(f))),
header("Incremental compiler options:"),
int( "-transitive-step", "n", "Steps before transitive closure", (s: Settings, i: Int) => s.copy(incOptions = s.incOptions.copy(transitiveStep = i))),
fraction( "-recompile-all-fraction", "x", "Limit before recompiling all sources", (s: Settings, d: Double) => s.copy(incOptions = s.incOptions.copy(recompileAllFraction = d))),
boolean( "-debug-relations", "Enable debug logging of analysis relations", (s: Settings) => s.copy(incOptions = s.incOptions.copy(relationsDebug = true))),
boolean( "-debug-api", "Enable analysis API debugging", (s: Settings) => s.copy(incOptions = s.incOptions.copy(apiDebug = true))),
file( "-api-dump", "directory", "Destination for analysis API dump", (s: Settings, f: File) => s.copy(incOptions = s.incOptions.copy(apiDumpDirectory = Some(f)))),
int( "-api-diff-context-size", "n", "Diff context size (in lines) for API debug", (s: Settings, i: Int) => s.copy(incOptions = s.incOptions.copy(apiDiffContextSize = i))),
boolean( "-transactional", "Restore previous class files on failure", (s: Settings) => s.copy(incOptions = s.incOptions.copy(transactional = true))),
boolean( "-no-zinc-file-manager", "Disable zinc provided file manager", (s: Settings) => s.copy(incOptions = s.incOptions.copy(useZincFileManager = false))),
file( "-backup", "directory", "Backup location (if transactional)", (s: Settings, f: File) => s.copy(incOptions = s.incOptions.copy(backup = Some(f)))),
boolean( "-recompileOnMacroDefDisabled", "Disable recompilation of all dependencies of a macro def",
(s: Settings) => s.copy(incOptions = s.incOptions.copy(recompileOnMacroDef = Some(false)))),
header("Analysis options:"),
file( "-analysis-cache", "file", "Cache file for compile analysis", (s: Settings, f: File) => s.copy(analysis = s.analysis.copy(cache = Some(f)))),
fileMap( "-analysis-map", "Upstream analysis mapping (file:file,...)", (s: Settings, m: Map[File, File]) => s.copy(analysis = s.analysis.copy(cacheMap = m))),
header("JVM options:"),
prefix( "-D", "property=value", "Pass property to runtime system", (s: Settings, o: String) => s.copy(properties = :+ o)),
dummy( "-J", "Set JVM flag directly for this process")
val allOptions: Set[OptionDef[Settings]] = options.toSet
* Print out the usage message.
def printUsage(): Unit = {
val column = + 2
println("Usage: %s " format Setup.Command)
options foreach { opt => if (opt.extraline) println(); println(opt.usage(column)) }
* Anything starting with '-' is considered an option, not a source file.
def isOpt(s: String) = s startsWith "-"
* Parse all args into a Settings object.
* Residual args are either unknown options or source files.
def parse(args: Seq[String]): Parsed[Settings] = {
val Parsed(settings, remaining, errors) = Options.parse(Settings(), allOptions, args, stopOnError = false)
val (unknown, residual) = remaining partition isOpt
val sources = residual map (new File(_))
val unknownErrors = unknown map ("Unknown option: " + _)
Parsed(settings.copy(sources = sources), Seq.empty, errors ++ unknownErrors)
* Create a CompileOrder value based on string input.
def compileOrder(order: String): CompileOrder = {
order.toLowerCase match {
case "mixed" => CompileOrder.Mixed
case "java" | "java-then-scala" | "javathenscala" => CompileOrder.JavaThenScala
case "scala" | "scala-then-java" | "scalathenjava" => CompileOrder.ScalaThenJava
* Normalise all relative paths to the actual current working directory, if provided.
def normalise(settings: Settings, cwd: Option[File]): Settings = {
if (cwd.isEmpty) settings
else {
import settings._
sources = Util.normaliseSeq(cwd)(sources),
classpath = Util.normaliseSeq(cwd)(classpath),
classesDirectory = Util.normalise(cwd)(classesDirectory),
scala = scala.copy(
home = Util.normaliseOpt(cwd)(scala.home),
path = Util.normaliseSeq(cwd)(scala.path),
compiler = Util.normaliseOpt(cwd)(scala.compiler),
library = Util.normaliseOpt(cwd)(scala.library),
extra = Util.normaliseSeq(cwd)(scala.extra)
javaHome = Util.normaliseOpt(cwd)(javaHome),
sbt = sbt.copy(
compilerBridgeSrc = Util.normaliseOpt(cwd)(sbt.compilerBridgeSrc),
compilerInterface = Util.normaliseOpt(cwd)(sbt.compilerInterface)
incOptions = incOptions.copy(
apiDumpDirectory = Util.normaliseOpt(cwd)(incOptions.apiDumpDirectory),
backup = Util.normaliseOpt(cwd)(incOptions.backup)
analysis = analysis.copy(
cache = Util.normaliseOpt(cwd)(analysis.cache),
cacheMap = Util.normaliseMap(cwd)(analysis.cacheMap)
// helpers for creating options
def boolean(opt: String, desc: String, action: Settings => Settings) = new BooleanOption[Settings](Seq(opt), desc, action)
def boolean(opts: (String, String), desc: String, action: Settings => Settings) = new BooleanOption[Settings](Seq(opts._1, opts._2), desc, action)
def string(opt: String, arg: String, desc: String, action: (Settings, String) => Settings) = new StringOption[Settings](Seq(opt), arg, desc, action)
def int(opt: String, arg: String, desc: String, action: (Settings, Int) => Settings) = new IntOption[Settings](Seq(opt), arg, desc, action)
def double(opt: String, arg: String, desc: String, action: (Settings, Double) => Settings) = new DoubleOption[Settings](Seq(opt), arg, desc, action)
def fraction(opt: String, arg: String, desc: String, action: (Settings, Double) => Settings) = new FractionOption[Settings](Seq(opt), arg, desc, action)
def file(opt: String, arg: String, desc: String, action: (Settings, File) => Settings) = new FileOption[Settings](Seq(opt), arg, desc, action)
def path(opt: String, arg: String, desc: String, action: (Settings, Seq[File]) => Settings) = new PathOption[Settings](Seq(opt), arg, desc, action)
def path(opts: (String, String), arg: String, desc: String, action: (Settings, Seq[File]) => Settings) = new PathOption[Settings](Seq(opts._1, opts._2), arg, desc, action)
def prefix(pre: String, arg: String, desc: String, action: (Settings, String) => Settings) = new PrefixOption[Settings](pre, arg, desc, action)
def filePair(opt: String, arg: String, desc: String, action: (Settings, (File, File)) => Settings) = new FilePairOption[Settings](Seq(opt), arg, desc, action)
def fileMap(opt: String, desc: String, action: (Settings, Map[File, File]) => Settings) = new FileMapOption[Settings](Seq(opt), desc, action)
def fileSeqMap(opt: String, desc: String, action: (Settings, Map[Seq[File], File]) => Settings) = new FileSeqMapOption[Settings](Seq(opt), desc, action)
def header(label: String) = new HeaderOption[Settings](label)
def dummy(opt: String, desc: String) = new DummyOption[Settings](opt, desc)